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When Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists attacked Israel through air, land, and sea, killing over 1,200 people on October 7, 2023, it was the largest murder of Jews since the Holocaust. There were also countless numbers of gang-rapes, and 251 Israelis were taken hostage. Sadly, the attack revealed an antisemitic cancer in many of the nation’s schools, which I wrote about at the time. And, sadly, it is still with us. To wit….
The Sequoia Union High School District in California’s Silicon Valley is being sued over rampant antisemitism their kids experienced in high school as administrators stood by and allowed it to fester. “When SUHSD parents and students raised concerns—through emails, petitions, and formal complaints—the District responded with bureaucratic obfuscation and outright denial, demonstrating a deliberate indifference to SUHSD’s Jewish students. Emails were ignored, and meetings were canceled without explanation,” the lawsuit says.
“The District’s administrators and trustees have consistently and deliberately refused to take concrete action to stem the scourge of antisemitism on their campuses, to the detriment of Jewish SUHSD students who, subjected to harassment and ridicule from both peers and teachers, have been forced to endure an increasingly hostile learning environment.”
In New York City, there are myriad examples. One concerns the mother of a Manhattan public school student who is outraged. “On Monday, Oct. 9, my child came to school and found their teacher chanting, ‘Palestine all the way!’ Israel is going to get what they (sic) deserve!’” In Harlem, a swastika was drawn on a wall immediately following Oct. 7, and another was carved into a desk at the beginning of this academic year. The principal sent out an email encouraging everyone to be tolerant of different points of view and said that the “person who drew the symbol probably didn’t know what it meant.”
Not surprisingly, the teachers’ unions are fully on board with unabashed Jew-hatred. For example, in Oregon, the Portland Association of Teachers suggests that kindergarteners be gathered into a circle and taught the history of Palestine: “Seventy-five years ago, a lot of decision-makers around the world decided to take away Palestinian land to make a country called Israel. Israel would be a country where rules were mostly fair for Jewish people with white skin. There’s a BIG word for when indigenous land gets taken away to make a country; that’s called settler colonialism.”
The United Teachers of Los Angeles is particularly egregious. UTLA leadership is pro-Palestinian, and the union is being sued by teachers who don’t want to be represented by them because it supports calls for the destruction of the plaintiff’s religious homeland and “promotes animosity and violence towards people of Jewish descent.”
Amazingly, the UTLA sees itself as a foreign policy authority. In October, its governing body voted to support a congressional effort to block the sale of more than $20 billion in U.S. weaponry to Israel on the grounds that American-supplied arms were being used against civilians.
The nation’s colleges are hotbeds of Jew-hatred. StopAntiSemitism, an advocacy group, issued a report card that details how 25 schools nationwide treat Jewish students.
In the introduction to its report, the group states, “Since last year’s staggering 1,500% increase in antisemitic submissions, StopAntisemitism has been forced to triple the size of our team just to manage the deluge of reports. This year alone, we’ve seen a jaw-dropping 3,000% rise in antisemitic tips and submissions, as universities across the country fail to protect their Jewish students in the wake of violent antisemitic uprisings.”
The findings are nothing short of alarming:
- 55% of Jewish students have personally been victims of antisemitism at their schools.
- 43% did not feel safe enough to report the incidents.
- Of those who did report, 87% believe their school failed to investigate properly.
- 43% hide their Jewish identity from their classmates out of fear.
- 72% feel unwelcome in certain spaces on campus simply for being Jewish.
- 67% say Jews are completely excluded from their school’s DEI initiatives.
- 69% are blamed for the actions of Israel—actions they have no control over.
- 67% feel their university did not take sufficient action to protect Jewish students in the wake of the 10/7 massacre.
- 43% would not recommend their school to fellow Jewish students.
At the University of California at Davis, which was number 17 on the list of 25, 81% of students have experienced antisemitism, 93% do not feel safe expressing Jewish identity, 93% do not feel welcome in many spaces on campus, 100% of students feel they are blamed for Israel’s actions, and 87% said they do not feel safeguarded by the school.
At UCLA, Zionism is taboo. It is included on a list of qualities that are an impediment to hiring, and personnel can be removed from their position if they support it. The school lumps Zionism in with racism, white supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, and “all other hateful/bigoted ideologies.”
There is some pushback, however. In Virginia, after a group of students defaced George Mason University’s student center in August, spray painting messages that warned of a “student intifada,” GMU suspended its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter and pursued a criminal investigation of two female members who are suspected of being involved in the incident.
Also, on a positive note, Tufts University in Massachusetts recently extended a suspension of its SJP chapter until January 2027 after first deactivating the group in October, a school spokesman confirmed last month.
Additionally, the University of Michigan has initiated disciplinary proceedings against one of its most outspoken and controversial anti-Israel groups, Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE)—an SJP spinoff—the result of which may be a suspension of up to four years.
The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities has reportedly suspended and demanded financial restitution from seven pro-Hamas activists who were arrested for commandeering an administrative building on Oct. 21, an action which aimed to pressure school officials into enacting a boycott of Israel. According to a statement from SJP and other anti-Israel campus groups that was posted on social media, “seven of eight students charged with misconducting themselves on that day have been ‘found guilty’ by a university disciplinary tribunal. Each has been fined about $5,500, the statement further alleged, and suspended for periods ranging from one to five semesters.”
On another optimistic note, in November, President-elect Donald Trump announced measures “to defeat antisemitism and defend our Jewish citizens in America. My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that if you do not end antisemitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support. I will inform every educational institution in our land that if they permit violence, harassment, or threats against Jewish students, the schools will be held accountable for violations of the civil rights laws.”
Trump emphasized that “Jewish Americans must have equal protection under the law.” And he promised that “[m]y administration will move swiftly to restore safety for Jewish students and Jewish people on American streets.”
What else can be done?
We must end taxpayer funding of private colleges. Currently, there are about 4,000 for-profit colleges in the U.S., and they receive the great majority of federal tax dollars for higher education—which is about $201 billion. In fact, there are only 22 colleges in the country that refuse any public funds. It is disgraceful that as a taxpayer and a Jew, my tax dollars go to schools that foster antisemitism.
Lastly, Jews and, in fact, any right-thinking teacher who belongs to a union like UTLA that is hostile to Jews should opt out and stop supporting them. Immediately!
Larry Sand, a retired 28-year classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.
…so Why am I censored here every time I call out with the “n-word” these anti-Semites?
Fighting back against the rot cannot begin in Ernest before WE arm ourselves with the language THEY can’t digest.
THEY aren’t shy about offending US; WE need to, at the very least, show THEM *Neutral Karma ….. and stop returning their bad faith with the niceties of good.
Sounds like something that came from the Joseph Goebbels school of rhetoric. Only tyrants use language as a weapon. I’d leave the militant language to the radical leftists.. We should be better and smarter than that.
If better were smarter, we wouldn’t be in this mess today. We have been trying “better” for decades now and have gotten nothing.
Instead of Jews hiding our identities, we could use fear to protect ourselves by backing up Properly hateful language with Properly hateful actions.
There is peace talk and there is war talk. While at war, use war talk…..until the war is won, and they have seen demonstrated that the rear guard wolf-pack actions they try always fail violently.
Wear coats during winter.
T-Shirt weather has not yet arrived.
Overgeneralization targets not only the deserving bad, but others who are useful as allies or neutral. Those acting as enemies need to be called out and named as individuals and groups.
I agree.
I simply no longer think it is a priority.
Let the friendlies from among the Muslims step into the battlefield and join us in cursing Islam.
What is the origination of the campus anti semitism? It appears to be a leftist movement. That is odd because socialism has been a jewish push for 125 years. When was the transition? Money was mentioned , so of course that leads to oil and CAIR. The foot soldiers are rather low IQ types so they are obviously paid or desperate for social acceptance. An article would be appropriate.
Yes… we’re funding our own destruction through oil…
Zions Hope has an article… “The Qatar Connection: Hamas, College Campus Protests, and the Muslim Brotherhood”
“Who or what is influencing America’s most prestigious universities into turning a blind eye to hate-filled, anti-Semitic “protests?” For decades, these institutions have been receiving vast sums of money from political activists and billionaire-funded global foundations. What has largely been ignored until now, however, has been the enormous flow of Arab-Muslim money into their coffers from authoritarian regimes in the Middle East.”
Through foreign oil. We were independent under Trump’s first four years. We will get there again soon and toss those Arab oil sheikhs in the trash.
The left is Marxist. Marx was an anti-Semite and a racist. The Soviet Union supported nationalist movements against the West, despite the nation state being regarded as a capitalist device. Jewish nationalism was opposed whether expressed individually, culturally, or as a state. Some Jews were socialist in response to the problems of workers or the oppression of the tsars. In that respect, socialism was a tool for modernization, not totalitarianism. Nationalism and religion were other responses seeking change. Cultural Marxism has invaded the campus. The huge increase in the proportion of youth in colleges and the lowering of standards has weakened education. Scapegoating covers failure in school and work.
The universities are controlled by the Left. The Left has been allied with radical Islam for decades. It is known as the Red (i.e., Left)-Green (i.e., Islam) alliance. One of the best books on it was David Horowitz’s book “Unholy Alliance” published over twenty years ago. But no one else seems to have noticed in the intervening decades. And Western Civilization is worse off for that.
Every Jew should take self defense training including firearms training
…and also including training in bomb-making.
…and hostage taking.
…and the art of Bad Faith negotiating.
You have to possess the will to use that training or it’s for naught.
Islam will never stop. Ever.
That’s why it needs to be fought against.
These are HATE CRIMES and should cease being sheltered under antisemitism which people ignore. Arrest perpetrators and the schools’ teachers and college professors and/or administrators whose personal attitudes act as facilitators of this aggressive-toward violent behavior.
If this was being done to Blacks it would be called out for what it really is BASELESS HATRED. We have laws on the books to address this and watch what happens when they get cuffed and jailed for this; no bail and a date with consequences.
It would also be immensely helpful if our progressive-supporting Jewish people would stop making excuses for this abominable hatred and stop tacitly facilitating it with their appeasement strategies which DO NOT WORK and if they require glaring references let them study the progression of such hatred in Germany by Hitler. Never again starts with us facing truthfully where the leftist ideology has led us down the primrose path of thinking assimilation is acceptance and multiculturalism is the answer! No, No and No!
There’s a new sheriff about to be inaugurated and Federal laws addressing hate crimes against Jewish people should be on the top of his list of priority enforcement of Federal law?!!
WHERE ARE THE DEI CZARS? Their Mission Statement and Code of Conduct Rules are written for this type of Discrimination no matter who it is against…. RIGHT? I don’t recall seeing… “Diversity Equity and Inclusion EXCEPT FOR ____ & ____ & _____!”
THE MOVEMENT IS ALL ABOUT ISLAMOPHOBIA but Jews are the number one target according to FBI stats. Muslims are low on the list. Now there is MAGAPHOBIA with very few people DARING to wear that Red Hat in public much less at any university.
During a Trump rally here in Albuquerque, this commenter wore a red “Hispanics (Heart) Trump.” Seen nationally when he took the poll, “Latinos or Hispanics.” The shirt was from 2016, wore it at the mall, lots of fingers, shouted at, and F-U’s. Again before this election… same. In a way, “Coming out of the Closet where Gays used to hide but now Jews, MAGAS, Christians, Pro-Lifers, so many more, now hiding for fear of being outed, attacked, intimidated against, and retaliated against…. BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT GAYS COMING OUT!
“MILLIONS take Pride in those who are Coming Out of the Closet… while those same Millions make others run into one!” sc
DEI represent just three of the words used by the left that do not mean what those words are defined as. Diversity is practiced as Conformity, Equity as Inequality, and Inclusion as Exclusion.
The signs of Satan permeate our culture. Do not fear them and do not
be afraid to shun them with the power of the Holy Trinity behind you!
“For example, in Oregon, the Portland Association of Teachers suggests that kindergarteners be gathered into a circle and taught the history of Palestine: ‘Seventy-five years ago, a lot of decision-makers around the world decided to take away Palestinian land to make a country called Israel. Israel would be a country where rules were mostly fair for Jewish people with white skin. There’s a BIG word for when indigenous land gets taken away to make a country; that’s called settler colonialism’.” This Oregon lesson is completely ahistorical. The land to be re-assigned was taken from the Ottoman Empire which was defeated by the Allies and re-distributed after WWI based on Wilson’s principles of self-determination. There never was a “Palestinian land.” There is a principle of Islam that once Islam controls a territory it is theirs forever. So even though they once again attacked the infidels in WWI and lost, many of them could not accept Islam without a caliphate (the caliphate based in Turkey was called the Ottoman Empire prior to WWI), and resisted various parts of the post war breakup, including the giving of some land for a new Jewish state. These ignoramuses in Oregon and elsewhere don’t know their history!!!
Considering the way lefty Jewish media/political types have treated Trump over the last several years, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ditched American Jews (and by extension Israel) The fact that he hasn’t is a testament to his character.
Everything being equal, if it was any other ethnic minority being the target of such hatred, it would be shutdown immediately! If the majority of international students were from Eastern European countries that came into United States with a deep ingrained hatred of black people; you really think for even one second any post-secondary institutions would tolerate such expressions of hatred against African American students? You think that any post-secondary institutions would hire any foreign teaching staff that expressed racial leanings of bias against black people?
What if present-day Japan regressed to its 1930’s roots of racial superiority, where they look down upon other Asians, such as the Chinese. Do you think if there was a flood of Japanese students filling the international student Visa program and these foreign students harassed Americans of Chinese descent like foreign Muslim students are treating Jewish Americans, this level of harassment would be allowed?
Unfortunately, the history of the Holocaust and it’s slogan of ‘Never Again’ has gone in vain, when the origins of Germany’s virulent anti-Semitism that spread through its academic institutions are being repeated in United States.
All of this is the fault of leftist Jews. Leftish Jews radicalized and weaponized blacks. leftist Jews pried open the gates of America to all and sundry. leftist Jews fought Trump when he tried to restrict Muslim immigration. Leftist Jews hate their Jewish identity because of 2000 years of Christian opprobrium—Christianity being NOTHING more than diaspora Jew Shaul/Paul/St. Paul’s own inability to drop his particularistic Jewish identity and just be a decent Greco Roman pagan—and so leftist Jews hate Judaism, Jews and Israel and become arsonists burning everything they can ignite. Time to heave monotheism overboard and just be humans.
There is no place for Hate Mongers in America return them all to where they came from
The Moslem Brotherhood already has representatives in the United States Congress: Ilhan Omar and Rashit Tlaib.
Islamists have been studying our system of government for at least forty years and know all its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They already are over represented in local councils and school boards, feverishly working to undermine our education system.
The Islamic invasion is underway.
In Canada, the Islamic population has increased from 2% to almost 5% in ten years. Ponder the implications of that. As of the 2021 census, 4.9% of Canada’s population, or 1,775,715 people, identified as Muslim, making Islam the second most “popular” religion in the country. Talk about culture shock.
Islam is not designed to integrate but to subjugate.
Quran (4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan)” They consider Christians and Jews to be Satanic.
There is no such thing as moderate or reformist Islam. They are here for conquest. They are just getting started in America.
Islam can never be integrated into Western civilization.
They are pernicious and diabolical, using our freedoms against us. A democratic nation cannot survive if it is infiltrated by foreign invaders intent on destroying it from within.
As Omar Sharif says in Lawrence of Arabia: We are a stupid people.