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Ilhan Omar wanted the world to know that there was “no way in hell” that she would be attending the speech Israeli President Herzog is to deliver to a joint session of Congress. And then she proceeded to list the reasons for this decision, revealing certain misconceptions about the Jewish state that deserve to be noted. More on her tweet can be found here: “Ilhan Omar’s Unhinged Tweets Show How Confused She is About Israel,” by Rachel O’Donoghue, HonestReporting, July 13, 2023:
In a clearly not-attention-seeking move, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar took to social media on Wednesday to announce to her 2.9 million followers that there is “no way in hell” she will watch Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to the US Congress next week.
Posting a series of tweets, Omar gave her reasons as to why Herzog won’t be graced with her cheerful presence, like how she refuses to watch a speech from “a President whose country has banned [her] and denied [Rashida Tlaib] the ability to see her grandma,” and because his address comes as the Israeli government is “essentially putting a nail in the coffin of peace and a two-state solution.”
And just to show how serious her tweets are, Omar added — all in block capitals — that Herzog should not be invited because the Israeli government “BARRED THE FIRST TWO MUSLIM WOMEN ELECTED TO CONGRESS FROM VISITING THE COUNTRY.”
Deranged ranting aside, the striking thing about Omar’s thread is just how confused she is about Israel.
For one thing, she claims that her fellow Democrat and “squad” member Rashida Tlaib was barred from visiting her grandmother in the West Bank. Fact check: Tlaib was allowed to see her grandmother but chose not to in order to protest Israel’s “oppressive conditions.”
While Israel back in 2019 barred Omar and Tlaib from entering the country to conduct what would clearly have been a political circus by visiting “oppressed Palestinians” in the West Bank, it later made an exception for Tlaib’s visiting her “grandmother in the West Bank” — a visit for which she claimed to pine. But having obtained that permission, about which she had made such a fuss, Tlaib decided not to take advantage of it, but preferred to continue meretriciously to invoke her “I can’t even visit my grandmother” lament against the Jewish state.
While she appears to grasp that there is a difference between Israel’s prime minister and president, she suggests that Herzog is some kind of shadowy shill for Benjamin Netanyahu.
Of course, if Omar knew as much about Israel as she thinks she does, she would know that Herzog ran against Netanyahu as head of the Labor Party and has also been the key figure pushing for watering down the controversial judicial reforms, which she dubs a “coup to centralize power and undermine checks on their power.”
Omar appears not to know that the man she is boycotting, President Herzog, is a longtime political opponent of Netanyahu, the man Omar loves to hate, and has spoken against the judicial reform proposal, which he has been trying to water down. But apparently that has made no impression on Ilhan Omar, who thinks all Israeli leaders, no matter what their policies, deserve to be boycotted.
Naturally, Omar lambastes Israel for last week’s Jenin raid, which she notes “killed at least a dozen people,” while failing to mention the fact they were all members of terrorist organizations. She additionally blames the failure to establish a Palestinian state on Israel, apparently blissfully unaware of how many peace deals the Palestinians have turned their noses up at….
The Jenin raid by the IDF, Omar is careful not to mention, was undertaken after a series of deadly attacks on Israeli civilians by terrorists based in Jenin; most of them were members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The IDF entered the Jenin camp, scrupulously trying to avoid civilian casualties, and killed twelve fighters, all of them, by the Palestinians’ own admission, members of terror groups, with at least eight of them belonging to the PIJ. The main goal of the 44-hour campaign was to locate and destroy all of the PIJ’s weapons, hidden throughout the camp, with an especially large cache hidden underneath the camp’s mosque. None of this is mentioned by Omar, who presents the Jenin raid as an example of Israel’s motiveless malignity, attacking innocent Palestinian civilians in their homes.
In her tweet, Omar yet again blamed Israel for the failure to establish a Palestinian state, still unaware that Israel has repeatedly offered generous peace deals to the Palestinians – in 2000, 2001, and 2008 — but on every occasion was turned down. Arafat rejected Ehud Barak’s proposal, just as Mahmoud Abbas turned down the even more generous offer made by Ehud Olmert, that included having Israel relinquish possession of the Old City, placing it under international control.
Omar does not want her followers to know that Israel has given Rashida Tlaib permission to visit her grandmother on the West Bank, and it is Tlaib herself who has ignored the offer, in order to continue making Israel look bad, as supposedly keeping her from visiting her “beloved grandma.” Omar does not care enough to find out that President Herzog opposes the judicial reform proposal, and on almost every domestic policy question in Israel differs from Prime Minister Netanyahu. Omar wants her 2.9 million followers on Twitter to think that it is Israel that has prevented a peace deal with the Palestinians, when it is the Palestinians who have repeatedly turned down — walked out on — every Israeli proposal for peace. Finally, she’s determined not to listen to any Israeli, no matter their political persuasion, and ideally would like everyone in Congress to join her in her boycott. Too bad, because if she were to listen to the eminently reasonable President Herzog, she just might learn something.
J.J. Sefton says
Meh, Bro-Fos’ gonna fo . . .
Steven Brizel says
Omar is clearly an anti Semite
Atikva says
Duh! She is a firm believer in the Khartoun Resolutions: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel”, and she dreams of the day when Israel will be annihilated (followed by the . USA). It’s a shame to have such trash among the members of our own Congress.
whirlwinder says
Omar (not her name) is a successful part of the Islamic Global Jihad which is in the process of destroying America.
Don Saliman says
She worries about her grandmother, so why does she not bring her to America?
Kasandra says
I’m sure Omar is ignorant but, more importantly to me, she is a dishonest, Leftist, Islamist propagandist to who facts don’t matter in any event. You could force her at gunpoint to sit down and read this column and she would get up and continue to spout the exact same lies as before. But the Dems accept her without sanction or criticism, re-elect her, and Biden recently said she is “beautiful” so why would she cease her mendacity?
Angel Jacob says
Fraud Omar belongs in prison for treason.
Chief Mac says
She has also committed immigration fraud, state and federal election fraud, state and federal income tax fraud
Intrepid says
“Omar appears not to know that the man she is boycotting, President Herzog, is a longtime political opponent of Netanyahu, the man Omar loves to hate,”
It wouldn’t matter if Herzog was Netanyahu’s political enemy or BFF. Omar simply and mindlessly hates Jews. It would be nice if Omar and the rest of the Obama-Somalis were deported back to the crap hole they are from.
Omar has zero business being in Congress. But for Pelosi she is simply another Democrat vote. Omar’s Jew hatred is a plus for Pelosi and her poodle Hakeem Jefferies
Guy Jones says
To hell with these rotten, vile, ingrate, bigoted, despicable Muslim supremacists and terrorist-supporters/apologists in the wretched Dhimmi-crat Party.
Just like playing the popular kids party game Pin the Tail on the Donkey she never will get it right
Steve says
The only thing that Ilhan Omar knows abut Israel is that the majority of iys population is Jewish (the only country with a Jewish majority; indeed the only country where Jews comprise more than 2 or 3% of the population). That’s enough for her to hate Israel and indeed to oppose its very existence. But then Ilhan Omar means something very different than what most people mean when she espouses “brotherly love”.
She will be in hell very soon.
As for Bozo Joe calling her and Tlaib “beautiful” that is proof positive that the Bozo Clown’s fighting anti-Semitism is a joke and that he is indeed an anti-Semite himself.
Anne-Marie says
She is way beyond “ignorant”. She has the IQ of a zucchini, and the political views of a brainwashed ideologue.
BJB AZ says
Not “misconceptions.” Deliberate, calculated lies. Deception and slander meant
to manipulate the easily duped, generate chaos and confusion, further the
malignant spread of hatred and discord for the benefit of satan and his cohorts.
Arthur Vasquez says
It is written “And I will… curse him that curse thee.”
Walter Sieruk says
That ignorant Muslim politician , Ilhan Omar, is very anti-Jewish and likewise very anti- Israel, as seen in those anti- Israel foreign policies she always keeps on pushing for. Therefore Tlaib is ,in essence, un-American . As former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America.”
Related to this is a grand statement in a speech former President Theodore Roosevelt, rightly, declared, “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
Walter Sieruk says
That stealth jihadist politician is Ilhan Omar, ,indeed , very ignorant about the Jewish State of Israel which she hates Islamic malice-filled vicious and would like to see Israel destroyed and replaced with an Islamic “state” her wish and desire for that to occur will never happen.
The reason why this is so is because God favors Israel so much that she is special treasure so much so that He will not let her be destroyed.
The reason why this is so be because according to the Bible the Jews have all the land that now makes up the State of Israel ,including the West Bank by Divine Right. As found in Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105: 7-11.
Furthermore, the Jews should have all this land by historic rights. As seen in First Kings 4; 20,21,24,25. 8:55, 56.
As Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself , Israel for His special treasure.”
Chief Mac says
There is nothing stealthy about her support for genocide. She is very open about it – it is the Lame Stream Media that covers it up
Atikva says
As willing as he may be to suffer anything for the sake of his country, I bet Israeli President Isaac Herzog was relieved not to have to endure the presence that despicable Ms. Omar.
John Blackman says
its a given that anyone that believes the koran is ignorant . inbreeding also renders most muslims a meat pack short of a barbecue . then there is the issue of covert tactics to convince infidels that islam is a religion of peace . it has worked pretty much worldwide and especially in America where the majority blithely swallow the lie without doing their homework . ms. omar is the true lying face of islam . her election is a true indication of americas fatal decline . it will only get worse .
Shai Ben-Tekoa says
Sorry, but this calling Omar an anti-Semite misses the deeper truth that she is a Muslim, whose Koran is an anti-Jew tract. The Koran is nothing but a purloined and perverted plagiarization of the Jewish Bible. The very name Islam alludes to its essential anti-Jewism. It means “Submission” and alludes to the story of Abraham binding his son Isaac for a sacrifice, only in the Muslim version, the son bound was Ishmael, father of the Arabs. And it is obligatory for every Muslim to make the pilgrimage to the place where this happened, and bear witness to the Muslim belief that the Jewish version is a lie plagiarized from Islam. Islam hates all infidels and the Jews above all others.
Dave Weller says
It’s sad how the Democratic party has degenerated to a anti American antisemitic party .