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In the aftermath of President Biden’s self-immolating debate performance against former President Trump, the Democrat Party is careening out of control before the nation’s – and the world’s – very eyes. To say merely that the party is in disarray over how to keep its election hopes alive does not capture its true state of frantic, floundering desperation. This is a party reeling in panic as the power they crave, and had within their grasp, slips away.
The state-run news media, having been exposed as a collusive network of propagandists and spinmeisters propping up a senile puppet president, is now frenziedly rewriting a new narrative painting themselves as having been deceived about Biden’s true mental and physical condition. No one is buying this shameless lie; public trust in the profession was already at an all-time low, and now may be broken forever.
The Democrat leadership, meanwhile, is torn between calling for Biden to step down, on the one hand, and on the other, pushing forward with the decrepit incumbent rather than changing horses in midstream. Those who want Biden to step aside are further torn over whom to replace him with; there is literally no one in the Party –least of all Kamala Harris, the obvious choice as VP – who can beat Trump.
This would be an historic opportunity for the Democrat Party to do some intense soul-searching about the radicalism that has brought them to this moment, about their disconnect from the American people, about their destructive policies and agenda… Just kidding – soul-searching is not a feature of the revolutionary mind, and progressivism is nothing if not a movement of perpetual revolution.
Witness, for example, the revealing attitude of former entertainer (emphasis on former) Whoopi Goldberg, co-hostess of ABC’s inexplicably long-running daytime gabfest for Progressive women, The View. In Monday’s episode, Biden cheerleader Whoopi declared defiantly to the audience that she supports Biden staying in the race no matter how far he collapses physically and mentally:
I don’t care if he’s pooped his pants. I don’t care if he can’t put a sentence together. Show me he can’t do the job, and then I’ll say, okay, maybe it’s time to go.
Now, he had a bad night the first time that he went on and debated with Kamala Harris. Everybody wanted him to quit then, saying ‘You can’t talk to women like this,’ or ‘You’re doing this wrong, you’re doing that wrong.’ He came back, said, ‘You know what? I got it,’ and gave four years.”
This is what passes for thoughtful political commentary in the living rooms of the female progressives of The View’s audience. The ever-classy Whoopi then decided to take her scatological metaphor to the next repugnant level:
So yeah, I have poopy days all the time. I step in so much poo you can’t even imagine. Now, I’m not running the world, but I don’t know anybody who doesn’t step in stuff at some point.
To be clear, Biden isn’t running the world either (that would be the Evil Triumvirate of Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett) but “stepping in stuff at some point” is hardly an accurate description of his condition.
Co-hostess Ana Navarro, who is laughably considered a “conservative” voice on the show’s panel, described herself as “livid” at media “malpractice” for reporting on Biden’s mental decline. She stood with Whoopi in pledging her loyalty “’til the damn end.”
Imagine being such staunch left-wing ideologues – and yes, Navarro is left-wing – that you would accept an incontinent vegetable as our President, the leader of the Free World, over a man who was already president once and yet didn’t turn the country into a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia, didn’t mass-deport immigrant families, and didn’t round up political enemies and minorities to be sent to concentration camps, as the Left warned. Imagine suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome so severely that you would rather stand with a senile shell of a leader than a still-vigorous former President – not an unknown quantity – who boosted the economy, kept us out of wars, and kept our enemies in check.
Speaking of TDS: the Left has become so unhinged at the thought of a looming Trump election victory that they are doubling down on their shrill alarmism that a vote for Trump is a vote for Hitler 2.0. The communists at The New Republic, for example, decided to trash what was left of their journalistic credibility by publishing a June 2024 issue featuring an image of Trump with a Hitlerian mustache and hair makeover. “Yes, That’s Right: American Fascism,” the editors insisted.
It should go without saying that anytime your political rhetoric degenerates from reasoned argument into Hitler comparisons, you have abandoned logic and realism for the very same kind of demonizing demagoguery that Hitler himself employed. But this is the negative state in which the Democrat Party, running scared, now resides: fear-mongering about the opponent rather than touting their own candidate’s accomplishments and capabilities; desperate rabble-rousing rather than real-world solutions; and establishing narrative control rather than offering a compelling, positive vision for the American people.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
The Demon-Rats the Stupid Jackass Party like Lemmings running off the Cliff their version of Follow the Leader right off the Cliff
john blackman says
it seems as though whoopi cushion speaks for a lot of americans , approx. 81 mill. if the last election is an indication . so i would say that not just women , oops sorry ! i dont know what one is and neither do they as well as men whatever that means will again put the geriatric back in the driving seat albeit the wheelchair pushed around by caregiver jill . im coming to the conclusion that the ” view ” is the view of a vast proportion of the electorate which doesnt bode well for the failed state that is america .
Rob A says
Are you referring to that frumpy old crone Whoopsie Goldturd (aka, Whoopie Goldberg)? That obnoxious old dingbat is obviously bereft of any intelligence beyond eat, poop, sleep and cackle at the cars passing by all day.
It should be considered a crime against nature to be as ugly as Whoopsie Goldturd (Whoopie Goldberg)!
john blackman says
yes rob . i thought the whoopi cushion analogy came as close to the noise she makes , and you dont even have to sit on her . you have outdone me with the superlatives .
Mo de Profit says
Hitler or Stalin?
Barbara says
Both the Marx / socialism, communist started in German in the early 1800’s. When the German socialists had to leave for a safe place, the US become their haven.
Socialism had been steadily becoming a strong presence in the US. Socialism took a huge step forward in 1860.
mj says
Voting for Biden, or any Democrat for president, is voting for anti-American policies of foreign agents of terror who act via the ‘triumvirate’.
The entire Democrat Party is now a party of traitors, because they all know who’s really running the country and not one of them says otherwise. Who would? They could get killed.
The election has always hinged on the Trump is Hitler lie.
Biden, inconveniently too obviously mentally incapacitated to ‘make it’ to November, doesn’t really affect that lie; this candidate ‘crisis‘ is a minor detour from selling the Trump Hitler lie.
I think that this lie must be challenged head on by Trump; and he must talk directly about it, deeply, historically, patriotically, personally, to and with the American people from now until November. Winning is not assured. People, not just Trump, including egotistical Joe, are unpredictable.
The lie must die. That won’t be easy.
David says
It’s all the “Reductio ad Hitlerum” fallacy to me.
Greg says
Democ-rats are the face of guilt. Only a political party that actually STOLE an election would lock up its opposition for saying so.
Rob A says
Be thankful that for now, democrats are content to only lock up the opposition. With what they have in mind for the future of America, there won’t be any opposition left to oppose them. If you listen to them carefully enough and long enough, they’ll tell you exactly how they will eliminate the opposition. Communists do that you know.
“Democrat” is just a veneer the communists (aka neo-Marxists, aka progressives) hide under to disguise who and what they are and their true intentions. Moreover, consider how many Americans they’ve already convinced that capitalism isn’t working and socialism (i.e., soft communism) isn’t so bad and the way America should go going forward.
At the same time, the dems are busying themselves importing a ready made voter base that will naively buy the democrats lies and bullsh*t and vote for them. If there’s one thing the democrats have proven to be particularly adept at it’s convincing the poor, dumb, stupid and illiterate to vote for them.
Hell, If I were poor, dumb, stupid and illiterate, I’d vote for the democrats too. Welfare (i.e., free money), free health care, government paid housing, free education, drivers licenses, etc., etc. all in return for my vote? What’s NOT to like about all that? Especially if I’m not the one paying for any of it. Sign me up!!!
Lightringer says
What, the Party of Slavery, Succession, Segregation, and now what, Give Us All Your Money, Guilty White Republicans? How can you not love them?
Steve Chavez says
WHOOPI, a Black Supremacist, whose boyfriend, TED DANSON, WORE BLACKFACE during a Roast for her, with photos on Google Images, SMILING. THEY WERE CANCELED…. RIGHT? The View is a HATE GROUP and they make the news by plotting backstage, even starting when they wake up in the morning, by saying the Most Outrageous Comment TO THEN MAKE HEADLINES, which they do. Every show has that Headline comment so they are not forgotten and canceled, so the ZOMBIES eagerly watch it every day waiting for the next one. CHEERS! WHOOPI EVEN SAID THE N-WORD THREE TIMES (I’m afraid to even write it!) ON NETWORK TV with no recourse. What if Paula Dean or Dear Abby said it just to make a point? (Like mine?) Elizabeth Hasselbeck was in tears having to hear Whoopi. WHY DOES SHE GET AWAY WITH IT? “I’M BLACK AND I CAN SAY AND DO ANYTHING I WANT…. THANKS TO OBAMA!”
OBAMA is the one who pushed the most for Biden since he could then be the Puppet Master, directly and indirectly. Obama gave him the pen to cancel all of Trump’s EOs even if they helped America.
OBAMA surrounded himself with radicals who he then appointed to head Departments that then CONSPIRED in a Coup-attempt against a sitting President, and now as Puppet Master, going after a former President and his closet associates, aka Political Opponents just like the Democrats hero: Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega who arrests all political opponents with many deported, so he didn’t have to deal with them.
Rob A says
You’re thinking too highly of libtards and giving them credit they do not deserve! Whoopi, for example, is a high school drop out and admittedly suffers from ADHD and more than likely has at best, a 2-digit IQ.
Who takes her seriously, the Hollyweird crowd? Right…. Uh-huh….. Okay. And….?
World@70 says
Good article. While reading this I was thinking, hasn’t the left adopted many of the Nazi political agendas, but you beat me to it.
Thanks Mark.
Snowfrog says
This is a benefit for the conservatives. The stoic left is now divided and are turning against one another. Arrogant evil turns against other arrogant evil. This is good for America because the Dems are all in on power as long as they can keep everyone in line. The hatred for Trump unified them until Joe has exposed their lunacy. This is the equivalent to throwing a hornets nest into a banquet hall. Wait until the Obamites (Michele) face off against the Delaware hillbillies (Harris) when they scatter for the next candidate.
This could be the end of the Democratic Party as we know it. I don’t like division between people unless they are evil and destroying the country. This is the best scenario for America.
Lightringer says
The Democratic Party should have been disbanded the first time they tried, and failed, to destroy the United States — in 1865. But that remains in the “If Lincoln had lived…” land of fantasy.
RAM says
Communists say all their enemies are fascists. Fascists say all their enemies are communists., Normal people say to hell with both.
JoeyP says
You’ve got to have a SOUL to SEARCH . . . the FIRST problem and DELEMNA of the Democrat party. The Leftists have no SHAME.
Çâşëğ says
To the contrary the commieKKKrat party is The American NA ZI party. and Grifter Joe is the their Hitl er.. Moreover J6 is their Reichstag fire. Just like Hitl er they used the event to jailed their opponents.
owensgate says
The “War in Heaven” has spilt over into the here-and-now. This is pure demonic. COMPARE the “Political Platforms”! God is NOT MENTIONED ONCE by the Democrats, but our Biblical founding and Creator ARE mentioned in the GOP platform, albeit very sparingly. “Loosing our Democracy?” Better we lost our Democrats. Altogether now, let’s sing, “The Battle Hymn of the Democracy”… No, wait, WHAT? The REPUBLIC??
cat says
The one catch which I see is how could they not know dementia is progressive. Four years is enough time for quite a decline and the baseline in 2020 was only worthy of early lids and hiding in the basement. How can this situation be an unplanned event?
If Martin Peretz is still involved with the NEW REPUBLIC then he has to put his ignorant skull into a toilet bowl filled with shit and flush. Peretz, who made sense during the Reagan years has returned to his neo-Liberal (make that NEO-LEFTARD) roots and gone nuts like his hero Biden. And don’t forget little Marty was the same dummy who gave a little self-hater named Blinken his first real job.
Bev Duckling says
This is the most unhinged crap I have ever seen. Mark, you have time to review “The View”….what is your review of Project 2025…that should really scare you.