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PENN HILLS, Pennsylvania — When the Penn Hills police and paramedics arrived at the modest suburban Pittsburgh home in the 8100 block of Chaske Street on Jan. 14, they found the father of 7-month-old Zhuri Bogle desperately performing CPR on his infant daughter. It was 6:44 a.m., and with the exception of a few flurries swirling in the brisk winter air, the sky was still as dark as midnight.
The first responders immediately took over from the father and administered CPR on the unresponsive baby for the next 21 minutes. At 7:05 a.m., Zhuri was pronounced dead at the scene.
The local police immediately requested the Allegheny County Police Homicide Unit assist in the investigation; those detectives, in turn, launched an investigation into the baby’s death.
Two months later, the Allegheny County medical examiner announced Zhuri died from acute fentanyl toxicity. The detectives on the case also determined that Zhuri’s grandmother and her “friend,” David Poindexter, age 58, were watching Zhuri when the baby overdosed.
On Friday, Poindexter was served with an arrest warrant and charged with involuntary manslaughter and recklessly endangering another person.
In January, 10-month-old Senna Matkovic had luck, a fast-acting nanny and nearby paramedics on his side when he survived exposure to fentanyl. He was playing with his twin brother at San Francisco’s Moscone Park when it happened. Within 10 seconds of Fire Rescue Captain Robert Kuzma administering Narcan, the child went from supine, unresponsive and blue to breathing and crying for his parents.
Kuzma said it was not his first pediatric opioid overdose in his career. Tragically, it likely won’t be his last.
The number of young children under 5 who have died from overdoses in the U.S. has increased significantly in the past few years, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. The highest number of those fatal poisonings of children comes from opioids.
The study, which relied on records for all children 5 and younger from the National Fatality Review-Case Reporting System, showed that two-fifths of the children who died were infants and that 65% of those deaths happened at home. Nearly a third of those occurred under the supervision of someone who was not their biological parent, as in the case of Zhuri.
We have looked the other way as opioid addiction and abuse in the U.S. has gone from zero to a grotesque and infinite epidemic. It now endangers every aspect of life. Our public health has degraded, our economic output has suffered and our national security has been breached so brazenly and without consequence that it is hard to grasp. Even infants are not safe. Yet we do nothing.
In the past 23 years alone, over 1 million people in the U.S. have died of drug overdoses, almost exclusively opioids, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. By the end of this week, 1,500 people will have overdosed on opioids and died. By the end of next week, 1,500 more people will have overdosed and died from an opioid, and the week after that, and the week after that.
China is the main manufacturer of the ingredients needed to create fentanyl. They find their way from China to the southern border, where the drug cartels are happy to produce the drug and then hand it off to distribution networks to smuggle it across the porous border.
The Biden administration “urged” Mexico and China to take strong action in their countries. Both countries responded that the problem wasn’t with them — it was with us.
With no consequences from the U.S. government, the drugs make their way into the U.S. Those carrying the drugs blend in easily with the record-breaking 2.76 million other illegal crossings that happened last year. They spread the drugs to cities, suburbs and rural communities in your backyard.
Fentanyl is 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is cheap to produce and deadly to the unsuspecting, such as children playing in a San Francisco park or coming into contact with an addicted caregiver.
Every year at the border, the number of seizures of the product gets higher. Every year, the amount that gets past law enforcement gets larger as well. Fentanyl is poisoning babies, teenagers and adults. Those in government in Washington, D.C., who were elected to protect us have done the opposite.
It is the border agents, law enforcement, first responders, doctors, firefighters and paramedics who are our last line of defense. It makes no sense that we accept the death of Zhuri as normal. It makes no sense that any parent must worry about sending a child to a public park and having him or her not come back alive. It makes no sense that this White House has not done something serious to call all of this out publicly, telling both China and Mexico unequivocally that this ends now.
We have allowed China to steal our intellectual property, outperform us in technology and military capabilities, supersede us in forming strategic alliances with our former allies, escape accountability over the spread of COVID-19, spy on us, out-manufacture us and now poison us. Still, we do nothing.
We have also allowed Mexico to take zero accountability for its hand in this, to turn the problem back on us. Last month, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that in his country, they do not have a problem with fentanyl consumption. “Why don’t they take care of their problem of social decay?” he asked.
A little baby died here in western Pennsylvania — a victim of a series of failures by our government. When does the Biden administration say that enough is enough?
[Q] So if some street-trash took 3 times the lethal limit, it’d be declared a fatal overdose right?
[A] Not if the scumbag is named George Floyd.
Had that ugly criminal survived his 2nd overdose (1st time in Chicago), he’d be thanking *Biden over the HUGE drop in fentanyl prices.
The tidal wave of illegal immigrants carrying fentanyl has affectively dropped the street price to a 3rd.
*Biden is turning America into a sewer, because his handlers know it’ll swell the DNC base. (As for Floyd, he’ll be voting in all swing states.)
Since 1972, and probably before, the Democrat Party has been the party of death. Biden will never oppose the poisoning of Americans by imported fentanyl, because eliminating the unwashed is a core value of his party. Those who would take innocent lives in the womb, free felons but incarcerate opponents, disarm the virtuous to leave them defenseless, and inculcate sin and evil in compulsory government monopoly schools cannot be expected to stand for life and freedom in any situation.
Yes, Biden has no intention of addressing the Fentanyl problem because he knows that it starts with his open borders policy that sucks in this poison. The other part of the problem is the large number of dumb people we have in this country that willingly use this poison. Further, there needs to be a Federal law mandating automatic death penalty for anyone distributing any amount of this poison. China is laughing all the way to the bank.
No, mandating death to those distributing is NOT right.
What WOULD be right, however, is when a given distributor is identified as the source of the stuff that killed a specific individual, THEN the action of the dealer/seller IS the means of death, and done willingly and deliberately. THEN the death penalty is fair right
What a better way for them to reduce the Human Population all over t his Population Bomb Mentality of Ehrlich and his ridiculous Ideology
Who, even an addict, would leave Fentanyl where a baby could get at it?
Addicts are notorious for not giving a sh*t about anything except their next dose. They are self-centered, completely disconnected from the world around them (except their drug dealer of course) and have no concept of how their actions impact people around them.
This might sound harsh, but talk to any recovered drug addict and they will tell you exactly that.
A drug addict might as well be possessed by a demon. Mind, body and soul enslaved to the next fix.
But why leave their EXPENSIVE next fix, thay they’re ready to murder an old lady to get the money for, lying around where a baby can swallow it?
One could say that about the jab too.
“Heroin is not produced in the United States. Every gram of heroin present in the United States provides unequivocal evidence of a failure of border security because every gram of heroin was smuggled into the United States. Indeed, this is precisely a point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on October 18, 2017 when he again raised the need to secure the U.S./Mexican border to protect American lives.” Michael Cutler …
Biden doesn’t care if your children are overdosing and dying on drugs. FJB doesn’t even care that his own son is constantly strung-out on drugs.
Hello?!…Biden doesn’t know where he is most of the time and no doubt, his extra large adult diapers are dripping through the seems by mid morning..and you’re asking why the dummy isn’t doing anything to stop the illegal drug poisoning of many Americans….The whole thing is a massive cosmic joke..
Dear Frank: I think you mean “drpping through the seams.”
It’s not a “crisis” if it’s on purpose.
The administration doesn’t care about people – whether we are American citizens, Ukrainians being killed & displaced, or migrantes being trafficked, we are just meat puppets in its power game. So its not any fentanyl body-count that will get Biden to control the now-open border; it will be when enough people have entered the country, been granted asylum and voting rights, and have given the leftist democrats a voting demographic that permantly assures they will stay in power. THEN they will close the border again – and they will claim they are doing it to end the fentanyl scourge and to restore our safety.
Pity Hunter isn’t next. Then the clown bastard would act.
I rather doubt he would. Hunter’s money would then flow to Dopey Joey as next of kin.
Dear Frank: I think you mean “drpping through the seams.”
Yes, The US is the middleman in all this drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Did you ever think you would see the day when such evil ruled? Communism has many ways to destroy lives.