Nikki Haley, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, has served her country with high distinction. Indeed, her strong leadership at the UN, preceded by her tenure as governor of South Carolina, serves as a shining example of women’s empowerment. In recognition of her accomplishments, Ambassador Haley has been selected for inclusion on Forbes Power Women list for 2017, which, in Forbes’ words, “identifies a new generation of icons, game-changers and gate crashers who are boldly scaling new heights and transforming the world.” Feminists should be embracing a role model such as Nikki Haley. Instead, these hypocrites have remained silent in the face of sexist smears against Nikki Haley intimating that she may have been having an affair with President Trump.
The smear originated in a suggestive reference to Ambassador Haley in Michael Wolff’s discredited book Fire and Fury, and his comments afterwards in an interview with Bill Maher calling attention to the smear. Wolff wrote in his book, “The president had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a national political future.” Perhaps to bolster sales, Wolff told Maher that he was “absolutely sure” President Trump was having an affair and referred readers to the passage quoted above for a lead as to who the president’s lover may be. “Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re gonna say, ‘Bingo,’” Wolff shamelessly exclaimed.
“It is absolutely not true,” Ambassador Haley shot back. She was understandably disgusted by Wolff’s innuendoes. “I have literally been on Air Force One once and there were several people in the room when I was there,” she said in an interview for POLITICO’s Women Rule podcast, referring to a flight from Washington to Long Island in late July. “He says that I’ve been talking a lot with the president in the Oval about my political future. I’ve never talked once to the president about my future and I am never alone with him.”
“So the idea that these things come out, that’s a problem,” Ambassador Haley added. “But it goes to a bigger issue that we need to always be conscious of: At every point in my life, I’ve noticed that if you speak your mind and you’re strong about it and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that and the way they deal with it is to try and throw arrows, lies or not.”
Wolff is not the first purveyor of unfounded salacious rumors aimed at besmirching Nikki Haley’s reputation. She was accused of an extramarital relationship while running for the governorship of South Carolina and during the early part of her term in office. However, this daughter of Indian immigrants, who worked her way up the ladder of success by sheer merit and grit, is no shrinking violet.
“I saw this as a legislator. I saw this when I was governor. I see it now. I see them do it to other women,” Nikki Haley said during her 40-minute POLITICO’s Women Rule podcast conversation at the U.S. Mission to the UN. “And the thing is, when women work, they prioritize, they focus, and they believe if you’re gonna to something, do it right. Others see that as either too ambitious or stepping out of line. And the truth is, we need to continue to do our job and if that means they consider it stepping out of line, fine. And if that means they’re gonna throw stones, people see lies for what it is. Do I like it? No. Is it right? No. Is it gonna slow me down? Not at all. Every time this has happened, it only makes me fight harder. And I do it for the sake of other women that are behind me because they should never think that they have to put their head down and cower out of fear that somebody’s gonna do something to you.”
The New York Times, to its credit, published an opinion piece by Bari Weiss entitled “The Slut-Shaming of Nikki Haley.” Bari Weiss pointed out the hypocrisy of so-called feminists on the left and their supporters in essentially ignoring sexist attacks when the victim is a conservative woman. “For years, the fundamental complaint of the right in the culture wars has been that the left is hypocritical,” Ms. Weiss wrote, “and the Nikki Haley episode perfectly confirms the point: A prominent Republican woman is smeared. The author who does the smearing is celebrated by all the A-listers, including the most prominent Democratic woman in the country, who herself has a history of giving a pass (or worse) to men accused of sexual assault and harassment.”
The woman Ms. Weiss was referring to was none other than Hillary Clinton, who sought to elevate the status of Wolff’s book by reading an excerpt during the Grammy awards.
“When Matt Lauer subjected Hillary Clinton to a harsh interview, within 24 hours it was common knowledge that it was evidence of misogyny,” Ms. Weiss wrote in conclusion. “But when Nikki Haley is smeared with the most base, sexist lie, it’s met with little more than a collective shrug.”
Hillary Clinton had time to read from Wolff’s smear-filled book during the Grammy awards, to the delight of her liberal Trump-hating audience, but no time to denounce the sexist smear aimed at Nikki Haley. Ambassador Haley’s predecessors at the UN, Susan Rice and Samantha Power, talked a good game about women’s rights and empowerment while representing the U.S. at the UN. However, when they had the chance to defend the current U.S. ambassador to the UN against the vilest innuendo that could be thrown at a woman, this twosome has remained silent.
Left-wing feminists only support their ideological clones. They despise conservative women. Therefore, it should be no surprise that such feminists are perfectly happy to see an accomplished woman like Nikki Haley, who does not adhere to the left’s orthodoxy, be destroyed by scurrilous slut-shaming. Shame on them!
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