To purchase your copy of David Horowitz’s new bestseller Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last, CLICK HERE.
In his recent appearance on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, David Horowitz discussed his new book, ‘Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last’, sharing the dire danger of America’s takeover by the Left.
Don’t miss it!
I understand now how Sarajevo could have led bit by bit, step by step to WWI. We are seeing that unfold bit by bit, tank by tank in Ukraine-Eastern Europe. It is madness. My wife is from former Soviet Union and has relatives there. Russians remember the last time German tanks went into Ukraine and to the Russia.’s border. They remember. Russians do not hate Putin.
We already had the last election in AZ and PA,MI and more. If AZ election is not overturned -Which I’m not so optimistic. You will not see any more elections anywhere in The USA.
Right you are. We will see not “elections” but “selections.” 2022 was the last straw. They killed what in the past would have been a red wave, even now they are accepting massive disenfranchisement in AZ and massive voter suppression with the blessing of corrupt leftist courts. Now I feel it doesn’t matter who gets nominated in 2024, the ballot box is hopelessly compromised, the Democrat whoever it is will “win” just as in VZ, Maduro, universally hated, always wins in a landslide.
Maybe the Presidential election of 2016 was the very last genuine non-rigged general election that this nation had or ever will have.
After Trump’s surprise win, they (the elites/establishment/corrupt oligarchs/ Marxist left Dems) knew that could never be allowed to happen again, the swamp could not be endangered. They “fixed” it and 2022 showed evern more clearly than 2020 how they fixed and rigged it.
The Left, “FASCISTIC SOCIALISTS”/AMERICAN MARXISM and their dysfunction GAGGLE/PARTY of INSANITY ANTI-AMERICANISM FRAUD THE BIG LIES & TOTALITARIANISM stand for 3 concrete IDEAS 1) THE myopic delusional corrupt fraudulent THE BIG LIES & tyranny IDEOLOGY 2) the “fundamental transformation of America# 3) a plethor of DISTRACTIONS.
The VISION of America has pronounced by the Founders, Framers and founding Documents is being systematically destroyed on a host of Problems, Crisis and where the ONLY Solution is THE IDEOLOGY.
“Final Battle. The next election could be the last.” Sorry to break the bad news but 2016 was the last election, the final election, and even that one was neither fair nor honest. Both 2020 and 2022 were septic tanks of corruption, voter and election fraud. Ask yourself, why John McCain was re-elected for roughly 30 years repeatedly when as an AZ citizen, I have never met a single person who would admit they ever voted for John McCain. Not one! In AZ, the winners have been chosen long before the first citizen ever casts a ballot. Ask Katie Hobbs. Ask Kari Lake. Ask Mark Finchem. Ask Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone and his opponent Jerry Sheridan.. Ask the Maricopa Country Board of Supervisors. Anyone who chooses to believe that decades of elections, both in AZ and such places as GA, PA, MI, WI, NY, CA have been fair and honest were born deaf, dumb, blind and brain dead at birth. Olympus has fallen.
ive filed my paperwork to run for president in 2024 and the msm wont even admit i exist.i havent even heard back from them and its been two months.VOTE GARRISON in 2024,not a wef puppet!
Because the real reason the UN was founded is for a World Government all run by the UN and ending America with Open Borders unregulated immigration a disarmed American People and opening all private lands to so called refugees and with Biden as our 3rd Dictator(Clinton and Obama came before him)the North American(Soviet)Union just like Europe
Sorry, David.
The last election has already come and gone.
What currently passes for “elections” is so ripe for, and rife with, fraud that calling them elections is a complete joke.
america is a bit like the titanic , wonderful creation , most advanced fastest ship afloat , resplendent interior a sight to behold . then on its maiden voyage it strikes a climate change iceberg [ feckless joe ] and bam ,! it goes straight to the bottom . despite the enquiry into the sinking no one went to jail . america is now on its way to the bottom and despite deck chair shuffling nothing will save america . GOD has given america over to a reprobate mind and judicial blindness , nothing , absolutely nothing will save it from its demise . both sides of the political spectrum believe in the same modus operandi . they are not there to represent those that elected them , they are there for themselves . the deplorables are the last thing on their minds . sorry eric , but none of the corruption will come to light . you are living in a fools paradise .
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Socialism in action
Eric, David: As a lifelong Democrat whose party now walks, talks, thinks and acts like Communists, why are they referred to as the Left, Progressives and Marxists? Common folk throughout the world know what a Communist stands for – the other terms, not so much!
As weeks go by, and more and more outrageous events occur, I feel that I am a co-resident of Alice’s Wonderland. I can only believe that Americans are either asleep or hypnotized into inertia or acceptance, while their homes burn around them.
We have to WAKE UP!! We can’t just talk and complain! We have now had two elections that were won by fraud, unconstitutional rule changes, and censorship in our social media and the MSM that deprived voters of knowledge they needed about the unconstitutional and sometimes treasonous activities by the Democrat’s in power who could not bear to lose that power.
Before it was just the colleges and universities, but now they want to consume our Kindergartners on up with their CRT and transgenderism, their immorality, and racial tensions. I can only believe that the hate and rage that is coming from some of the Democrats is from this ignorant derangement.
Some of the Republicans are no better–not just the RINOs, but also those apathetic Republican politicians that are only concerned about their careers.
It can’t be too late. I just read “Final Battle,” another book by David Horowitz. I urge you to read those two books and spread the word. Then please join me in prayer. We must keep a prayer ring going around the country and God will answer!!
The last one was the last one. I watched the democrats and Republican Kim Wyman take over Washington state. She works for Biden now.
The communists have absolute power. We are living under a dictatorship.
Fair and unrigged elections are over.
We are not a one-party country, we are a no-party country.
Remember Societies was forced to take his own life drinking a cup of Hemlock for the crime of Sedition or Corrupting the minds of the Greek Youth if we applied that today all t hose liberal collage Administrators and Professors would be drinking their cup of Hemlock Tea since their corrupting the minds of American Youth with leftists propaganda
I believe the nation won’t be able to have an honest election because of corruption and so many ways to cheat. The Democrats stole the elections and the Republicans covered up for them and wouldn’t hold the cheaters accountable, neither would the judges. They all want a One World Government where the elites and the rich rule the world.