Remember when the Soviet Union was seen as a joke because it focused on political ideology while the system was falling apart?
Biden is America’s Brezhnev and, like the USSR, our collapse is both funny and grim. Inflation is rising, crime is shooting up, we’re facing a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, suicide rates are climbing, and our economy is now becoming a foreign product, the Democrat Socialist apparatchiks are focused on what really matters.
In its newest report, the FAA’s Drone Advisory Committee says that to become “an industry that is respectful, welcoming, and brings value to the receiver,” the transportation agency should consider evolving its language to become more inclusive for its employees.
Now, instead of using words such as “cockpit,” “unmanned aviation” and “man-made,” the 17-person committee would prefer the terminology be limited to “flight deck,” “uncrewed aviation” and “machine-made.” The report also recommends that in place of using pronouns synonymous with someone’s sex, the agency completely do-away with “his or her,” which is “unnecessarily wordy and enforces a gender binary,” to solely use “they, them, their, or theirs.”
This process has been underway for a while.
The FAA has asked its drone advisory panel to explore moving away from words like “unmanned,” “manned,” “airman” and other gender-specific terms for drones as the agency and industry look to attract a more diverse and younger crop of people to the field.
A spokesperson for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International told POLITICO that the group also separately is reexamining its use of “unmanned” and considering a name change, though nothing has yet been decided.
The push is predictably coming from Big Tech’s woke machine.
“I don’t think we want to encourage it. I think we want to demand it,” said David Carbon, vice president of Amazon Prime Air, during the meeting. “And to all the men out there that are rolling their eyes and saying ‘This is political correctness gone mad’ — It’s not.”
There are plenty of women who roll their eyes at a political movement of serial rapists who insist that changing manmade (which refers to humanity, not a gender) is the real issue.
But Dave is the perfect prototype for woke virtue-signaling that covers up real problems. The Australian came over to Ford and then to a little company you may have heard of.
Amazon has hired a former Boeing executive to run its Prime Air drone delivery business, signaling the retail giant’s plans to expand the unit so that it can eventually start flying regular 30-minute shipments to customers’ homes.
David Carbon, who left the troubled airline manufacturer amid problems at the factory he ran, joined Amazon this month, according to a company statement
What sort of problems were there in the cockpit?
A new lawsuit filed in Charleston County Tuesday claims that a former flight line worker at the Boeing plant in North Charleston was fired after supervisors lied about a bird strike during a test flight.
Richard Mester filed the suit against the Boeing Company, which also names 787 program Vice President of Operations Dave Carbon.
Carbon left Boeing to “care for his family” in Australia before making the leap to care for Amazon’s drone machine. Don’t roll your eyes, men! At least he didn’t leave Amazon ‘unmanned’ and instead took a job that should have rightly gone to an oppressed transperson of color.
The executive in charge of Boeing’s troubled 787 Dreamliner factory in North Charleston, S.C., is leaving the company, according to an internal company memo reviewed by The New York Times on Wednesday.
The departure of the executive, David Carbon, the vice president for 787 operations at Boeing South Carolina since 2016, comes about a month after The Times published an article detailing shoddy production practices and weak oversight at the factory.
No full-time successor to Mr. Carbon, who plans to return to his native Australia, was announced. The Boeing memo, written by Brad Zaback, the head of the company’s 787 program, said Mr. Carbon was leaving “to care for his family.”
The Times’s article detailed a decade of problems at the South Carolina plant that continue to plague the factory. Debris was often left on finished jets, planes were badly damaged during the manufacturing process, and employees who tried to register complaints were frequently sidelined.
Current and former employees described finding a stray bolt left in an engine, and a ladder and strings of lights left in the tails of planes that went up for test flights. Sharp metal shavings were regularly found under floor panels, near the wiring that controls the planes.
So Dave is perfect for Amazon which is the Boeing of online retail.
As I keep saying, 9 out of 10 times wokeness is careerism by people who shouldn’t have careers. When you think of leftist politics in those terms, from Marx to Biden, your whole worldview will go into a tailspin. Can we still say tailspin? Or is it offensive to non-avians?
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