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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Seven years after her political epitaph was written, she’s back.
The Clinton Global Initiative has been relaunched in a big way and Hillary Clinton is fundraising for Biden, her allies are inside his faltering campaign and she’s meeting with foreign leaders on his behalf.
Until 2023, Hillary’s career had been on one long downward slide. After she ran out of biographies to sell, she tried writing a children’s book, “Grandma’s Gardens” (which contrary to expectations was not about Vince Foster’s corpse turning up in Fort Marcy Park), then getting in on Chelsea’s racket of putting her name on collections of stories about feminist heroines (Greta Thunberg, Bella Abzug) and that failed, and then she tried to get in on Bill’s racket of putting his name on fictional thrillers about thinly disguised versions of himself with “State of Terror”.
In a career low, Hillary was reduced to marketing fanfic in which she’s struggling with “a Republican president nicknamed ‘President Dumb’ who pulls out of the Iran Deal and then goes to Florida to play golf” and still couldn’t get anyone to pick up a copy. That and trying to get people to buy memberships to Masterclass to listen to her talk about the “power of resilience” put her only a step above peddling Cameo clips side by side with George Santos.
But 2024 looks like Hillary’s year.
When Argentina’s President Javier Milei arrived in New York City, he found Hillary Clinton there waiting for him. Instead of meeting with Biden or Secretary of State Blinken, the newly elected head of state met with a former secretary of state to discuss his country’s finances.
A few weeks later, Hillary met with the families of Israeli hostages and blasted Netanyahu, claiming that he just cares about “politics and personal political survival” and told them to pressure the Israeli government to cut a deal. It was a return to form for Hillary, who hates the Israeli prime minister and boasted of being the “designated yeller” at him under Obama.
But the real question is why did anyone care what Hillary Clinton thought about anything?
The answer, as usual, is power. It’s been quite a few years since Hillary had anything resembling power, but that’s no longer the case thanks to a former enemy: Joe Biden.
In 2015, Hillary had convinced Obama to sideline Biden in favor of her. Biden’s agreement not to run came after months of backbiting in which he spent entire meetings ranting about her. The only thing that could have changed his mind about her is his unpopularity inside his own party.
What has Biden worried most of all is not the general election, which will be fought on familiar ground, but the more serious threat that the Democrats might push him off the ticket. Unlike the Clintons and the Obamas, Biden never built a huge army of loyal operatives to protect him, and the closest thing that he has to a base is the Congressional Black Caucus. His allies managed to rig the DNC primaries, but that was before the polls showed he could lose in 2024.
Barack Obama despises Biden, didn’t back him in 2020 and has been undermining him now. David Axelrod, Obama’s consigliere, recently popped up to suggest that Biden may want to consider dropping out. So Biden knows better than to think that Obama will bail him out.
And that just leaves the Clintons.
Hillary Clinton is hosting fundraisers for Biden and making the case for him to Democrats. The Clintons won’t spit in your face for free and acting as a campaign surrogate comes with a high price. That’s why Hillary is now suddenly back on the world stage, meeting with foreign leaders and why her aides are showing up in the Biden campaign. Once again, as Elton John sang, she’ll “entertain by picking brains and sell my soul by dropping names.”
Dennis Cheng, the vice president of the Clinton Foundation, is now going to be Biden’s deputy political director, tying together the Biden campaign and the Clinton moneymaking operation.
But beyond her donors, her political operatives and her public support (these days her approval ratings are better than his), Hillary has something more important to offer Joe Biden.
There are only four living Democrats who fought through tough presidential primary battles, one of them is near death, one of them despises Biden and two of them are Clintons. What Hillary lacks in public graces and charisma, she more than makes up for in fighting dirty so that even the winners walk away regretting their victories.
Hillary gave us Russiagate, but she also gave us Obama’s birth certificate. She may not win popularity contests, but she will scorch the earth, then salt it and poison all the wells. Given a choice between having Obama or Hillary on his side in an inter-party battle, Biden is probably better off with Madame Defarge than another Obama speech about “who we are as a people”.
And Hillary has been carefully nurturing Biden’s paranoia.
In September, Hillary made her first public appearance at the White House, supposedly to join Jill in awarding a Japan Art Association award, in reality to warn Joe Biden about the threat of third party candidates. Biden’s people have already been obsessed with a variety of splinter campaigns, from deranged Marxist terror simp Cornel West to No Labels, a moderate liberal alternative linked to Senator Joe Manchin, and Hillary was feeding on his insecurities.
Bot networks and influencers have also taken to attacking Rep. Dean Philips, Biden’s only real primary opponent, in ways familiar to anyone who has watched the Clintons do their thing.
Biden may have once hated Hillary, but he has started turning into her. He’s a deeply unpopular and disliked establishment candidate whose main theme is that his opponent is Hitler. After watching multiple policy proposals crash and burn, his only path to the nomination is using the party’s machinery to intimidate or crush any opponents who might want to challenge him.
This is Hillary territory.
The biggest problem with Joe Biden is that he wants money and people to pay attention to him, but he doesn’t actually stand for anything beyond some retail politicking. He turned over his first administration to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Jim Clyburn to secure the support of the Left and the Congressional Black Caucus in the 2020 primaries. Now he’s mortgaging any possible future administration to the Clintons in the hopes of clinging to the ticket with the last shreds of his senility. Biden just wants to be out front, he doesn’t care who’s really running things.
And now the willing puppet has found someone else to pull his decaying strings.
Considering Hillary’s track record of losing a primary and then losing a presidential race, she doesn’t seem to offer much hope, but Biden is beyond hope, like Hillary, he may be willing to settle for revenge. In the primaries, Hillary can terrorize former enemies who want him off the ticket, and in the general election, the mistress of Russiagate may have a new big idea.
Biden’s odds of winning a normal election are poor, but between multiple indictments and trials, the odds are that this won’t be a normal election anyway. And Hillary may have something to add beyond the 2020 election legal battles. Some brainstorming hatched the idea of tying Trump to Russia. Who knows what malicious schemes may even now be brewing in her brain?
Hillary is a dangerous ally to have around and she may want something more than a piece of the action. If Democrats boot Biden, they have to decide who will replace him. Hillary was brought in to threaten existing candidates and those in waiting, like Gov. Gavin Newsom, but has she ever given up on the impossible dream of taking another shot at the White House?
Russiagate became a conspiracy theory to divert the blame for the defeat from her to outside forces. The premise was that Hillary Clinton didn’t really lose, the election was stolen from her.
Some Democrats are convinced that she didn’t really lose and so this time she could win.
It’s unlikely, but bringing her into the circles of power makes it more so. Hillary has gone from putting her name on bad novels to becoming a power player again. And the one thing she knows how to do is seize power. Biden already has a secret service entourage, but hopefully he will be very careful when flying over Croatia or strolling through Fort Marcy Park.
David Ray says
I see that the Clinton Holyland Foundation has resurfaced from the sewer. (It had been on life-support after she lost the election, as our enemies only bribe people in power.)
Unfortunately, since DNC Mega-donor Jeff Epstein got sanctioned, Sleazy Joe won’t be entertained on trips to Orgy Island. (Him & Slick Willie will have to sniff elsewhere for their entertainment.)
Hannah Katz says
Was it Hillary that told an irritating reporter, “Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, and you will too if you don’t shut up!”?
David Ray says
She certainly made sure she wanted Juanita Brodderick to keep quiet.
Juanita opted not to, as she epitomizes that old saying “What’s the definition of a Republican? [Answer] A Democrat who’s been mugged by reality.” (Her rape by Bill was a reality.)
Jeff Bargholz says
Pedo Joe still has his handlers to parade kiddies in front of him to sniff but Bygone Billdo is going to have to sniff the cargo hold of a tuna boat.
Mary says
Great analysis. Do these people ever grow tired of being evil? Even in senility!
Mo de Profit says
Imagine this:
Hilary president.
Kamala vice president.
Chief Mac says
Second American Revolution comes to mind.
Hitlery is all about power and nothing else. At best she is a hateful moron
Kasandra says
Well, she is also a sociopath. She believes that laws simply don’t apply to, or restrain, her. Her “Hillarycare” task force came to naught during Bill’s administration because she refused to abide by the requirements for federal advisory committees in Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) which are pretty easy to comply with and are designed to assure the fairness and transparency of such committees. But fairness and transparency are not her bag so the whole project got scuppered.
internalexile says
My ears are already hurting.
Daniel Greenfield says
Finally a ticket not even the dead of Cook County would vote for
Fred A. says
What a great reply. I laughed so much when I read it.
RS says
Good reply….who would to relive the Hillary years! Can’t touch that!
Semaphore says
Please, I have enough trouble sleeping as it is…
Brown Wolf says
Yikes! I hope that never happens.
J.J. Sefton says
“. . . put her only a step above peddling Cameo clips side by side with George Santos.”
Seriously, I take umbrage at this. Considering the Marianas Trench depth of corruption, perversion, venality and will-to-power of 99% of everyone in government, George Santos is a paragon of virtue by comparison. And to put Hillary Clinton of all alleged people above him really is a cheap shot to say the least.
Jeff Bargholz says
And “homophobic.” Santos is the swishyest ex-politician I’ve ever seen.
Peter Mohan says
Hillary as Biden”s VP candidate with the understanding that she’ll become POTUS when Biden fades away, or has an unfortunate accident.
Nyfarmer says
As the New Year approaches let us recollect that – to great fanfare! – thirty years ago – as the tunes of Fleetwood Mac wafted through the White House – a new generation – albeit a draft dodger! – was ushered into power. The Greatest Generation was out of step with the times and needed to GO AWAY!
A 2024 National New Year’s Resolution should be that these – now elderly – ‘leaders’ – should take their false teeth, fixodent, and GO AWAY! — Such includes the ‘Orange Man’ – As much as he MAY be ‘entitled’ (such a nasty term!) to another term – GO AWAY! And let the Nation get on with life!
How ironic! – that many of the up and coming – with great sacrifice – actually stepped up and served over the past twenty years. Should they not be given the opportunity to take leadership of the Nation?
Jeff Bargholz says
Say wha?
Madame Hellary is pulling meat puppet Bidumb’s strings while prop husband Billdo fantasizes about being a hillbilly Jack Ryan?
Obama hates his former comedy relief and Sidekick of Vice? But half the conservatives out there have assured us that Alzheimer Joe is Brokebutt Hasbeen Osama’s thrall. So Obie really has been incompetent and lazy after all? Just like the other half of us knew all along?
Granny Goodness Hellary is only helping Brainless Biden for revenge against Trump. And money and connections, of course. As much money as the greedy harridan can grasp onto. And she wouldn’t be the Beast without her lust for power and prestige, even if it’s as a power broker and not the power to be.
If people thought 2021 through 2023 sucked, just wait until we’re subjected to 2024. My New Year’s resolution is going to be to stay alive and outside of a DC gulag for Mega Maga Men. God help us.
Steve Chavez says
IT’S ACTUALLY BILL! He desperately wanted to get back into the White House, so he had to help Hillary prop up her image.
Bill was interviewed and he said he had only written two emails, ever! FALSE!
HILLARY DELETED 33,000 EMAILS because many of those were really BILL’S PRETENDING TO BE HER. He emailed, and surely called, many of her counter-parts and leaders, since he knew she was incompetent in world affairs and had to help her shine on the world stage to show she was presidential material.
WHAT DO YOU THINK HE DOES ON HIS SPARE TIME? He wants to get back into the Oval Office to be the driver with Hillary as the back seat driver. It’s like Obama and Biden. Don’t forget VALERIE JARRETT, Susan Rice, and Eric Holder, all advising Obama and directly, and indirectly, to Obama. LET’S ADD THREE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES TELLING OBAMA/BIDEN/DEMOCRATS WHAT TO FILE! It’s not that SCOTUS will rule for them, it’s just to add to what I call, “THE ACCUMULATION EFFECT!”
“The Democrats dragged Trump to the Public Square to stone him with the Scandal of the Week written on the Stones. For over two years, it was the Russian Collusion scandal, but in the end, nothing was found on Trump, so the Democrats walked away LAUGHING since Trump was still laying there beaten to a bloody pulp! ‘NEXT SCANDAL!’ KEEP IT UP TILL NOVEMBER/2020-2024!'”
(Russian Collusion to a Hillary/FBI/DOJ conspiracy in a coup attempt against a sitting President and getting away with due to the entire Justice system is run by the conspirators!) THE ACCUMULATION EFFECT! Now four court cases pending with hourly updates on them keeping Trump in the headlines as the bad guy, a monster, a WS, a N. When his cases are dropped, or is acquitted, it will be reported in passing, but the years of STONING HIM had its effect.)
DJT AND BILL CLINTON were friends. When Trump brought the four women Bill had raped to a debate, which will be written in the history books, Bill was caught on camera glancing over to them. Seeing his look in the front pages, had to really anger him. HE WANTED REVENGE and more so when Hillary lost. Remember the backstage scene with Bill jumping like a child of him learning Hillary had won? He wasn’t thinking of her, he was thinking of HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE!
Jeff Bargholz says
Personally, I think Billdo goes through his days lamenting the loss of his fellow degenerate and good buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, and Pederast Island.
Banastre Tarleton says
You think Biden will drop out and Hillary be shoe horned in at the convention ?
Daniel Greenfield says
She may have fantasies like that, but I doubt the party would let that happen.
Jeff Bargholz says
They’d need a shoe horn big enough for a water buffalo with cankles.
NAVY ET1 says
Cankles will be about as much help to Biden as Cackles is as border ‘czar’. I saw a bookcase full of ‘State of Terror’ at my local book barn with 49 cent stickers on them. It seems no one cares what she has to say, but at that price it’ll be cheap fire-starting paper this winter. Ahh…toasty.
Daniel Greenfield says
Wait until they hit a penny.
roberta says
Michael Myers staying power. She is truly a ghoul. Unstoppable. No quit in her.
I fear and respect her for her super power
Jeff Bargholz says
She’s like a human strain of herpes.
Daniel Greenfield says
It’s the power of rage, resentment and revenge
roberta` says
Yeah, she has a strong desire to make the Commons pay for rejecting her.
internalexile says
Nice to see another illo by Bosch Fawstin. Hope he is not replaced with AI images too often.
Daniel Greenfield says
We never replace Bosch
Kasandra says
“Biden already has a secret service entourage, but hopefully he will be very careful when flying over Croatia or strolling through Fort Marcy Park.” Or eating. BTW, how does the mastermind behind the biggest, most vicious, most divisive and dangerous political hoax in American history even get to show her face in public let alone be put in responsible positions of any sort? This country has gone completely over the cliff.
-diane french says
NOTHING- AND I MEAN NOTHING can seem to destroy this evil thing (that walks in the dark night) from our world. They have tried everything- a silver cross held in her face- Holy Water sprinkled on her head- a wooden mallet stabbed into her cold heart- she still lives for another day- as they say “the Devil Never Sleeps” – that is Hillary
Jeff Bargholz says
Germs are hard to kill.
Jaybo says
ask the guy who shot himself in the back of the head
Excellent work Daniel
hilLIARy Clinton. Still trying to stay relevant by riding the coattails of yet another man. Sigh. Give it up, girl.
Justin Swingle says
Hillary Clinton is an evil person
By Patricia McCarthy
“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.”
― Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life
Justin Swingle says
What is it with the Clintons and foreign criminals anyway? DANIEL GREENFIELD
The Clintons are years late to the party. But they always are. Much like Nigerian scammers whose illiterate solicitation emails self-select the easiest marks, Clinton scams are so obvious that the only people who fall for them think that they’re the ones doing the scamming.
Justin Swingle says
The Clintons Welcome Trans Queens, Muslim Politicians, Foreign Oligarchs
Get your organs regenerated or your money back at the latest Clinton Foundation event.
by Daniel Greenfield
Wait, are you wondering who Alfonso Fanjul is? The Clintons have a lot of friends. Especially wealthy friends with foreign last names. The Fanjul family controls Domino Sugar, which benefits from government subsidies, and Alfonso was a co-chair of Bill’s 1992 campaign.
Onzeur Trante says
Gulp. Hillary vs. Trump? / Michelle vs. Trump?
Stop the world! I want to get off.
Steve says
Leading up to the 2020 election, Dick Morris said, “I know Hillary is thinking of running for president. Why do I know that? Because she’s breathing.”