The Bald Eagle is a symbol of America. And this story is a symbol of what has happened to America.
Two men were charged with misdemeanors on Wednesday after they entered a private property in Nebraska, found a bald eagle perched on a tree and shot it at close range before hauling the large protected bird in their vehicle with the intent to eat it later, the authorities said.
The men, Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and Domingo Zetino-Hernandez, both 20, were charged with unlawful possession of an eagle, according to the Stanton County Sheriff’s Office. Though they apparently might not have known they had killed a bald eagle, the men, who are originally from Honduras and do not speak English, could face additional federal charges as officials investigate, the authorities said.
Mr. Hernandez-Tziquin and Mr. Zetino-Hernandez told the deputies that “they intended to take it home and cook it and eat it,”
The driver apparently also didn’t have a driver’s license which is typical of migrants and illegal aliens.
Nothing has been confirmed, but the two men are not American citizens, don’t speak English and are living marginally. Who kills eagles or vultures to eat them? It’s not exactly fine cuisine.
Another angle though is the growing presence of cartel members in wildlife areas in America.
As well as growing more common, the enterprise has become more organized. International drug cartels – made up largely of Mexican nationals – seem especially drawn to the bounty. And their harvests can be huge: last year, officials here seized the biggest stash of all, with 34,000 plants in five locations at an estimated street value of $140 million. Complicating the task for law enforcement is the strain on resources. Park budgets have tightened, and many of the available rangers have been shifted to more popular haunts.
“The most [visitors] used to worry about is running into a grizzly bear. Now there is the specter of violence by a masked alien toting an AK-47,” says David Barna, chief spokesman for the National Park Service (NPS). He and others say the problem is national, but most pronounced in California, Utah, and Arkansas, and in parks with international borders such as Big Bend in Texas and Glacier in Montana.
Dave wouldn’t call them aliens now.
Environmentalists used to oppose illegal migration because of the impact on the natural world, but these days all the wings of the Left are on the same page and cheering on the dismantling of America.
A bald eagle is just a bird, but there is something to symbols. Even if they’re random, we invest our mythology in them. But who can complain about undocumented Democrats killing birds and animals, when they’re killing Americans?
Algorithmic Analyst says
The Mexican cartels have been growing pot and fouling the environment in the California wilderness for many decades. Lots of state owned wilderness in California for those not familiar with the situation.
Suzanne says
We have many encampments such as that here in Colorado. A group threatened my
almost 70 year old neighbor because they wanted to steal a goat for slaughter.
THX 1138 says
LOL! OMG! I’m sorry but I almost spilled my coffee. Two Hondurans killing a bald-eagle to eat later is something straight out of a T. Coraghessan Boyle novel. Truth is stranger than fiction.
It’s been many years since I’ve read a T. Coraghessan Boyle story, this incident could have been straight out of “The Tortilla Curtain”.
Intrepid says
Gee, it’s been years since I read a T. Coraghessan Boyle story too……………………………………………………Not!!!
Mickorn says
Your writing drips with prejudice and hatred. Two hungry Honduran kids killing a bird is not the same as a Mexican gang member with an AK-47. The two cases are unrelated, except for the fact that those involved are Spanish speakers and you despise them for it.
This is what you have learned from Judeo-Christian values? This is what you have learned from the classical liberal tradition from which the US of A emerged?
You fancy yourself a defender of the values that made this country great. But you have no understanding, nor respect for those values.
THX 1138 says
Why don’t you go preach those beautiful words of Judeo-Christian values (whatever precisely those values you think may be) to the upper-class/ruling class and FAIR-SKINNED Hondurans who make life so corrupt, so miserable, poverty-stricken, stagnant, and violent that BROWN-SKINNED Hondurans find it necessary to risk their lives to become illegal aliens in America.
This double-standard of yours, one high standard for white Americans and a standard of low expectations for white Hondurans is obnoxious and precisely why the white and Christian Hondurans who run Honduras are ever so comfortable using America as a dumping ground and safety-valve for their BROWN-SKINNED serfs. Go tell it to the white Hondurans!
Frank says
Roger Scruton gave a Talk at a liberal school. He had asked how many of you welcome open borders with illegal immigrants crossing .?
60% of them raise their hand.
He then asked by Show of hands how many of you are willing to take some immigrants in to your house for a period of time say one family or four adults
No one raised there hand
Can be viewed on u- tube
David Ray says
You’re not too bright.
He’s pointing out the double standard. If I so much as pick up a single feather from an eagle killed by an eco windmill, I’m in big trouble.
But if illegal aliens kill one . . .
Be true to your values, and house 10 illegals at your place. Don’t give ’em the bum’s rush, like your fellow hypocrites did at Martha’s Vineyard.
dani says
why not invite a few illegals to share momma’s basement with you, dimwit?
Daniel Greenfield says
Nothing embodies the classical values that made America great than letting a horde of invaders into the country, allowing them to kill and eat bald eagles, not to mention pushing graphic pornography to 9-year-olds and lynching people based on misunderstandings at supermarkets.
Those are all the things your movement represents.
MyNameIsEarl says
“You fancy yourself a defender of the values that made this country great. But you have no understanding, nor respect for those values.”….apparently neither do you. The founders of this nation did not mean Hondurans and Mexicans when they referred to their posterity.
Mickorn says
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. That ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, and are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
I don’t find that too difficult to understand.
Mickorn says
“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of you; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” Exodus, 23:9
Nope. Not too difficult to understand at all.
Intrepid says
You are definitely not the one to be quoting the scripture either, given your hatred for this country and Christianity.
So how many illegals have you taken in, hypocrite?
WJ says
The scripture also tells you that if you are a stranger in a foreign land that you are to obey the laws of that land.
CowboyUp says
“The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of you…” Fine, lock them up and when they’re done serving their time for killing a Bald Eagle, their firearm charges, poaching, on federal land no less(they take your truck and everything in it for poaching), and illegal entry into the country, they can be shipped back home to Honduras.
Intrepid says
You are definitely not the one to quoting the Declaration, given your hatred for this country
THX 1138 says
I don’t believe Mickorn hates this country or hates Christianity. He seems to be a Judeo-Christian on the Left. There are many Jews and Christians on the Left, as many or more as there are on the Right, who interpret Holy Scripture as demanding altruism and sacrifice for strangers and even enemies. Your Lutheran Church is a perfect example, there is also the Methodist Church, the Catholic Church, and Jewish organizations engaged in aiding and abetting the illegal alien invasion of America all on the basis of interpreting Holy Scripture as demanding altruism and sacrifice for strangers and even enemies.
The bottom line is this, whether you are a Jew, a Christian, a Judeo-Christian, or an atheist, the moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice destroy freedom, liberty, individual rights, private property rights, capitalism, national sovereignty, and even the Bald Eagle!
THX 1138 says
Please preach these beautiful values to the upper class/ruling class white, Christian, Hondurans and white, Christian, Mexicans (there’s NOTHING brown about Mexican ex-president Vicente Fox). Those white, Christian, ruling classes find those values difficult to understand.
As it is, the American upper class/ruling class is now engaged in the process of turning all Americans into their SERFS and the brown-skinned Honduran and Mexican SERFS will not have the option of escaping their rulers to a semi-free America. When that day comes it will be starving American serfs who will be hunting and eating the Bald Eagle!
Let America become an actually free country of sovereign citizens once again and then maybe Hondurans and Mexicans seeing how happy and prosperous free Americans can be will follow the American example and adopt American values!
Make America great again! And make Honduras and Mexico great for once!
WJ says
Just checking in to see how you are doing with the project of proving God doesn’t exist, everyone else who tried came out of the project proving the opposite was true, I thought you wanted to be the first to prove He doesn’t exist.
Wanda Richardson says
And you, with all due respect are truly an ignorant lefty…….of which there are many! Daniel Greenfield is one of the most intelligent and learned writers out there……there is no prejudice or hatred in him, whatsoever…………..which shows me that you must have just happened upon this website! There is an illegal imimigration problem at the border, or havent you noticed! Its is not kind or compassionate to let all of these illegals in to run completely amuck…..or have you also not heard about all the children now being divied out to be slaves all over America.. for sex slaves and labor…………yes, the land founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles…….was once great, until you full on Marxists have almost completely ruined everything……from your baby butchering pre and post born, and now to mutilate the young innocent children into attempting to change their sex……as if thats possible! You satanic leftists destroy everything you touch……….or at least attempt to! But in the end… always eat your own!!!
Intrepid says
Are you a defender of those values? I guess you don’t realize the Bald eagle is a federally protected bird.
But hey, it’s two hungry Honduran “kids” here illegally who would know American values from there own assets. And that is really what is important to a leftist like you….more illegals for the great replacement.
THX 1138 says
Senseless cruelty to any animal is immoral, reprehensible, and should be called out, shamed, and if need be the perpetrator ostracized and boycotted by the community, nevertheless, however unfortunate, animals do not have rights, and can not have rights under objective law. Only human beings can have rights under objective law.
A government guided by objective law can not extend the law to protecting any animals at all, including the Bald Eagle. Anymore than it can ban the burning of the American flag.
WJ says
There again you prove your ignorance, try to get people to keep their cats home and in their own yards, you will find it is against the law to do anything against cats. Where as your dog has no rights at all compared to cats.
The article also says these illegals had a firearm to bring the eagle to its untimely death. What were they doing with a fire arm if they were here illegally?
Onzeur Trante says
From the ridiculous to the sublime. I can’t think of a better description of what’s happening to the country, symbolically speaking.
Cat says
I see nothing amusing or light hearted about killing this bird.
Whining about hunger doesn’t cut it. If you travel and enter another’s property ( country) illegally, you may be hungry. Your decision created your hunger. . If you slaughter the national bird, a symbol to us, you could go to jail. If you didn’t know it was the national symbol, well by entering legally instead you may have learned that fact.
So, go somewhere else or go home. Return legally. You can’t? That’s your dilemma, not mine. People living here have their own dilemmas. And one less national symbol.
Danny Lemieux says
If it had been Americans, it would have been a $5,000 fine or a year in prison, not a misdemeanor.
Wanda Richardson says
Good point………but since they didnt speak English.or didnt have a license………reponsibility is not required of them………….they were just escaping hardship from south of the border!(sarcasm intended)
Michelle Marshall says
Didn’t some lady send I think to hillary clinton something made with an eagle feather and she was arrested and fined?
cedar9 says
No drivers license can’t speak English, killing our national symbol for food and carrying a weapon….in the middle of Nebraska for crying out loud. Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
roberta says
You hypocrites would do the same thing—if the US government was only giving you $500.00 a month in foodstamps.
Being 3rd world is more of a culture thing, than an education thing. They dont respect jacks–t except force.
Spurwing Plover says
This is what Open borders lead to so are the Eco-Freaks still opposed toa Border fence? After all Birds and Butterflies can fly right over fences
roberta says
Yeah, but what about the buffalo, reindeer, and wildebeest? Sea otters?
TruthLaser says
Did the illegals claim their illegal actions were done because it was an ill eagle?
jeremiah says
tortured but still punsey
Spurwing Plover says
Tell this to the Eco-Freaks about what Open Borders lead to these illegal aliens are total Litter Bugs and big time Polluters like those Standing Rock protesters leave a big mounds of t rash behind them while supposedly wanting to Save the Earth
WJ says
All these illegals coming across the border are the democrats legacy, that’s why they white wash it so much.
White washing their crimes, doesn’t that make the democrats…….raycists?