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Frank Gaffney, host of Securing America, recently interviewed Frontpage Editor Christine Douglass-Williams about the aggressiveness of the LGBTQ++ agenda that is being opposed by Muslims and Christians, but is there more that we should be watchful of than meets the eye? Is this alliance unified on the cause of religious freedoms for all?
As the alliance between opponents of the aggressive LGBTQ++ agenda and Muslims grows, Westerners have been quick to see that Muslim groups get the results that Christians have been unable to gain so effectively on their own. Christians are generally not confrontational and are easy targets, as we saw in Alberta, Canada, when Pastor Derek Reimer was thrown in jail for “hate” after protesting a drag show for kids at a local library. Greater awareness about the alliance with Muslim groups is prudent. While Christians and Muslims can agree about the abhorrent imposition of the trans agenda, as well as the open nudity and vulgarity of some members of the LGBTQ++ community, there are other points of divergence that should be considered.
To start with, in the coverage by mainstream media — which is notorious for its lack of knowledge about Islamic tenets and laws — some have been describing Muslims who oppose the LGBTQ++ agenda as “conservative Muslims.” The term “conservative Muslims” has nothing to do with Western notions of conservatism and/or partisanship; it has everything to do with a Muslims’ level of dedication to Islamic law (the Sharia), and is a term usually reserved for describing the likes of Iranian mullahs, the Taliban and Salafists in general. The misuse of the term “conservative Muslims” in the mainstream media creates the deceptive impression that these Muslims are supporters of Western conservatism or parties that support conservatism. Most of these activist Muslims against the LGBTQ++ agenda are more likely still Democrats or Liberals, given the long established Islamic/Left alliance. There are indeed some Muslims who are aligned with Western conservatism.
Also, aside from questions of partisanship, not all Muslims ascribe to Islam’s supremacist tenets, or support the murder or punishment of gays; however, such liberal-minded Muslims are not regarded by the mainstream as Muslims at all, but as apostates who have shunned the divine Sharia. Some Muslims, despite being shunned by the authorities of normative Islam, are indeed allied with Westerners who are fighting for the freedom of religion, as enshrined in American and Canadian constitutions.
As stated in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Under section 2of the Charter, Canadians are free to follow the religion of their choice. In addition, they are guaranteed freedom of thought, belief and expression. Since the media are an important means for communicating thoughts and ideas, the Charter protects the right of the press and other media to speak out. Our right to gather and act in peaceful groups is also protected, as is our right to belong to an association like a trade union.
But the focus of this Preamble and of the interview below is not the Muslims who stand in unity with non-Muslims for religious freedom and equal rights for all. The focus is on those Muslims who are aligned with Sharia tenets, held by those ranging in beliefs from that of the Iranian regime and the Taliban, to the Muslim Brotherhood in the West. Westerners need to be aware that the LGBTQ++ woke aggression will be used and is being used as a launching pad for the expansion of the scope of the Sharia.
A new document, Navigating Differences: Clarifying Sexual and Gender Ethics in Islam, was endorsed by over 300 Islamic scholars and preachers across North America. While one may be quick to support it at first blush, it explicitly lays out the normative Islamic position on sexuality and gender ethics in Islam. It unequivocally states this about Allah:
God says, “It is not for a believing man or woman—when God and His Messenger decree a matter—to have any other choice in that matter” (Quran, al-Aḥzāb:36). By submitting to God, we declare that only He possesses absolute knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, it follows from this submission that the ultimate source and basis of morality is Divine guidance, not just reason or societal trends.
This is non-negotiable, immutable and supremacist. This new document proclaims Islam above all as a basis for confronting the LGBTQ++ agenda. It is hence not a document that fights for the freedom of religion across the board.
In this new video, Frank Gaffney interviews me about the encroachments upon religious freedom from an aggressive element within the LGBTQ++ community and how Muslim communities have joined in opposition to this agenda, but we also address the nuances, which requires diligence as we labor to protect religious freedom across the board. Normative Islam, after all, does not support the freedom of religion.
Another issue discussed (first on the recording): Sweden’s prime minister vows change in his country’s migration policy to the “EU’s strictest” amid soaring violent crime rates.
Jason P says
Very timely. Just yesterday I posted a comment about how some conservatives see Muslims as sharing a social conservative disposition & reaching out to form an alliance. FPM is ahead of me and realizes the vast gulf between our fight for freedom (including religious freedom) and their fight for Sharia law. Keep up the good work.
David Mu says
Working with Islam will always end when Islam in control, and everyone a slave to it. But, many will need to learn this hard lesson for themselves.
Beez says
Christians should never ally with Muslims, no matter the perceived righteousness of the cause. If they want to agree with us on a matter such as this, let them, but we should never stand with them in a public forum. For one thing, many are pro-LGBTQ because they hate America. They’ll stab us in the back and then blame us for selling them the knife.
Beez says
I was once personally acquainted with a woman follower of Allah’s prophet. Her very wealthy parents immigrated here from India decades ago. She was a liberal’s liberal on this issue of LGBTQ. Believe me, these people are NOT to be trusted.
Taylor says
I knew this was coming. This alliance, even if it’s just one of convenience, will grow.
The Eve of Battle says
Yes, and this alliance is a BIG MISTAKE. Christians/Christian groups will get stabbed in the back. It’s a huge error to ally with Muslims on ANY issue.
Mark Dunn says
Only a fool would think this a good idea.
valyria starstorm says
And yet in the islamic world, child molesting and child rape is widely accepted.
For example the Shi’ite Green Book of religious rulings allows the practice of “thighing” and child rape after 9 years of age, and specifies that even raping an infant is merely a property crime and only awards fines if the child is permanently physically damaged.
Muslims aren’t the kind of allies anyone wants to get in bed with.
Walter Sieruk says
The Christians who are have joined the “Christian -Muslim alliance” against those who back and support the LGBTO agenda are going by the shallow philosophy of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend'” are engaging in a action of folly.
One of the reasons why is so is be cause devout Muslims ,because of their religion view Christians to be “disbelievers” just as much as the see the LGBTO people.
So the followers of Islam would only turn on Christians as “disbelievers” after the LGBTO groups are eliminated. As the Quran instructs in Surah 9;123. “O you who believe ! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you…..”
The Eve of Battle says
You are spot-on in your analysis. And, at least one imam has already said in an interview that is exactly what the plan would be. From the perspective of the Islamists, they will assertively go after Christians here in America, just like in every other corner of the world, once the other cultural adversaries are taken-out and they have put enough Muslims into our government (at all levels).
You are totally right!
Mark Dunn says
Remember Billy Sunday? He shouted and threw chairs at “Demon rum,” put on a spectacle, hobnobbed with sports and Hollywood celebrities. Billy Sunday’s “Muscular Christianity” was going to change the culture, and win the country for Christ. This muslim/Christian alliance will be a more spectacular failure, than prohibition.
Beez says
Maybe here, but not in Europe. The RCC is headed full speed into an apostate alliance and trap; called “Chrislam.” Pope Francis is leading the lemmings.
Jeff Bargholz says
Good article.
Did I mention that you’re hot, Christine?
Taylor says
She’s on her way to your house right now.
I told you a couple of weeks ago that various Christian and Republican groups were working on alliance against the lefts sexual agenda. It will happen. Muslims are also angling to tap into MGTOW/divorce & family court anger against feminism
Gerald Mucci says
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” If the growing pervasiveness of the LGBTQ++ movement is an enemy common to most Christians and Muslims, that makes Islam a friend of Christians “for this purpose.” That does not make Islam a friend across the board any more than does Biden liking cute puppies.
Beez says
I’ve known a few Muslims personally. I think what most people don’t understand about Muslims is they come to the US from extreme circumstances of one kind or another. That makes for a lot of mental illness. That “religion” makes for a lot of mental illness. Do NOT trust them. Their tribal instincts will prevail over any weak-hearted empathy or sympathy they might have with you.
Çâşëğ says
Is there such thing CONSERVATIVE MUSLIMS ?
According to Turkey’s president Erdoğan. There is no such thing moderate Islam. Islam is Islam period.
Word of caution to Christians. Enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Be careful what you what for.