The media arm of the Democrat Party has settled on a narrative about Kayne West’s oddball presidential run.
And, predictably, it’s a Republican conspiracy.
Some Trump supporters also accept the idea that the Birthday Party exists to help re-elect President Trump.
But that’s doubtful.
1. Kanye West is unstable and erratic. Enough said.
2. Will Kanye West’s bid even hurt or help Republicans?
Traditional lefty third party bids, like Ralph Nader’s, have cut into Democrat totals in key states like Florida because they drew in engaged and active white lefties. That’s not Kanye’s demographic.
If Democrats are afraid of losing black voters, there’s not much risk there.
The Democrat black voter base basically consists of older black women. Not exactly the voters Kanye is likely to turn out. And if Kanye does turn out younger voters, black or white, that would likely hurt Republicans in downballot races without hurting Biden. These voters traditionally don’t show up to vote, and if they do, it’s really bad news for Republicans.
Kanye’s bid is most likely to draw in protest voters. These are people who would vote for a third party candidate to express their dissatisfaction. Some of their votes might have gone to Biden or Trump, or the Communist or Green Party, but I repeat myself, it’s hard to say.
The attacks on Kanye West are the product of the casual paranoia that dominates the media and its Democrat alliances.
Realistically, he poses no threat. But the media wants to establish a narrative and a conspiracy theory anyway.
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