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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Taliban recently announced that, “five countries are interested in investing in the lithium mining sector in Afghanistan’s Nuristan province”. A Chinese company has already put down a $10 billion bid that would include infrastructure along with improved roads for the terror group.
Shahabuddin Delawar, the Taliban’s mining boss, boasted that, “we have 2.5 million tons in Nurestan alone. Extract it, and Afghanistan can be one of the richest countries in the world.”
And who would be in charge of an estimated $50 billion worth of lithium?
Hafiz Muhammad Agha Hakeem, the governor of the Nuristan province, recently appeared on a UN Security Council list of Taliban governors who were affiliated with Al Qaeda. The Islamic terrorist group had a stronger foothold in the area than almost any other part of Afghanistan. When Al Qaeda had been driven out of the rest of Afghanistan, it stayed on and went on fighting and killing Americans in Nuristan, While the area was named after a non-Pashtun minority who had been forcibly converted to Islam, it became a Taliban and Al Qaeda route to Pakistan.
Al Qaeda will be in charge of its share of an estimated $1 trillion in lithium in the country (not to mention the gem mines). The lithium, desperately needed for electric car batteries, will be mined by Chinese companies and resold to the United States for “green energy”.
Every electric car you buy will help fund Al Qaeda.
‘Green energy’ requires massive amounts of lithium batteries. Even while Americans were being told that switching to electric cars and a renewable power grid would lessen our dependence on middle eastern oil and avoid shortages of ‘non-renewable’ oil, we were actually becoming dependent on a material dominated by our enemies in China and Afghanistan, and Tesla, the most popular brand of electric car, is a company with sizable Saudi shareholders.
‘Renewables’ depend on non-renewable lithium mined ruthlessly by China wherever they can. The United States could mine its own lithium, much like we could drill for our own oil and gas, but the Biden administration puts roadblocks in the way of our energy independence. Climate Envoy John Kerry insists that we’re better off buying Chinese solar panels made by slave labor than to mine, drill and become independent of Beijing and, now the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
The Pentagon’s Task Force for Business and Stability Operations had called Afghanistan the “Saudi Arabia of lithium.” Now it’s the Al Qaeda of lithium instead. After justifying buying slave labor solar panels and lithium mined by poisoning entire villages from China, the same arguments will be used to justify buying lithium batteries that Al Qaeda gets a cut from.
We have no choice but to turn over our economy to our enemies to ‘save the planet’.
Al Qaeda has set up a new training camp in Nuristan where “foreign Arab fighters” are once again arriving to be trained as suicide bombers. The improved “mountain roads” that China plans to build will enable Al Qaeda and the Taliban to move suicide bombers through Pakistan in coordination with Jihadi groups like the Tehreek-e-Taliban… and from there anywhere.
While Al Qaeda used to have to rely on oil money from the Saudis, Qataris and other wealthy Muslim oil states, along with some drug smuggling, kidnapping and cash from humanitarian aid groups, it will have the opportunity to tap into enormous wealth to fund its terrorism. If that happens, Al Qaeda will not only have avoided defeat, but could become deadlier than ever.
And all of our ‘green energy’ ventures will be funding future attacks against ourselves.
Green energy will become a means of transmuting virtue signaling cash into terrorism. That may be why Biden joined the Taliban in denying the UN Security Council’s report on Al Qaeda’s presence in Afghanistan.
“I said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read your press. I was right.” Biden falsely claimed. The Taliban’s Foreign Affairs Ministry argued that Biden’s denial “refutes the recent report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team.” Both Biden and the Taliban are lying about Al Qaeda.
Denying Al Qaeda’s presence will make it easier to eventually lower what few sanctions there are on the Taliban and to make us dependent not only on Communist China, but on Al Qaeda.
The Biden administration has been moving forward to eliminate most car sales by 2030. By then 67% of cars being sold on the market are supposed to be electric and unaffordable to the majority of Americans. California, Massachusetts, New York, Washington, New York and a number of other states are preparing to ban the sale of real cars by 2035. As is the EU.
While most people will no longer be able to afford to buy a new car in the next decade unless these onerous rules are overturned, those who do will send the price of lithium through the roof.
And that may also set off an unprecedented wave of Islamic terrorism.
From the Saudis and the Qataris, Islamic terrorism has always been funded by American energy needs. The downward shift to unreliable ‘green energy’ has changed nothing except that we may cut out the middle men in their desert skyscrapers and fund Al Qaeda directly.
Out of the mines of Nuristan, once known as ‘Kafiristan’ for their origins as soldiers in Alexander the Great’s army and being among the last to resist submission to Islam, will pour a stream of lithium that will taint the land around it and that will be used to fund terrorism, but that environmentalists will claim is ‘green’, ‘clean’ and ‘sustainable’ though it’s none of the above.
The mines will exist side by side with the Al Qaeda training camps packed with new recruits from the middle east traveling along the roads from Pakistan that will be built by China.
Our governments will take away our cars, our stoves and our livelihoods while forcing us to become dependent for our transportation, our energy and even our cooking on China, the Taliban and Al Qaeda all in the name of saving the planet from an imaginary crisis.
We will pay China and Al Qaeda for the privilege of driving to work or cooling our homes. And for the privilege of killing us.
NAVY ET1 says
If this revelation had taken place on September 12th, 2001 it would have ended the EV movement. As it is, I’m not sure how much it matters to the modern “enlightened” progressive sheep, given their propensity at supporting the wrong side of things here of late. EV’s are the first vehicles to come with a political affiliation bumper sticker. As long as they can aggressively virtue signal and finger wag, who cares if terrorists profit, right? They couldn’t point to Afghanistan on a map if their lives depended on it, but they’re glad to tell you how they got their Warby Parker shades.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The Green New Deal or whatever its called must be the greatest interference by the government into the economy in history. It has to lead to some kind of disaster, as far as I can see, but they keep pushing it.
THX 1138 says
The greatest interference by a Western government into a Western economy were the Christian Dark Ages.
All for a “good communal cause” — to prepare and redeem Fallen Mankind from Original Sin and send them to their death and the Kingdom of Christ.
Why bother with the dismal science of scarcity which we call economics when the Kingdom of Christ delivers goods and services free of charge eternally by supernatural magic.
Intrepid says
Did you take a few extra stupid pills today?
Is it even possible for you to argue anything without bashing Medieval Christianity.
BJB AZ says
Why do you insist on exposing your stupidity every chance you get?
You’ve never researched any of the nonsense you blindly repeat.
Real science originated by Christians like Sir Isaac Newton. Kepler, Pascal,
Copernicus, Galileo, Farraday, Pasteur, Mendel . . .
Millions of people risk their lives to get to the USA, a Christian nation for generations.
I don’t hear of many people people dying to reach the shores of Iran, Iraq, Russia,
Cuba, Venezuela, China, or any other non-christian, muslim, or atheist nation.
You know you’re a liar better than I do. May God have mercy on you.
Ugly Sid says
He may be a tragic figure, tortured by private devils.
I wish I’d tried to live without incurring regrets. Now, I nurse a portfolio of them, and they parade themselves.
TC says
“Christian dark ages”… there is no such thing. Maybe you should go learn some actual history before you shout your ignorance for all the world to see.
Kasandra says
Well, they are delusional and act on the basis of what makes them feel good, after all.
Guy Jones says
The vile, neo-communist Dhimmi-crats and European Leftists will love this outcome. They’re happy to buy their environmentally destructive EV’s and help fund malignant, belligerent and despotic regimes around the world, whether of the communist or Islamic varieties.
Intrepid says
Basically your Objectivism For Dummies course consists of the following:
Judeo-Christianity is Leftism……bad
Judaism and Christianity are oriental…..bad
Christianity prepared the ground for modern totalitarianism….bad
Medieval Christianity was a totalitarian system…..bad
God and magical thinking…….bad
Christian Dark Age….bad
Renaissance and enlightenment …..good
Greek philosophers……good
Christian philosophers…….bad
selfishness “properly defined”, rational selfishness….good
Objectivist reason and reality….good
Repeat ad infinitum. The Big Lie in practice.
And there we have the simplistic world according to our rezidentura fraud…..THX
Hint Doofus. Trump made us energy independent. But that’s not good enough for you. You would rather sit on your fat ass and whine like a three year old. Loser.
Intrepid says
I see you are off your meds today.
The globalist Marxists are taking us into a religious Dark Age? You really are nuts. The Globalists Marxists are your ideological brethren. Should they succeed it will be a techno-dark age….right up your alley.
Same old narcissist garbage from the damaged mind of the great Christian and Jew hater on this site. You just had get that dig in about Islam being an outgrowth of Christianity and Judaism.
You are such a low-life P.O.S. It is amazing to me that anyone who isn’t a neo-Nazi would latch on to a freak like Peikoff. I guess that makes you a neo-Nazi.
Marxism and Nazism are outgrowths of Islam. You will never be able to tie, as much as you try, Christianity and Judaism to Islam. And you never provide any peer reviewed evidence anyway. Because you hate credentialed source material. That is why you don’t have a PhD.
You are simply an ignorant blathering moron trying to get Christians and Jews killed. In Nigeria you seem to be succeeding. I notice people like you never seem to go after the armed populations. Sissy boy.
Biden like Clinton(Bill)and Obama Democrats/Globalists selling out America to the enemy he and the rest of the sellouts should be put of trial along with Soros and Bragg
RS says
When we reflect back on policies of Presidents, Carter, Clinton, Bushes, Obama, and Biden have all been pro-globalism. Their policies have been moving us toward the One World Government Bureaucracy. for quite some time.
Ugly Sid says
I recently encountered speculation that legislators not calling for a stop to clandestine foreign cash flows aspire to becoming its recipients.
Walter Sieruk says
The Taliban regime in Afghanistan should be placed under strong economic sanctions . In other words, Those sharia based tyrants who have control of the land should be put under economic Isolation.
For it should be remembered that those bloodthirsty vicious Muslims who make up the Taliban with their evil mindset and behavior are nothing new or original. Such malicious monsters have been around as far back as far as to ancient times.
For as the Bible informs it’s reader about fiends “inventors of evil things..” Romans 1:30. [K.J.V.] In those ancient days gone by there were inventors of cruel and deadly devices called “booby traps.” made out of this such as sharp wooden spikes.
Now in modern times the fiends who are the Taliban make cruel and deadly booby traps called “Improvised Explosive Devices” that are made out of gun powder scrap metal, nails and other terrible things.
Furthermore the very next verse, 31, also rather fits the horrendous characters of the Taliban, Which reads “Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.”
Therefore in keeping with their evil character they will continue to support al Qaeda.
RS says
The absolute depravity and lawlessness and signs of world politics, are signs and implications of the One World Government. and Global government expanding its power and control. The King of Kings has the final move. though, his power is mightier than man’s or Satans. As we explore the Signs of the World and the meltdown, take comfort in knowing that neither the Elephant or the Donkey will prevail in the end. The Lamb who was slain will return as a roaring Lion to set up His own righteous Kingdom on earth, and it will be The New Jerusalem.
The Taliban should all be on lithium for mood disorders. Might turn ’em into nice people.
JohnWick says
Yes then put them on Iron supplements in the head….preferably delivered from a sniper rifle.
Peter Carroll says
$10 billion from China. So, they are the next nation to become embroiled in the cesspit that is now the, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
The Taliban will find the Chinese a totally different regime to deal with. They will be just as ruthless but far more cunning, far more devious, than they are.
It will be interesting to watch it unfold, that is, if China does actually become involved.
JohnTheRevelator says
Amazing article Daniel…so sad this is happening. We’re enriching our enemies instead of destroying them. What a sick evil world we live in.
Using the Polar Bears as their Global Warming/Climate Change Mascot so hey can parade around for the Daily Fake News Programs and so they can appear on CBS Sunday Morning or 60 Minutes