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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
How many miscarriages of justice must one man endure?
Derek Chauvin, the convicted murderer of George Floyd who was recently stabbed 22 times by an FBI informant, is recovering, and has just been released from the hospital. He has, however, been sent back to the same Arizona prison unit where he was stabbed, with no additional protection.
According to a Monday report from Rochester, Minnesota’s KTSP, Chauvin’s attorney Gregory Erickson said: “I had a telephone conference with Derek’s family yesterday, and they confirmed that his medical condition has improved to the extent that he has been removed from the trauma care facility at a local Tucson hospital and returned to prison custody for his follow up care.” So much for the good news. However: “His family is very concerned about the facility’s capacity to protect Derek from further harm. They remain unassured that any changes have been made to the faulty procedures that allowed Derek’s attack to occur in the first place.”
Indeed. If the Biden regime and its allies and henchmen throughout our green and pleasant land hadn’t made it so abundantly clear that fair play and equal justice for all are absolutely their number-one priorities in all cases, without fear or favor, one might almost get the impression that powerful people wouldn’t be troubled in the least if Derek Chauvin were found dead in that Arizona prison one day soon. He is, after all, mightily inconvenient for their narrative.
When Chauvin was stabbed, he was in the law library, studying possible avenues for an appeal that might reverse the outcome of his manifestly unjust first trial. In other words, he hadn’t given up and accepted his fate as the symbol of America’s systemic racial injustice and the cruel race-based unfairness of our police forces. As long as he remains alive, Derek Chauvin could bring the whole systemic racism house of cards down on the heads of the Critical Race Theorists, and that will never do.
Even long after he dies what any decent person hopes will be a natural death at a ripe old age, Chauvin will continue to be a symbol of the decline of equal justice under the law in America. But the injustice was not done to his alleged victim George Floyd. It is being done to Derek Chauvin.
Although Floyd has become a secular saint and Chauvin a symbol of evil, the simple fact remains that Chauvin is not guilty. Chauvin is supposed to have murdered Floyd by holding his knee on Floyd’s neck despite the victim’s cries that he could not breathe. The autopsy report, however, showed “no life-threatening injuries” and no “blunt force injuries” to the neck; thus if Chauvin had murdered Floyd, he did it with extreme subtlety. The great man, however, did have fentanyl in his system; could that have had anything to do with his death?
Chauvin’s trial didn’t address that question, and its outcome was a foregone conclusion. Chauvin’s supposed murder of Floyd was Exhibit A in the case against not just the accused cop, but against all white Americans and the United States itself. Chauvin and Floyd were too valuable as symbols for Chauvin possibly to get a fair trial, and he didn’t.
Today, Chauvin remains too valuable as a symbol to have his conviction overturned and be released, because no matter what the evidence says, to exonerate him would be to confirm all of the Left’s charges about racism and white privilege in America. So Chauvin not only remains in prison, but is left vulnerable to attacks from other inmates, for protecting him would be likewise racist.
America isn’t supposed to work this way. It is supposed to be, and for a considerable period largely was, a nation in which an accused person could get a fair trial no matter how unpopular he was, or how much he was associated with an unjust cause. This principle, in fact, has been part of the United States since before the Declaration of Independence.
But no more. Paradoxically, the trial of Derek Chauvin was decided before it even started by the color of each man’s skin. If Chauvin had been black and Floyd white, Chauvin never would have been tried, much less convicted. But the angry gods of our insane age demand sacrifices, and have chosen Derek Chauvin as a victim. Their next victim could be any one of us.
Mark Dunn says
Strange how his current court appeal seems promising, and then he’s attacked. Did they move him, to Arizona, before or after the appeal was filed?
David Ray says
Had the putrid street-trash Floyd been white, his death would’ve been listed as a “Covid related” death.
We know this for two main reasons: ¹fatal car accidents & gun-shot fatalities had been shamelessly listed as “Covid deaths”, and ²a Dallas man, Tony Timpa also died with a policeman’s knee on him in 2016. We don’t know his name because he was white. He wasn’t listed as a Covid related because it hadn’t arrived yet (courtesy of the CCP & Fauci)
No such thing as “white privilege”, but as the grifting trash Patrisse Cullors shows, black privilege abounds.
The Marxist bitch skimmed so heavily from donations that she owns several mansions (one in Bel Air), and fears no investigation from it.
Banastre Tarleton says
Chauvin is a latter day American version of the Dreyfus Affair , but instead of being a conspiracy against the Jews it’s a conspiracy against the Police as it’s designed to vilify and intimidate the Police across America .
It’s designed to send a message to all active policemen that the government doesn’t have your back and will put you in show trials if it’s politically expedient
Moreover, it’s also to send a message to the BLM mobs that will encourage criminality and political violence . The BLM mobs are fast becoming the street militia of the DEm Party with a certain amount of immunity from prosecution
Joe Esposito says
Like Epstein this cop needs to be eliminated to protect the Leftist Pigs who are destroying America.
We know they lie to us and they know we know they are lying but they keep on lying anyway.
America is the new Soviet Union.
Curt Koenig says
The corrupt “legal not justice” system will not be content until Chauvin is dead. That way he will never be able to
expose the corruption and prove himself innocent. The folks that took care of Epstein are probably consulting
in this case….maybe for free.
Onzeur Trante says
Are there no serious people left running this country? Apparently not. We’re being controlled by clowns who pop up in our faces everyday. We could all be Derek Chauvin one day.
Walter Sieruk says
Some things need to be known, if for nothing else but for the sake a balanced perspective.
Which is that George Floyd was a vicious hardened criminal therefore it’s very wrong to make some kind of a “hero” out of hooligan was such criminal that he not was not only on drugs but was also involved in drug trafficking .
Mr. Floyd was so totally despicable that he even entered a pregnant woman’s home under a false premise of deception to let his lawless ruffians lot her home , all the while he threateningly pointed a gun to that pregnant woman’s stomached ‘You better cooperate.”
The list of crimes that Floyd was guilty of can to go on. It’s absurd as well as wrong to make a “hero” out of heinously wicked thug. As the Bible reads “Woe to those who call evil good…” Isaiah 5:20. [N.K.J.V.]
Walter Sieruk says
The police officer, Derek Chauvin who was sentenced to prison by the politically correct court of “law” for the death of that hoodlum George Floyd completely refused to take into consideration everything that really mattered.
The PC court didn’t take into account that Mr. Floyd was both a drug trafficking and drug using hooligan and that one of the reason his died that night was not only that the officer used force on him, which is the only language that thugs and gangsters are able to understand because that will not respond to reason. Floyd died because of his drug abuse about with the force that officer used on him.
If Floyd hadn’t resisted the officer force then would not have been needed to control him.
In the light of Bible it’s wrong to resist of police officers or their orders. Romans 13:2.
Furthermore as this CP unjust prison sentence upon Mr. Chauvin is a reminder for Christians to pray for him since he was wrongly sentenced and that Bible also instructs in Hebrews 13 : 3. “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – Those who are mistreated…”
Semaphore says
So many things over the last 6 or 7 years have convinced me that our “republic” has become little more than a puppet show, and that our true government lurks in the shadows. At the very least, Chavin should have had a change of venue for his trial but was denied. Compare his fate with that of officer Michael Byrd who shot Ashli Babbet, whose death was a clear case of deliberate murder. Byrd, who is black, killed a white woman and has since been promoted to leutenant, while Chavin, who argueably didn’t kill anybody, is ruined for life. Also consider the FBI connection of the assailant, and tell me why I shouldn’t be afraid. Whosoever is not paranoid is naive.
Kasandra says
Everyone should view “The Fall of Minneapolis” which is available for free online, including on YouTube. To say Chauvin was railroaded doesn’t do the word justice. This was and continues to be a gross miscarriage of justice to satisfy the media hyped hysteria of the mob and the political needs of Minnesota’s Democrat political elites.
Alex Gofen says
“A symbol of the decline of equal justice under the law in America” – is a gross understatement. The sad fate of Derek Chauvin is a litmus test demonstrating the baseness and cowardice of contemporary America – and I say this with the bitterness of a patriot. How can I dare to say this about the whole nation? Let me explain.
Though the people among the over 330 million citizenry happen to be quite different, the injustice suffered by Derek Chauvin reveals the baseness of so many people belonging to quite different social structures, that this baseness characterizes the nation. Here are just some of the scoundrels.
1) The prosecutor and the trial judge from hell – may both of them be damned. Not only did they ban the evidence in favor of the defendant, but they disregarded the gross violation of the process including threats to the jury! This alone ought to invalidate the entire trial!
2) The jury. Not one of the twelve had the courage to disagree with the false verdict.
3) All courts of Appeal. The violations of the process were so gross that this alone required to qualify the case as a mistrial.
4) The so-called Supreme Court which let this injustice stay adding their final nail to it – may they be damned! All those courts from the lower to the Supreme happened to be no different than the notorious Soviet Bassmanniy court judging the soviet dissidents.
5) The entire police force of the US showed no solidarity with their own victim. Instead of going on a national strike indefinitely until justice triumphed, they did nothing to stand for their own against a gross injustice.
7) Finally, shame on the entire white America! No, I do not hint as though the whites ought to start massive riots and pogroms – like the blacks did. The whites ought to massively strike and picket all the institutions indefinitely until the justice triumphs.
This was written in 1958 by the Soviet poet Ufland.
judeochristianamerica dot org/UflandAboutBlacksIn1958
judeochristianamerica dot org/WhiteSelfDeprecationInRussian
Freedom says
Thanks, Robert Spencer, for another fine article.
Sword of The Spirit says
I’m a former prisoner and so I am speaking from experience. If ANYONE has a paid hit on Chauvin, it is only a matter of time til they get to him. Many prisoners with little to no change, or even desire, to get out of prison are destitute withing the confines of the walls and are desperate for ANY money they can get to purchase soap, shampoo, snacks, drugs, services, etc.
These desperate criminal inmates are the ones that will beat someone over a candy bar or a smuggled joint. If someone on the outside puts a thousand dollars on a desperate inmate’s account, then that desperate inmate will do whatever asked. So murder of an ex-Police officer is just a payment away. Protective custody is protective until it isn’t. It’s protective until someone gets paid to unlock a door, look the other way, put Chauvin in a room with an unlocked door. That is what happened to Whitey Bulger.
Mark Dunn says
The state doesn’t provide soap or toothpaste?
Jan VI says
Robert Spencer:
Your second sentence calls Chauvin “the convicted murderer of George Floyd.”
Why do you perpetuate the media narrative???
It wasn’t murder by any normal definition, and his trial was rigged.
Pray for Chauvin, and all the other political prisoners in the U.S.S.A., the United Socialist States of America!
Capitalist-Dad says
As far as leftists are concerned, they will keep putting Chauvin back in danger until he’s killed. This saves potentially embarrassing appeals.
Zelda says
Anyone paying attention knows that Floyd was a common criminal and was using fentanyl, thus couldn’t breath. Officer Chauvin followed police procedure kneeling on him to keep him down. “I can’t breath” was because he was dying of fentanyl poisoning. Chauvin should be released immediately.
Sword of the Spirit says
I was inmate in Missouri. There the star provides about $15 a month. Yah that’s right $15. So inmate that have no family sending money to them are destitute and desperate.