Last week I discussed the outpouring of humanitarian kindness by Colorado’s Gov Polis in shipping unwanted migrants to New York City. Don’t mistake this for the ‘bad’ kind of busing that DeSantis and Abbot do. No, in Polis’ words, it’s “honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”
I’m not so sure that shipping people to NYC or Chiraq treats them with dignity and respect. NYC and Chicago certainly don’t.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot demanded Saturday that Colorado Gov. Jared Polis stop busing asylum seekers to their cities, saying they are “over capacity.”
“We respectfully demand that you cease and desist sending migrants to New York City and Chicago,” Adams and Lightfoot wrote in a letter to Polis. “Since December of 2022, Chicago and New York City have received hundreds of individuals from Colorado.”
“You must stop busing migrants to Chicago and New York City,” the mayors wrote. “In the case of family reunification, let us work together to ensure that people are reconnected with their loved ones, however sending migrants to our cities whose systems are over capacity, where they may struggle to find shelter and other services is wrong and further victimizes these most vulnerable individuals.”
Polis previously insisted, “too many people, in our opinion, view this through a political lens or as playing politics — and it’s terrible that in some places, people have been used as political props. But what we are doing here is just honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”
Adams and Lightfoot should honor their values by putting the migrants on buses to Denver. Or trains or planes. The whole thing can become a paradox in which the migrants are being perpetually shipping around the country without ever stopping.
Or, and this is racist madness, we can build a border wall, enforce border security, pull out of the international refugee treaty that demands we give open the door to migrants, and then ship all the arrivals back where they came from. By bus. Even if it’s across the ocean.
But that would be madness. This way is so much better. Once all the migrants are bused to Chicago and NYC, we can build a border wall around them.
Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow springs of life.
Psalm 37:30,31
The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom,
and his tongue speaks justice.
The law of his God is in his heart;
his steps do not falter.
Luke 6:45
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
A nation-state exists for the benefit of its citizens, and must adopt policies (consistent with a free state) in accordance with that principle. To allow an unlimited influx of poor, uneducated third-worlders who do not share any of our values and have less of an appreciation of freedom than even you and your fellow progressives must inevitably lead to the destruction of America as a free country, which is exactly the purpose of open-borders Leftists such as yourself – unless you are so impossibly stupid that you cannot see this. That would make you one of Lenin’s “useful idiots,” the people who support the corrupt ruling class (Obama-Biden, the entire Democrat Party, and the Establishment wing of the Republican Party).
I don’t like to harp on the immorality of altruism the way Ayn Rand did, but oh boy did she have people like you pegged! Let me try to make it simple for you: It’s not our responsibility to sacrifice ourselves in a futile attempt to save the rest of the world by inviting it to invade America. By all means, sacrifice yourself if you wish, but leave the rest of us out of it.
How many migrants are moving into your house this week?
If NYC and Chicago are upset about other states sending illegal aliens to their cities, there is a solution. Have your Senators and members of the House support a complete ban on all immigration, both legal and illegal for the next twenty years. That would help us a lot over that time period. We could save billions of dollars in added expense taking care of these people. Are you listening New York and Illinois? That goes for the other 48 states as well.