Students of military history understand that the real bloodletting starts when the losing side breaks ranks after its formations disintegrate and the cavalry sweeps in to mow down the fleeing survivors. It’s every man for himself, and the best the defeated individuals who were once part of cohesive units can hope for is not to end up one of the bodies left strewn across the battlefield. This is when the victor runs up the score. This is when the vast majority of casualties happen. This is a rout. And that’s pretty much where the Democrats are headed on November 8th, figuratively of course.
For the stupid people, we Republicans are the cavalry. For the really stupid people, cavalry is a highly-mobile fighting force, in ancient times mounted on horseback wielding lances, sabers, and sometimes bows or carbines. In the US Army, cavalrymen have given up their steeds but still wear bitchin’ headgear.
Those of us who have been through a few midterm election cycles understood how this was going to play all along. The fundamentals favor the out-of-power party. Here, the fundamentals broke into a pharmacy and stole all the steroids because the gross incompetence of Grandpa Badfinger has combined with the wine woman/globalist joint ideology that demands that the ruling caste make the normals suffer for their sin of not being in the ruling caste. These factors come together to make this election an inevitable Democrat disaster.
This is how it happens for the losing party. In the spring, there are rumors and hushed whispers among the cognoscenti about the coming of a wave. There is fear; this is used to stoke the donors into handing over more of their dollars to help stave off disaster. Then, in the dog days of August, there arises hope. Maybe, just maybe, it will not be a disaster. Perhaps we will defy history and not lose many seats; maybe we will even gain! Take that, fundamentals!
And then Labor Day happens and people begin to pay attention and the hope that was so hopeful at the end of the summer begins to dissipate. For a few weeks, until about mid-October, they tell themselves that nothing has changed since summer, that hope is alive, and that there will be no wave. And in mid-October, the signs become impossible to ignore.
The money dries up for the losing party, while the smart money flows to the winning one. Polls start changing, first one, then two, then all of them, all in one direction. We hear of the losing side making tough calls to abandon the weak to try and save a few of the less weak. Nothing goes right. Gaffes, mistakes, the occasional sex scandal. You can feel the gloom setting in. The cheerleaders begin hedging their predictions. When the Democrats are the losers, like in this cycle, the regime media begins walking back its official optimism to avoid total humiliation when the narrative it has been pushing for the last six months turns to ashes.
Then the ranks break. The solid front shatters. The rout begins.
We’re almost there. We are almost to the point of Democrat collapse.
The fundamentals of history were always against the Dems, but Shower Daddy’s reign of error supercharged them. Inflation. Perversion. Open borders. Criminals running wild. The threat of nuclear war. These factors all intensified the Dem’s already daunting challenges. And then last week, in a stroke of timing genius, the Biden CDC decided to effectively mandate that kids have to take the vaccine the CDC lied to us about. Way to remind everyone about COVID while infuriating moms who prefer their kids’ hearts not explode from a vax that won’t prevent a disease that won’t kill them.
Any GOP politician not pounding on injection fascism is committing political malpractice.
In the spring, they dreamed that the Dobbs decision, which made it slightly less convenient for some women in some red states to kill their babies, would negate the fundamentals of history and $6 gas. But it turns out the people into infanticide was already solidly in the commie corner. They may cast votes angrily, but a mad vote counts just as much as a happy one. Except in a Democrat-blue city, but I digress.
In the meantime, record numbers of Latinx people are choosing to vote against the people who call them “Latinx,” and black men especially are moving right in numbers that must terrify the Dems.
The traditional sign of a rout is when the losing party turns on itself and its platform. You see pols criticize the members of their party in power and even tell voters they will not go along with its treasured policies. We see inklings of this in how most Democrats will not allow the Biden n’ Kamala circus to stop in their towns. It’s remarkable how all these candidates discover something really important to do when their prezzy shows up in their state besides be seen with him. One rare exception was when Fetterman/Fetterman’s Wife/Fetterman’s Lump allowed itself to be photographed with the crusty president. In typical Biden fashion, he helpfully told the world that he thought Fetterman’s wife would make a great addition to the Senate. Rumor has it that Fetterman’s Lump was so insulted by the slight that it will be voting for Dr. Oz.
The ”save yourselves!” phase will be starting soon, but the Democrats have a real problem they did not face in the past. At one time, they had some ideological flexibility. They could pretend that they were not as left as they were to save themselves by peeling off enough gullible independents to survive, and their base would see the wink and tolerate the blasphemy of convenience. But not now.
No, Democrat ideology has become a pagan religion where it was once merely a way to get power. Most candidates cannot back off from the stupidest Democrat policy planks even at the cost of their electoral lives. They cannot demand more drilling to get gas and oil prices down because that is heresy toward the angry weather goddess. They cannot support cops because that’s racist. They cannot come out against perverts in woman’s faces waving their junk in toddlers’ faces at “family friendly drag shows” because pedo-shaming is a no-go for libs. They are locked into insanity.
They cannot run. They cannot hide. They must figuratively die with their Birkenstocks on.
The over and under is 30 seats in the House and 52 in the Senate. And my money is on the over.
Garry Owen, troopers. Charge!
What good is it to win elections, Kurt, if the Left controls the real government, the Bureaucracy, the media and most crucially academia?
If elections really mattered, insofar as long term changing course, you would not have openly anti-American Maoists in control of the Democrat Party and running for office, as well as a GOP that actually had been opposing them all along.
I’m not saying don’t vote; we have to halt the insanity at least temporarily. But long term, we have to win absolute power and be as ruthless as necessary in forging a new nation that cannot be so easily undermined from within. Will that be built around the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Who can say. But we have a terminal cancer that is about to go from stage 3 to 4.
Open to all suggestions in finding the cure.
Our only hope is that first, we win. That might be the easy part. The hard part is going to have to come from within. the establishment republicans HAVE TO BE REMOVED FROM ANY AND ALL LEADERSHIP POSITIONS!!!!!!!!!!! If we win with enough new conservatives who abandon the “go along to get along”, “work across the isle” ethos of the Bush cabal then we have a chance.
There is a huge opportunity her to cast the democrtat party, as it stands today, onto the ash heap of history! The problem is that the dems problems are of their own making and not some great policy maneuvers coming from the conservatives. We have this chance simply because the dems overreached and didn’t see the folly of their own ways.
If an aggressive, take no prisoners and don’t compromise conservative force is not applied with total prejudice then we are in for a long painfully future.
But how high is the awareness level of voters? Most people don’t read Front Page Magazine, The Federalist, Breitbart, WND, and a few others. Even Tucker barely exceeds three million nightly viewers, about 1.5% of voters. Most Republicans are only interested in making money. So the Rats let them alone, knowing that when full Rat power in transforming the masses into a giant colony of collectivized ants occurs, money will flow naturally to the elites, as it already does.
Likely far more than 200 million of us, Real Americans, have quietly marched on every day. Providing abiding loyalty, doing the needed work, to save our great and good Nation. It’s time for a leader to step out front. About a hundred million are pointing. President Donald J. Trump is the proven, effective, first-rank, leader we need. President Trump is the Winston Churchill of America’s time of peril.
I am hoping for Democrat Party oblivion, where the Democrat Communists pack up their crap and go to Cuba and Venezuela.
When. I voted I told the. “Conservative” who was standing. just outside the polling. place that this was. it. for me. If the Republicans didn’t get rid of McCarthy and the “turtle” I will not be voting again.
I won’t vote for the “Ds” but. I. won’t vote for a party that throws away a sure thing.
(See McCarthy’s quote. about refusing. to vote impeachments. for the obvious. guilty. dems)
McCarthy needs to have his cage rattled. I heard he is not supporting the impeachment of Biden because we will end up with Kamala, but they need to impeach them all.
Posting gay stuff like wearing a Stetson on the internet when you’re married to a woman is a new kind of bravery.
I thought you were an infantryman.
The joker in the deck is the Republicans’ propensity to under-perform. It’s often seemed that power puts them to sleep, as if once they have usable majorities, they decide that their work is done. If they continue in that “tradition,” the GOP is doomed…and given the events of the previous two years, possibly so is the country.
Republicans, once in power, either go to sleep as you say or they go to that first fashionable cocktail party and see who the cool kids are and what nice digs they have. Then they want to go over and play at the cool kids’ houses more often and get flattered by Important People to vote the right way and… they become Republican’ts, as supine a bunch as has ever ridden off into obscurity.
The world, along with the US, has found itself in a place it has never been before. Evil, is standing up and declaring itself the winner, the real fight is still ahead of us and it will not be an easy fight. Billions of people are going to lose their lives as the evil side has no mercy for anyone in its plans.
Evil’s leader, will be the author of evil and will have his demons among the ranks of human leaders until he changes all human leadership in the middle of the battle because they won’t be evil enough to suit him. At the end of the battle, there will be satanic rule of the planet, not human, for one hour, then that will come to an end.
The story of the last hours of human rule on this planet was written about over the last 2700 years, the last writings were 2000 years ago, but seeing those things now coming to pass with incredible accuracy is exciting, knowing who the real winner is and how it all comes about for the betterment of humanity free from evil.
The lines have been drawn, the battle is about to begin, whose side are you on?
I miss Rush Limbaugh
The Deep State power washing can’t begin until Republicans take back the government….And first point the nozzle at McCarthy and McConnell. Trump’s presidency peeled back the skin and revealed the deep state rot…. It will be a decades long task, but the alternative is…..?
Will the Democ-Rats cheat again like they did in 2020?
The Dems are already stuffing the ballot boxes in order to defeat the Republicans. I ask myself if they would bother doing so if they didn’t think they could cheat enough to overcome vote totals in some of the blue states.. It is going to be interesting. Then again, I am not too excited about all of the Dem-Light we have got going to us in people like McConnell and McCarthy.