There was a time, believe it or not, when leftists said “Celebrate Diversity” and meant it; when it was largely a slogan on a bumper sticker. Now it’s an order: “CELEBRATE DIVERSITY…OR ELSE!” Sorry, I’m not interested.
I’ve always had a natural inclination to push back against anything I was forced to do – insist I’m supposed to care about something and the odds that I won’t increase exponentially. Take, for example, US soccer. During the World Cup all the ads were about “We’re going to do this” or whatever their slogan was. The American public simply doesn’t care about soccer and the US sucks at it compared to the rest of the world, but these corporate sponsors had to do something. It made me root against them, which was easy because I knew they’d lose.
Women’s soccer is much more annoying, by the way, they’re little leftists with purity tests demanding obedience. I’m not interested in cheering for people who hate this country while demanding they be cheered. Hard pass.
When it comes to “diversity,” I have the same attitude. Skin color or who you sleep with are the least interesting parts of what anyone is or does. If that defines you it tells me you’re not bringing anything substantive to the table and I’m not interested.
I’m tall, 6 feet 5 inches; should I demand high fives over that? No. I didn’t have anything to do with it. Hell, I smoked for a long time, so I tried to stunt it.
Yet, we now have a political party that insists the differences be celebrated, exclusively. That people be treated differently based on their skin color. We used to have a word for that, didn’t we?
What I find even more bizarre are the leftists who buy into it and make it individual. Hearing some Democrat in a town hall or whatever talk about how they’re a “diverse individual” is incredibly odd and, honestly, stupid. But we are dealing with Democrats here…
I want nothing to do with it. Not because I care what these people do, I honestly don’t – if whatever they do is done with other adults who are willing, I couldn’t care less. The problem comes in when they seek to force their will on children.
How many graphically sexual books targeting children need to be highlighted before Democrats think, “Hmm, maybe explicit sex between adults and kids isn’t really something that will help kids learn to read or write?” How about just thinking that things Hustler would’ve edited out of their letter section might not belong in school libraries might not be a good thing?
Democrats, rather than deal with the reality they support for grooming purposes (political grooming mostly, though there is little doubt there’s a lot of the other kind too), simply ignore it when they can. Yet, they also demand the sentiments behind it be celebrated.
What kind of creep would “celebrate” a drag queen grinding their genitals in front of little kids? Democrats.
Celebrate diversity…except when it’s a joke you don’t like. Tiger Woods can be attacked over a tampon joke by white ladies because why not? Oddly, these people immediately reverted back to knowing what a woman is when they could take offense at something.
Kamala Harris MUST be celebrated not only because she’s black, but because she’s also Indian (though she rarely mentions that outside of speaking to Indian or Asian women’s groups, weirdly), but Nikki Haley must be attacked for not being Indian enough because she’s a Republican (both of which were done by NBC News, by the way).
Meanwhile, Harris can tweet out, “My message to Black women and girls everywhere: Never ask for permission to lead.” Are women and girls with other skin colors supposed to wait for permission to lead? By the way, what is a woman?
Nothing that comes out of the mouths of Democrats makes any sense or is remotely intellectually honest in any way. They don’t deserve your respect, they have earned your contempt. Don’t play their game.
I will celebrate accomplishments, that’s it, and not even all of those. I will choose which accomplishments I deem worthy of celebration and I can promise you that none of those things will have anything do with what people had nothing do with.
Mimi says
Patriotliz says
Race and gender identities (diversity perversity) are all about Marxist Critical Theory to pave the way for divisiveness to install Communism. Throw in Climate fraud theory in order to starve the country of energy and bankrupt it by spending money on “green energy” boondoggles. What is a young Western Socialist Communist-wannabe revolutionary supposed to do in order to stoke societal discontent to bring down Capitalism and Western Civilization?…they can’t exactly say “Workers of the world unite…you have nothing to loose but your chains?” There aren’t any slaves anymore except in Islamic, Communist and Drug cartel cultures therefore, you have to decry the morally traditional, hardworking middle class as the OPPRESSORS and call them racists, transphobes and climate deniers. It also helps to denigrate Christianity and give freedom to sociopathic criminals in order to deny freedom of the law abiding citizens so that they have no security to pursue happiness and their small businesses. When society disintegrates then they can Build Back to Bolshevism.
Spurwing Plover says
Keep your stupid Diversity to yourself liberal pinheads we don’t want it or need it
CowboyUp says
Show me a “diverse individual,” and I’ll show you someone with multiple personality disorder.. And the only person of no color is the invisible man, and he’s fiction.
Roark says
Diversity is not a strength; it’s designed to weaken cohesion in America 🇺🇸
E pluribus unum.
Roark says
I also want to add, it is a lie to say America is a Nation of immigrants.
First, there were colonists and settlers who created a thriving and prosperous country out of nothing, They tamed a wild, uninhabited land and turned it into something.
It is easy for illegal alien invaders to come to place hard built land and parasitically suck the lifeblood of others.
That’s not diversity; that’s a criminal offense! No wonder the DemoNazi Party promotes that!
Anything to destroy America!
Beez says
What is this AIRHEAD laughing about?
Andrew Blackadder says
I never left The Left however The Left most certainly left me.
I find it strange that many of us old farts from the 1960s were against ALL Wars and now today those same adults and their children are championing Old Joe in his War with a country most Americans couldn’t find on a World Map and yet Old Joe sends BILLIONS of US$ to that country whereas Donald J.Trump says, ”We need to get OUT of these endless wars”, but they call him the bad guy..
Am I missing something here?
Make Love, Not War, sounds kinda old fashioned.. doesn’t it..
Neil Young screams about no War and yet thinks Trump is a danger to the America as well as the World at large..WTF?
Walter Sieruk says
All those different picture of Kamala Harris laughing is a reminder of a sticker that had the words printed on it. “Smile, Smile, Smile, all the world loves an idiot.”
Walter Sieruk says
That Kamala Harris isn’t that intelligent, that’s a specific problem because if Joe Biden resigns that having someone as President who is unintelligent is dangerous to America and her citizens.
Likewise, since Kamala Harris favors Communism, having a Marxist in the Oval Office would be disaster for the United States. Furthermore, that embraces the economic /political /social philosophy of Karl Marx no only further real that she might not be intelligent, at all.
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn, rightly, in a speech declared, “No intelligent person can accept or believe in Marxism.”