There’s a lot of money to be made in the booming field of calling Americans racists. Take it from Robin DiAngelo, the most obnoxious professional ‘anti-racist’ racists of the moment, alongside Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates.
One of the speakers bureaus that represents her told the Free Beacon that a 60-90 minute keynote would run $30,000, a two-hour workshop $35,000, and a half-day event $40,000.
DiAngelo’s clients, according to her website, range from Amazon and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Unilever and the YMCA. DiAngelo reportedly charges up to $15,000 per session—a March 2019 appearance, for example, cost the University of Kentucky $12,000, as well as a $5-a-minute phone-call fee. Recent virtual events run up to $175 a ticket. The eight to ten private events DiAngelo says she speaks at each month likely net her at least $1.5 million annually.
Boston University’s Ibram X. Kendi, whose book has jockeyed with DiAngelo’s on the bestseller list, charges $150 for tickets to public events and $25,000 for a one-hour presentation, his representatives told the Free Beacon. Former Atlantic writer Ta-Nehisi Coates has charged between $30,000 and $40,000 for public lectures.
The Diversity and Inclusion business was thought to be worth $8 billion as of 2003; by 2005, 65 percent of big companies offered diversity training.
Public records indicate she owns three homes, all bought before White Fragility was published: a four-bedroom bungalow and half of a duplex in Seattle (her daughter, nearing 40, occupies the latter), and a cabin in rural Washington, where DiAngelo and husband Jason Toews relax with friends who, at least on Toews’s Instagram, appear to be exclusively white. Tax assessments put DiAngelo’s cumulative housing wealth at roughly $1.6 million, in the vicinity of Coates’s $2 million Brooklyn brownstone.
They’ll be able to afford much nicer houses after the riots. Meanwhile millions more Americans, of all races, will be poorer and deeper in debt even as governments and mega-corporations keep paying more to have DiAngelo tell their employees they’re racists.
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