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The Democratic Party claims that it’s the party of democracy even as it tries to suppress any democratic political opposition from its own members and from third parties because it’s not about democracy.
That’s easy to understand when you take into account the true origins of the Democratic Party.
Theodore Roosevelt later described them as “Democratic societies on the models of the Jacobin Clubs of France” and their influence as “noxious” and “distinctly evil.”
“We are lovers of the French nation,” the Democratic Society of New York had declared. “We esteem their cause as our own.”
A toast at the Democratic Society of Philadelphia envisioned “the San Culottes of France,” creating a “temple of liberty” that will “have the whole earth for its area, and the arch of heaven for its dome,” envisioning the French Revolution spreading across the world to America.
Historian Charles Downer Hazen noted, “The Democratic clubs … also played an important part in introducing French levelling principles in revolutionary vernacular. It was through them that the word ‘democrat’ was ushered into our politics.”
That was why George Washington wrote that the Democratic Societies “were instituted by the artful & designing members (many of their body I have no doubt mean well, but know little of the real plan),” he had warned, “under popular and fascinating guises, the most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government.”
They have so much in common with islam….
Democ-rats are a hell-bound political cult. Repent!
Buy my book! Buy it! Money, please! I’m not a historian or anything, but I wrote a book that has history bits in it. Buy it!
Pre-ordering your book. From your research, was there a difference between the northern democrats and the southern democrats? I have read that they were different.
Much obliged for all your research and effort in everything you do.
Thank you. There were definite differences and for that matter even among northern Democrats.
The actual leftist revolutionaries tend to be northern. There were some southerners with revolutionary leftist tendencies (and a sizable part of Chapter 5 is dedicated to one such figure), but they tended to want revolutions somewhere else and they wanted things at home to stay basically the same.
Northern revolutionaries wanted to import revolution, Southern revolutionaries were more likely to want to export it.
Jefferson excused many of the abuses of the French Revolution, but he wouldn’t have wanted anything like that in Virginia. Aaron Burr, the subject of much of Chapter 1, wanted it in America. And he wanted to be the one doing the killing.
America’s homegrown political binary is Jefferson vs. Hamilton: small government states’ rights vs. Central government statism.
Southern Dems tended to be small government Jeffersonians for the most part, while Northern Dems were Hamiltonian statists like their Whig counterparts, who would later infiltrate the Democrats after the Civil War and transform it into a 100% Hamiltonian statist party.
The last time the Democrats produced a truly small government Jeffersonian for president was Grover Cleveland. Since then the Democrats have produced nothing but Hamiltonianism.
Northern Democrats were Hamiltonian statists like their Whig Party counterparts. One exception being Grover Cleveland, who was arguably the last decent president the Democrats produced, and who actually was a small government Jeffersonian unlike the Democrats of today.
Southern Dems were small government Jeffersonians and most of them were certainly not lefties.
We had a progressive, Hamiltonian GOP, and Democrats who became Hamiltonians as they were subsumed by former Whigs.
I got my copy on Friday. I am half way through the first chapter (I am a slow reader). It is all new to me, very enlightening. I had always heard that the founders looked at the revolution in France with horror but did not know that there was a faction that wanted the same here. On reflection of course there was. The same personality profile that attracts people to the woke, communist, “burn it all down” left had to exist from the beginning of time.
An idea that occurred to me that I have been rolling over in my mind lately is that utopia is connected to gynecide because before the revolutionaries can have their heaven on earth, they have to get rid of all the bad people. When I read that part about some wanting to guillotine George Washington I paused a long while and thought about it surly their blood lust did not end there.
Jefferson wanted to transplant the French revolution here. Fortunately, he was in France when the constitution was written.
I’m glad you’re reading it and yes, America was being torn apart by support for the French Revolution.
That’s why George Washington was warning against foreign entanglements.
Fanatics indeed always need to destroy everything to remake the world according to their vision and the more things don’t go according to plan, the more they settle on mass killings to remake the world, e.g. the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Islam, etc
Teddy Roosevelt however, was a man of the left.
He was a progressive Hamiltonian statist:
– Antitrust laws
– Income Tax, which Wilson is blamed for, but Roosevelt forced Taft to push through
– The National Parks system and all the unconstitutional building and zoning garbage that flowed from it.
– Military interventionism
He was a collectivist who only preached individualism come campaign season, a Hamiltonian statist who spoke of “liberty” while penalizing it, and a warmonger who preached “world peace”.
He was a demonstrably overrated president and left a disastrous legacy.
To real understand truly how wrong you are
By Theodore Roosevelt
In his own words
The LEFT and my guess fools such as yourself
FEAR the MAN and his FACTS
Oh my, a fight on American presidents and their roles.. This could get us all wound up.
Time to sit back and enjoy the spectacle.
He was in the mainstream of Lincolnism. The mainstream of the GOP, which started as a leftist party and has never changed.
The idolatry of Henry Clay and “The American System.” (the birth of the modern day central government). Lincoln was Clay’s protege. Unfortunately what they started has about devoured every bit of freedom we were bequeathed.
Woodrow and Teddy. Two birds of a feather. The Federalists vs the Anti-Federalist, the war that never ended.
Bullshit Theodore Roosevelt was a great man and did a great job. He took a bullet in the chest and finished the speech he was giving. That’s a man.
And I like our national parks.
Teddy is the reason you got Wilson. He was the Republican Obama.
The National Parks were an unconstitutional land grab. Parks should be left up to the states.
Did the author mean for the link to be to
Thanks for catching that. I didn’t realize all the links were broken.
I have another theory. I think they got the name because they meant “the Demonic Party” but spell check changed it and no one caught it.
It was the Democrats who kept sold traded bought and abused slaves and separated families it was the Democrats who et us in World Wars I & II Korea and Vietnam and its under a Democrat we have Inflation and Unemployment and out of control crime rate
It’s called the Democrat Party, there’s nothing democratic about them.
Well, if I,recall, “Bolshevik” meant “majority” although they were anything but. It’s just marketing.
Democracy leads to tyranny.
Tyranny of the majority by the minority.
If you took out Crat out of Democrat put in a N and S you would have DEMONS