Le 9 août 1982 des terroristes #palestiniens tuent 6 personnes et en blessent 22 autres au restaurant #Goldenberg #ruedesRosiers. Nous ne les oublions pas. Ni le refus de la #Jordanie et de la #Norvège d’extrader des ” suspects” vers la #France. @EmmanuelMacron @EPhilippePM pic.twitter.com/fWfh9dAP4y
— Haim Musicant (@MusicantHaim) 8 août 2019
Paris, le 9 août 1982 à 13h15 : l’attentat de la rue des Rosiers fait 6 morts et 22 blessés ⏯️ https://t.co/Cwpm0gPYSg pic.twitter.com/pFUISzA522
— Ina.fr (@Inafr_officiel) 9 août 2019
Vox populi…déjà le peuple criait « Mitterrand complice »…on devrait davantage écouter le peuple… estomaquée des revelations de l’ancien patron du renseignement Yves Bonnet… #terrorisme #Goldenberg #RueDesRosiers. https://t.co/LTymkPKw2I
— Corinne ATLAN-TAPIER (@C_ATLAN_TAPIERO) 10 août 2019
Commémoration des 36 ans de l’attentat perpétré dans le restaurant #Goldenberg 7 rue des Rosiers : souvenons-nous de Mohamed Benemmon, André Hezkia Niego, Grace Cuter, Anne Van Zanten, Denise Cherche Rossignol et Georges Demeter, victimes du terrorisme @ArielWeilT @Karentaieb4 pic.twitter.com/j9XReoJ4xq
— Mairie du 4e (@Mairiedu4e) 9 août 2018
This isn’t a recent event. It took place in the eighties. But the outrage that JNS discusses is a paradigm for the type of dirty deal that European authorities have made with Islamic terrorists.
French authorities made a secret pact with the Palestinian terrorist organization behind the 1982 bombing of the Chez Jo Goldenberg Jewish deli in Paris, French daily Le Parisien reported over the weekend.
According to the report, the terrorists, members of the Abu Nidal faction of Fatah, were guaranteed free movement in France in exchange for a promise of no further attacks on French soil.
The breakthrough in the investigation into the attack, which killed six people and wounded 22, sheds light on one of the more disgraceful chapters in French history.
According to Le Parisien, former head of French domestic intelligence (DST) Yves Bonnet confessed in January to making the deal.
“We made a kind of verbal deal in which I said, ‘I don’t want any more attacks on French soil and in return, I’ll let you come to France, and I guarantee nothing will happen to you,’ ” the paper quoted Bonnet as having told the magistrate in charge of investigating the attack.
Abu Nidal’s real name was Al Banna. His background was Islamic.
The older brothers, more devout Muslims than the father had been, took Abu Nidal out of the mission school and enrolled him in a Muslim school in Jerusalem, now known as al-Umaria, at the time one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. He attended the school for about two years.
The Al-Banna family is of course closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
An arrest warrant was only issued for the bombers, Walid Abdulrahman Abou Zayed, Mahmoud Khader Abed, and Zuhair Mohammed Hassan Khalid al-Abbasi, were only issued in 2015.
Here was how the attack happened.
Grenade-throwing Palestinians burst into the Jo Goldenberg deli on Aug. 9, 1982, and sprayed machine-gun fire. Six people, including two Americans, were killed, and 21 injured. The restaurant, which has since closed, was a centerpiece tourist attraction in the famed Marais neighborhood.
The dead included two Americans, Grace Cuter and Anne Van Zanten.
At the time, French authorities pretended that they were legitimately concerned.
Unidentified gunmen, firing submachine guns and hurling a grenade, attacked a kosher restaurant and passers-by in a Jewish neighborhood at lunchtime here today, killing 6 people and wounding 22.
The police said the attack had been carefully planned and involved as many as five or six assailants. One of them threw a grenade into the restaurant while the rest opened fire on patrons and then fled on foot in the narrow streets between the City Hall and the Place de la Bastille, shooting bursts into doorways and at automobiles.
”Considering the circumstances and the site of this indescribable action, everything suggests that anti-Semitism was the ugly motive,” said Interior Minister Gaston Defferre, who visited the area along the Rue des Rosiers after the attack.
Mayor Jacques Chirac described the raid as ”horrible” and said, ”Alas, its racist character appears beyond doubt.”
Tonight, when President Francois Mitterrand went to a memorial service at a synagogue on a street near where the attack took place there were angry shouts and shoving between policemen and spectators. Cries of ”Mitterrand treason!” and ”Mitterrand the killer!” went up as the President left his automobile.
After leaving the service, when the crowd had become less aggressive, the President said: ”I’ve always been and I am a friend of the Jewish community of France. Today a new attack by cowards bloodied this community. I bow to its victims and I say that this fanaticism, like all fanaticism, will find itself having to deal with me.”
Now we know that the French authorities were in bed with the terrorists.
France has served an unfortunate purpose as an incubator for a generation of Communist and then Islamist terrorists. And it’s hard to believe that was accidental.
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