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The steep increase in the incidence of rapes in France is entirely a result of the rise in Muslim migrants from North Africa. Fifty percent of the crimes in Paris are noe committed by “foreigners” – overwhelmingly maghrébins; in France’s second city, Marseille, 55 percent of crimes are committed by “foreigners,” also overwhelmingly maghrébins. Muslims make up 9% of the population in France, but 70% of those who have been imprisoned for rape. They do not think they have done wrong; their French victims, after all, are Infidels, and their dress and mien are regarded by Muslims as come-hither invitations to sexual encounters.
An Algerian just convicted of rape at knifepoint by a Paris court was shocked at the verdict of 26 months in prison, astonished that someone as genuinely decent as himself could be punished for this slight infraction. His story can be found here: “‘I came to France to build a future’ – Algerian migrant who raped woman at knifepoint ‘shocked’ to be handed 26-month prison sentence,” by John Cody, Remix News, April 25, 2023:
After 35-year-old Algerian migrant Ahmed Khalef was convicted of raping a woman who was waiting for a tram in the French city of Bègles, he argued that he is a “good person” and that he was “shocked” at the length of his prison sentence.
“I am a good person,” said Khalef in court. On Monday, April 24, the Assize Court of Gironde found him guilty of rape under the threat of a weapon and violence against a person holding public authority.
However, he claimed not to “understand anything. I am shocked to find myself here and in prison for 26 months when I came to France to build a future.”
Yes, we, too, are “shocked” by the sentence – just a bit more than two years in prison for “rape under threat with a weapon” — but not for the same reason as Ahmed Khalef. We are shocked because we would expect at least a ten-year sentence; in some American states, rape in the first degree can bring a sentence of life imprisonment. But Ahmed Khalef, in Ahmed Khalef’s view, is “a good person.” He thinks 26 months is far too long a sentence.
Ahmed Khalef told the court in Gironde that he is deeply disappointed: He’s confused. He cannot understand why he should have received such a “harsh” sentence. After all, he “came to France to build a future.” What kind of “future” do you think he had in mind? He is not an asylum seeker – there is no persecution or war in Algeria for him to have fled — but an economic migrant. He was hoping to “build a future” not through his own work, but based on the cornucopia of benefits the generous French welfare state provides: free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education (including language classes), unemployment benefits, and more. That is the future Ahmed Khalef was “building,” like millions of other Muslim migrants to France, by draining the French treasury of monies that could otherwise have gone to help the French poor and elderly, and even possibly be sufficient to allow the French to keep their retirement age of 62 years.
Note that Ahmed Khalef says nothing about being gainfully employed. Had he been, he would certainly have mentioned it at trial, as a point In his favor. His silence on this score undoubtedly means that, like many Muslim migrants in France, he was unemployed.
The case he was convicted for dates back to 2021. On Feb. 20 of that year, he approached a 20-year-old woman who was waiting for tram C at the Parc Mussonville stop in Bègles.
She became suspicious of the man and moved in front of the tram’s CCTV cameras, according to a report from French news outlet Sud Ouest. This did not deter Khalef, who pressed a knife into her back, dragged her into a park, and then proceeded to rape her by force.
Police had already been called to the scene after witnesses to the incident became concerned about the woman. The victim, who was in a state of shock, saw police walking with flashlights in the park and reported the incident to them.
A little earlier, his attacker had already set his sights on two young 18-year-old passengers by groping them and insulting them in Arabic.
The police indicated that when they moved in to arrest the perpetrator, he began biting his tongue, spitting blood at them, and resisting arrest; he then hit an officer on his nose, resulting in an injury.
Khalef, who said he is an “only son” among seven sisters, told the court he is “a normal person” to whom his parents “gave a good education.”…
Khalef may have been “a normal person” in Algeria, where women who are not Islamically correct in their clothing can be considered as fair game for male sexual predators, but in civilized France, his behavior is not that of “a normal person.”
As to that “good education” he claims his parents made sure he received, what does he mean? Was he taught useful skills that would make him employable? If so, why did he not find a job in France? Or didn’t he bother to look for work, preferring to receive the full panoply of welfare benefits instead?
Ahmed Khalef feels he has been wronged. He was raised correctly, he tells the court, receiving “a good education” We have to wonder whether his “education” included subjects that would help him be gainfully employed.
He’s “shocked” to be treated in such a cruel and unfeeling manner. When he arrived in France, he expected to receive all kinds of benefits. And when he needed sexual release, he thought he’d take his pleasure with a French girl. He failed to understand that Infidel women are not to be treated, as the Pakistani groomers in the U.K. call them, as “easy meat.” It’s all been a cultural misunderstanding. How can the French judges be so unfeeling when this was not at all what poor Ahmed Khalef, a self-described “good person,” ever expected? And doesn’t that 26 months in prison for acting as Muslim men understandably will act with women who are asking for it, such as this 20-year-old Infidel woman, seem awfully harsh? Does that sentence seem fair? Where is the justice that the French are so proud of? Could his sentence be, alas, one more example of Islamophobia?
Well, that “good education” he claims to have had was probably instruction from the Quran. So there’s that. The French should hardly be surprised at his behavior. After all, Muslims say they are the best of people and that Mohamed was “the perfect” man (although a blood drenched rapist).
He should be jailed and executed, He is a dangerous animal
The West won’t execute even serial murderers. The most one can hope for is deportation back to Algeria’s “goodness”. The minimum rule for the West’s self-respect should be one major crime and you’re out. And wishful thinking – over 6 mos. Welfare use for the able bodied and back you go.
It’s all in accordance with Sharia — lie around all day doing nothing, collect the jizya tax to which you’re entitled (and it’s never enough), and rape any infidel “whore” who catches your fancy. How could anyone say that he’s not a good person? It’s not like he murdered one of his Muslim brothers.
//sarc off//
26 months. A little like the duration of the COVID lockdown.
European sentences for serious crimes like rape, murder, armed robbery , etc, are not nearly as harsh as in the US. The US has the harshest sentences for serious crimes in the free world.
The US has the best sentences for serious crime but they should be appliedeven for the muslim terrorists
They should be harsher, and they should be applied rigorously across the board to anyone who commits a serious crime against a person in the United States. Anyone, regardless of who or what he, she, or it is.
Now lets be careful. Any harsher and we risk not being the “land of the free” anymore. The democrats are already trying to turn us into an authoritarian nation. We don’t need to give overzealous prosecuters ammo to force suspects (many times innocent) into accepting long sentences on plea deals due to suspects facing life ending sentences. We live in what still is the greatest nation on earth. Living with the small chance of being a victim to a violent crime is a small price to pay. You have a much greater chance of being hurt in a car accident than you do being hurt by a random violent crime.
Lets not shred the constitution with our mania of eliminating crime.
A wise man once said something about ‘trading our freedoms for security’. Careful what you wish for.
“…in the free world.”
I think harsh sentences for serious crime is necessary to remain free.
Fair sentences are needed to remain free, not harsh.
Sentences are like medicine, the smallest dose to achieve the ends should be administered.
That end should be one, to punish the criminal, two, that naturally acts as a deterent (nothing will deter all criminals).
Eliminating crime should never be the goal of the system in a free country, that would just be utopian fantasy. Lets leave the utopian dreams to leftists!
Giving to much power to government will eventually be abused , and innocents will eventually pay. Look at the persecution of people present at the capital on Jan 6th. Many lives have been ruined over a mini riot. All they had to do was call it an “insurection”, and basically they will lock them up forever if they can!
Dear Mr. Fitzgerald:I believe you meam “Fifty percent of the crimrs in Paris are NOW committed by foreigners.
France and all of Europe who allowed these people to enter their countries out of some sort of guilt are now getting what all Leftist deserve.
No respect and hatred of their western values.
Yeah, cultural differences, which require a limit to how many immigrants are brought in.
The limit should be limited to zero for a long, long time. Immigration should then be resumed when and if it will benefit the nation, economically, spiritually and culturally. Western nations have a right to exist and to preserve their culture, language, tradition, people and religion. Same as every other nation.
When immigration is resumed, citizenship should be conferred rarely for those who love the nation, its people and culture, and whose desire for immigration is not limited to economics.
My fantasy. Pathetic in the current reality, but a small, determined minority can achieve miracles.
Thanks KH. That’s what the math says, in my view 🙂
He believes he is a good person down to his bones.
Never forget the wretched ho btch mother of the Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon Bombers)
screaming her boys were ”good boys”
Down to her bones.
Is that evil bitch still cashing welfare checks?
(She should have her head pushed into an unflushed toilet until she blows bubbles.)
No…until she STOPS blowing bubbles.
Her screaming was both theatrical and serious. Lightbringer’s comment above explains why she was being theatrical. Serious because they are good little jihadi boys. They were doing what their culture, their religion demands and so were being “good.”
It’s obvious that being a “good Muslim” is INcompatible with being a “good western citizen” because devout Muslims are SUPREMACIST and even coming from a mud hut shared with goats they do not respect the civilization that builds skyscrapers and explores space. They prioritize their primitive religious law sharia over western constitutions and laws.
Islam does not mean peace as we in the West understand it. Islam means peace after the non-Islamic part of the world is conquered and brought to heel for allah, the god who runs a heavenly bordello of virgins to reward murderers of women and children in his name. Even Muslim peace is a delusion, seeing how they treat each other. Islam and peace are antithetical.
A Muslim fox in a French hen house will act like a Muslim fox in a French hen house, so why put the focus on the fox?
Suicidal altruism let the all the Muslim predators into the French hen house. Put the focus and the crucial blame on suicidal altruism.
So blame something you can’t touch….altruism. Blame the victim as well because he is just a stupid kaffir.
I notice the one word you never use is deportation. Politicians with the will to do that will be forever celebrated. No one will think to call it the end of altruism (one of your amorphous obsessions). They will call it freedom from a scourge of sub-humans.
Selective immigration, deportation, and closed borders are policies based on rational self-preservation, rational self-interest, rational selfishness, the opposite of altruism and self-sacrifice.
Politicians with the moral conviction to implement selective immigration, deportation, and closed borders would have to be by definition morally convinced that rational selfishness is the highest and most noble moral virtue men can practice and altruism and self-sacrifice are destructive and evil.
Normal people call it self-preservation, self-interest, selfishness, or if you wish, protecting the country.
The word rational never comes up. It’s an Objectivist construct and as always, no one cares what you and buddies call it. It’s what leftists always do….torture the language.
Your second paragraph as usual, is an exercise in the theoretical. Politicians are interested in getting re-elected. The word rational does not figure into the equation, as much as you want it to in your imaginary fantabulous world
The blame needs to be on both the fox and suicidal altruism. The fact that some idiots let them in does not absolve the fox.
What you say is absolutely true that’s why I qualified my comment by stating the CRUCIAL blame is on the suicidal altruist who invited the fox into the hen house, that does not absolve the Muslim fox’s evil.
France has plenty of chamber of commerce types who like cheap labor (notwithstanding that most “refugees” wont work); dont forget that.
Let’s say you need workers because your citizens have stopped replacement levels of breeding. The plummeting birth rate and high abortions of convenience leave a gap that has to be filled from somewhere.
So you look around the world and decide to import millions from a belief system Islam with one of the worst work ethics and human rights records in 57/57 countries it runs.
This is not altruism. This is sheer stupidity.
If my sister, mother, aunt, cousin he raped then he would die. Yes, I said it, wrote it. If you don’t like it IDG1F
What else is a man to do when the law will not protect him from the depredations of those who will not live under the law? God bless you.
You know the investigation would be unusually thorough and you would be locked up for life for what will be processed as a “hate crime” whereas the rape of an “infidel” woman was NOT prosecuted as a hate crime and drew only 26 mos. in prison.
The western legal system under leftists has become sado-masochistic – masochistic going easy on rapists and murderers but sadistic against any westerner who fights back in even the mildest way e.g. the Jan 6 protestors.
“They do not think they have done wrong; their French victims, after all, are Infidels, and their dress and mien are regarded by Muslims as come-hither invitations to sexual encounters.”
Isn’t it long past time for Western Europe to get off the “dole” of bringing in Muslims to do the work they don’t want to do? The Muslims don’t want to work any way. They expect the welfare so they can get on with their real job…. raping and pillaging.
How long does the “free stuff for Muslim money” last? Margaret Thatcher said Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money. It looks like we are at that point. And it’s coming here to the U.S.
Screw the Left. Don’t worry about the inevitable protestations. Deport the Muslims and institute a strict ban on all Muslim immigration.
Sorry France but 26 Months is no long enough by Life in prison is and back in the days when they would probably been Guillotined for t his crime
He won’t serve the full sentence either, he’ll be out for good behaviour in just over a year.
Eventually, France will realize the best treatment for these immigrant Muslims is a testosterone blocker. A much better use for the drug than gender dysphoric men.
So, after 26 months, where will this monster be? Back at it, I guess. I used to say to myself, “France….geez.” Now I say, “America…..geez.”
He is a good moslem
He is following in mohammeds footsteps
Its online work
That 26 months does not mean actual 26 months as he will probably get out in 12-14 months, even less if he acts in a good manner while inside.
Then he can tell this Court that he is a good muslim rapist.
Oh how muslims laugh and laugh in the faces of European men.
Sounds like he was raised as a sociopath. Violent rapists should be executed. Hopefully there’s a deportation waoting for him when je finishes his prison sentance. If this degenerate is the norm it’s madness to allow Algerians to enter France or any other suppossedly civilised vountry
Historically, such behavior is par for the course for Muslims. Anyone who studied their history should know that. At least from the older books that the leftists haven’t revised yet.