Every now and then you run into an 80s comedy you never even heard of on some obscure channel where the laugh ratio is about 1 every 15 minutes.
That’s what the Democrat debates feel like.
They’re bad, but not really entertainingly bad, for the most part. Though it’s not the lack of Marianne Williamson’s best efforts. Including a closing that is its own meme.
There are differences of personality, but few differences of opinion. And those differences of opinion mostly revovle around how radically to implement a radical plan.
It’s like watching the Soviets debate the Chi Coms and the Cubans over how to destroy America.
Except it’s more like watching California and New York debate holdouts in Ohio and Colorado over how to best destroy America.
When everyone basically believes the same things, has reduced their policy proposal down to a talking point and exists only to grab their 30 seconds during a debate that is itself an exchange of talking points, what’s the point?
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