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If a Wednesday report in the Israeli media is accurate, this is one of the most, if not the most, craven betrayal of an ally in American history, and in the entire world’s history.
The Israeli journalist Amit Segal published a Hebrew-language story in the popular Israeli news outlet Mako that reveals an American betrayal of Israel of stupefying magnitude. “Very senior officials associated with the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” wrote Segal, “have spoken about Israel’s fear of arrest warrants for senior officials in the context of the war in Gaza. The officials told N12 [Mako’s broadcast channel] that the intention to issue such orders would not have been possible without American consent.”
The threat of arrest from the International Criminal Court is not hanging over the heads of minor officials only. “Last week,” Segal reports, “the Prime Minister’s Office held an urgent discussion on the issue, in which serious concerns were raised about allowing the issuance of arrest warrants against senior Israeli security and political leaders, including against Netanyahu himself.” This could all happen quickly: “Reports that have recently arrived in Jerusalem,” Segal continues, “indicate that the chance of issuing arrest warrants has increased dramatically, possibly as soon as next month.”
Segal noted that this was happening with American approval: “Regarding the intention to issue arrest warrants for senior Israelis, the sources at The Hague said that it is impossible that the chief prosecutor would have decided on such a dramatic step, in a war that is still ongoing, with very little evidence, if he had not at least had a ‘green light’ from the Americans. If this is true, this is another and unprecedented low in relations between Israel and the US, at a very sensitive time, on the eve of the ground entry to Rafah.”
Could this possibly be true? Segal is a bona fide reporter and Mako is a reliable news outlet, so there is no immediate indication that it isn’t. But would the U.S. stand by and allow the head of government of a key ally to be arrested on what will no doubt be bogus charges of “genocide”? Sure, if it’s Israel we’re talking about. When it comes to how the Biden regime and Israel, Segal’s report is altogether plausible. After all, the dementia-addled corruptocrat has called Netanyahu a “bad f**king guy.” The Biden regime, avid to placate its far-left and pro-jihad base in hopes of keeping Michigan voting Democrat in November, refused to stop a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, which would allow Hamas to survive and murder more Israeli civilians.
And so while it is horrifying that the Biden regime would treat an ally in this way, it is no great surprise.
What’s more, the groundwork for this fresh betrayal has been laid for a long time. According to his sources in the International Criminal Court, wrote Segal, “the chief prosecutor in The Hague, Karim Khan, was elected to his position three years ago with American assistance. After being elected, Khan closed two cases that greatly troubled the Americans: one related to undeclared detention cells related to Afghanistan in Europe, and the other also related to war crimes committed in Afghanistan.” It is thus exceedingly unlikely that Khan is going to regard any case that Israel makes favorably. And remember, he owes his position to Old Joe Biden and his handlers.
The Israeli government is doing all it can to head this off: “At the end of the discussion, a decision was made to try to take some last-minute urgent actions in front of the court in The Hague and in front of influential political parties, in order to prevent the issuance of the arrest warrants. Also in his meetings with the foreign ministers of Great Britain and Germany in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Netanyahu asked for their assistance in the issue before the court.”
That may work. Whether or not these arrest warrants are issued, however, this is yet another black day for U.S./Israel relations. Consider, by way of comparison, the fact that the U.S. has never green-lighted International Criminal Court arrest warrants for the Ayatollah Khamenei or other key members of Iran’s Islamic regime, despite that regime’s vicious repression of its own people. Instead, Old Joe sent the mullahs ten billion dollars, thereby becoming a chief financier of Hamas (which Iran bankrolls) while continuing to claim that his support for Israel was “ironclad.” Nor has the U.S. green-lighted any arrest warrants for Kim Jong Un, or Syria’s Bashar Assad, or any other repressive dictator. In its recent human rights report, the State Department treated Israel as if it were a human rights abuser on par with Iran and Afghanistan.
It’s easy to see where this is tending. If the Biden regime gets four more years, the U.S. will turn against Israel entirely, isolating the Jewish state on the world stage as it faces a threat to its very survival. If jihadis succeed in destroying Israel and turn against America with new energy and enthusiasm, will any of the leftist policy wonks ever have a tinge of regret for how they destroyed the U.S./Israeli alliance? Not on your life. They’ll still be congratulating themselves for standing for a “Free Palestine” even if ululations of “Allahu akbar” are the last thing they hear in their final agonizing moments.
“..the U.S. will turn against Israel entirely, isolating the Jewish state on the world stage”
This has been the plan of the Muslim Brotherhood and its various muslim offshoots who realized decades ago that they could not defeat Israel militarily just as long as Israel had US military aid and support. The MB and their global “useful idiots” have been methodically and steadily infiltrating the US and other western national and local governmental departments, academic institutions and civil society in order to achieve isolating Israel politically to cut off material aid to the country. This will help Israel’s enemies finally defeat and eradicate Israel from the map along with its people.
A person has to really, REALLY hate Jews to side with Hamas. And a person has to really, REALLY hate America to participate in the organized pro-Hamas college jihad.
And the most dangerous source of Jew and America hatred isn’t islam, it’s the Dirtbagocrat party and its pet RINOs. They’re willing to burn the country down for political power, and they’ve been doing it for decades now. The party and the moneyed interests they collude with want employees, proles, serfs, renters and livestock, not fellow citizens. A modern version of feudalism. Only 20 D-Bags out of 212 in the House of “Representatives” oppose the Hamas college jihad and Jew hatred. Notably they don’t oppose the other Dirtbagocrat assaults on the citizenry; government schools as D-Bag production lines, gun confiscation, Chinese control of our technology and utilities, destruction of oil, gasoline and natural gas production, a ban on internal combustion vehicles, tranny tyranny, child grooming, excessive taxation and regulation, and on and on.
I’m not surprised that people who hate their own country also hate dem Joos and Israel and none of you should be either. Of course the D-Bags put our number one ally as number two on their hit list.
My bad. Only 20 “representatives” period in the House oppose Jew hatred and the college intifada. If I were to check, they’d probably be all or nearly all Republicans.
Biden and the stupid children who handle him are racists and anti-semites.
Like the rest of us, Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu is subject to a F.I.S.A. warrant for spreading Russian disinformation and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. If he persists, “woke” Democ-rats may have no alternative but to give Bibi the Trump treatment.
That’s what he’s already getting — the Trump treatment.
Yeah, just about.
All Western political entities who care about their nation and people are in the crosshairs for the Trump treatment or worse.
How many more outrageous acts from Biden can the American psyche tolerate? One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to believe that Biden gave the ICC his blessing. News this morning says Netanyahu has reached out to Biden for assistance fighting the ICC warrants. Nor does one have to be a rocket scientist to understand what that implies.
When does the outrage reach critical mass and what happens then?
We should pray for an intervention this November. If not, look out.
At this point why does Netanyahu even bother talking to any U.S. official in the Biden admin and their stool pigeons at the Intl. Court.
Arrest warrants for Clinton(Bill)Obama, Biden, Soros, Bragg and Gates whom in understand(Gates) is wanted in Italy for Crimes Against Humanity
The entire Biden administration is a crime against humanity.
This has the Jew hating Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Osama’s fingerprints all over it. Jihad Joe is too demented to have come up with it on his own.
No doubt Elizabeth Warren (who accused Israel of genocide at a Boston Mosque) and the Dhimmicratic Judenrat (Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and Antony Blinken) were in on the act.
When Hamas and its apologists speak of “genocide” they’re exhibiting more projection than Bell & Howell.
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” – Barry Goldwater
What Spencer writes here is largely true, but it’s also true that the Biden administration has given substantial military assistance and weapons to Israel. As Spencer points out correctly, Biden wants to appease his Muslim and leftist supporters, but at the same time he recognizes that Israel is our best ally in the war against terrorism. Credit where credit is due.
Jihad Joe Biden doesn’t even know what time or day it is – ever – and his handlers have nothing to do with assistance to Israel. THAT”S CONGRESS. Congress provides money with the proviso that it be spent on weapons made by American manufacturers which Congressmen collude with for graft.
Alzheimer Joe doesn’t even recognize his own wife half the time and there is no administration opposition to jihad terrorism, much less a war against it. How many billions are handed to Hamas each year? Jihad Joe Talibiden signs each cash reward bill into law.
Credit where credit is due. Pedo Joe and his handlers are all pieces of anti-American shit.
reading of late about Trump’s “,legal troubles”, the kerfuffle over Fannie’ Willie in Georgia, lrgalthreats involving Russia’s conduct in protecting their former and now-rejoined territories in the Donbass and Crimea, the “legal constraints” imposed upon Israel in defending their own terriroty and people, and so forth, it there is a rising trend of lawfare as warfare. The Israeilis have been indimitable fr tw generations now, militariy they;ve not been able to be bested. Same with Trump and others. SO now what?
Seems courtfare has risen to the new “secret weain”. HOW dies a gaggle of bought and paid for sycophants in Europe dictate the military and defensive moves of a soveriegn nation under cnstant attack? How do corrupt judges, illegally sitting proscutors and judges, judges with blatant conflicts of interest that ten years ago would have them recused, continue? Seems the battlefield has come to be one of political muscle and words, the whiles Blind Mother Justice lies on a pile of manure, sideways.
Bibi and Company need to first tend to their own defense. Perhaps a crack security patrol needs to be on him 24/7. What, will these goons of the “international court of Just Us” stage a full on SWAT team raid to take Bibi prisoner? Whatever happened to the concept of Sovereign Nations?
First they came for the purple people. But we wern’t purple so we sat on our hands and did nothing.
Nest week they came for the orange people. But no worries, we were not orange, so did nothing, no danger.
Next month they came for the green people,m but since we were not green, we again sat on our hands.
A while later they came for he blue people… and we were ALL blue. But there was no one else to stand up for us, so we were given free ine way tickets and were loaded into the cattle cars and taken off to the………
To the question raised: definitely, Biden and his advisors would be the first people one should suspect as setting such an arrest up. Just like the Nord Stream Pipeline: he “promised” it would be taken out; Victoriz Nuland also promised it would be take out, and as the crook said about his threat to withhole $billion from Ukraine aide, “well, i’ll be damned if they did not fire that prosecutor!”
Further, Blinkon was the rat who requested those 51 former intel heads to sign a letter stating Hunter’s laptop was a probably Russian tactic. Nuland has a history of such deeds also. Bottom line: honest people in the WH are few and far between. The place stinks of dishonesty and corruption.
It’ll be a disgrace on them if they do it, but just who’s going to serve that warrant? Brussels? Snort!
Is “we don’t do that while the war is ongoing,” their excuse for not issuing warrants for hamas leadership? And why are they, and they US not demanding hamas’ surrender on humanitarian grounds?
Israel doesn’t have the death penalty and their military situation is hopeless. The IDF can stand off and pound them into oblivion, without losing another soldier. All they can do is kill more Gazans.
Those idiots at the Hague and DC can’t seriously claim they’re concerned about the civilians in Gaza.
The ICC representatives will need a visa to enter Israel, in order to serve their warrants. They cannot force Israel to give them one, or to do their job for them. Granted, things could get interesting if anyone who is the subject of such a warrant visits another country, but, other than that, this seems to me to be gesture litigation.
Groping joe biden is an evil, demented, criminal coward. He should be expelled from his position and let the other moron take over for a few months.
Never doubt it….the Biden Administration is pulling the strings to get rid of any strength Israel has!