Media awards show where the media’s trajectory is at any given time. And the George Polk awards, one of the more prestigious media lovefests, provide a troubling glimpse into the media’s priorities.
Here they are, mostly verbatim.
Among the journalists honored for their work in 2018 were two Reuters correspondents imprisoned in Myanmar after uncovering the slaughter of Rohingya villagers, a writer who risked his life in Iraq to document revenge heaped upon questionable ISIS collaborators, and two of Jamal Khashoggi’s Washington Post colleagues who sought to hold Saudi Arabian authorities accountable for his murder.
Reporters won in 16 categories. One revealed how a federal prosecutor now in President Donald Trump’s cabinet helped a wealthy alleged sexual predator avoid a lengthy prison sentence in Florida. Another amassed evidence of alleged ballot fraud in a disputed North Carolina Congressional election. A third trekked to the far reaches of war-torn Yemen to provide visual proof of rampant famine and death.
A team of reporters in Louisiana showed that convictions from split juries disproportionately impacted non-white defendants. Another team in Arizona combed records to reveal false claims and insider deals in the charter school industry. A third converged on the southern border and then spread across the country to show the traumatic effects of separating children from parents and other relatives under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of immigration.
Reporters analyzed a voluminous trove of documents to trace President Trump’s personal wealth to gifts from his father rather than to his own business acumen
The larger theme here is none too subtle. A few of the investigative pieces appear to be non-partisan, but the vast majority consist of social justice spam, Trump trolling and Islamist agenda promotion.
That means pushing propaganda in support of Islamist conflicts in Myanmar and Yemen. Not to mention Khashoggi, an old friend of Osama bin Laden.
The New York Times gets an award for promoting the censorship of conservatives on social media, promoting a conspiracy theory that blames Trump’s victory on Facebook.
The award for National Reporting goes to the staff of The New York Timesf or a series of investigative reports focusing on how social media titans like Facebook maximized profits and misled regulators as well as the public with little regard for the consequences of failing to monitor misuse that included the widespread dissemination of hate-mongering, invasion of privacy and filing false reports.
Also for smearing President Trump.
David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner of The New York Timesare honored for Political Reporting for an 18-month study of President Trump’s financial history
And more Trump trolling…
Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald is honored in the Justice Reportingcategory for “Perversion of Justice,” a series that solved an old mystery: How did Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy hedge fund manager who allegedly sexually abused under-age girls as young as 14 and lured them into prostitution, wangle a plea deal allowing him to serve 13 months on local work release rather than serious federal prison time? Brown traced the deal to a secret meeting between Alexander Acosta, then a federal prosecutor, and a former colleague of Acosta’s in a prestigious Washington law firm.
Meanwhile there’s no interest in the true abuses by local authorities, invariably Democrats, who deliberately gave Epstein a pass. Or on Epstein’s ties to Democrats. This hit piece didn’t “solve a mystery”, it was the media belatedly realizing that one of their old stories that they had covered up could be used to damage Trump.
The staff of ProPublica wins the award for Immigration Reporting for “Zero Tolerance,” a series of reports that dramatically altered the conversation about the Trump Administration’s strategy of separating children from adults accused of entering the U.S. illegally along the southern border in a thinly veiled deterrence effort
Bias? What bias, when describing a policy that long predated Trump.
Then there’s a hit piece on charter schools, the enemies of the teachers’ unions and their Democrat beneficiaries.
The award for Education Reporting goes to Craig Harris, Anne Ryman, Alden Woods and Justin Price of The Arizona Republic for initially disclosing insider deals, no-bid contracts and political chicanery that provided windfall profits for investors in a number of prominent Arizonacharter schools,
More Republican hit pieces…
The award for Local Television Reporting goes to Joe Bruno of WSOC-TV in Charlotte, N.C., for stories that helped establish with certainty that McCrae Dowless, a Republican political consultant
You get where this is going…
A Special Award is presented to columnist David Ignatius and Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah of The Washington Post for their eloquence and resolve in demanding accountability from the Saudi Arabian government and candor from the Trump Administration in the wake of the gruesome murder of their colleague and friend, Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
In fact, Khashoggi was a Qatari lobbyist. His columns were written by the Islamist pro-terrorist regime. The goal of his Qatari backers and the Washington Post was regime change in Saudi Arabia, to replace its current monarch with one friendlier to Islamic terror groups.
Especially the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Washington Post is getting an award for participation in regime change informational warfare using lies on behalf of a terror state.
This is what the media’s journalism looks like today.
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