Falling on deaf ears.
“Nine seems to be a good number. It’s been that way for a long time,” Ginsburg said, speaking to NPR.
“I think it was a bad idea when President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court,” Ginsburg noted.
Justice Stephen Breyer on Tuesday said liberal advocates of big changes at the Supreme Court, including expanding the number of justices, should think “long and hard” about what they’re proposing.
His talk, Breyer said, “seeks to make those whose initial instincts may favor important structural (or other similar institutional) changes, such as forms of ‘court-packing,’ think long and hard before embodying those changes in law.”
Biden knows better than the most senior liberal justices on the court and so he’s creating a court-packing commission.
The media doesn’t like to use that term. The New York Times is calling it “expanding the court”. Other Democrat media sites call it, “reform”. And soon we’ll once again get media lectures about how Republicans invented the term “court-packing” last week.
And then we’ll note again that RBG and Breyer both used court-packing.
Meanwhile, Biden has created his sprawling commission to study packing the court. The obvious question is how serious this is. Is Biden just throwing out the prospect of red meat to his lunatic base, even while his people know they won’t succeed, or is there real muscle behind this?
The commission is sprawling and includes everyone from Sherrilyn Ifill to Laurence Tribe. The focus here, unsurprisingly, is on diversity and lefties.
Of course, it’s about power.
The Left’s MO is to destroy or take over institutions it doesn’t control, while amplifying the unaccountable power of those it does.
The Supreme Court is a target because the Left doesn’t control it, and when the Left has controlled it, it has wielded immeasurable power. And the Court, in theory at least, is loyal to something greater than lefty dogma or populism. It’s meant to protect the Constitution.
And the Constitution is the founding document that the Left is trying to destroy.
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