Birthing people. Womb-havers. Bleeders. People with vaginas. Now, “egg-producing”.
The words “male” and “female” should be phased out in science because they reinforce ideas that sex is binary, scientists have suggested.
Spoiler alert, none of them are scientists. They’re activists who publish papers promoting their activism.
Researchers studying ecology and evolutionary biology should be encouraged to use terms such as “sperm-producing” or “egg producing” or “XY/XX individual” to avoid “emphasising hetero-normative views”, experts say.
“Experts”. Again. There are these constant appeals to authority by radicals trying to dismantle our system of moral and intellectual authority.
There is something grimly funny about the activists denying science and biological differences who insist that sex isn’t binary, discard ‘male’ and ‘female’, and then try to replace them with terms graphically grounded in biology. No matter how much you play with words, Dylan Mulvaney isn’t going to produce any eggs.
Hetero-normative is simply a scientific reality.
Even one of the most famous scientific concepts of all time, the “survival of the fittest”, should no longer be used because it discriminates against people with disabilities and is linked to eugenics, they advise.
At the rate we’re going, that one is going to be field tested before too long.
Oh, I forgot, we’re not allowed to say field testing anymore. That’s been deemed racist.
And I imagine that when a woman passed menopause she should be called a formerly egg producing person!
She ascends to royalty; she’s now a barren.
Well, nobility anyway.
That makes me a Fepp, or maybe a chicken….
So they are going to eliminate their hero Darwin now?
they did a long time ago
“Survival of the fittest” as it’s commonly used isn’t a scientific term. It’s from Social Darwinism which was a worldview popular with Eugenicists, fascist and their modern counter-parts like FPMers. The fitness used to mean “reproductive success” but the “scientific racists” misapplied the term to mean “whites” over all other people.
It actually means environmental adaptation, but you go ahead and get your science from the Daily Show.
Hence the phrase “reproductive advantage”. Did you get confused and lose focus after the first sentence? Now, are you going to be the guy who pretends Eugenics and Social Darwinism aren’t a movement in the case of the former and worldview in the case of the latter?
It always sounds like something out of The Onion or Babylon Bee when these twatwaffles spew their stupid stuff.
What bunch of hate-filled, far right, racist, homophobic, “transphobic” people came up with the term “egg producing” women? Trans women are REAL women… period…
What the hell is a “trans women”? Chromosomes are fixed.
Mixed bathing has a way of erasing uncertainty.
I had it figured out before I was three.
I have a novel idea. Why not use the terms male, female, and other? Then, all this nonsense could be dispensed with.
That’s a good point. The male/female classification isn’t 100% accurate, but it is highly accurate scientifically and extremely useful scientifically. Science isn’t perfect but the male/female model is highly accurate and useful scientifically. Now the radical left wants to throw out thousands of years of scientific work along those lines.
can we now refer to lesbians as non functional egg producers without reprisal?
Females dont “produce” eggs. Unlike men who are capable of “producing” sperm, Females come with a discrete number of eggs when born. Once they reach maturity, an egg is released for potential impregnation during ovulation. Eventually, if that egg is not impregnated, it is discaded through the womans monthly menstral cycle. Once a woman has discarded all her bodies eggs, No further eggs are available or ever produced.
The quacks have it wrong yet again. We are dealing with Morons here.
We can no longer refer to the people who want to change all our definitions as people. Instead they will be called the insane ones, persons of the lie, morons, imbeciles, retards, idiots and democrats.
“Persons of the lie”, that’s a good one.
how about naming names…what scientists ? what experts ? what researchers ? activists ? and from where ?
to quote the movie “The Wild Bunch” : “THEY”…who the hell is THEY ?
Criticizing the use of “they” was a big thing around the time the movie was made, at least in the SF Bay Area. I still remember getting criticized numerous times for that.