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(The Corrupt California series chronicles the misconduct, mismanagement and radical politics of the most broken state in the country. Stay tuned for more articles in the series.)
The Los Angeles wildfires estimates have hit $40 billion and may continue to rise. These are four times the losses of the most recent destructive fires and that is likely to convince even more insurance companies to leave the state and make homeowners even more uninsurable.
The exodus of insurance companies led to a 123% increase in the number of California homeowners relying on the state’s FAIR Plan. The FAIR Plan, a government gimmick that seemed good at the time, has $458 billion in total exposure and $4.8 billion in exposure from the current fires, but only has $377 million to cover claims. Once that’s exhausted, the state is likely to hit up insurance companies and homeowners to make up the difference. With mudslides expected to arrive after the rains, the chain of disasters may just be getting underway.
While the state’s worst insurance crisis was going on, Sen. Susan Rubio, the former chair of the Senate Insurance Committee, was fighting for illegal aliens while under suspicion of bribery.
Illegal aliens like her.
“We do not let Trump harass, intimidate, and push our immigrant community,” Sen. Susan Rubio threatened at a ‘healing circle’ convened by the state legislative building to protest Trump.
Rubio, who varyingly claims to have been deported when she was 4 or 6 years old, has made that her claim to fame. That and also having her sister serve in the assembly. And being caught up in the wave of FBI corruption investigations hollowing out the California Democratic Party.
Over the last decade, 576 California officials were convicted on federal corruption charges.
Rubio’s Baldwin Park, in the San Gabriel Valley region, was an epicenter of local corruption with its former city manager, city attorney and city councilman pleading guilty in a drug bribery scheme. Drug ‘legalization’ unleashed a whole new crime wave of ‘illegal’ marijuana growing operations and bribes to politicians by ‘legal’ drug businesses seeking permits. Sen. Rubio, who came out of the corrupt Baldwin Park City Council, was questioned by the FBI in that massive drug bribery scheme which briefly prevented her from heading up the insurance committee.
According to CalMatters reporting, “nobody else” but Rubio fits the description of “Person 20, who is accused in recently released federal court documents of asking for $240,000 in bribes from a cannabis company and accepting $30,000 in illegal campaign contributions.”‘
This would be a major issue in California’s insurance business whose Democrat leaders are nearly as corrupt as the state’s growing drug business.
Former Sen. Ron Calderon, who had previously chaired the Senate Insurance Committee, had been ousted over his role in the “largest insurance fraud case” in the history of the California Department of Insurance and was sentenced to several years in prison.
Senate Democrats had tried to protect former Sen. Caledron by removing him ‘without prejudice’ from the chairmanship of the Senate Insurance Committee. They attempted to do something similar but also far worse for Sen. Rubio, holding the chairmanship of the committee open for her by maintaining a vacancy just in time for the catastrophic wildfires to hit California.
Senate President pro-Tempore Mike McGuire corruptly prioritized Sen. Rubio’s political standing over that of the welfare of California homeowners by keeping a crucial position vacant for her. And with a fire and insurance crisis engulfing the state, no one was heading up the Senate Insurance Committee while its head-in-waiting was busy campaigning for illegal aliens.
Mounting outrage over the move did not lead Senate Democrats to appoint a credible alternative. Instead, Senate President McGuire announced that he was reappointing Rubio because “no case has been filed by the U.S. Attorney’s office and no additional information is available from the U.S. Attorney’s office.” This does not mean that Sen. Rubio isn’t potentially Person 20 who may be indicted at any time over allegations of soliciting $250,000 in bribes.
Should that happen, the work of the Senate Insurance Committee will devolve into a mess.
According to McGuire, he kept the Senate Insurance Committee seat vacant for the formerly deported illegal alien because “the Senate takes allegations of ethical and criminal behavior incredibly seriously”. The Democrat leadership took it so seriously that it kept the seat vacant for over a week while its legal counsel conducted its own ‘investigation’ into the allegations.
The investigation apparently consisted of querying the U.S. Attorney’s office over whether Sen. Rubio was about to be charged. Now, according to McGuire, since she isn’t being charged as of the moment, he has “confidence in her experience, and her ability to lead the Committee while the State faces unprecedented challenges with the insurance market.”
According to Sen. Rubio’s spokesman, she’s “currently not involved” in the investigation. That same spokesman also claimed that she wasn’t even interested in the role anymore. Now a week later she’s ready to lead the Committee through “unprecedented challenges”.
Unless it turns out that she actually is being indicted.
Should she be indicted, Rubio, a former deported resident, who is one of two sisters in the California legislature, will make history once again because “no woman California legislator has ever been indicted on public corruption charges while in office. Several male Assembly members and senators have been charged with such crimes over the years.” Truly historic.
That would make two Senate chairs of the Insurance Committee to be indicted in a dozen years.
California homeowners are facing an unprecedented crisis. And the crisis is as much of a political disaster as it is a natural one. While some blame global warming for worsening this latest disaster, it is the corrupt politics of the state’s political majority that is the real issue.
California’s Democrat majority has sent the state down into a chain of crises, from crime to homelessness to droughts and disasters, worsening natural crises and manufacturing human crises, raising endless taxes and bonds with the promise of finally solving them only to corruptly loot the money for special interests, politically connected allies and into their own pockets.
Now, as California desperately needs to save its insurance market, the ex-illegal alien in a position to shape the state’s response may become its latest official indicted for corruption.
Previous articles in the series:
[1] California Dems Fight Trump While State Burns: CLICK HERE.
Excellent work Daniel !!!!!
illegal alien state senator??!! Actually? Huh ? Omg
California is also hiring illegals in the police departments there!
If I am correct, they are also issued ID’s through the Department of Motor Vehicles.
It’s California.
The Democrats are illegal from the top down.
Will she be deported?
I told my Wife that I’d like to go to California one day and just walk around in a few cities and talk to people. Surely not everyone out there is insane!
I’m in California.
My condolences. I left before the idiots could elect Maximum Leader Newsolini.
Me. too!! I love my State but certainly not in its present state.
I assure we’re not!
Governor Nuisance and his Rougues Gallery or Traitors and Thieves they say Birds of a Feather but even Vultures would stay away from these types
If Calif state Senator Susan Rubio fits the description of Person 20
and no one else does – then why wasn’t she indicted in the first
place for taking bribes. Amounting to $250,000! What corrupt
political machine protected her.
A United States Vice-President Joe Biden got away with blatant
abuse of power to amass wealth. A Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton got away with using an unsecured cellphone for classified
matters and her pay for play schemes in the Clinton Foundation.
With the rot that is California politics – and Mayor Bass and Gov
Newsom getting away with deliberately not providing enough
water to fight wildfires – the chances that Susan Rubio might
still be indicted seem slim to none.
With the exception of two years away at school, I am a lifelong Californian. I’m pushing 80 in a few years. What I’ve seen happen to Calif in later years is so heartbreaking. We have the bullet train to nowhere (that still doesn’t run), elections that don’t require voter I.D., our L.A. basin (which once defined the Calif lifestyle) in smouldering ruins because we forgot how to put out fires, and a corrupt DEI mayor, firecheif, and chief of police, none of whom are accountable for anything. Stores are closing (some after more than a century in CA), business leaving, our population dropping. California has become the equivalent of a “third-world sh*thole” (to paraphrase our president), and it’s been tragic to watch.
The question, as always, is what’s the breaking point? How much ineptitude and corruption will the people of Cali put up with before they say enough is enough? I’m convinced even a disaster of epic proportions like these fires isn’t even enough. Massive amounts of money will be thrown at this calamity to make some people whole again while, undoubtedly, some of it will makes its way to the pockets of the corrupt politicians expected to direct the recovery. I’ve heard the weather and the landscape there are to die for but are those two factors enough to allow the residents to be constantly fleeced and disappointed by a corrupt and incompetent State govt? Apparently, there’s something there that maintains this high level of tolerance for such a low level of governance. A mass exodus will never happen for the same reasons many of us stay in the Blue shitholes we were born in. So the question remains, how much abuse will the citizens endure before they put an end to it? One look at California would indicate they/we are nowhere near that level, yet.
I lived in CA for 56 years and could take it no more. Adios!
Imagine that, a corrupt democrat politician. Well if she does get arrested and prosecuted California voters will just elect another corrupt politician. Or maybe it’s just the corrupt election system.
How much ruin is there in a state? California Democrat party corruption. It’s as thorough as New Mexico’s but twenty times bigger.
Department of Insurance?? What?