“Epstein traveled to Cuba at Castro’s invitation, former Colombian president says…Amid journalistic revelations about horrifying and reprehensible sex scandals of financier Jeffrey Epstein, a trip of mine on his plane to Nassau, Bahamas has appeared, to transfer to the final destination of Havana, Cuba, invited by President Fidel Castro [on March 2003],” (Former Colombian Pres. Andres’ Pastrana as recently quoted in the Miami Herald.)
“In Cuba, the link between tourism and prostitution is perhaps more direct than in any other country that hosts sex tourists.” (The ECPAT Network – End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism – in a study titled “Child Prostitution and Sex Tourism in Cuba.”)
“Since she [a Cuban woman or girl] is usually desperate, he [a sex tourist] can usually secure sexual access to her very cheaply. Sex tourists state that it costs them less to spend two weeks indulging themselves in Cuba than it does in other centers of sex tourism such as Thailand. Girls aged 14-15 are even more desperate for dollars and therefore more vulnerable.” (Dr. Julia O’Connell Davidson of Britain’s Univ. of Nottingham in her study titled “The Rights and Wrongs of Prostitution.”)
“My job was to bug their hotel rooms. Famous Americans are the priority objectives of Castro’s intelligence. When the celebrity visitors arrived at the Hotels Nacional, Meliá Habana and Meliá Cohiba, we already had their rooms completely bugged with sophisticated taping equipment. But not just the rooms, we’d also follow the visitors around, sometimes we covered them 24 hours a day. They had no idea we were tailing them.” (High-ranking Cuban intelligence defector Delfin Fernandez.)
In fairness, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein visited the Castro Family Fiefdom before the sex-abuse allegations against him surfaced. And chances are the going rate of desperate child prostitutes per hour (extremely low in Cuba) weren’t a major consideration for this multi-millionaire… but still.
The above quotes describe the desperation of the brutalized and impoverished residents of a nation that prior to the glorious Castro/Che revolution enjoyed a higher per capita income than Japan and half the nations of Europe and who welcomed more immigrants (primarily from Europe) per capita than the U.S. Prior to the glorious Communist liberation, people were as desperate to enter Cuba as they are now to escape.
For many folks who grew up in pre-Castro Cuba an amateur film by Canadian Andrew Lindy titled “The Cuba Prostitution Documentary” proved more heartbreaking than anything they’d seen on their homeland to that date. Lindy, by the way, is a Canadian and winner of the Canadian National Magazine Award—hence no “Cuban exile with an axe to grind”!
“Prostitution is rampant,” he narrates upon his visit to Cuba as a tourist in 2011. Indeed, during his entire stay Lindy was hard-pressed to find a single Cuban woman or girl who wouldn’t offer sex for pay, of some sort. And half the males he encountered were at least part-time pimps.
Oh, I know…I know. That pre-Castro Cuba was “Bordello to the Americas!’ is a Fake News/Fake History mantra. But actually: in 1961 the Castroites rounded up what they determined were all the prostitutes in Cuba and herded them into re-education camps to learn more seemly professions–Milicianas, for instance. The total number of women rounded up in this “brothel of the Americas!” as the Fake News/Hollywood mantra has claimed for over half a century was about 14,000 (out of a Cuban population of 6.7 million at the time).
But a study by the American Journal of Nursing estimates there are 50,000 prostitutes in New York City alone.
Indeed, the blatant fakeness of the KGB-concocted propaganda meme about pre-Castro Cuba as a “big brothel!” was exposed and demolished years ago. In brief, Fredo Corleone would find many, MANY more hookers in Castro’s Havana than he did during The Godfather II.
Interestingly, in a 2003 interview Epstein, who recently committed suicide in his jail cell (or so the official story goes), spoke about the care he took against the risk of blackmail: “My concern is that people can make spurious allegations all the time,” he said. “The idea is if nothing else he’ll buy me off. I’ll attack his reputation and he’ll buy me off.”
So I’m guessing that—unlike so many others among the rich and famous and unscrupulous–Epstein was too cagey for Castro to blackmail or otherwise swindle. Indeed, one of Epstein’s rich and famous friends (he shows up on Epstein’s now-notorious Little Black Book) named Amado Fahkre paid dearly for his visits to the Castro Crime Fiefdom.
The millionaire investor and developer is a Lebanese-born British national who owned Coral Capital and invested heavily in Castro’s Cuba, developing golf courses and hotels. One evening in 2011 Fahkre and his business associate and fellow Brit Stephen Purvis were the back-slapping toasts and celebrated business partners of the Castro Crime Family. The next morning they woke up to find themselves robbed blind by Castro and in a KGB-designed torture chamber, where they languished for two years on charges of corruption. (Actually the Castro Family Crime Syndicate simply wanted to burglarize their hard-won but ill-gotten Cuban assets.)
“Rabid-Right-Wing-Cuban-Americans-with-an-Axe-to-Grind!” (i.e. people who, owing to direct experience, know exactly how the Castro Crime Syndicate works and try to warn others) had a ball playing the world’s smallest violins with the travails of Fakhre and Purvis, who chose not to heed our warnings.
Maybe Epstein’s instincts saved him from this earlier humiliation at the hands of Castro? But who really knows what kind of videos Castro’s secret police might have had on him in their little Black Books?
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