The only thing about the fact that a jury found that the degenerate scumbag who murdered seventeen people should not be executed is that it was just one nimrod juror who held out not to give the vermin the death he deserves. Statistically, even in a red state like Florida, it’s difficult to find a group of twelve people without a moral illiterate or two. In blue venues, it’s hard to find any moral literates at all.
Here’s the thing – a civilization that cannot come up with the moral testicularity to execute a creature who murders over a dozen of its children is a civilization in serious trouble. The minimum standard for any culture that intends on surviving – and surviving means dealing with the barbarians within and without – is to take its own side in the fight for survival. Eventually, there will be a backlash. The only question is how ugly it will be.
This injustice in the Sunshine State – appropriately deplored by Governor DeSantis – is a symptom of the larger problem. You see it manifested across our culture – suicidal tolerance and performative forgiveness. In places like Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and other blue cities – it is always blue cities – the inhabitants murder each other with glee. But more than that, they generally act like savages. We have all seen the videos. Random creeps menacing citizens on the subways, packs of thugs raiding convenience stores or shopping malls, pitched battles between groups of aspiring Einsteins in Walmarts, animals cold-cocking citizens who are simply minding their own business. But no one stops them. No one holds them to account. The cops’ shrug, because the blue politicians have told them to stand down. The answer to those of us who protest is always the same – shut up, racist, and also give us your guns so that you cannot defend yourself from what the government refuses to suppress.
And then there is the spectacle of family members of murder victims “forgiving” the criminals as if forgiveness was a simple act and not a process that demands action by the person being forgiven. This bizarre misunderstanding of Christianity is mixed with what seems to be a desire to front to the world as somehow enlightened – “I want to announce that I forgive the barbarians who raped and murdered my daughter. They did not repent, they did not seek forgiveness, and they have not yet been punished, but I’ll do it now anyway. Look at me.” Not that you want to take theological hints from a guy who grew up a Californian Methodist, but the forgiveness of God does not just manifest out of the blue; the one receiving grace needs to take steps to obtain it. These moral posers – and it is posing, sad and horrifying, but posing nonetheless – demand nothing to obtain forgiveness, so the forgiveness they offer is meaningless narcissism.
Yes, in case you are wondering, I am criticizing the family members of rape and murder victims who refuse to demand justice. Their moral voguing is perpetuating a paradigm where more people’s kids die. Forgive those who seek forgiveness; don’t hand it out as moral welfare and be shocked to find a society full of moral welfare bums.
Oh, and forgiveness does not mean letting them out of jail.
Our society must relearn how to say “No” again. No to crime. No violence. No to anarchy. And it is not hard – we know how to do it. Rudy Giuliani did it in New York City, turning the town of “Taxi Driver” and “Death Wish” into the safe, clean, and prosperous envy of the world. Here’s how. It’s simple. It’s not rocket science. It’s not even assembling Legos.
You enforce the law, arrest criminals, prosecute them, and put them in jail for some time commensurate with their crimes. If they commit many crimes, they go to jail for many years. This has the advantage of making them not be around normal people to commit more crimes. But it requires a recognition of the true purposes of the justice system. They are:
- To punish criminals, because a bad act requires society’s retribution. That retribution demonstrates that crime will not be tolerated. It also gives victims justice via society, thereby replacing the need for victims or their families to seek justice personally.
- To keep criminals in jail, because people who commit crimes should be in a place where they cannot hurt those who do not. Yes, that means more incarceration. Good. Because every criminal whose voluntary acts have resulted in the loss of their freedom means dozens of normal people who do not lose their freedom because of the criminals’ acts.
- Rehabilitation, but only to the extent rehabilitation efforts make it unnecessary to have to keep the criminal locked up forever. It is not a right. Rehabilitation is important only to the extent – and history shows it is a pretty damn limited extent – that it prevents more crime. It is not there to help the prisoner except incidentally. It is moral confusion to imagine that because a criminal gets caught that we normal members of society somehow incur a moral obligation to do anything for the prisoner but to provide basic food and shelter and not inflict cruel or unusual punishments.
Imposing order means harshness. It requires that actual criminals be treated with the swift, sudden, and relentless force that today only people who pray at abortion mills or who take selfies in the Capitol receive. Their treatment by the garbage feds demonstrates that law enforcement knows how to crack down. It’s just that the crackdown should be on actual criminals instead of the political enemies of the Biden regime. Cleaning up law enforcement is another topic and another column, or even a whole book. But one thing that must happen is empowering the properly led and directed police to go after the bad people like they today go after the good people. The Soros DAs must be purged. The restraints on policing thugs must come off. We must collectively shrug when a video shows cops capping or kicking the ass of some degenerate, and if there is a riot then that riot must be crushed. We did that in Los Angeles in 1992 – it is a matter of will.
That is the thing – public order and safety are a matter of will. We know how to do it; we’ve done it. We just have to choose to do it again and reject the whining and wailing of those who benefit politically from letting criminals run rampant. You know, Democrats.
And we inevitably will make that choice. It’s human nature; people can only be pushed so far before they either push back themselves or rally behind someone who ruthlessly will. There is going to be a backlash. The question is what kind there will be. I propose a purposeful, conscious backlash where society says “Enough” and uses the present justice system and structures to stamp out crime. But if that does not happen, then there will be a harsher backlash, one that could easily spin out of control into excess. That’s when civilization starts falling apart. Remember the olden days, when there was no crime in mafia neighborhoods because if you tried to mug Mrs. Andolini on her way home from mass the cops found you in the trunk of a Buick parked in New Jersey divided into twelve pieces?
Tough but fair. Yet, the reaction to come might not be so relatively orderly and focused. It’s not a problem for you or me, since we’re not criminals, but it might get out of control. Yet that’s still better than normal people living in fear.
Choose wisely. Choose to stop tolerating this chaos.
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”
-Soviet Dissident, Alexander Solzhenitsyn
“This bizarre misunderstanding of Christianity…”
So let me get this straight, YOUR interpretation of Christianity — is the OBJECTIVE interpretation of Christianity? HOW can you PROVE your interpretation is the objective interpretation?
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself” is simple enough to understand. Who are you to claim that if your neighbor is Ted Bundy you shouldn’t love him as you love yourself? How about “Turn the other cheek” and “Love your enemy”?
Christianity judged by an OBJECTIVE, rational, standard — is BIZARRE. End of objective, rational, argument. If YOU wish to spin and interpret Jesus Christ’s BIZARRE “moral” edicts into something resembling something rational, it is YOU that are in denial, evading, pretzel-twisting, and spinning the bizarreness of Jesus Christ’s edicts to fit the demands of reason and reality.
Life on earth requires RATIONAL JUSTICE, requires a moral code based on the facts of this one and only reality, requires a moral code based on the reality that we are mortal creatures with only this one life to live.
But, if there’s an eternal after-life when we die, a rational moral code for living on earth becomes meaningless, unnecessary, irrelevant, besides the point. Just as this earthly, mortal, life also becomes unimportant in and of itself, because after all, if you accept Jesus as your Savior, the real life, the only life that really matters, the eternal after-life when you die, is yours.
You cherry pick to support your warped views of Christianity. Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law. In Leviticus it clearly states that the penalty for murder is death. Even if one would not follow this law by rote, Christ has given us the ability to understand the law in our hearts and we can see the intrinsic justice of it.
When a murderer is not executed, then the officials become complicit and are thus also guilty. Of course, this has long passed and justice in this civilization died a long time ago.
THIS very morning JETS with hundreds of CHINESE MILITARY MEN LANDED IN HOUSTON TEXAS,.they were helped by the US MILITARY to board buses to where???..when this war ends america will be LONG GONE from the map of planet earth,TREASON MEANS ABSOLUTELY ZERO TO THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA,they know there are NO MEN left in america to stop the bloodie take over of this godless country..SOON america will be just a footnote in some ones history book….
Additionally “Turn the other cheek” is deliberately misinterpreted. It doesn’t mean “take it and don’t do anything to defend yourself”.
Please provide a source for this comment. This is alarming to say the least.
Objejectivism, judged by an OBJECTIVE, rational, standard — is BIZARRE and dangerous, because you seem to be the main proponent of your bizarre obsessive hatred of people of faith.
Guess what, as a Christian and a person, my life, as a whole, has plenty of meaning. Your life seems to be built around the vilification of Christians. But I guess you find that meaningful, necessary, relevant for your otherwise empty meaningless life.
How’s the recruiting project coming along?
Introspection is a big goose egg for him. He lives vicariously through the “wit and wisdom” of someone else. If it were not for cynicism he would have no way of seeing the world. Not a particularly effective way of finding compatriots but in this day and age of “critical” thinking there’s always hope.
It’s as though you quit reading once you got to the passage you quoted. Read again: forgiveness requires action on the part of the one being forgiven.
Forgiveness is meant to free the us from the poison of bitterness and hatred. It is unilateral, unlike restoration of relationship.
We can forgive and simultaneously support the death penalty for the one who caused us harm.
He is talking about the impact on society (since everything is either televised or on the internet) of the victim’s family/friends preening a virtue signaled message of forgiveness that teaches the wrong, the very wrong lesson. Forgiving in this way, especially forgiving the unrepentant, seems to tell the young and gullible out there that the crime itself was ok. And that perhaps the criminals is the real victim and had a good reason for doing it ( social injustice reason), so they need not be punished can do it again.
Yes. You are right.
But forgiving the unrepentant does not mean the unrepentant did not wrong. If that were the case, then there would be no wrong to forgive.
Forgiveness is not conditioned upon retribution or contrition. That would make it bilateral. Forgiveness is given by the one who has been harmed to the one who caused the harm. It is not easy, It need to be public. It need not even be communicated to the one who caused harm – but that is very powerful.
It need NOT be public.
Living in Illinois and noting your observations on the FBI and DOJ, I am torn. We need to exterminate the scum, but I don’t trust the government with that power.
Do you have a link to the source for this?
Cold blooded Justice is built on the fact that there comes a point where there are crimes where a human being would prefer death than to live what he has done. To the extent that this is not true of crimes against children is the extent that such a person is already in hell, beyond hope.
The state does not execute scumbags. The gravity of the state is that it executes human beings created in the image of God and of immeasurable worth and potential.
Children are sacred. The law gives that message when it sets the price to be paid is expungement from this world, mind body and soul and memory if possible. When the evil is reduced to nothingness that is when the spirits of the slain children feel safe enough in this world to shine.
Children are sufficient reason for the state to unleash its ultimate power. Reverence for life recognizes that the state is capable of mass murder like no other . Balance is finding the centre, the middle way.