Last week, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the soon-departing head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, if it was a “mistake” for schools to be shuttered as long as they were during the COVID pandemic. “We should realize, and have realized,” Fauci answered, “that there will be deleterious collateral consequences when you do something like that,” adding that he had “nothing to do” with schools closing.
This is a transparent legacy-saving revisionism.
Fauci now portrays himself as a humble public health official who had merely shared scientific advice and information with decision-makers. This self-serving depiction conveniently ignores his fearmongering, his coaxing and lying to manipulate behavior and his partisan scheming. Governors regularly leaned on Fauci’s positions as justification for their unconstitutional shutdowns of churches, economic lockdowns and school closures. And Fauci praised them for it. Then-presidential candidate Joe Biden urged governors to “listen to Dr. Fauci” for their guidelines. Most already had. When Biden won the presidency, Fauci blamed the alleged underperformance of the United States under Donald Trump on the “disparate responses of different states versus the unified approach.” The unified approach, of course, was the Fauci approach.
If the spiritual leader of the “follow the science” crowd knew, as he now claims, that “draconian” COVID policies would lead to “collateral consequences,” why didn’t he mention this fact back then? And why did he portray those who did as politically motivated and anti-science?
“Fauci testifies consequences of reopening too soon could be ‘really serious,'” ABC News reported in May 2020. After being grilled by Sen. Rand Paul on the dearth of science justifying school closings, Fauci responded with an alarmist rant about unexplained inflammations among kids caused by COVID. “Be careful,” Fauci warned, because children were not “completely immune” from “the deleterious effects” of COVID, refuting a claim neither Paul nor any other serious critic had ever leveled.
At the time, Ron Klain, a top Biden campaign adviser who now serves as Biden’s chief of staff, tweeted, “I can’t believe I live in a country where the nation’s leading infectious disease expert has to explain to a Senator that we ‘really out to be very careful … when it comes to children.'” Was Klain being “very careful” when smearing those who argued that shutdowns could also hold significant undesirable consequences and did little, if anything, to save lives? For Klain, partisanship trumped public health. For many others, prudence had legitimately morphed into stifling fear. Fauci used this trepidation to feed attacks on those who disagreed with him.
When it mattered, Paul was right. Shutdowns inflicted profound harm on children, not to mention erasing decades of advances. Fauci would often make perfunctory statements during 2020 about the importance of reopening schools as soon as the virus was “under control.” He remained absurdly vague about what that meant. And when any concrete efforts were undertaken to open schools, Fauci opposed them.
In March 2020, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that Florida schools would reopen in April. When left-wing pundits accused the governor of being the leader of a “death cult,” Fauci stood in front of a White House lectern and told the nation that children who went back to school “will likely get infected.” Not “could” get infected but would “likely” get infected. He later told a Tampa television station that, on the subject of opening schools, it “doesn’t make sense when you’re trying to do everything you can to protect children, to do something that would interfere with the protection of the children.”
Later in 2020, three scientists — Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Sunetra Gupta of Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford — released the “Great Barrington Declaration,” a document rejecting the popular position on the efficacy of lockdowns and warning, among other things, about the damaging “physical and mental health impacts” of closing schools. “Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice,” the document stressed. Fauci was not merely passing on the latest public health information when he helped plot a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. No, he used his immense influence to help stifle debate over school closings.
By January of the next year, when it became convenient — and Biden won the presidency — Fauci would finally admit that it was “less likely for a child to get infected in the school setting than if they were just in the community.” The science hadn’t changed. He offered no proof that it had. Now, in the end, it’s elected adherents of Faucism who are most culpable for the “deleterious” effects of school lockdowns. Fauci merely epitomizes the authoritarian public-health mandarin who is imbued with far too much power and influence.
Still, the man who once proclaimed “I represent science” doesn’t get to rewrite history to erase his leading role in that disaster.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books – the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”
Someone wrote fake Kids Book about this fraud with the usual putrid illustrations and I don’t think it was a Best Seller
I was stunned to see you weren’t kidding! I found two suck-up children’s books beatifying that fool. Only Goebbels could’ve troweled on the bullshit any thicker.
The only nauseating unearned praise that surpassed this was when idiot actors Billy Crystal, Robert DeNiro, Spike Lee, and other cosseted fools lavished a bullshit “Founder’s Award” on shithead Andrew Cuomo for his courage in giving press briefings to adoring journalists.
The Hollywood pricks were apparently ignorant of all the elderly that Cuomo condemned to certain death by packing ’em like sardines into rest homes with COVID positive patients. (My guess is that they heard of it, but didn’t give a shit.)
Fauci is, like the U.K. advisor Witty, in bed with the major pharmaceutical corporations that are effectively the same as the World Health Organization part of the U.N.
Corrupt government officials that should be hung, in days gone by their crimes would have been punished but we now have a globalist totalitarian regime.
Worse than closing schools is this worms insistence on children being injected with mRNA shots so that his friends in big pharmaceutical corporations cannot be sued.
A plumber that I work with got the vaccine; he got severe blood clots in his legs about two months later.
(Now he’s having to spend $500+ a month they in the hope that they’ll thin the blood enough to let the clots pass.)
I have a friend who has been unable to walk since the fake vaccine, another who died from unexplained illness, another who had a stroke, and many others who struggle to cope with bright light and sunshine.
Hope your friend recovers and sues Fauci.
I’ll laugh if some bereaved practitioner of “the religion of peace,” tosses a beaker of acid in his face, or liberates his head from his shoulders and posts it online. I’d laugh harder at the former. Let him blow his ill gotten gains on reconstructive surgery, and suffer a bigger fraction of that he caused over his career..
How did your lobotomy go?
Obviously it was a success. And notice the enema nozzle had nothing to refute in the article.
The entire planned reaction to Covid was the biggest hoax in US history. Yes, the virus was real. The reaction to it was evil. All the evidence, every study, etc, showed how the WH, Big Pharma and many in the medical community lied.
Let’s put aside the vaccination for a second. We know that masks don’t stop a virus. Study after study has shown no statistical difference between states that mandated masks to those that didn’t (FL), and contracting Covid.
Almost everywhere you go now masks are optional; not mandatory. Finally, even at airports. Yet, you still are required to wear masks in any DR office, dental, the ER, etc. The management companies, or DR’s themselves if they own the practice, are still requiring masks. How f’n stupid and irritating are these people? And they are medical “professionals?”
I had a sinus infection. Went to a walk in urgent care. Nobody in the lobby. I had difficulty breathing, obviously with a sinus infection. A nurse walks into the building coming from her break. As she walks by she’s pointing to her face and saying obnoxiously “sir, you need to put the mask all the way over your nose.” I was pissed and told her “I have a sinus infection. I can’t breath as it is. I’m not restricting my breathing more by putting a mask on my face.” She continued to walk on by and didn’t respond to me.
Then I hear another voice “honey, sweetheart! Can you please put your mask on.”
I completely agree with the points you make in your response. I felt like telling my dentist this past week, that it was ridiculous for him and his staff to continue wearing a mask all day, every day. But what is the point, so I didn’t.
And I have a friend who is completely vaccinated (5 shots) and I suggested that he might see a different and informative side of Fauci by signing up to watch Kennedy’s new documentary. Instead he sent me the link to this article to read,
It is a history of all of Fauci’s “accomplishments”. I read it and told him that the article made Fauci sound like a God, and gave him a lot of credit and kudos for some areas that were very controversial. But now I said that it was my friend’s turn to take a couple of hours and watch the first part of this well sourced documentary and tell me what he thought. I think he only has today left to watch it for free. I doubt he will.
My dentist doesn’t require them, and I haven’t been to my doctor in over a year, but the local hospital required them in the common areas.
I amused myself by making weird annoying noises and saying weird annoying things, even though I was in a lot of pain. Maybe because I was in a lot of pain and discomfort, it POd me that much. They probably didn’t have advanced biowarfare training like me, but these are people who should know better than this bs. They probably knew who it was, because when I was issued my mask at the ER door, I noticed there was a Sharpie on the desk they had set up, and wrote “placebo” all the way across it, and “for the ignorant,” in smaller letters underneath. The look on the faces of the TWO nurses they had wasting their time and my money on that was immediately worth it. You gotta make them want to get rid of the masks.
While it won’t matter, it is important to note, that the former president of Phizer has brought charges of Crimes Against Humanity, before the world court, against Anthony Fauci..
And the current CEO, Albert Bourla, should be tried as well.
Robert Kennedy Jr’s extensively researched book, The Real Anthony Fauci, details what a disaster this man has been for healthcare in America since 1984. He has been the government point man for the pharmaceutical industry and has paved the way for them to produce dangerous drugs and vaccines without liability. As a result, none of the vaccines in the schedule for children has ever been tested for safety. There has never been a comparison test of health status between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Fauci pushed the trope that vaccines are safe and effective, but the nightmare results we are seeing with the COVID mRNA drugs are just the latest in a high profit swindle the government assumes liability for in many nations, not only the US.
His legacy is one of lies, deception, career building, blackmail, and yes, mass murder.
I am amazed that by now, he has not been attacked by a grieving family member.
“I am amazed that by now, he has not been attacked by a grieving family member.” – Me too. I’ve had lots of family and aquantances that have had problems from the shots, and a few acquaintances that died unexpectedly that I suspect, but, no family members have died from it that I know of.
If only this were true,
Fauci should be fired indicated and arrested for deceiving the American public as to the origins of the pandemic and approving grants for the research to Wuhan that led to the release of the vaccine and obstructing legitimate inquiry into the same
Do you not care about the children who Fauci is forcing his highly profitable clot shots into? They can’t be sued if it’s given to kids, are leftist elites really that bad?
Yes, they are. They can’t maim and sterilize all of them with transgenderism, but they can kill a lot more of them with the shot. “You have to break a few (million) eggs to make a (socialist) omlette,” as one of their heroes said.
Please correct you statement – “When Joe Biden won the presidency…” He absolutely did not win the presidency.
Read an article in a recent issue of The Economist which focused on Fauci.
One thing that struck me was mention of his WIFE and her position in the Government which NEVER seems to be mentioned ANYWHERE….
Fauci, that is, “Science” should be tried and convicted for untold millions of crimes against humanity. So should the VIPs at the jab manufacturers. Since Fauci’s government career began, the federal vaccine schedule for children has doubled with no end in sight. Why work on eliminating causes for disease when you can indefinitely feed a vax culture consisting of greedy labs, foundations, hospitals and governmental leaders?