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Now the proxy war that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been fighting against the state of Israel is out in the open, as Iran rained rockets and drones upon Israel Saturday night. The attack had little effect, but as events unfold, however, one overarching fact remains paramount: none of this would be happening if it weren’t for Old Joe Biden’s determination to appease and enable the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Biden has already told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. will not support any Israeli counterattack upon Iran, despite the fact that, as Daniel Greenfield has noted, there will be more attacks from the Islamic Republic. And that is just the latest on an ever-lengthening list of telling indications that Old Joe and his henchmen are not really on the side of Israel at all, despite their public protestations, but are doing their best to ensure that Israel cannot attain its goal of destroying Hamas, and that the jihad terror group will survive to murder more Israeli civilians in the future.
And not just Israelis. Iran has its sights on America as well, although no one in the Biden regime seems to be concerned about that fact, or even aware of it. As Iranian rockets and drones made their way to Israel Saturday evening, members of the Iranian Majlis (parliament) screamed not just “Death to Israel,” but also “Death to America” and, in a nod to the foundational ideology behind the conflict that Western analysts steadfastly and unanimously ignore, “Congratulations to the warriors of Islam.”
Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, has emphasized that these are not just empty slogans or meaningless braggadocio. In a nationally televised address last November, he explained: “The situation between America and Iran is this: When you chant ‘Death to America!,’ it is not just a slogan – it is a policy. I have stated the reasons previously. For many years, from the 1940s to the 1970s – that is 30 years – the Americans did everything they could do against the Iranian nation. They hit Iran in any way they could – financially, economically, politically, scientifically, and morally.”
Oh yeah, America has been hitting Iran very hard. You remember how hard Barack Obama hit the mullahs, when he delivered $1.8 billion in unmarked bills to them in the dead of night. Old Joe has resumed Obama’s hard-hitting stance, releasing $6 billion in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic several months before the Iran-financed October 7 jihad massacre in Israel, and another $10 billion in March 2024, long after Iran’s proxy war against Israel had begun.
Then there was the fact that the Biden regime recently refrained from having the U.S. veto a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel. A ceasefire in Gaza would allow Hamas to survive. It would amount to a massive Israeli defeat and could lead to the ultimate demise of the Jewish state. The regime also has forced Israel to abandon or at least postpone its plans to invade Rafah, where there are active Hamas combat units. The war might have been over by now, and Hamas destroyed, were it not for the regime’s insistence that military actions be halted so that humanitarian aid can be given to the citizens of Rafah, despite abundant documentation of the fact that Hamas is confiscating the lion’s share of that aid and using it for its own purposes, thereby prolonging the conflict.
The Biden regime is desperately afraid that standing with Israel will hurt its chances of inflicting more pain upon the American people for four more years. Nihad Awad, executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, declared at a November pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania.” These were, of course, the states that allowed Old Joe to pretend to be president over the last three years. Awad concluded: “No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City) added: “The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
Old Joe has heard the threats, and is willing to destroy a seventy-five-year-old alliance, and embolden one of America’s foremost enemies as a result. But even before the threats started, Biden showed himself to be anxious to embolden the “Death to America” crowd. And why not? After all, that’s the goal he has been working toward all these years himself.
Let the Israelis do what ever they have to do to protect themselves and put an end to the Iranian threat. Mind numbing stultifying fear is a mental state that the Israelis should impose upon the Iranians ASAP. Otherwise, they should negotiate their surrender to Iran and its proxies.
The Israelis don’t need Jobama’s permission to cut the head off the snake before it bites again.
Listen to this SANE Iranian Woman. 300,000 followers.
The Iranians who really want to get rid of their tyrants know full well that whatever their official declarations, all the world countries (except maybe China and North Korea) will breathe a deep sigh of relief when the ayatollah clique will be wiped out. But it is up to the same Iranians who gave power to these clowns a few decades ago to get rid of them now.
And isn’t Iran part of the United Nations? We have a even more perfect opportunity to evict them(UN)then ever before
No, the United States and Israel should withdraw from the United Nations which is worse than the League of Nations in terms of effectiveness, and which, for example, includes countries such as Iran, Cuba, China, Syria and North Korea on its Human Rights Committee. It has (or certainly should have) no legitimacy. UNRWA is merely a branch of Hamas.
The UN? Hmph! Really? The tenants of that building should be forcibly removed (shot & removed if necessary) then the building razed and the property rendered arable farmland for whatever crop(s) that grows in that part of the country.
That would be a far more productive use of the land and American tax payers dollars than the futile bullsh*t factory the UN has always been and will always be.
Funny that Iran went to the UN to justify the rocket attack when they build, fund, and terrorize the world using their barbaric terrorist proxies who shoot thousands of their rockets and from civilian areas, hiding munitions in Mosques, Hospitals, schools, and using their own as Human Shields.
The United Nations is anti-Israel and they side with the likes of Iran and in the end, they stab the United States in the back even when we fund their countries!
Getting stabbed in the back is one of the consequences of the US (.i.e, the State Dept. and CIA) history of going As a result, the US has created far more enemies than friends around the world meddling in other countries business and trying to impose its will resulting in the US garnering far more enmity and clandestine enemies than open and honest friendships.
Alas, we’re a “super power” so the leaders of this country don’t give a damn if the US makes enemies or not. As a “super power” and in the name of democracy, we’ve entitled ourselves to impose our will. In days and times of yore, what the US does and has been doing around the world would be called imperialism.
Ergo, are we to conclude that in the name of democracy, imperialism is okay?
Get the right leaders in office, and the way is going to be clear to send these radicals where they need to go.
The UN is totally powerless – has no enforcement means whatsoever – it can’t even expel a Member State that violates its Charter principles or reneges on its commitments. Especially since it has been overtaken since the 1970s by the islamo-socialist clique.
True that, every word. Thank you.
biden has never had an original thought his entire life . he is a puppet and only says what is on his cue card , and half the time he cant even do that . that his rating is down to %40 is an indictment on america that even that percentage just shows you how lacking in discermnment that vast numbers of americans are . mike huckabee in an interview stated that americans arent stupid ! unfortunately they are and pitifully so . that 81 million voted for him [ supposedly ] is all the proof you need . considering crone hillary labelled half of trump supporters [ deplorables ] means that all biden supporters are imbeciles . but i guess biden isnt sending mean tweets that must be a plus for those who want a safe space . meanwhile ol feckless joe shuffles from one disaster to another and the american populace are good with that as they continue to be laughed to derision . proof positive that the emperor has no new clothes .
My heart wants to disagree with your assertion that the vast majority of Americans are stupid. But thankfully, I’m a practitioner of logic, reason and rational thinking. From that perspective, your assertion is beyond dispute. What passes for “entertainment” (e.g., TV, internet, music, social media, etc.) in this country is proof enough.
In my experience, their stupidity arises out of laziness, willful ignorance and thinking with their hearts instead of their heads. It’s a feature of the progressive education system in this country and the progressives (i.e., neo-Marxists) decades long efforts to dumb down the American people to the point where their brains start to atrophy before they reach adulthood.
To people exposed to that conditioning, thinking is hard and more often than not, a painful experience. It’s easier for them to leave it to their intellectual “betters” to do the thinking for them and just obey the 24/7/365 progressive indoctrination/pontifications of the main stream media.
They are more “uninformed,” “relentlessly propagandized” and gullible than “stupid.”. But they are stupid for not suspecting that they are being manipulated. I’ll you and Huckabee that.
The appalling behaviour of the islamic cowards is universally ignored by the United Nations and as it has 51 islamic nations voting in alliance, the cowards will dominate.
I hear many of the rockets never got off the ground, or out if Iranian air space. Perfect.
TIME TO RID THE WORLD OF THE MULLAHS! This is the opening Israel needed to FINALLY do what the rest of the world is afraid to do, mostly due to Oil Blackmail and now BIDEN BLACKMAIL which added Russia and China to the mix.
PEOPLE POWER took down The Berlin Wall, The Iron Curtain, the USSR, and the People of Iran will rise up if they know their country could be turned into GREEN BLOBS! (At Trinity Site, only 25 from where I was born, Socorro, there are melted green blobs at the site with warnings not to pick them up. Yes, I follow the rules… cough cough!)
IRAN’S TERRORIST PROXIES also in the Ash Heap of History!
My Nephew works at the Intel plant in Ashkelon, Israel, right on the Gaza border. He knew Gazans that had permits to work in all types of jobs in the city, including twelve at Intel. He lives in a thick concrete apartment building and Americans are not allowed to venture out alone. OCTOBER 7TH, he stayed to my surprise. He always came home for Christmas but not this time. (—-After seven years in Israel, he feels safer there than Albuquerque run by a Communist Mayor whose wife studied in Cuba and Nicaragua having to prove she is a Communist and not a spy or counter-revolutionary.—-) No Gazans in the city now. Suspicions are that some of them planned, directed, and carried out the assault. TRUST IS LOST FOREVER!
The islamists in the US planned, enabled and executed the voter fraud. With some help from the leftists. They have all the criminal class on their side, to start riots when needed. Like how they turned George Floyd’s drug over dose into nationwide riots.
This is what America is dealing with, good American VS gangs of criminals and terrorists who not only have zero respect for them but also are actively dismantling and destroying America from within. The current admin was put in place by these gangs and is controlled by them.
If law and order is not restored in the US, the only option which will save the nation is a civil war.
I shudder to contemplate what the outcome would have been if on the morning of Monday, December 8, 1941 FDR had announced that he would “negotiate” a “deal” for a cease-fire with Japan, and then sent the enemy billions of U.S. dollars and gold as a “peace offering,” instead of delivering his fiery speech to Congress demanding a Declaration of War and vowing total, unconditional victory.
Fortunately, in contrast to Biden, neither FDR nor Churchill were corrupt, venal, appeasing, treasonous cowards; and both recognized the immediate, lethal danger of enemies who could not be appeased, trusted, “negotiated” with (as Munich proved), or allowed to exist, but must be utterly destroyed and defeated if Civilization were to survive.
FDR and his cabinet listened to Hitler raving at the Munich conference. MI6 placed a bug in the room and the audio was transmitted over international cable to Washington. FDR was white as a ghost, and one cabinet member was said to have cried. That’s how FDR knew war was inevitable.
The next attack from Iran will not come with warning labels. It will be a total surprise and the rest will be history.
Take your anti-Israel garbage to Iran Ass-licker-lan. Maybe you should move to Gaza.
You are an verbose idiot, propagandist. And I don’t have time for your B.S.
Larry Johnson is a Hillary supporter and a Democratic apparatchik.
Oh my, what we have here is a true whack job.
Keep dreaming, stop lying.
You are trying way to hard to convince people that you are normal. You are a lying jew hating piece of dung. Go back to Gaza if you aren’t there already.
Larry Johnson is a Hillary supporter and a Democratic apparatchik.
In Jeremiah 49:34-39. The Lord is fiercely angry at Elam…Elam is part of Iran today, and that is the area where Iran’s nuclear failities are currently located. Something is angering the Lord to the point of biblical judgment. This judgment comes as an epic biblical disaster! 35. “Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the foremost of their might. Iran has one of the most repressive Islamic regimes in the world right now. They are trying to get nuclear weapons so they can wipe Israel off the map.
Consulates do not enjoy diplomatic immunity if they are used for military purposes.
Why Old Joe and that Barry guy don’t support Israel, I’ll never understand. Israel is a good friend of the US and could be closer. Why push them away?
This Christian proudly wears an Old Glory & Israeli flag pin.
Iran and the other 56 mud states hate us and have nothing to offer. Dems hate the USA.
For any office, even Mosquito Control Board, NEVER, EVER vote for a Dem, progressive, liberal or RINO.