99% of journalism documentaries are a waste of time, but this, if taken seriously, would be the greatest concept ever.
Who better embodies the evolution of American journalism than the hack who tried and failed to swing a presidential election using what appeared to be a Microsoft Word document while claiming that it really came from the Vietnam War era, before getting fact-checked by the internet.
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
A feature documentary about legendary media figure Dan Rather is in the works.
The doc, which is directed by One9, director of Nas: Time Is Illmatic, and Jessica Sherif, who worked on Dan Rather Reports, will take a close and personal look into Rather’s 60-year career and offer unrestricted access into his journey of becoming one of journalism’s most emphatic forces.
Walter Cronkite and Connie Chung could not be reached for comment.
But yes. next to Taylor Lorentz and the Gawker gang, Rather is the greatest force in journalism. If by journalism, you mean being a self-promoting hack who could recite things in a grave monotone.
The feature will examine the evolution of American journalism through the personal lens of Rather, who was a witness to the birth of the civil rights movement, Watergate, and the current social upheaval, where he has become a star with millennials.
Rather is as much of a star with millennials as Microsoft Word existed during the Vietnam War.
But Rather is a perfectly good inflection point for modern or post-modern journalism in which narrative matters, facts don’t, and the celebrity journalist is a trinity of activist, victim, and hero, while demanding that we treat his work product as if it came from a science lab.
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