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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
With the sweetheart deal that Hunter Biden just got from federal prosecutors, Attorney General Merrick Garland has once again confirmed that he has taken the Justice Department, which was once the envy of the world for its indefatigable commitment to equal justice for all, and turned it into a squad of legal hit men for foes of the Biden regime and a legal laundromat for the regime’s members and cronies, most notably for the alleged president’s crackhead influence-peddling son. Garland himself, however, bristles if you believe your lying eyes on this matter. On Friday he complained that charges that his Justice Department was doling out frame jobs for dissidents and skates for friends of the regime was a threat to — that’s right! — our “democracy.”
As has been pointed out many times, when Leftists profess to be worried about the health of “our democracy” (I know, I know, it’s a republic), they’re really referring to threats to their own hegemony over the nation’s political and cultural spheres. Garland confirmed this Friday when a reporter noted that some Republicans are talking about the corruption of the Justice Department, and asked him: “Do the American people have cause to be concerned about the integrity of the components of this Justice Department, and what do you have to say about how they’re reacting?”
In his answer, Garland went as heavy on the self-righteous unctuousness as a kid drenching his fries in ketchup: “I certainly understand,” he huffed, “that some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department as components and its employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike. Uh, this constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people. Nothing could be further from the truth.” There it is: attack Merrick Garland and his revoltingly corrupt henchmen, and deplore the dumpster fire they have made out of a department that is supposed to administer impartial justice, and you’re attacking “American democracy.”
Note Garland’s appalling sleight of hand: he equates an attack on his Justice Department, which is a gang of Leftist liars who tried to frame an elected president of the United States for crimes he didn’t commit and classified angry parent at school board meetings as terrorists, with an attack on the very idea of a Justice Department. For he is of course right, as far as it goes: the Justice Department is indeed essential to American democracy, or rather, to the American republic. That’s why we’re in the fix we’re in: because the Justice Department is now a public relations office for those whom the regime favors and a no-holds-barred instrument of vengeance against those whom the regime hates. Those who are attacking it are not against the institution at all but against the mess that Garland has made of it.
Garland, however, insists that he and his far-Left minions have behaved with perfect probity. He added: “You’ve all heard me say many times that we make our cases based on the facts and the law. These are not just words. These are what we live by. They’re the foundation of the way we make these decisions.” Gee, that’s reassuring, but here’s a shocker: Garland was not exactly being honest.
Just the News reported Thursday that “Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers are directly challenging Attorney General Merrick Garland’s claim that David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware, was allowed to run his Hunter Biden tax probe free of political interference.” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) recently asked Garland “to describe what would happen if Weiss wanted to pursue charges against President Biden’s son outside of his Delaware jurisdiction, considering Garland hadn’t made him a Justice Department special counsel.”
Garland responded, “I promise to ensure that he’s able to carry out his investigation and that he’d be able to run it. And if he needs to bring it in another jurisdiction, he will have full authority to do that.” However, an IRS said that at an Oct. 2022 meeting between Weiss, IRS investigators, and FBI agents, Weiss was told he could not bring his case against Hunter Biden to Washington. “And then he went back and asked for special counsel authority, and they told him no.” Impartial justice!
House Republicans could do a great deal to expose and end the Justice Department’s deep corruption if they impeached Merrick Garland. Aside from Old Joe himself, no Biden regime official would be more deserving.
Steven Brizel says
Democracy for Democrats means maintaining power by any and all means
Beez says
The U.S. is a democracy. Does anyone want to tell him?
Jim says
The US is now a banana republic. Thank Obama and Biden for that
Jerome F Roth says
Well, Beez, The U.S. is not a democracy. The U.S. is in fact a Constitutional Republic. Get educated…
Chief says
I think he is referring to the fact that the current U.S. administration is a Democracy.
SEMANTICS HAVE SUCCEEDED ADMIRABLY IN CONFUSING THE LOW INFORMATION CITIZENS, (AND THERE ARE MANY), AMONG US. They have used the word DEMOCRACY as if it was Society’s cure all full well knowing that our “leftist driven schools and universities “buried” the term CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The unfortunate part of trying to reinstate it’s significance and function is the rabid corruption harbored by so many members of both parties. CREDIBILITY went “bye bye”. And what is left?- Satieting hedonism , ignorance and divorce from Reality with SLAVERY Right Around The Corner ! ! !
Greg says
And you may recall that Anthony Fauci, the mad doctor who brought us Covid hysteria, famously declared himself to be “science” and dismissed his critics as (…drumroll…wait for it…) “anti-science.”
World@70 says
Just recently, in the news:
Starting July 1, Fauci will serve as a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases that trains future physicians in infectious diseases.
At Georgetown, I beleive
A whole new swarm of Fauci’s is about to be released. Vaccine anyone?
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes Georgetown. And he has no training or experience as a teacher or professor. What a sick joke. First he poisons millions of people with covid and now he’s going to poison young minds. And he knows NOTHING about infectious diseases, despite his long tenure at National Institution of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. He’s had absolutely no training or education in epidemiology and is unqualified to teach it. He’s just going to give lying lectures and boast of his fictional accomplishments.
The guy deserves to be executed for genocide.
Mark Sochor says
Nothing succeeds like failure for the left. Colleges are getting filled with these miscreants.
Kasandra says
I don’t know how Garland could have made that statement without breaking into gales of laughter. And to prove how dishonest he was being, just a couple of days later some arm of his DOJ leaked to CNN evidence in the Trump persecution in an effort to give the media a “hook” to opine on Trump’s guilt and to taint the jury pool in advance of trial. Meanwhile, no leaks whatsoever from the Biden special investigator’s office on the classified documents Joe was illegally in possession of. He uses the word “democracy” but apparently doesn’t know what it means.
Mark Sochor says
“Democracy” is a fancy name for mob rule. And the Democrats are running the current version.
Jeff Bargholz says
Ironic that he himself wasn’t elected in his fictional democracy. What an asshole. Dirtbagocrats have long claimed America is a democracy to trick the public into equating the party with our form of government. They also do it to distract from the fact that the Republicans are named after our true form of government, a republic, as the Constitution created it.
Mark Sochor says
Not sure if Garland really believes all.Americans are that obtuse or he actually believes what he’s shoveling? Been thinking that the DOJ needs to decouple from the executive branch to the judiciary, but after the SCOTUS just removed the Constitutional enumeration of election authority from state legislators and giving it to our black robed megalomaniacs, I’m rethinking my position. Not looking good for the rule of law.
Jeff Bargholz says
No Gayland doesn’t believe his sleazy lies.
Fred A. says
America is not a democracy for a lot of reasons. It is in fact an illusion. The American people have no real say so in how they are govern. That is just the way it is in America.
You want a real democracy, then add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution whereby no troop can be sent or based in another country without a direct vote up or down by the American people themselves. Second, the United States cannot interfere in the election of another country should be included as well. This would avoid a lot of wars in the future.
We have a government of the politicians, by the lobbyists, and for the special interest groups.
TRex says
to paraphrase Steve Deace; “we are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of political will.” To anyone who’s paying attention, the Democrats are not lacking in will power unlike the controlled opposition.
Garland is just like Biden ridin the Jackass closer to the edge of the bottomless pit with this fake stuff against Trump and Soros should be riding with him
DC says
Armed citizen stops mass shooting in Las Vegas.
The police and the FBI seem to be angry about it.
The Deep State will kill as many people as they have to to get gun control for the DEMS.
“WATCH: Brave Armed Citizen Guns Down Would-Be Mass Shooter In Las Vegas – Legal Analyst Reveals How Local Officials and Police Are Hiding the Truth from the Public”
Isahiah62 says
If even questioning Garland’s motive for the very selective & Biden admin directed prosecutions (persecutions) is “an attack on democracy”, what does this man say about the recent attacks on Supreme Court Justices & the ridiculous trumped up “ethics violations”?
We,ve been truly living in interesting times since the Obama installation
Edward Letkiewicz says
Garland’s DOJ has no integrity.
Jeff Bargholz says
To say the least. It’s a criminal enterprise.
Mark Bradley says
Just think AG Marrick Garland was a minute from Supreme Court.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, and he was being touted as an honest moderate, just like Blowhard Biden was. What a sick joke. We dodged a nuke with that crooked lowlife assigned a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. He’s done more than enough damage as AG but at least he’ll be gone in a year and a half. Even if some Dirtbagocrat has the election handed to him/her, that person won’t be Beijing Biden and won’t keep Gayland around.
Manny says
If the DOJ had men of integrity leading the branches of the DOJ then maybe we wouldn’t have to question its unlawful conduct. They give themselves away by their own censorship of freedom of information. They act suspiciously because their leadership tells them. If they would be transparent and not look and act suspiciously leftist, then maybe America could trust them. I notice that the democrats never question their dark activities.
Bob Boskey says
The Left has taken “Democracy” and made it into a catch-all WOKE construction to throw those disagreeing with them into a Kafka type abyss of political damnation.
LarryL says
Any beautiful women who don’t want to sleep with me are lesbians.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Liberals and Liberal Democrats, UN, Globalists don’t want anyone who supports the U.S. Constitution that’s why they oppose Clarence Thomas
SwiftJustice says
What “Democracy” is that? Oh, you mean Territorial Washington D.C. and it’s British Crown Corporation OWNERS? That would be the ONLY Democracy around. Sure as puck ain’t our de Jure REPUBLIC.
AbsurdlyCritical says
That’s funny because Garland’s “Just Us” Department has no integrity…oh noes I’m attacking “our democracy” (never mind that we are actually a republic, currently a banana one at that). I guess it is time to lock me up in the reeducation gulag so I can stop being “a threat to democracy” and have the same opinions that the regime in power approves of because that is what “a democracy” is all about.