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Over the decade of Donald Trump’s political career, the left—as exemplified by Democratic politicos, the media, academics, the Washington military hierarchy, and the permeant bureaucratic state—illustrated a level of furor, venom, and near madness unprecedented in modern American history.
Yet stranger still about such visceral, indeed lunatic hatred, despite Trump’s eccentricities and lack of a traditional political resume, his administration between 2017-21 was successful by traditional economic, military, security, and diplomatic standards. It was certainly not characterized by weaponizing the DOJ, Pentagon, CIA, or FBI, get-even vendettas, the use of lawfare, corruption, optional wars, open borders, hyperinflation, or a war on the environment—as predicted and alleged. Nevertheless, the idea of Trump as president justified to the left the greatest assault on our civil liberties, justice system, and free expression in modern history.
Indeed, at times the frenzy has ranged the gamut of an unprecedented two impeachments, a first Senate impeachment trial of a private citizen ex-president, and a coordinated effort to deplatform the major Republican presidential candidate from state ballots.
But at other times, the efforts were more sinister—and conspiratorial—to the point that the attempt to destroy the purported threat of candidate, president, and two-time candidate Trump apparently justified any means necessary.
In retrospect, what is the legacy of these unmatched efforts? They have established precedents, if ever again followed, will destroy the republic as we have known it.
1. “Russian collusion.” There was never any evidence that a 2016 Trump candidacy sought to “steal” the election through the intervention of the Putin Russian government. But a paranoid Clinton campaign, through the deliberate paywalls and agency of the DNC, Perkins Coie law firm, and Fusion GPS consulting firm, hired a retread ex-British spy, Christopher Steele—who was also FBI Director James Comey’s paid informant—to fabricate a “dossier” of invented scandals and salacious sex detail to smear Trump and ensure his defeat.
That effort required sowing the dossier throughout the government, partnering with traditional and social media, warping the FISA courts, forging an FBI-submitted document, and ambushing and destroying the National Security Advisor designate Gen. Michael Flynn.
Two years later, the self-congratulatory Robert Mueller’s “dream team” and “all-stars” of liberal beltway lawyers evaporated after finding no such Trump-Russian collusion—after a wasted nearly two years and $40 million. Meanwhile, revelations emerged of all sorts of covert FBI skullduggery—from erasing incriminating cell phone records, the revelations of the Strzok-Page text exchanges indicating an apparent FBI “insurance policy” effort to preclude a winning Trump candidacy, to the meltdown of Director Comey himself, who lied to the president that he was not a target of an investigation and then leaked confidential records of a private one-on-one presidential conversation to the media.
2. Indeed, during the Trump administration, we witnessed once more undreamed-of efforts to sabotage a presidency:
a) A former Pentagon lawyer publishing a call for either immediate Trump impeachment, 25th Amendment removal, or a military coup.
b) A planning session of the Deputy Attorney General and Interim FBI Director to discuss stealthily recording the President of the United States in hopes of finding enough off-the-record embarrassing conversations to justify a 25th Amendment removal.
c) A later 2020 campaign effort jumpstarted by the current Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the former interim CIA Director Mike Morrell, with help from former CIA Directors John Brennan and Leon Panetta, along with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, to round up 51 “former” (but actually many enjoying then-current CIA contractor status) “intelligence authorities” to publicly mislead the public by signing a letter that the incriminating Hunter Biden laptop (then in the hands of and authenticated as genuine by the FBI) was once again a Russian effort to throw the election to Trump. It was an obvious scripted lie, but timely scheduled before the last debate to arm Biden with plausible denials and thus to help swing the election to him. And it likely did.
d) There was, in addition, an effort by the heads of the NIH, Francis Collins, and NIAID, Anthony Fauci, deliberately to obfuscate, and allegedly in the case of Fauci, to lie under oath, about the efforts of American health authorities 1) to evade U.S. prohibitions on gain-in-function viral research, by funding the third-party EcoHealth Alliance to facilitate the transference of American money, instrumentation, and consulting to partner with the Chinese communist Wuhan virology lab; 2) to obfuscate the truth that the lab had somehow leaked the lethal, manmade virus—birthed with the help of U.S. expertise—that was killing millions worldwide; 3) to promulgate a false scenario of a bat/pangolin origin; 4) to deny under oath the American government’s role in the birth of the virus; 5) to suppress dissident scientific voices; and 6) to advise radical quarantine policies that would virtually destroy the U.S. economy along with the Trump 2020 reelection effort, and then shift blame from their own culpability to a false narrative that Trump was the chief driver of a disastrous national shutdown that had ruined the economy and yet was supposedly nearly criminally lax in controlling the outbreak.
e) The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, took it upon himself to 1) violate his own legal prerogatives as an advisory military official by unlawfully interrupting the chain of command when ordering theater commanders to report directly to him rather than as legally required to the Secretary of Defense in times of national crises, and 2) without presidential or Pentagon written authority, contacted his Chinese communist counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army. His stated aim apparently was to reassure the Chinese military that in Milley’s own view, if he should diagnose Trump, his own commander-in-chief, as unbalanced and intending to escalate tensions to the threshold of a possible nuclear war, Milley again would first contact General Zuocheng to reassure him that an erratic Trump would then be not in full command of American strategic forces. Then he, Milley, with others, would seek to de-escalate tensions and preclude a conflict.
Milley denied any impropriety. But he could not negate that he had no such authority to act on the part of the executive branch and was doing so in direct opposition to the President of the United States. Milley was also de facto creating a dangerous precedent for any future ambitious, freelancing chairmen of the Joint Chiefs, both to interrupt the chain of command and to self-diagnose their commander-in-chief to justify excluding him from exercising his responsibilities entailed in his oath of office.
f) In the 2020 election cycle, left-wing-funded legal teams systematically and under the guise of the COVID lockdown sued in favorable courts to overturn or modify state balloting laws to ensure the most radical and abrupt changes in U.S. voting procedures in history.
The net result was that in many key states, traditional Election Day balloting that had accounted for 60-80 percent of the cast votes was made a mere construct. Instead, some 60-70 percent of voters in many key states cast early- or mail-in ballots, even as the traditional rejection rate of such ballots drastically fell—again, as the numbers to be counted soared.
g) During this same 2020 election, according to liberal journalist Molly Ball, writing triumphantly post facto in Time magazine, a named “cabal” and “conspiracy” of billionaire leftist grandees, Silicon Valley monopolists, Chamber of Commerce, corporate entities, labor, and street activists sought to change balloting laws, street modulate demonstrations, enlist social media to censor and shape the news, partner with the FBI, and provide hundreds of millions of dollars to absorb the work of state registrars by supplying their own adjutant employees and voting materials. This was a holistic effort, Ball proudly wrote, that helped guarantee a Biden victory.
h) During 2021-2024, there were 91 local, state, and federal felony indictments launched against the ex-president and then-current front-running Republican candidate and opponent of the sitting president Biden. The charges were so blatantly political, and the principals in direct or indirect contact with either the White House counsel, the Department of Justice, or each other, that the multifaceted effort could be rightly termed a conspiracy to warp the legal system by destroying a political opponent. The charges would never have been brought against any other political candidate or against Trump himself—had he not publicly announced his intention to run a third time for president.
3. Never in recent election history had a presidential candidate in the midst of the final stretch of the campaign been the target of two assassination attempts—in part enabled by a climate of widespread and acceptable vituperation that equated Trump with a vile Hitler, fascist, Nazi, and dictator and thus encouraged unhinged would-be killers to delude themselves into believing they would forever be enshrined as heroes. And never would social media influencers, columnists, and celebrities voice near approval of such attempts on the leading presidential candidate’s life.
The first would-be assassin was an amateur shooter, who easily evaded Secret Service scrutiny to post himself in sight of bystanders, as he enjoyed a direct line of fire at Trump. Meanwhile, local law enforcement was desperately trying, in vain, to warn the lax Secret Service of the immediate danger to the president. The second wannabe assassin approached with impunity the most recognizably vulnerable spot on a local golf course, staked out a shooting position, and would have, if not spotted, been within minutes of having an uninterrupted shot at the president.
4. Finally, not since the Woodrow Wilson scandal of 1919-1920, have the media and the Democratic left conspired to hide the morbidities of a president that left him unfit mentally and physically to carry out the duties of the office.
That current and still ongoing covert effort put the nation at great risk, as evidenced by the catastrophic humiliation in Kabul, the successful Russian gamble that the U.S. would not or could not deter Putin from invading Ukraine, the unsteady and anemic reaction to the theater-wide wars in the Middle East, the hyperinflation of 2021-2, the erasure of the southern border, the deliberate greenlighting of some 12 million illegal aliens into the United States, and the weaponization of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
The final irony?
Those who were perpetrators of these illicit, unethical, and unprecedented efforts were themselves the first and most prominent to project Trump as the promulgator of conspiracies to debilitate the very institutions that they had already undermined and disgraced.
A wonderful summary of the jaw-dropping political corruption we have just lived through, and which continues.
Biden, Hillary, Faucci-I could go on for an hour- but you all know who I’m talking about. Not one of these
people went to jail, Hillary just got a medal! And yet the Man is gonna be our next President!!!
However, what will the plotters come up with the next four years!???
Think of what they would do in a third world country.
ALL Democrat Communists must be charged criminally and removed from office, once convicted.
Jail 2 Good 4 Them surely ?
If this isn’t a case of an organised International Coup against the United States of America, it’s citizens and Donald Trump………………. then what is?:
I am no big fan of Trump but it is clear to me that if Trump had withdrawn American troops from Afghanistan in exactly the same way Biden did, causing the the deaths of American servicemen, abandoning Americans and our allies still in that country, and leaving tens of billions of dollars of American weapons and military equipment for the Taliban, Congress would have undertaken yet another Impeachment proceeding of Trump, and with good reason.
It is clear the Press and Democrats in Congress gave Biden a total pass on his Afghanistan withdrawal disaster because Biden is a Democrat and they did not want Trump to win.
Trump’s 4 year record proves how effective and successful his policies were for the benefit of all Americans, the economy and justice. The next 4 years promises to be even ten times better with the talented and proven administration he has hand picked.
So, why aren’t you a ‘fan of Mr. Trump’. ??
Rev. Roy……..<
His post shows lack of bias.
I still share your annoyance with Trump detractors.
After hearing the “mean tweets” variant enough times, I started asking “What’d he say (or tweet)”?
If I hear that bullshit “34 Felonies!”, I ask them to name one of them. (So far, I’m batting 1000, as the never-Trumpers hear “convicted felon”, and that’s the extent of their research.)
During Trump we saw the worse of the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Gutter Dwellers and their Vile Venom but the American People rejected the M.S. Media and their vile hatred more proof the American People no longer trusts the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders
You must be speaking of those that were Whelped from SWINE (pigs).
Thank you for this summary that shows that the greatest “danger to democracy” is the Democratic Party, a rogue legal system and the administrative state. I would also add to the list a lying leftist media.
Let’s hope at.least some of these b——-tards pay a price.
And pay it in this world for all to see
( the only way to inhibit others from repeating the same bad deeds)
The establishment isn’t finished yet and they still have ten days left to corrupt the system.
“Yet stranger still about such visceral, indeed lunatic hatred, despite Trump’s eccentricities and lack of a traditional political resume”
When do we finally get tired of the endless back handed compliments always accompanied by phrases like ‘Trump’s eccentricities’. It was precisely these eccentricities that got him elected in the first place. And it was the same eccentricities that got him the blowout electoral win last November.
Who wants to go back to the milquetoast time of the “John Thune” “Paul Ryan” “Mitch McConnell” RINO?
Thank you! I feel like I wrote your comment!
I had thought VDH had finally removed that stick that’s up ( well you know where) and stopped demanding Trump be an effete bland “ WASPY” half man.
I guess sone will always see the more alpha males as “eccentric.” In NYC of old, the majority of men were a lot like Trump-maybe not as brilliant and as funny but not so dissimilar. It’s quite normal and not eccentric to much of the nation. And it is appreciated and loved.
Amen Cat. You nailed it!
Eccentric, and proud of it.
Hear, hear! 🍻
Well said.
Trump is a combination of good and bad ideas. Recent events like his endorsement of the corrupt H1 B Visa program leads many to believe he deceived his MAGA group.
Among the bad ideas are his destruction of the savings and lives of the people of VENEZUELA. His economic sanctions and secondary sanctions,continued under Biden, were specifically designed to destroy the
OIL industry there.And 95% of the country’s revenues come from it.
That lead to the exodus of 7 MILLION Venezuelans. Out of a population of 30 million. Is that not evil?
Today, the minimum salary in Veneuela is $130 per month. If its industry had not been destroyed a LOT more money would be in Venezuela since in the last years the price of oil has gone up.
How much does a meal at a RESTAURANT in Venezuela cost? Around $10.
How can you live on $130 a month? You can’t. It is that the 7 million abroad every month send money to their relatives in Venezuela.
If citizens do not revolt, they deserve the results.
Not a way to show the superiority of Western civilization,which is supposed to be the best,the one of the Age of Enlightenment.
I agree Islam is a retrograde influence. The best of Christianity can be used to make a better world.But it has to be based on truth. ”You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”,as Jesus said.
And he also said,” “I came to set the WORLD on FIRE, and I wish it were already burning! ”( Luke 12:49)
Sounds closer to Marx than not.
1. There is a SPECIFIC reason Evangelicals give unconditional and blind support to the State of Israel.
2. Two Evangelical youtubers who support Israel are JOEL RICHARDSON and JOEL ROSENBERG. They are experts on Biblical prophecies in their books and videos.
3. They think Yahweh HIMSELF,using his own words (”Yahweh says”) in EZEKIEL says he will create an Israeli state made up of Jews that came from many nations.
”After those years you will come into a land that has been rebuilt from war. The people in the land will have been gathered from MANY NATIONS to the mountains of ISRAEL,
which were empty for a long time. These people were brought out FROM the NATIONS, and they will all be living in safety”
The man Ezekiel wrote a book and claimed the words in it were directly from Yahweh (”Yahweh says”).
For them the creation of Israel in 1948 is the work of God.
4. In MOSAIC law there is a law that says,
”But if a PROPHET says something I did not tell him to say as though he were SPEAKING for ME, or if a prophet speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must be KILLED.
You might be thinking, “How can we know if a message is not from Yahweh?” If what a prophet says in the NAME of YAHWEH does
NOT happen, it is not Yahweh’s message. That prophet was speaking his own ideas. Don’t be afraid of him.”
5. That takes us to Ezekiel’s prophecies in chapter 26 and 29 about TYRE and EGYPT. Joel Richardson and Joel Rosenberg no doubt KNOW here we are in trouble.
EZEKIEL 38 talks about a man called GOG from the north will invade Israel with an army and Persia (Iran) and many other nations will also send soldiers but be defeated by God himself.
Joel Richardson thinks Gog will be the Antichrist,a Muslim from Turkey.
Joel Rosenberg thinks Gog will Russian.He has even written novels about it. For him Gog is NOT the Antichrist but one who comes before him. Later the Antichrist could be from where? From IRAN.
His novels are ”The Ezekiel Option” (2005), ”The 12th Imam” ( 2010) , ”The Teheran Initiative” ( 2011), ”The Persian Gamble”(2019),”The Kremlin Conspiracy”(2021).
1. The city of TYRE was a major city of Antiquity,with a great fleet. It had two parts,an ISLAND surrounded by a WALL with towers. And on the coast
a town,presumably with Walls and Towers.
ALEXANDER the Great destroyed the island and its walls and towers in 332 BC.
If Ezekiel 26 only said,”Tyre will be destroyed by God,its walls and towers will be destroyed” then you could talk of a real prophecy. But it gives specifics that EXCLUDE Alexander the Great.
Ezekiel 26 has Yahweh say ”I WILL do this”,not ”I may,I could do this”.
2. EZEKIEL 26 says (verses 3-4):” this is what the Sovereign Yahweh says: I am against you, TYRE, and I will bring many nations against you, like the sea casting up its waves. They
DESTROY the WALLS of Tyre and pull down her TOWERS”
If it refers to the walls and towers of INSULAR Tyre then it is false.
Christian and Jewish apologists says it refers to the walls and towers of MAINLAND Tyre.
3. And verse 6 says of Tyre’s walls which apologists say are those of the MAINLAND part,,on the coast
” You will NEVER be REBUILT for I ,Yahweh, have spoken, declares the Sovereign Yahweh.”.
It was rebuilt and TODAY Tyre in Lebanon has a population of
As I said before,Tyre then had 2 parts,the island ( 40,000 residents)
and a mainland part.
No matter how Christian apologists put it,the prophetic details stated by Ezekiel show him to have been a charlatan.
1. The island was destroyed by Alexander the Great and he had built a causeway to it. ” You will NEVER be REBUILT for I ,Yahweh, have spoken, declares the Sovereign Yahweh.”. so claimed Ezekiel that God had literally said it.
From ARCHEOLOGICAL ruins we know that during the ROMAN empire houses and public buildings were indeed BUILT on the causeway and
former island. Today we can see the Roman built ruins. The island has permanently become a part of the coast.
Fake prophecy.That part of Tyre ,the INSULAR part was indeed REBUILT, as was the
MAINLAND part,today Tyre a city of 200,000.
2. Then in Ezekiel 29:17-18 it says:
”In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month on the first day, the WORD of YAHWEH came to me:
”Son of man, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon caused his army to serve a great service against Tyre: every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled:
yet had he NO WAGES,
for Tyre, for the service that he had served against it”
It is an admission of military DEFEAT.Though not stated we know from outside writers it refers that Nebuchadnezzar could not conquer the island and most important part of the city
Then right away,on verses 19 and 20 Yahweh says:
” Therefore this is what the Sovereign Yahweh says: I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army.
I have given him Egypt as
because HE ( here Yahweh means NEBUCHADNEZZAR)
and his ARMY did it
for ME, declares the Sovereign Yahweh.”
Admission by Yahweh,according to Ezekiel, that he could not help Nebuchadnezzar militarily defeat Tyre,even though he was God. So Yahweh decides to help him in Egypt instead.
Surely,JOEL RICHARDSON and JOEL ROSENBERG know all this,yet never tell their followers,because it would then make EZEKIEL 38 as showing God himself
responsible for the CREATION of ISRAEL in 1948 to be based on the words of a man,Ezekiel, who was a CHARLATAN.
My advice is for Jews and Christians to eliminate the Book of Ezekiel from the Bible. As a farce of a prophetic book.
Finally why did EZEKIEL the man write in chapter 38 about the land of ISRAEL
and that it would be inhabited by Jews,in Ezekiel 38:8,who would be from abroad:
you ( meaning GOG )
will invade a land that has recovered from war, WHOSE PEOPLE were
to the mountains of ISRAEL, which had long been desolate. They had been BROUGHT OUT
from the NATIONS, and now all of them live in safety”
Who is Gog?
Scholars agree it means GUGA ( 680-644),
called GYGES by the Greeks.He appears in the history of Herodotus.Gugu was the founder of the Mermnad dynasty of Lydian kings and the first known king of Lydia to transform it into a powerful empire. Gyges reigned 38 years according to Herodotus.
LYDIA was a kingdom that was the WESTERN half of TURKEY.
From where did Ezekiel think the Jews would come?
1. In 722 the ASSYRIANS conquered the kingdom of ISRAEL ( capital Samaria). It was inhabited by 10 of the 12 tribes of the Jews.
MANY of the 10 tribes were taken OUT of the area by the Assyrians.They are called the ”10 Lost Tribes of Israel”.
2. In 586 BC while Ezekiel was alive,Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem and took most of the other 2 tribes,who had their own kingdom,the kingdom of JUDAH,into captivity in BABYLON.
The 70 year period of exile in Babylon is called the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY.
It ended under Cyrus,Persian emperor but Ezekiel never saw it,he died BEFORE it came to an end. He was dreaming of a restoration of the Jewish country,with Jews coming from Babylon and what is now Syria.
Rlagrange suggests remove book of Ezekiel from scripture (bible) ?
Read: rev: 22: 18 to 19 &matt.5:17-18 &deut:4:2 please!
”Rlagrange suggests remove book of Ezekiel from scripture (bible) ?
Read: rev: 22: 18 to 19 &matt.5:17-18 &deut:4:2 please!”
1. I checked it out: DEUT 4:2 is only in reference to taking out parts from the Pentateuch. It doesn’t apply to the rest of the Bible.
2. MATT 5:17-18 is from the Sermon on the Mount, does include the books of the Prophets plus the Pentateuch.
However DEUTERONOMY 18:20-22 itself gives us the standard on how to find out if the self-proclaimed prophet is really a prophet .
By those rules the Book of Ezekiel fails.
3. While REVELATION 22:18-19 is ONLY in reference to the Book of Revelation ( ” this scroll” ),not the rest of the Bible.
” I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of THIS SCROLL:
If anyone ADDS anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone TAKES WORDS AWAY
from THIS SCROLL of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.”
4. Regarding Revelation it was for a long time thought to be a forgery by the early church,however there is a detail about its preservation that is in its favor.
The author claims to be JOHN the Elder, John is a JEWISH name,and elder is the title of a church leader.
It is written in very BAD GREEK,and its obvious the writer’s native language was ARAMAIC.
Yet in spite of its horrible Greek, Greek copyists who spoke perfect Greek copied it down AS WRITTEN,they did not change the grammar,syntax,etc. Greek copyists who were disciples of ”John the Elder”. A little circle of followers of ”John the elder”. Why?
The only reason is they considered it to be the literal WORD of GOD in the sense of being inspired by God using a human element..
If they thought it was just a HUMAN document, they would have made corrections to it to make it readable.
1. I did not make myself clear when I remarked on the Greek copyists,the little circle who gave credence to the Book of Revelation NOT making obvious grammatical and syntax
CORRECTIONS to a document in very BAD Greek. It is because for them it was of divine inspiration,they thought of REV chapter 22:
”I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of THIS SCROLL:
If anyone ADDS anything to them ( like in order to CORRECT grammar and syntax),
God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone TAKES WORDS AWAY
( like in order to CORRECT grammar and syntax),
from THIS SCROLL of prophecy”
2. You can say the SAME for the Gospel of MARK.
It is in BAD Greek,
Tradition says that Mark wrote it,but got his information from who?
From PETER,leader of the 12 apostles. Who was with Jesus himself and so for Mark the message was essentially the message of Jesus,he begins with ( Mark 1:1 ):
”The beginning of the GOSPEL (good news) of ”
Of who? According to the author?
””The beginning of the GOSPEL (good news) gospel of JESUS the Messiah”.
The reason why from the BEGINNING the book Gospel of Mark was copied AS WRITTEN, by perfect speakers of Greek, even though the Greek is faulty,terrible. They thought is was the Word of God,not just a regular historical book,important but not divinely inspired.
Luke 49:12 says (KJV) “I have come to set fire on the earth: and what will I if it be already kindled?”
Satan has already set the fire. My impression is that there is God’s hand in protecting President Trump. How else could President Trump survived the assault on himself the past 4 years.
Oh, shut up already. Whatever rock you crawled out from under, please crawl back. your endless negative tomes are completely worthless and unreadable.
I note that again, NOBODY has any agency or ability to do anything for themselves, right wrongs, help themselves, improve or worsen their condition etc. etc, without blaming the USA.
Oddly its the same people often scream “imperialist” at the USA that blame them for every perceived harm and yet demand they “do something” about every issue.
They just can’t seem to hear themselves.
Sad really
Hanson wrote this before SCOTUS handed down its denial yesterday of Trump’s request for a delay in sentencing at the hands of the uber corrupt Judge Merchan. The lame, cowardly decision by the Court belongs at the bottom of Hanson’s list as the knot that ties up all the corruption, lawfare, election interference, and violence perpetrated on one man (a former and soon sitting president, no less) by a mob of rabid Democrats. The Supreme Court reeks of the rot it is supposed to protect us from.
This is where most get it wrong. It is not corruption, it is treason. Circumventing the Constitution plain and simple. Collaborating with foreign actors, etc.
In case no one noticed, the Bilderberg Group just elected a new leader; the NATO Chief Stoltenberg.
This is a signal they are taking a war-time stance and Trump and everyone for that matter should be ready for anything.
They are taking the gloves off.
I would like to thank VDH for itemizing all of the nonsense that has plagued Trump since he first rode down the escalator. If anyone reading this is not seriously disturbed by the content, then you need deprogramming.
The discovery and confirmation of the corruption and criminality counts for NOTHING unless the American people get the satisfaction of witnessing the (hopefully) accused convicted and SEVERELY prosecuted. Those found guilty of treason MUST be executed. PERIOD.
Unless the ne’er do wells are held to account, nothing will change.
The Left prints their money with our ink, and sends us the bill.
They wipe out our jobs, and blame us for not showing up to do them.
They murder people overseas with our money and our military, and call us baby killers.
They call us baby killers, and use our money to kill babies.
Meanwhile, our RINO leadership – and even the ‘Conservative’ side –
– call it a victory when someone calls these traitors and murderers and liars a name – and maybe get them to resign and go off with their ill-gotten gains and government retirement checks.
Meanwhile ordinary Americans get wiped out. Completely WIPED OUT to the extent that the DEAD are the LUCKY ones.
And these Demokkkrats face no consequences.
For all of my opinions, I’m too far away from the problems addressed above to “really know” what’s going on. VDH is a great commentator who is in a far better place to have clearer understandings and more informed evaluations of the anti’Trump activities than I could ever be.
I’ll just accept what VDH has to say.
I think Biden has flipped, he has got to be in the business of makin sure the democraps never get back into power.
Imagine how all the 9/11 families must feel, not to mention all those stupid medals, that stuff has real weight & longevity with people
Added to that, all of Gavins behaviour in California has go to slam the door shut for all those Blue idiots …