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There is no doubt that multi-billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has propelled the Muslim rape gang issue back into the public spotlight, where it should have been from the beginning. British politicians, the nation’s “security” apparatus, and its police all abandoned the victims, while protecting the perpetrators in the name of “diversity.” But now the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost, and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is lashing out at Musk.
A Gateway Pundit report highlights the implications, and considers whether the incoming Trump administration holds Musk’s views. “Could Musk spat hit US-UK security alliance? Labour figures ‘horrified’ by billionaire’s tirade and ‘questioning intelligence sharing’ with closest ally,” by David Wilcock, Gateway Pundit, January 7, 2025:
The cracks are beginning to show in Britain and America’s so-called “special relationship… British Prime Minister Keir Starmer may end his country’s security partnership with the United States if Donald Trump does not distance himself from Elon Musk’s recent comments on grooming gangs.
Nick Watt, a reporter for the nightly current affairs show BBC Newsnight, claims that Downing Street are going to give a “hard-headed assessment” of whether these views are held solely by Musk or by the administration as a whole….
Trump has been watching the Muslim rape gang horrors for some time, even prior to when he first became president in 2017. He read the Horowitz Freedom Center’s own Jihad Watch website and posted on Facebook: “Police arrest 900 Muslim migrants in England and Wales for ‘sickening’ crimes.”
Read HERE.
The story of the Muslim rape gangs and how British officials looked the other way over the years paints a grim picture. This has been and still is an agonizingly protracted battle between good and evil that should have concluded on the side of justice long ago. Musk’s challenge raises hope for a resolution.
In 2017, Labour MP Naz Shah retweeted a tweet calling upon the abused girls to “shut up for the good of diversity,” thus demonstrating the readiness of some politicians to sacrifice anything — and anyone — for that “diversity.” Another Labour MP, Sarah Champion, stated rightly that “people care more about being called racist than preventing child abuse.”
In 2018, in what looked like a hopeful development, then-Home Secretary Sajid Javid ordered an investigation into the ethnic origin of the sexual grooming gangs. Javid, “whose own family roots are in Pakistan, said understanding more about gang networks would ‘support a more targeted response by the police and other agencies.’”
But by February 2020, the investigation had still not been made public, and the Home Secretary at that time, Priti Patel, was reported to have been “given the run around by officials” over the release of the report. Two months later, the UK government rejected a petition of 120,000 signatures that demanded the report’s release.
In May 2020, a public outcry forced the government to reverse itself and promise to publish the report. But that promise was in vain; it was made only to divert public attention from the issue. Nothing was done.
Then in December 2020 came the ultimate slap in the face to victims and concerned citizens: the biggest Muslim sex gang whitewash of all was perpetrated, as the UK Home Office reported that the attackers were “most commonly white,” despite evidence that they were overwhelmingly Muslim men. Read about it HERE.
In the midst of systemic coverups, Brit activist Tommy Robinson became a political prisoner as he fought for years against a corrupt system that protected the Muslim rape gangs over countless victims.
Accurate description of what’s really going on by @benhabib6
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 6, 2025
The Muslim rape gangs also targeted Sikh girls. In 2018, the Daily Mail reported that police also recklessly ignored the sexual exploitation of Sikh girls by Muslim rape gangs due to political correctness. The media referenced these criminals as “Asian sex gangs,” or as just “grooming gangs,” in a further attempt to be politically correct. The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) rightly took issue with the term “Asian,” and editors’ group recommended an end to describing Muslim rape gangs as “Asian.”
In 2023, Pakistan’s foreign office openly criticized then-Home Secretary Suella Braverman for “’discriminatory and xenophobic’ comments after she said that British Pakistani men ‘hold cultural values at odds with British values’….Braverman also alleged British Pakistani men worked in child abuse rings or networks that targeted ‘vulnerable white English girls.’”
No one is saying that only Muslims commit the crime of rape, but only in Islamic theology is it permitted to take infidel girls and women as sex slaves. In fact, if women are not completely covered, save for their eyes, they are considered fair game to be assaulted:
(Quran 24:31) And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only what is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment except to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack desire, or children who know nothing of women’s nakedness. And do not let them stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn to Allah together, O believers, so that you may succeed.
If a woman does not cover herself, these are the consequences:
(Quran 33:59) O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils close around them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not molested. Allah is always forgiving, merciful.
How convenient that Starmer’s Labour Party is now considering reviving the “Islamophobia” definition that would criminalize telling the truth about Muslim rape gang:
Just as the conversation about Muslim rape gangs goes global:
The UK Labour government considers reviving the All-Party Parliamentary definition of Islamophobia.
Among the things defined as Islamaphobic?
‘… to characterize Muslims as being ‘sex groomers’…’
They are trying…
— Connor Tomlinson (@Con_Tomlinson) January 3, 2025
Starmer is desperate, even frantic, and he should be, given that evidence is piling up against him that could showcase, for the whole world to see, his culpability in his treatment of the innocent victims of these rape gangs. But he can’t escape. Too much is already exposed, with more to come.
“Starmer ‘guilty as anyone I know’, says grooming gang whistleblower,” by
Sir Keir Starmer is as “guilty as anyone” over failures to address grooming gangs, the whistleblower who helped expose the scandal has said.
Maggie Oliver, the former Greater Manchester Police (GMP) detective, who helped uncover widespread abuse in Rochdale, said she had no faith that the Prime Minister wanted to get to the truth and it was time for those responsible to be held fully accountable.
Labour has blocked a national public inquiry into the grooming scandal in which thousands of vulnerable girls were raped and sexually abused by gangs of mainly British Pakistani men….
Threatening the US-UK security alliance now is a mistake that will dig Starmer even further in his own mire. In October, he suffered an “unprecedented collapse” in popularity, “more than any other prime minister in modern history,” and his self-made misery is just beginning.
Oh like that time Starmer called @realDonaldTrump a racist and said the British government should do everything to stop him?
Or when Starmer sent British Labour Party members to campaign in the US against President Trump this year?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 6, 2025
Trump has been watching the Muslim rape gang atrocities for years, and his political alliance with the owner of X Corp, Elon Musk, is powerful. It is also a nightmare for Starmer and his ilk. Those who shamefully covered for Muslim rape gang criminals will, we hope, be completely exposed, and face their full comeuppance.
Rape Gangs need to be getting Life Terms in Prison without Parole, Clemency, Pardons, and Plea Bargins quit ignoring it and start Punishment for Rapists
NO, anyone convicted of raping a little girl OR BOY and it’s 1000% proven should be removed from Our Earth! Simple as that! Those gangs should have been dealt with a LONG time ago. I think several of them were actually given DEPORTATION but have not BEEN deported! My idea of “deportation” for those degenerates probably isn’t the Funk and Wagnall version!
Insofar as Britain’s laws go, the rapists should be castrated and then sent back to their own countries.
The only security information that you guys need is related to islamic terrorists and I doubt the British establishment has been doing that for decades.
But they will share information about any white normal men who say something out of line.
Considering the UK is perhaps less than 10 years from becoming a full-on Islamic state with Westminster becoming yet another grand mosque like Hagia Sophia, I’d say that that is real anger.
Once more the mask slips off the leftist face to reveal the monster beneath. The left is at war with civilization itself, and nowhere is this more apparent than in its war on the family via the war on children. They kill children in the womb, sexually mutilate then if they survive the womb, and are willing to have them raped tortured and murdered to facilitate their surrender to the Moloch of multiculturalism.
If Britain cannot alter course from that … the “special” relationship with us is worthless.
The idiocy of multiculturalism stands facing these atrocities against young women in utter submission to the dictates of a psychopathic religion that openly justifies the rape of women.
Rape is such a profound violation of women and girls and whether isolated or repeated leaves an indelible mark on the body, mind and soul of those whose lives have been adulterated by these animals.
That too many men today, even without the castration that was regularly done to men (primarily Blacks) enslaved by Muslims, act as though they have been– thereby abandoning women and girls in Great Britain to become the prey of these jackals..
Women are all-too-aware of their vulnerabilities to such heinous violations and it will take real men to stand up against this onslaught to their young daughters who are native citizens.
Starmer is nothing more than an ideologically castrated man impotent to protect those most vulnerable to this abominable, destructive, desecration to their innocence.
Perhaps, if he had to personally endure being anally gang raped; himself helpless to stop it, then he might have a scintilla of understanding and empathy neither of which he has today!
That Tommy Robinson and now Elon Musk, both potent men, are standing in this breach of trust calling out these abominations by Starmer and the British government against this glaring epidemic against young women. This should give immediate rise for ALL GOOD MEN to stand up and voice their rage!
These Muslim gangs are the egregious evidence of the demonstrable, cultural suicide of EVERY country that has passively stood by while these animals raped their children.
So many lessons to be learned from UK and Ireland.
Nobody wants to be racist, so they go overboard to show how much they’re NOT racist. Beating their chest, “Look at me. Look at my bad self. I’m not a racist. I voted for the black guy!” Seriously. How many white people voted for Obama without paying any attention to how he would govern?
The UK Conservative party is the equivalent of the do-nothing US Republican Party. They talk a good game during elections, promising to do what their voters want. After the election is over, and out of sight of the voters, they go back to cutting Uniparty deals with their supposed opposition. How many times did UK Conservatives promise to implement Brexit and bring illegal immigration under control, and then find all kinds of excuses not to keep their promises?
The Republican Party here is just like ’em. If you don’t have the time or inclination to really know what your elected Republican representative is doing, a simple rule of thumb is, never vote for the incumbent in a Republican primary.
If Musk calling out Starmer’s ignoring of the Muslim rape gangs is going to upset our security relationship with the UK, then so be it. If the UK will not deal with those who are raping their own girls, then the UK is not our friend.
Starmer could EASILY do something about this. The problem is, he WON’T.
He won’t because he was head of the equivalent of our Justice Dept for several years while this was going on. Any “national” investigation would prove his deliberate malfeasance. The Labour Party voted no on any such investigation to keep from having the head of their party decapitated. Farage said, if Labour won’t do it, the Reform party will. He said they will raise to money to conduct an independent investigation and release the results. Nigel needs to beef up his security detail.
What alliance? England is lost. Taken over.
I can’t help but notice how many of these British office holders have name like Patel, Shah, Kahn etc. even down to the local councils. What that tells me is the Brits are as actively engaged in politics as we in the US. Like was said above, is it easier to virtue signal by voting for a minority that to actually looking to the politics of a candidate? Wouldn’t want to be called a bigot now, would we? So while the politically correct in GB, and the US, safeguard their virtue the non-indigenous work their way into political office. What better way to take over a country full of weenies without ever firing a shot?