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Governments may need to have secrets sometimes, but it’s rather strange when the government is hiding information about enemy nations, not from those nations, but from the American people. Why do that?
The Biden administration and the media recently went after Rep. Mike Turner for warning about new Russian space weapons capabilities.
Was this a case of Rep. Turner letting the cat out of the bag so that the Russians knew that we knew? Not at all. Biden administration officials were secretly telling Russia that they knew all about it.
One reason U.S. officials didn’t widely disseminate intelligence about Russia’s efforts to develop a new space weapon: The administration was trying to start talks to convince Russia to back off the program.
Senior intelligence and administration officials had been reaching out to Russia — along with India and China as possible intermediaries — about the project for weeks before it became public, according to a U.S. official and a person familiar with the outreach…
The two people said that the administration had been worried that if the program became more widely known in Congress or in the public, that might scuttle the nascent efforts to get Russia to abort those tests. The Biden administration had also worried, they said, that if the details of the intelligence were revealed, the source of that information might dry up.
The Biden administration was hiding information about Russia’s weapons capabilities, not from Russia, but from Congress.
Biden’s people claim that they were trying to talk the Russians out of pursuing the program secretly. Did it work?
The officials declined to say whether Russia had responded to the initial reachout, but did say that since the program became public knowledge last week Russia has not shown any willingness to engage on the issue.
That’s a no. And it would not have worked.
This story sounds familiar because it’s very similar to the way China’s spy balloon scandal played out with administration officials hiding the information from the public to avoid embarrassing the PRC.
Is hiding Chinese and Russian projects from the American people really about protecting the notoriously bashful Xi and Putin? Or is it about hiding how weak the administration is from the people it truly fears: Americans?
The Chinese spy balloon program had to be covered up because it made Biden look bad. Russia’s space weapons tests also have to be covered up for the same reason. We could be pursuing technological deterrence, but the Biden administration already ruled that out.
In 2022, I warned that Biden had unilaterally surrendered to Russia and China in the satellite wars.
,Last November, Russia had conducted a DA-ASAT or direct-ascent anti-satellite test which demonstrated its ability to take out satellites. The Russians had used their A-235 anti-ballistic missile system to destroy their own Kosmos 1408 satellite. The message was clear: Moscow had the ability to clear out enemy satellites in the event of any conflict. Including ours.
“I don’t want to get ahead of specific measures that we may pursue,” Biden apparatchik Ned Price fumed, but had vowed that “we won’t tolerate this kind of activity.”
At Vandenberg, Kamala announced that the response would be absolute and total surrender.
Kamala admitted that the Russian and Chinese ASAT tests are “intended to deny the United States our ability to use our space capabilities” and that in response her boss will do nothing.
“We have consistently condemned these tests and called them res- — reckless. But that is not enough. Today we are going further. I am pleased to announce that as of today, the United States commits not to conduct destructive direct-ascent anti-satellite missile testing. Simply put: These tests are dangerous, and we will not conduct them,” she declared.
In the face of Russia and China’s orbital escalation, America will lead by refusing to fight back.
This is what the Biden administration is actually hiding from the American people.
NAVY ET1 says
The Biden administration has been ass backwards with EVERY decision they’ve ever made; 180 degrees out from common sense, let alone national security, so this comes as little surprise. As a former service member, I remember screaming at my TV when the news broke that we were running out of munitions to ship to the Ukraine (because we’d already shipped them everything) and I was like, “Who says that out loud?!”
Only a fool or a traitor, that’s who. In this case, they’re synonymous.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
This incompetent, corrupt Admin is using bad logic yet again. Apparently, they believe if they repeat their fallacious logic enough, it will eventually yield a good result.
They could not be more wrong, they are damn, dangerous fools.
Mickorn says
Yes, the spy balloon scandal! Look up! It’s a spy balloon! Quickly, hide your wive and daughters!
Jeff Bargholz says
As if a woman would marry you or you could get it up and father children. Or a man and adoption, for that matter. You’re too prissy to be a woman so I figure you’re male but not a man.
Yes, we need more spy balloons flying around overhead to map out targets for missile strike in case China missed a few all the other times. The place you live should be at the top of the list but you’re insignificant and inconsequential so the Chicoms just consider quislings like you as useful idiots, assuming you’re even an American and not a foreign enemy. Either way, you’re a turd munching enemy of America.
Bill Halcott says
Remember the concern about those military aged Chinese? Yesterday I heard a report that they already have been seen practicing at a pistol range with sniper rifles and pistols. That didn’t take long.
Chaya says
Well, at least they’re human beings and not robots or gods. `And therefor not totally invincible or immortal
Jeff Bargholz says
The current Chinese military has never been to war so I have no respect for their military capability. Even back in the day when they beat Chiang Kai-Shek’s forces, it was a different military and it only won due to overwhelming numbers in a land war.
Things are very different today and the American military still has plenty of veterans, even with the DEI and tranny insanity it’s infected with.
Besides, they have tiny units.
RS says
Yes, the enemy within. Everyone should be getting prepared for conflict. The Chinese have police stations here too in America.
Domenic Pepe says
Biden’s and the democrat party’s Stab-in-the-Back policies against America and US citizens,
and Israel and Jews amounts to treason and betrayal.
Biden should be impeached, convicted, imprisoned, etc.etc.etc.
Biden and the dem policies are causing the murder of 100,000 US citizens every year by Mexican manufactured drugs being pushed over the Mexican border into America with the approval of the Mexican government and Mexican president Obrador who is a mass murderer of US citizens.
Jeff Bargholz says
Actually, the fentanyl that is reported to be the number one cause of death in America is made in China and cut with poisonous chemicals by the cartels in Mexico. It’s a joint venture.
What other dark Secrets is Biden keeping from us?
Jeff Bargholz says
Dark secrets? He has no idea what his handlers are doing as they sabotage America and he doesn’t care. As long as he gets to pretend to be President, grope little girls, nibble the tops of ice cream cones and have his caregivers change his diapers, he’s content. And he pisses his diapers in cowardly fear whenever Trump is near.
RS says
Theres another spy balloon traveling across the United States, and gathering more information. Ultimately what shall be the cost of coordinating with the CCP against America.? China has been allowed to tamper with our elections, and knows exactly what kind of infrastructure and vital interests we have now.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Diplomats and bureaucrats may function differently, but they achieve exactly the same results.” – Commander Spock
Oh, Alzheimer Joe’s handlers. They’ll save our satellites. Master diplomats and corrupteaucrats that they are. They couldn’t convince a four year old to take his thumb out of his mouth, much less deter Russian aggression. Surrender to foreign enemies is always their first move. They reserve their bureaucratic power for the persecution of parents at school board meetings and people with MAGA hats on. The Russians probably assigned a Kremlin janitor to brush them off during his lunch break.
Russian anti-satellite missiles, Chinese spy balloons and Iranian proxies blowing up Americans? Beijing Biden’s handlers are on the job.
“We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis.” – Commander Spock
President Trump would’ve made Putin ask him permission and say “pretty please” to blow up any Russian satellite under threat of force, just like when he warned him that he’d blow up those pretty towers at the Kremlin if he got out of line.
“The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank.” – Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott