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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Every day seems to bring fresh evidence of just how savage and demonic Hamas really is. On Friday, video surfaced of IDF soldiers entering the Nova music festival in southern Israel in the aftermath of Hamas’ massacre there. Be warned: the video shows the dead bodies of numerous young Israelis whom the jihadis murdered in their pursuit of another genocide of the Jewish people. As such evidence of Hamas’ inhumanity comes to light, however, their motivations remain obscure to most people. Even now, nearly a quarter-century after 9/11, people in the West have trouble believing that someone could ruthlessly murder people and think he is serving the supreme being. And so studying the testimony of another jihadi can be illuminating.
Back in 2019, a Palestinian Muslim named Arafat Irafaiya raped and murdered a nineteen-year-old Israeli girl named Ori Ansbacher. The murder was so brutal that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu specifically noted its “shocking brutality.” Irafaiya emphasized that he had raped and murdered Ori Ansbacher because she was Jewish; as if to emphasize the ideology that had spurred such bloodlust, Irafaiya was captured in a mosque.
Irafaiya afterward made statements to investigators that are newly relevant as illustrative of the jihadi mindset. In an upbeat mood, Irafaiya exulted: “I did everything an Arab dreams of.” He even said that raping and murdering Ori Ansbacher was “the best and most important thing I did in my life.”
The Western mind reels. How could this blood-curdling act of hatred be the best and most important thing he ever did in his life? This is understandable only from an Islamic perspective. An Islamic tradition depicts a man approaching Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and asking him: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replies, “I do not find such a deed.” (Sahih Bukhari 4.56.2785) Arafat Irafaiya no doubt considers his brutalization and killing of Ori Ansbacher to be an act of jihad, and so he regards it with the deep satisfaction of the pious when they know they have done something that pleases their god.
Irafaiya was not just satisfied; he was positively bubbling with joy. The Hebrew-language Kakolhayehudi reported that “during his interrogations, while bursting with laughter, Arpaia described to his investigators the horror he committed while not being afraid for a moment to proudly present his thoughts about the murder.” Bursting with laughter: Irafaiya is now secure in the knowledge that having killed a Jew, one of the people who are “the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe” (Qur’an 5:82), he has done something that is outstanding in Allah’s sight, and will receive his reward.
It is also likely that Irafaiya believes that by killing Jews, he can help to hasten the consummation of all things: “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: ‘The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.’” (Sahih Muslim 2922)
Irafaiya said happily: “The murder is the best and most important thing I’ve done in my life. If she had stayed alive, it would have meant that I failed in what I planned and failed in my mission. It was the best feeling I’ve felt in my life.” He had planned his murder carefully, although he did short in his goal of killing many Jews, not just one: “I planned to enter Jerusalem and murder Jews. I wanted to kill several Jews and not one, but when I was there I saw that Allah had sent me the Jewish woman and I understood that I had to kill her. This was the fate to which Allah had summoned me.”
Irafaiya also revealed that he had bought a kippah so as to disguise himself as a Jew. According to another hadith, Muhammad said, “War is deceit.” (Bukhari 4.52.268). “I planned to use it to carry out an attack in Jerusalem. I planned to enter some place, put on the kippah so that they would think I was Jewish and stab as many Jews as possible in order to kill them. If I hadn’t met a girl on the way I would have entered Jerusalem to carry out the attack and murder Jews.” Even after he murdered Ori, he hoped to kill more people: “After I murdered her, I stayed near the body for some time. I was waiting for more people, more Jews, to come looking for the murdered woman, in order to surprise them and kill them. If I had died during the attempt to kill more Jews, for me it is a blessed thing because I would have died as a martyr.”
It cannot be emphasized enough that when these people rape and kill, they think they’re doing something glorious that will earn them blessings and rewards from Allah. Non-Muslims generally persist in refusing to understand this, or to deal with it in any adequate way, and keep thinking that Israeli concessions will solve the problem. That path has been tried and failed. It is time now to face reality.
roberta says
”Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
Does this Proverb remind anyone of a particular ”religion”?
astro says
Yes and it’s not Islam.
Greg says
So Allah required this guy to murder Jews. According to reports, Muslim immigrants are raping ponies in Europe. Very religious, these people.
Jack Diamond says
Because they are the stronger horse.
Raping and murdering a Jewish girl is worship for a pious Muslim. Maybe you remember the ISIS fighter saying something similar to the kaffir captive he was raping. Satan is smiling.
Lightbringer says
Do you mean that 12-year-old Yazidi sex slave? Poor kid!
Paul says
Just substitute Muslim for Hamas. They all believe the same thing.
BLSinSC says
The CIVILIZED WORLD will have to take a stand – NO ISLAM ALLOWED! It’s NOT a “religion” – it’s a murderous insanity! Simple as that! Have the Baptists or Methodists or even the various minor Congregations EVER professed to be the RULERS of the World? Have ANY OTHER Religions ever posited that their main objective is to enslave those who are not them?? NO, and we should not allow this sick doctrine and military function in our Nation! They want to live in the 7th Century, I think it would be justified to give them what they want by eliminating everything invented after the 7th Century! I do sympathize with innocent people who have the very unfortunate circumstance of being born into muslim, but we cannot allow them to destroy US! A “reckoning” is coming and I fear the MILLIONS of “future DEMOcrats” will be the ones who start it! Thankfully there are MILLIONS of Americans who understand and are prepared to defend Our Nation!
Ed Snider says
We often point out that Muslims haven’t progressed beyond the seventh century origins of Islam. This slanders the seventh century. In their behavior they are more like Australopithecus than any modern form of Homo sapiens.
Kasandra says
I doubt Australipithicus would have committed such horrors. These people are simply psychopaths. And I response to the inevitable “what do you mean ‘these people'” let me be clear – anybody who thinks like this Irafaiya person, whether it be one person or the entire ummah.
Orca says
This evil clown should be tortured. I’d put electrodes on his nut sack and shock him on a daily basis. Then make him listen 24/7 to Jewish prayers.
Jcash says
Sort of what’s happening to Christians in the USA daily. Very shocking all the support for LGBTQ by the jewish media on a daily basis. At least the muslims would provide a respite from all this strange sexual fetish. Goats OK but not “our” children.
Lightbringer says
That would desecrate the Jewish prayers. Electrocute him while listening to Muslim prayers 24/7.
schlomo says
Let me understand the difference. The jews claim they are Gods chosen which gives them the right to all lands their God has chosen for them. (snicker) The muslims say their prophet says they are chosen and will inherit all lands after eliminating all non-believers.. I don’t see the difference.
dani says
and you never will – because you’re a schmuck
“The jews claim they are Gods chosen..”.
Allow me to correct your statement. “God’s Holy Scriptures clearly lays out in bold text that Israel is GOD’S Chosen People”. God Himself says that Israel is His land, Jerusalem is His city and the Jews are His Chosen people. (Chosen does not mean they are better or anything else, simply that God chose them for a specific purpose, to become the human line that would bring forth the Messiah, the Saviour of the world). 2700 years ago, Ezekial wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit…..”Son of man, this Israel is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet, where I will live among the people of Israel FOREVER”..
“The muslims say their prophet says they are chosen…” The muslim prophets are NOT God….know you know the difference.
Rev. Roy……….<
schlomo says
Let me understand the difference. The jews claim they are Gods chosen which gives them the right to all lands their God has chosen for them. (snicker) The muslims say their prophet says they are chosen and will inherit all lands after eliminating all non-believers.. I don’t see the difference.
Tory says
You do. You are just lying about it.
“The jews claim they are Gods chosen..”.
Allow me to correct your statement. “God’s Holy Scriptures clearly lays out in bold text that Israel is GOD’S Chosen People”. God Himself says that Israel is His land, Jerusalem is His city and the Jews are His Chosen people. (Chosen does not mean they are better or anything else, simply that God chose them for a specific purpose, to become the human line that would bring forth the Messiah, the Saviour of the world). 2700 years ago, Ezekial wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit…..”Son of man, this Israel is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet, where I will live among the people of Israel FOREVER”..
“The muslims say their prophet says they are chosen…” The muslim prophets are NOT God….know you know the difference.
Rev. Roy……….<
Doug says
Death cult.
All of islam is included. There are no “moderates”.
Doug says
There is the long history and there is the recent history
Bob W says
why are all photographs removed from the article?…I have a sense that MS Edge is playing games
Mad Celt says
So, you commune with demons frequently?
Sword of The Spirit says
When the sick F_k says “raping and murdering Ori Ansbacher was “the best and most important thing I did in my life”, he knows he is lying. He knows it was wrong. He just wanted to do it.
M Wald says
Well, all the Hamas fighters in Gaza should know that Allah has sent them the IDF to enable their much sought-after martyrdom. They should all be racing North.
Tex the Mockingbird says
The Cowards s till refuse to show their faces
John Blackman says
” they love death ” oblige them and then some . you are doing them a favour . that includes their ” innocent ” children . as they are taught also to love death . its a win win .
Degüello says
One should not expect much of the reasoning power and gullibility of members of a culture which has promoted generations of mating of 1st cousins. Off-spring of such unions have been found to have diminished IQ of ~10 points on average for each such generation.
Darryl says
Polygamous Islam is a religion filled with incels. This is the only way most of these losers will ever have sex with a girl.
Allah is the Devil. He is nothing like God who Christians and Jews worship.
Muslims globally are rallying behind raping Jews to death now. Zero protests that disagree that this is not of Allah..
Allah loves them for it.
Allah is the devil, truly.
Muslims share the same relationship with Allah as the Night Stalker shared with his demon.