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Some people are angry that Michelle Obama’s team has announced she will not be attending the inauguration of Donald Trump on Monday. The insults started to fly, because that’s what insults do. I understand, to a certain point. But I stop short of caring because life is better without Michelle Obama.
You don’t miss her, you know you don’t. The only reason you’d like her to be there is to watch her face for those moments she will no longer be able to hold in the misery she’d be in there. I get it, and I’d watch and laugh too. But it’s better not to.
One thing about the Obama presidency that I found really annoying was how you couldn’t get away from them. The government our Founding Fathers created had a federal government you’d barely notice in your daily life, and you’d have to look hard for it for you to notice it. Now, the federal government is everywhere. It won’t leave you alone in your own yard or your own house. Hell, Democrats are working hard to make it harass you in your own head for wrong-think.
Part of the normalizing of ubiquitous government was to turn the Obamas from politicians, which they are, into celebrities, which they are not. It started with the Clintons, but Bill had too much baggage with other women and Hillary had too much baggage with trying to destroy those other women not for sleeping with her husband but for daring to threaten their power by talking about it. You can elevate scumbags to hero status, especially when you’ve burned all the calories you had trying to convince people that what Bill did with an intern was the intern doing it to Bill and not sex.
They tried, but it was all they could do to save his presidency. The Obama’s presented another bite at the apple without the need for penicillin.
They made movies about their first date, wrote books about how wonderful they were, including children’s books, and insist to this day that the only scandal during Barack’s presidency was that he wore an ugly brown suit one day.
And remember Michelle’s arms? She was so fit and shopped at Target! Not when it mattered, then she has couture custom made by people who’d charge you more than you paid for your house for it (she got it free), but she was just like everyone else, or at least everyone else who never skipped arm day.
She got more magazine covers than an actual beautiful model who became First Lady after her. I don’t need to see her ever again.
She hates politics anyway, or at least the country. Michelle has likely not been proud of this country since her husband left office because she hates Donald Trump and who in the world could be proud of anything Joe Biden is associated with?
She emerged from her insulated, gated community life for a speech at the Democratic National Convention and a couple of staged campaign events, but her heart was never really in it. There are plenty of people who’d love to see the country destroyed but never get off the couch to do it. Michelle is off the couch, just busy hammering giant checks for not really doing so much. For a racist country and system she’s not much of a fan of, it sure does send her a lot of “mailbox money,” doesn’t it?
Either way, I don’t need to see her. Miserable or not, I’m not interested.
She didn’t show up to Jimmy Carter’s funeral and I didn’t miss her. Donald Trump didn’t show up to Joe Biden’s inauguration and I didn’t really care then either. We don’t need the window dressing of the past – we remember it, we were there – to be filled with hope for the future. If former officials want to come, fine. Personally, I’d do away with most of the pomp and circumstance surrounding inauguration of anyone, only bringing it back after we get a balanced budget and half the national debt is retired. But that’s just me, I don’t need black tie parties to celebrate vanquishing Democrats.
Still, if you really had your heart set on watch an Obama squirm, Barack will be there. Though he’ll probably squirm more at the prospect of having to explain to a senile Joe Bien that just because they were all there and Trump was taking the oath, it wasn’t 2017 again. Maybe that’s the real reason Michelle is skipping out? In that case, I can’t blame her. Either way, she won’t be missed.
There is no truth to the rumor that Michael has put on a lot of weight and the “willie” is really long and tall. S/he just doesn’t want to start any unfounded rumors.
looks like she split from Obozo – not at Jimmy’s funeral and now not at Trump’s Inauguration – maybe she decided to stop playing the fake marriage game.
….”he” split…..”he” decided
You’re welcome.
with fake borrowed kids
There was no Obama presidency, only an illegal occupation by the big eared bony assed Kenyan.
” But I stop short of caring because life is better without Michelle Obama..”
And doesn’t smell as bad..
I didn’t expect her either.
I find this a good decision…
.ANYONE, and that include Pelosi, Hillary and any of those ‘special’ democrats who are butthurt over Trump’s’ win, can stay home.
They will not be included in any of the historical pictures or stories which will be part of what will be remembered as the GREATEST event in American history since the end of WW2.
Stay away….who really cares??
The draining of the swamp has started.
But let’s be honest here…Michelle has a giant chip on her shoulder and it is all due to the fact that she will never, under any circumstances, be considered as graceful, charming, elegant and PRETTY….yes I said PRETTY, ….. as Melania….She does not want anyone comparing the two…and certainly not for the HISTORY books to record.
Who cares if this unpleasant beast goes?
Can you imagine having to see her and Obama’s presidential portrait, the worst ever, everyday? If I were Trump, I cover theirs and Biden’s, “to protect them from vandals.”
Michelle is also jealous that Melania is fluent in so many languages when she only knows English and Ghetto!
Her DNC speech proved she’s a very bitter and outright mean…. RACIST!
When the seething bitch left her DEI, “executive” position at the Chicago hospital, the board didn’t bother to refill the position.
The reason is simple.
That $300,000+ job was nearly as useless as Hunter’s job at Burisma. Both “jobs” were nothing more than veiled bribes.
Worth noting that Michelle’s bribe-job did actual damage, as she vigorously made sure qualified doctors need not apply if white.
It’s the same way B. Hussein made sure Christian Syrians needn’t apply for asylum. (He only shipped over future jihadists at $67,000 a head.)
I’d like to say that she was a “seething bitch” due having a pre-menstrual syndrome, but I don’t think men have that but maybe since men today can actually get pregnant!
We all know Biden liked to sniff hair so he walked behind Michelle to smell hers: “My oh my oh my. Your hair… it smells so…. Oh Michelle my Bell… oh yes… it smells like… ah… ahhhh…. aahhhhh…. (VOMITS).
Good! More room for people who DON’T hate America.
“She’s probably getting “her” back hair waxed….and other body parts.
She’s learning that militant Marxism has fallen out of vogue.
Get over it, the last 4 years of in-your-face Marxist revolution failed.
America is battered and bruised, but still standing.
Payback is an Obama.
When Barack Hussein Osama was nominated, Big Mike said it was the first time he was proud to be an American. Yes, Mooch hates America and so does Barry.
Really, who cares? She is just a chimp in a human costume.
What’ wrong with you?
Sorry, my mistake, “He”.
That’s really unfair to chimps.
Obama, Michell, and Opray, are LEADERS in the Black Supremacist Movement. Their DNC speeches were ordering Blacks to vote for a Skin Color making MLK’s Dream into his WORST NIGHTMARE! Then Obama on the campaign trail ordering the same. Blacks on youtube were disgusted by this and they voted for Trump, whose campaign stop in Harlem, was genius.
“If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Then came the REVENGE ATTACKS, “This is for Trayvon!” (Then for Freddie, George…. etc) The Movement started but add BEYONCE’S Super Bowl Half-time show honoring the MURDERING BLACK PANTHERS complete with RAISED BLACK POWER FISTS! (After this show, Blacks became empowered to do anything they wanted, and no one dare say anything or stop them.
TWO BLACK NFL players sacked a White quarterback, and they stood over him with RAISED BLACK POWER FISTS! The Camera shot quickly changed, the hosts, players, coaches, the NFL, AND THE MSM, said nothing! That was blatant racism but hey, OBAMA was President so nothing could be done.
OBAMA was born of Communists! Mentored by a Communist! He admitted to seeking out Communist Professors. While at Columbia he was in CPUSA front groups DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO THE SOVIET KGB! (Google: “Obama Sundial 1983” which is an article he wrote proving his direct connection to the most radical students on campus, all pro-Soviet, anti-American!) He moves to Chicago and meets up with their Communists, Bill Ayers, and his closet aide, Valerie Jarrett only due to her Communist ties, parents were Communists. He then becomes President and only surrounded himself with CPUSA/KGB recruits who he appointed to head departments that were then used to spy and conspire in a COUP ATTEMPT against a sitting President and then used to go after a former President! (I didn’t mention Trump because this is bigger.. against A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!) OBAMA IS A MAGNATE TO COMMUNISTS BECAUSE HE IS A COMMUNIST!
Their job today is to RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS now starting with Sesame Street, on to college, and professional protesters led by Communist groups like ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Democratic Socialists of America, the CPUSA, and all their front groups, now openly supported TERRORISTS! STILL NOT LABELED DOMESTIC TERRORISTS?
I didn’t know about the sack, followed by raised fists.
I’ll add that to the reason why I walked away from football a long time ago.
Basically, sports in general have gone selfish, woke, crybaby bullshit. (If NASCAR had more common sense, they’d heavily fine Bubba Wallace for his drama-queen slander.)
There are two main things to always remember about Michelle
She is a consummate grifter. While spewing her constant shtick
of being racially oppressed – during her time as First Lady, she
took lavish vacations all over the world with a big entourage of
family and friends – took her daughters every winter on ski trips
to Aspen – spent every Christmas at a Hawaiian mansion – ALL
PAID FOR BY TAXPAYERS. And paraded around in cost-free
provided hauteur designer clothing while she was at it.
She is also the wife and helpmate of the most evil man in
America – Barack Obama. The one who put this country more
in debt under one administration than all previous Presidents
combined had done – who divided the races as never before –
who began Obamacare as the start of the Marxist-Communist
road of government dependence, even for one’s very health –
who 100% shilled for Islam and under whose administration
Islamic jihad attacks on Americans proliferated.
So stay away from our jubilant celebration of President Trump’s
inauguration – who stands for everything that you and your evil
husband do not.
One other thing to remember: Michelle Obama IS NOT a woman !! “She” is the former Michael LaVaughn Robinson, one of Barack’s buddies from way back, a TRANNY ! That’s right, a man pretending to be a woman !! Now we can understand Barack’s well known desire to have sex with a man ! Both of the Obama’s hatred of America is well known and one of the reasons that the Biden Presidency was so destructive and harmful to our country. Barack Obama was Biden’s primary puppetmaster !!!
Anyone notice that, per the picture, Big Mike is looking more and more like Auntie Maxine Waters. I’m waiting for Big Mike to say “I will take him out!!”
Well, I guess the second term won’t be as much fun as the first, but it will be more gratifying as Trump gets the stuff done he couldn’t get done the first time.
What makes any of the D haters and naysayers think they will be missed at the inauguration?? Their overblown egos I guess. Trump doesn’t need them present, particularly if they are likely to disrupt the proceedings (as Pelosi did at the State of the Union). Broadcasting their disdain is just another attempt by them to get the media’s attention…and they are, unfortunately.
Yeah, nobody cares except Minitru morons.
Neither her nor Nancy Pelosi will be missed – let the two witches vent their spleen on each other and disappear from the public eye once and for all.
Big Fat Deal if she don’t show up she can stay at home and stir up the Brew in her Caldron add Wing of Bat Bone of Fish
I’m still trying to figure out how Obama’s handsome and supremely fit black chef drowned in shallow water right off shore.
Ya know….that’s a good question. The whole episode was hushed up by the SS (Secret Service not SchutzStaffel…although one and the same) very fast. Who killed the cook?
“They made movies about their first date …” Really? Oh dear Lord, I think I’’m gonna hurl …
An ugly Gaylord and a tranny? I’m going to add to your vomit puddle.
My eye are fading me Jeff, I thought you wrote, the Gargoyle and the Tranny.
Every time I see her face, I want to vomit.
I every time I see its face I do.
I hope you have some paper towels! 🙂
100% agree. The Trump‘s didn’t go to the Biden inauguration. It doesn’t matter. And yeah, this celebrity status stuff needs to stop. The federal government needs to get out of our life. Get minimalist!
Why is she/he/it even invited?
The greatest scam ever played on the United States of America was the Obummer Gang.
A muslim child in Indonesia named Barry whom a European American Mother married an African muslim from Kenya and later a muslim in Indonesia and she converted to the religion of Piss however wee Barry boy become Born Again as a Christian in Chicago and changed his ”christian” name from Barry to Barack Hussian Obama after embracing Jesus as his Lord and Savior and then he spoke at a large gathering of islamic leaders in Cairo once he became POTUS and yet not one single Iman placed a Fatwa on him for leaving islam as an Apostate.
Plus he married a man after saying Gay Marriage should not be legal, as Hitlery Clinton did also, until they were TOLD that opinion doesn’t fly with those Of The Left and then we see Queers for Palestine Banners but never Palestine for Queers…
Ya cant make this stuff anymore..
good riddance to another black race hustling carpet bagger crone . dont let the door hit you in the a** on the way out . she can seriously claim her once bogus comment of white flight caus thats what we will give her .
Mooch is ugly within, and, without.
Her refusal to attend #47’s inauguration only confirms — not for the first time, either — her infantile spite, petulance, narcissism, shallowness and vapidity.
Mooch is too busy spending time at one of her five palatial mansions, and, counting her pile of filthy, obscene and undeserved lucre.
It’s better that Mooch not attend, ensuring that the crone can’t spoil the joyous proceedings with her petulant frown and other childish harridan-termagant antics and visage.