Two years after the Los Angeles Times predicted the end of snow in California, I stood outside in a hailstorm as my daughter giggled and tasted the little pieces of ice falling on her pink jacket.
We were not up north, but in Los Angeles where colorful trumpet vines drape across walls all through the winter and jackets normally might as well be fossils. But on Friday, snow had fallen on the Hollywood sign and dusted homes in the Hollywood Hills. On Saturday, hail was falling not all that far from the ocean so that my daughter got her first taste of the real thing.
Higher up, California children who had never seen snow were building their first snowmen.
“A ‘no snow’ California could come sooner than you think,” the Los Angeles Times warned in 2021. That fall, it reported that, “Tahoe ski resort opens early after massive snowstorm.”
Now it’s struggling to describe how “snow in L.A. feels like an amazing reprieve from climate change” and whining that, “California needs rain and snow — but can we handle this?”
California can handle it, the LA Times and climate change chicken littles may not be able to.
In early February, the U.S. ski team announced that they would be wearing race suits with pictures of chunks of ice to bring attention to how silly they look and to global warming.
“I’m just worried about a future where there’s no more snow. And without snow, there’s no more skiing,” complained Travis Ganong.
Travis needn’t worry too hard. Lake Tahoe is under a blizzard warning with 5 feet of snow expected to fall. Local social media is filled with videos of cars skidding in the snow and people have already been killed in a medivac flight. The skier knows that perfectly well since last year he was alternating ‘end of snow’ nonsense with weather reports of massive snow in the area.
Mammoth is swamped with skiers and has officially extended its season to Memorial Day with possible skiing in July. The future of “no more snow” has been pushed back to August.
Travis was one of a number of skiers to sign a letter to the Ski and Snowboard Federation urging it to use its “political power” to “speak up, show real commitment and take a stance on the climate crisis.” The Californian apparently did this while skiing 6,000 miles away in Austria.
If ski resorts and skiers really believed that “carbon emissions” are destroying the planet, they’d stay home and shut down. Or they could go on with their lifestyles while demanding that commuting to work or heating our homes should be priced out of the reach of ordinary people.
The ski race suit stunt is the work of Protect Our Winters which tried to push this narrative last year and failed just as humiliatingly when Vail Mountain announced its longest continuous season and even Denver broke weather records for the coldest temperature in 109 years.
In 2019, ski trade groups announced that they were banding together as the Outdoor Business Climate Partnership to fight global warming.
“As an industry, we can make an impact through advocacy, innovation, and collaboration with the legislature, guests, and other industries,” Mike Reitzell, president of Ski California, argued. “Climate action requires the effort of many, not the few.”
Mike has a different problem now.
“Southern California roads are not used to that amount of snow, so it’s certainly going to take more time to clear,” he complained. “This is probably going to be one of the best marches in Southern California history when it comes to skiing and snowboarding. But with that certainly comes with its challenges.”
Climate action doesn’t require anyone’s effort because nothing we do will change the weather, but shoveling snow and clearing roads: that really does require everyone’s effort.
One resort warned of a “monster storm” and urged people “to stay put until this storm’s over.”
Beyond California, Arizona is enjoying 200% above average snowpacks. Flagstaff’s ski resorts have been so packed that cars are crashing on the I-40 as people are struggling to reach them. The area just had its third biggest snowfall since 1949.
Five years ago, Flagstaff had enacted its Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. Like most socialist projects, it was a five-year-plan. And five years later it’s a farce.
“Winter helps give Flagstaff an identity. What happens when it’s not so wintry?” the Arizona Republic had asked, moaning that, “as the effects of climate change intensify, Flagstaff’s snow-covered natural winters have started to melt”.
The real question is what happens when the narratives start to melt?
In Utah, a ski resort reported the highest snow numbers since the 1980s. Salt Lake City had the snowiest Feb 22 on record and the eighth highest snowiest day. The 7th highest was in 2021.
“Can climate change affect Utah’s chance for Winter Games return?” the media asked last month. That question has been answered, but ‘warmunists’ never take yes for an answer.
Protect Our Winters is busy fighting Project Willow, an Alaska drilling project backed by local Eskimo tribes, that would create thousands of jobs and make it more affordable for those tens of millions of Americans who aren’t champion skiers or own ski resorts to afford to fill their cars.
The snow, which like the polar bears, the land, the rivers, and all the things that ecohoaxers claim are in short supply, is plentiful. And there’s even hail falling on Los Angeles. But no amount of inconvenient truths will ever deter the special interests who claim to want to save the planet, but only intend to make themselves wealthy by taking away everything we have.
The same G-d who can make hail fall in Southern California has blessed us with an enormous bounty and has a knack for making a mockery of those who think they can control the weather.
Last year, Hollywood spent over $100 million on ‘Don’t Look Up’, a hamfisted satire starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the prince of private jets, about a society that is so apathetic that it refuses to see the climate disaster right overhead. The movie failed badly. But on Friday, the industry’s principal talent could look up and watch as snow fell on their roofs and on the Hollywood sign.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel, one of my favorite issues.
We had several inches of snow, I don’t think the city has a snow plow or even a snow blower.
Daniel Greenfield says
they were probably too busy planning for climate change
Kasandra says
Don’t worry. We’ll soon be hearing that massive snowfall is also a result of global warming, er, climate change.
Daniel Greenfield says
That’s why they call it climate change. Since the weather is always changing, that’s proof of climate change.
Time to ban all the cars, plastic bags and food.
Anne says
I love it that these Climate Change Gurus get proven wrong continually by God.
Daniel 2:21 tells us that He changes Times and Seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in the darkness, and light dwells with him.
Daniel knew and proclaimed that God “deposes” kings and raises up others, that he controls everything that happens. God governs the world according to his purposes.
Don Davenport says
I remember in the late 80’s it was called the “greenhouse effect” and about 5 years later was rebranded to “global warming”.
When predictions of Florida being under water by 2007 never materialized then it was re-branded to “climate change”.
They will still use “global warming” during warm spells in the winter and hot spells in the summer but for everything else like the snowfall in southern California its “man-made climate change”.
They will also blame “climate change” on racism, terrorism and for Kaitlyn Jenner not being selected for Dancing With the Stars.
David Ray says
One could write a book on hysterical leftist predictions that always go bust, as there are so many.
Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 alarmist book “The Population Bomb” is a famous prediction that bombed BIG TIME.
It’s date for calamity 1978, came & went a long time ago, and the cosseted professor isn’t even embarrassed.
Being a leftist fool means never having to say you’re sorry . . . the disgraced professor still teaches new crops of idiots.
CowboyUp says
He bumped it up to 1992 after that, but it was just as wrong. They never factor in irrigation, technological advancements, or other factors that increase production and distribution. That’s why they’re so bent on eliminating fertilizers, restricting water, and reducing cultivated and grazing land. They’re trying to create that crisis so they can use it.
Lightbringer says
Can’t believe that people still fall for the hysterical predictions of that outdated, disproven Malthusian creep. There is indeed a sucker born every minute.
Anne says
Al Gore got rich off of predicting Climate change. He and the others abuse the environment, but they like to use it to condemn everyone else so they can get rich.
Daniel Greenfield says
And, mind you, the ridiculous Greenhouse Effect concept came from a long since disproven Science Fiction idea that Mars and Venus once used to be like Earth until their climate changed
Algorithmic Analyst says
“Mars was an inhabited world whose native race was facing extinction because the planet was losing its water”
I’m old enough to remember when grownups took such ideas seriously.
Daniel Greenfield says
Surprising how much of the Left’s beliefs emerge from Science Fiction
Case in point, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman: Asimov’s Foundation novels grounded my economics
The fantastical tale offers a still-inspiring dream of a social science that could save civilisation
Lightbringer says
The Foundation Series is an overrated set of books by an overrated author, set in a creepy dystopian future. I have no idea why people waste their time reading it. Unfortunately I was one of those people, after hearing it praised so long and loudly as containing important ideas.
Anne says
The Viking Space Missions were to search for Extraterrestrial life, but no unequivocal evidence of biological activity was found. Mariner 9 was placed on Mars in November of 71 until October of 72 which covered a wide range of missions, gathering photo, spectroscopic and radio-propagation data. The left lives in a fantasy world,
Dan Foster says
It’s almost like you can’t tell the difference between what scientists say and how the media reports on the same subject.
Intrepid says
Well, we know which science you follow…..Fauci “science”. Climate “science”
Still waiting for Florida to disappear. Still waiting for the ice sheets to melt. And the polar bears to disappear. Meanwhile LA is having snow this year.
Dan Foster says
I know Greenfield didn’t link the actual article he referenced. He’s a liar and manipulator like that. It was about a study that said Cali could be snow free by 2050. Also, again, weather is not climate. This is such a basic mistake it’s obvious by this point those who still trot it out are acting in bad faith.
Daniel Greenfield says
60 Minutes recently had on ‘scientist’ Paul Ehrlich who claims humanity will be going cannibal soon
‘We will soon be asking is it perfectly okay to eat the bodies of your dead because we’re all so hungry?,’ he told HuffPost live host Josh Zepps.
He added that humanity is ‘moving in that direction with a ridiculous speed.
of course he’s been claiming that millions of Americans were going to starve to death in the 1980s
you want liars and manipulators? your movement is built on them
David Ray says
Kinda reminds me of when that ship-of-fools sailed to the arctic in order to record the melting ice caps. The idiots’ ship got trapped in ice and had to be freed. Oops!
As for California, I’m sure another wildfire will melt any leftover snow. Leftist policy prevents any clearing of undergrowth or fallen trees that turn into kindling.
PG&E are too busy going “green” to update their old power lines. They snap and ignite the tinder brush – and California burns once again.
It’s worth noting that these fires stop at forest area owned by Boise Cascade. (They clear underbrush, thin their forests, and clear huge swaths adjacent to the public forest area controlled by KenDoll Newsom.)
CowboyUp says
Fire breaks help a lot, but California leftists also prevent those. They’re not real fire breaks, just paths that maintenance and fire fighting vehicles can get down. They’re often hard to see in Georgia, because they’re used so little that leaves and pinestraw usually cover them.
Some of those California wildfires look intentionally set. They just pop up first in too many nearby places at once for it to be natural or accidental.
Dan Foster says
Logging companies have been caught setting fires in the past to open an area for logging.
Intrepid says
Really….which ones? And if they actually did do that what is wrong with that. Isn’t it called forest management?
Dan Foster says
No, it’s called arson.
Anne says
It’s common sense to know that dead growth sits and dries out and is very combustible, especially on the hillsides in California. One spark causes a massive wildfire, but the left continues to live in a bubble and lack of knowledge on SOLUTIONS.
BLSinSC says
“Don’t look up”?? That’s what we used to say when those CLOUDS of blackbirds were swarming overhead – you might get an eye full of crap! Oh, so THAT IS like the movie!!
And for the liberidiots out there, if that hail suddenly burst into flames and then a shower of FROGS happened they would still cling to their ungodly beliefs!!
Imagine if CA had not been turned into the World’s Largest Outdoor Insane Asylum!
Rodney McCoy says
Lool at the climate change reports for the outer banks, nc. These islands have always been in flux and everchanging. Look at 200 year old maps. But you would think that this is a recent problem and due to the global climate problem.
CowboyUp says
You’d be surprised at how much the Eastern Coast has changed just since WW2 maps, much less WW1 and into the 19th century. Many people don’t realize that a lot of the sand on our beaches is put there and has to be replaced often. I’ve also noticed recently that they like to blame the results of natural erosion on AGW and rising sea levels.
Daniel Greenfield says
These are the same people who think steaks come from a supermarket. They don’t know how anything works but they like to feel smart by reading the right opinions and repeating them back.
Dan Foster says
Yet another tell. Greenfield, you have to shut up. Outing yourself like this (should) embarrass you.
Tortoise Herder says
Dan Goebbels, not many people trust your accusations and even fewer take them seriously.
Intrepid says
It’s his column and pretty much his site. Maybe you should quit ordering people smarter than you around. Perhaps you should start your own leftist site and see how much traffic you get.
Dan Foster says
@Intrepid I don’t get millions in dark money to run and promote my blog. D.Hoe does.
@Tortoise I see I’m still living rent free in your head. You just can’t quite me.
Spurwing Plover says
We here in Northern California also got that same snow the L.A. Times said we would never get again I sure hope those who wrote that fake news are earing their newspaper copies
CowboyUp says
Apparently, they can be wrong forever, and we’re supposed to believe them this time, no matter how many times they’re wrong.. It’s like with communism. It’s never discredited no matter how many people try it, or how many times, with a 100% failure rate..
Daniel Greenfield says
They’re always wrong, but the naked emperors never admit that they’re actually wrong. No matter what their track record is, they just bring in their paid experts and used their media platforms to insist that they’re always right and the “science” is on their side.
Walter Sieruk says
All this left-wing frantic “chicken little” hysteria about environmental “climate change” of alarm is absurd.
The subject of “climate change” is a topic that is used by the Biden crew to distract the American people away for the harm done by President pretender Biden of the United States with his terribly flawed fool Socialist economic policies that are wrecking the US economy.
Joe Biden is a catastrophe and calamity for America, a disaster, and a tragedy for the American people.
President impostor Biden is not just a sinister feeble -minded idiot. Worse .yet, he’s a dangerous sinister feeble minded idiot.
Walter Sieruk says
All this Al Gore type “chicken little” environmental “climate change” irrational frantic hysteria of alarm is absurd.
In addition, related to this is that the futurists who helped contribute to the making of 1973 movie entitled “Soylent Green” had made movie about that life on earth would be like in the far-distant year of 2022. For from the worldview from the timeframe 1973 , the year 2022 was ,very much , seen as distant future.
The point is environmental experts of 1973 who had a hand in the making of that movie had been proven completely wrong in everything they had predicted what life for people would be like because of environmental pollution in the year of 2022. In this year, 2023 this are still not even close to that that movie predicted.
This should tell all thinking people something.
Go ahead a watch that movie , you might find it very amusing.
Walter Sieruk says
One early summer day I was watching on television an educated man and likewise a scholar who had written a book about environmental degradation concerns. His message was rather alarming and disturbing. This is because he had in his book, predicted, that in not more than forty years all life, including human life, will become uninhabitable on earth because of pollution.
That was an early summer day of the year 1967. So now in this current year of 2023, over fifty years and not forty his error of prediction is easily now seen to be in great error.
So modern history is repeating itself again, this that alarmist environmental scholar of the year of 1967 is now replaced by environmental experts on the subjects of “global warming” and “climate change.”
This should tell all thinking people something.
Daniel Greenfield says
The world is always ending… tomorrow.
Copter Sled says
Everything is coherent, logical, and entertaining as usual.
If you haven’t seen ‘Don’t Look Up’ yet, I highly recommend it because that movie skewers the Biden administration more than anything else. I know they intended the movie to rail against conservative ‘Neanderthals’, but the elites unwittingly made a satire against themselves.
The portrayed presidential administration is exactly the Biden administration, and the slavish cult following is exactly liberal Democrat voters, the no-nothing tv journalists are exactly CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC.
I despise all of these people, and I truly enjoyed that movie.
Cheri says
The godless are relentless in their hostility towards the Creator and Maker. If not this, something else.
But, I sure send many thanks and love to our Creator for sending hail, rain and snow and the good and evil. Bless His Name!
Sweet little girl with his first snow. Love it.
Cheri says
I meant He sends his goodness on the good and evil.
Frederick says
Daniel Greenfield says
And here’s to 1,000 more years.
Frederick says
At least that many more!
Alas,we will likely never disappear in a “cloud of blue steam” as Paul Ehrlich had suggested a half century ago.
(Insert eye roll here)
John Blackman says
im sure you guys don’t need another example of how corrupt the whole system is , but just for laughs and copious amounts of eyerolling you need to read ” scorched worth ” by joel engel . it’s a classic case of money grubbing incompetence by a govt. agency which can be applied to every got. entity . it reinforces the oft repeated line ‘ governments are the problem not the solution .
Andrew Blackadder says
The climate of Planet Earth has been in a constant state of change since forever.
Northern Europe was once totally covered in Ice, now none seems to exist and yet way back in the Ice Age days there were no people and no Cars, Planes and yet it changed… Weird huh?.
Those morons that think they can control the weather cant even control their own thoughts.
Anne says
There’s been a whole lot of brainwashing and propaganda put out by the globalists-leftists-communists, to move people in their direction, they keep telling the lies over and over, and even teaching it in the schools.
Spurwing Plover says
These Watermelons just want t o control our lives their campaign against gas Stoves is based upon Junk Science and Politics just like they did with pesticides