The Autogenocide of Mass Migration
Either people replace their governments or they will be replaced by them.
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President Joe Biden oversaw the single greatest invasion of the country in history. Over the last four years more foreigners entered the United States than at any time over the last 150 years.
Biden’s legacy will be a net migration of over eight million people or the entire population of Libya to America. The foreign born population has hit a high of over 15%. That number is the highest on record for this country, but has ominous parallels in other ‘open borders’ countries.
As of the last census, the UK’s foreign born population stood at 16%. After years of record mass migration, the current numbers are almost certainly even worse with over a million arrivals last year. Before September 11, the foreign born population made up only 8% of the UK.
Since then the percentage has doubled.
In 1990, the foreign born also made up only 8% of the United States. By 2000, it was up to 11%. A generation later, we have reached 15%. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government had deliberately pursued the demographic transformation of the United Kingdom. Net migration quadrupled with the result of absolutely transforming the culture, politics and its way of life.
The percentage of the total population matters less than the percentage of the younger population. Mohammed is now the most popular name for boys in the United Kingdom.
In the UK and the US mass migration was and continues to be sold as an economic benefit. But the entire purpose of it is to replace the population. In the UK, the real goals were to “rub the right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date” and to impose on the public the “benefit of a multicultural society.” Those are the same goals that are being pursued in the US.
When our elected officials talk about diversity, what they are really saying is that we need to be replaced. And open borders policies are the means by which our governments are replacing us.
Americans and Europeans have a choice between replacing their governments or being replaced by their governments. Every year that mass migration goes on is a year in which the governments get closer to their goals of replacing the people they don’t want.
In Bertolt Brecht’s famous satirical poem he mocked the East German government, writing that if “the people had forfeited the confidence of the government and could win it back only
by redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?”
One era’s satire however is another era’s prophecy. Mass migration allows the government to dissolve the people and elect another. Behind all the pretexts of guest workers, refugee resettlement and amnesty is the cold hard reality that our governments are getting rid of us.
Instead of a hard genocide, they are using mass migration to impose a ‘soft genocide’ of demographic replacement that is staggered to take place over time. Those who are most directly replaced are children and the unborn, who cannot vote, and the younger generations, who vote in smaller numbers, while older voters are assured that the new arrivals will work at all the jobs that Americans, Canadians, Australians and Europeans won’t do. And pay taxes.
They do none of these things but they become the political base for the open borders parties.
The majority-minority strategy of the Democrats (which appeared to be working smoothly until the 2024 election) and its counterparts in other Western countries were blatant examples of governments laying out their plans for electing new peoples to replace those already there.
These demographic coups were often carried out in plain view. Deliberate demographic replacement is considered a form of genocide. But genocide is generally carried out by one group against another. What does it mean when a group carries out genocide against itself?
In politics, a ‘self-coup’ or ‘autocoup’ is a seizure of power by the existing government. Mass migration is an autocoup or an ‘autogenocide’ which, rather than seizing power by armed force, corrupts democracy by importing millions of enemy voters to seize the country ‘democratically’.
With timetables that can run to a generation or two, autogenocide can appear to be a gradual transformation. If 100 million people suddenly showed up in America, we would have no doubts that it was an invasion. But break that up annually and it appears to be manageable. Biden’s open borders policies ended the illusion that the invasion was manageable in any way.
But reducing the size of the invasion does not alter the eventual intended outcome.
The difference between healthy and unhealthy immigration does not lie merely in the number of arrivals or in the lawfulness of their arrival. Governments can collude to implement mass migration within the letter of the law. And whether the number of immigrant arrivals is healthy or unhealthy depends on the fluctuating social and economic conditions at any given time.
What really makes immigration healthy or unhealthy is the political intent behind their arrival.
Immigrant groups arriving to seize control of a nation and its resources while having no interest in becoming a part of it are an enemy invasion regardless of their numbers or lawfulness. And when migrants are brought in by a government as part of a self-coup and self-genocide to displace the native population, that is an invasion however they make their way inside.
Autogenocide is an illegal seizure of power, a government coup, and a war crime.
Americans and Europeans are told that to resist the tide of mass migration makes them racists, to refuse war refugees makes them genocidal and to be skeptical of population replacement is intolerant. These are charges that corrupt governments engaged in seizing power from the native population make for their crimes in order to put an outraged people on the defensive.
Opposing mass migration is not a crime. A coup is. Opposing mass migration is not intolerant. Seeking to replace the native population is. Resisting the mass importation of refugees is not genocide, it’s resistance to genocide. And defending the political power of the people against globalist governments seeking to displace and replace them is the very essence of democracy.
Either Westerners replace open borders governments or they will be replaced by them.