Don’t miss this entertaining video by Paul Watson about the meltdown of the Left over Trump’s reinstatement to Twitter. The sheer deluge of seething rage and hysteria is absolutely delectable!
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underzog says
As antisemitic polemicists go, Paul Joseph Watson is a more entertaining Jew hater than Mark Dice. Sometimes he sounds reminiscent of Pat Buchanan, warning Jews they are not appreciative enough and too uppity. Plus, Paul Joseph Watson has featured vile antisemite, Nick Fuentes, in his plagiarism videos — Paul rips off his themes from the wretched “Daily Stormer” and “Diversity Mach Frei” (the name is a take off from the signs over Nazi death camps).
Paul Joseph Watson switches the attacks on the Jews from “The Daily Stormer” to something else so he will not appear to far out of the mainstream..
Paul is clever that way.
p.s. Richard Wagner is entertaining, too.
Lightbringer says
Agree about Richard Wagner. But the son of a bitch wrote great music.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Aside from ONCE saying the Israelis were occupying Palestinian land, I can’t think of anything Watson haa said that could possibly be construed as antisemitic.
Spurwing Plover says
Liberals show their true Colors when it comes to Trump their a whole bunch of Bolshevik goons looking to Riot in the Streets of any place where Trump and Trump voters are