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Colorado’s Democrats announced that they get to determine who the Republican presidential candidates can and can’t be. California is trying to follow suit.
California may be the next state to ban former President Trump from its primary ballot over 14th Amendment concerns. Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis (D) requested Wednesday the state look into “every legal option” to do just that.
“Based on the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling … I urge you to explore every legal option to remove former President Donald Trump from California’s 2024 presidential primary ballot,” Kounalakis wrote to California Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D).
“This decision is about honoring the rule of law in our country and protecting the fundamental pillars of democracy,” she continued.
Nothing says democracy like the ruling class preventing members of the opposition from voting for their candidates of choice.
State Republicans are starting to discuss the possibility of following suit.
Some Republican officials outraged by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to boot Donald Trump off the state’s primary ballot have suggested doing the same to President Biden in their states.
“Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he’s been president, disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history,” Lone Star State Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Tuesday night.
While condemning the Colorado decision, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pondered aloud what the limiting principle would be for that policy.
“Could we just say that Biden can’t be on the ballot because he let in 8 million illegals into the country, and violated the Constitution?” he asked Wednesday at a campaign event in Iowa.
Push this further and you could end up with presidential race in which the presidential candidate from the opposing party doesn’t even appear on the ballots of the most Democrat and Republican states.
It’s a crazy scenario that is no longer entirely impossible. In some ways it wouldn’t even make that much of a difference.
The last Republican presidential candidate to win Colorado was Bush in ’04. Demographics and organization make it fairly unlikely that a Republican will win it again. Double ditto for California. So in terms of practical outcomes, this doesn’t much matter.
Republicans are not actually competitive in Colorado or California in 2024. But the symbolism and the precedent are both vitally important.
The most popular speech I ever gave was some years back at the South Carolina Tea Party convention in which I laid out the cold or slow civil war we were in.
How do civil wars happen?
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.
What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That’s a civil war.
The idea that the two parties transfer power through elections is on the verge of collapse. And there’s no sign that the pressure on that system is about to abate.
And the rest is just a matter of details.
Democrats decide to prevent Republicans from even appearing on ballots. It’s not just Trump. Look at Oregon.
While the proposal to ban Republicans from running for office had $2.5 million behind it, the opposition had none. A fifth of the votes in favor came out of Multnomah County: the home of Portland. Put in charge of determining what Measure 113 actually meant were Democratic officials appointed by Democrat governors who were serving as Secretary of State and State Attorney General: who of course decided that it meant what their party wanted it to mean.
The proposed purge of much of the Republican State Senate delegation is a demonstration of what democracy looks like when it’s uncoupled from constitutional protections, free and fair elections, multiparty representation and even handed laws.
Democrats keep talking about “democracy”, but they mean social democracy, not actual elections. If we’re not a republic or a democracy, what are we?
Project it forward and blocs of red and blue states bar the opposing party leaving a grouping of swing states that are still in contention to be fought over by wealth and talent from the other states. That starts looking a lot like Bleeding Kansas.
There is a slow-motion civil war underway. It’s still cold for now, but it’s heating up all the time.
DC says
Daniel Greenfield wrote an article in March of 2016 called “The Civil War is Here”.
Rush Limbaugh was very impressed with his article and featured it on his radio show for the majority of his three hours of air time.
Rush almost never did that in his entire 34 year career.
If I remember correctly, the core premise of the article was that when opposing parties refuse to accept the results of elections then you have no electoral process anymore.
And without that electoral process………people will result to other means of resolving their disagreements.
I remember the article well and entirely agreed with it then going on eight years ago.
And here we are today.
As the original Republicans arose in the late 1850s………..the Whig Party died out.
Just like today’s Republicans are dying out and will be replaced by something else.
And if what followed the rise of the original Republicans in the 1860s returns for America…………the Civil War will truly be here.
Greg says
Yes, civil war is a real possibility. And just like the last time, totalitarian Democ-rats will lose. For those of you in Rio Linda, as Rush Limbaugh might say, please take note: slave-owning Southern secessionists were Democ-rats. Theirs was a 19th century version of “wokeness.”
DC says
When FPM ran Daniel’s article in 2016 I regarded it as almost a landmark in journalism.
And about a day or two later I heard Rush Limbaugh feature it on his show for almost the entire show.
Something I can never remember him doing with anybody else’s article.
I wish FPM still had their archives section of past articles.
If FPM should ever re-run an old article……”The Civil War is Here”…….is it.
Jeff Bargholz says
I wonder if the Dirtbagocrats will come up with another KKK dressed
in black called the Trick Turning Traitors who lynch MAGA supporters and frame political opponents?
Oh, wait. They already have the FBI for that.
Bernmanator says
I’d like to read that article. I would also like to hear the South Carolina speech.
Daniel does a great job in helping us see outside the allegory of the cave we live in.
Mark Cogley says
If you want to read it type the title and name of the author. Abacadabra!
Bernmanator says
Here’s the link to the outstanding article:
DC says
Nice work my man.
JLG says
It was painful to read Daniel’s 2017 article not only because of its’ accuracy but also because it raises the question of how President Trump can, in a second term, root out the entrenched anti-Americans who run our government. He tried in his first term and was impeached, twice, for his efforts. He surrounded himself with those he believed shared his vision for America but did not. So, how does he right the Ship of State and chart a course consistent with the Constitution?
Domenic Pepe says
Quoted from Daniel’s article.
“The choices of this civil war are painfully clear.
We can have a system of government based around the Constitution with democratically elected representatives. Or we can have one based on the ideological principles of the left in which all laws and processes, including elections and the Constitution, are fig leaves for enforcing social justice.
But we cannot have both.
Some civil wars happen when a political conflict can’t be resolved at the political level. The really bad ones happen when an irresolvable political conflict combines with an irresolvable cultural conflict.
That is what we have now.
The left has made it clear that it will not accept the lawful authority of our system of government. It will not accept the outcome of elections. It will not accept these things because they are at odds with its ideology and because they represent the will of large portions of the country whom they despise.
The question is what comes next.”
p38ace says
In 1861 the Confederacy did not want to secede, it wanted to rule. It did not work out that way.
Hank Jones says
Stealing an election is NOT civil war?
Paul says
The Civil War in 1860 was unconstitutional; started by the North who Illegally wanted to do away with slavery; The South was correct in seceding. You all should remember, the Republicans did not have the votes to change the Constitution. After the war the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were passed by manipulating the votes of the Southern States. Eventually slavery would have disappeared over time. However Lincoln was manipulated by the Abolitionists (the first homegrown terrorists) and the Radical Republicans. I could go on forever but to blame Democrats for the KKK is ludicrous. It was a natural reaction to a large part of the country bring kept on their knees by a vengeful North. Lincoln wanted a more nuanced and gentle reunification plan but, after his death, his advice was ignored. It was Republicans then who are acting like Democrats now. It has been the manipulation of the 14th amendment by Democrats over the years that allows illegal babies to be citizens; States Rights to be trampled on; Donald Trump to be charged with insurrection; It is too simple to say “the Democrats liked slavery; The simple fact is racism should not be illegal; the government should stay out of private business and private property; It is the huge Federal government that is the problem and the GOP is almost as bad as the Socialist Dems. The Constitution applies to the Federal government and LIMITS its power. States Right trumps that power. The Democrats are not following the Constitution now just as the Radical Republicans didn’t in 1860 through Reconstruction. WE have a very bad problem because if Donald Trump becomes President (I hope he will) the socialists/globalists will not accept it. As Daniel says “It’s cold now” But a lot of us are fed up and the heat is coming.
Chris Shugart says
Someone is going to have to explain to me how any court, on any level can, on their own authority simply declare someone ineligible to run for office. Do they have that power? I don’t see how. But like everything else our federal apparatus does, they do so because they can, and no one calls them on it. It’s an early move towards a dictatorship. Mark my words.
Chaya says
I think it is already here but they just do not want to say so. Words like compassion and save the planet are more soothing to those not paying attention.
DC says
The DEM/Communist revolution won’t be explaining anything to you.
Normal citizens do not count in their world of absolute power.
Speaker Mike Johnson recently folded up on FISA re-authorization after the Deep State made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
And after all the totalitarian goon tactics of the FBI in recent years………why did REPS vote to fund their new multi-billion dollar headquarters?
The DEMS willingness to use force to crush anyone who questions their power is obvious.
Onzeur Trante says
The Colorado judges (the court) did it because they knew they could get away with it, given the politicized climate we currently live in. . Whether they actually do get away with it remains to be seen, but the seed has been planted for other states to copy. If the complete breakdown of our electoral system starts a “hot” civil war (we’re in a cold civil war already) , what would that war look like exactly?
DC says
In my opinion the most useful template to use to try to anticipate a hot civil war……… the breakup of Yugoslavia and the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.
These had ethnic/racial divisions along with religious divisions along with Communist versus anti-Communist elements all contending with each other.
Also there was the rural versus urban element as the Serbs controlled to countryside with the Muslims concentrated in the cities.
Guerilla warfare tactics were heavily used by the Serbs.
The upcoming unrest in the US will not look like Gettysburg.
It will look like Srebrinica or Sarajevo.
Ugly Sid says
I assume you’ve never been a defendant. Courts have massive power. Mere people have none.
Over half century ago I was prosecuted for conspiracy to violate laws banning distribution of cannabis. My co conspirators were complete strangers, I refused to sit with them. The judge was unhappy at my refusal. There was no evidence against me aside from fabricated testimony read to the court by a long haired policeman.
It made no difference.
I had a solid defense teamlet: three lecturers from a law school you’d recognize.
It made no difference.
I was convicted in a state where my crime was a misdemeanor carrying thirty months imprisonment. But the Supreme Court forbade twelve months of imprisonment without a jury trial. This was a bench trial. I got probation I never served.
I was actually innocent.
It made no difference.
Welcome to America.
Jeff Bargholz says
There are thirteen states with illegal bills pending to keep Trump off their ballots and four that tried and failed. There are even states which support Trump with bills pending, such as AZ.
And no, Basement Biden did NOT win AZ in 2016. I lived there for years and it’s deep red conservative. Maricopa County has the highest population and it’s corrupt as can be. The vote fraud and cheating are at an insane level there. Just look what happened to Kari Lake. As if she lost to that racist dump truck, Katie Slobs.
Fred A. says
The political system in America is declining and the constant use of the phrase that we are a democracy is no longer valid. America has a long way to go to be considered a real democracy. I do not believe we will ever get to that point as it stands now.
Jeff Bargholz says
True but America has always been a Republic. The Dirtbagocrat party and their fake news media started the Orwellian deceit that America is a Democracy because it makes people think of their party. No doubt it also irked them that the Republican party is named after the form of government America actually has.
America isn’t a republic anymore, either. Stealing the 2016 election from President Trump and illegally removing him from state ballots doesn’t happen in Republics.
Algorithmic Analyst says
It could, some civil wars during the Dark Ages started in a similar way.
DC says
There are 3 possibilities.
Peaceful secession of the red states away from the blue coasts and major cities. This would be the dissolution of the Soviet Union model and is unlikely for the US….. but is possible.
The other possibility is a declaration of secession by the red states which the DEMS reject and is then followed by a civil war.
Lastly………and the most likely in my opinion…… a submission to the DEM/Communist revolution and its rigged elections by American conservatives with the US becoming a Communist country in the years ahead.
What is NOT POSSIBLE………is the DEM/Communist revolution relinquishing ANY power whatsoever.
There will be NO RETURNING to free and fair elections of the past………period.
DEMS and their Deep State will never allow it.
“To us Russians……Communism is a dead dog. But to you Westerners it is still a living lion.”.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Nyfarmer says
Rather pitiful! So long as the switch on the wall garners light, the ‘terlet flushes, and the devalued dollar puts some food on the table–the ‘average’ so called Citizen will not give a damn!!
Steven Kardas says
The delay in the republican party in reacting decisively to this is most troubling. Still waiting for the the republican’s as a group to go stark raving berserk about an issue, any issue This one would be a good start. Still waiting…….
@TX_1 says
Here is the response, that you will not find in web search related to CO Supreme Court Decision:
Republicans Drafting Bills to Remove Joe Biden from Ballots in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania (Dec 22, 2023)
You have to use reverse web search logic to find any comment about GOP response on this.
Onzeur Trante says
What does the GOP tit for tat strategy achieve other than adding fuel to the let’s-kill-off-fair-elections fire? If this is the best the Republicans can come up with in the good ideas department, we’re in a much sadder state than we realize.
Jeff Bargholz says
They need to add Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina to the list of no Biden ballots, too. All are hotbeds of Dirtbagocrat cheating. I’ve lived in all of them and know. Ohio and Pennsylvania are infamous for D-Bag cheating so remove him from them as well.
Those scumbags in Colorado were going to vote against Trump anyway, which makes those four judges even more contemptible and despicable than they already were, which is quite a feat.
NAVY ET1 says
We’d have to be blind and deaf not to know that America’s “pot” is ready to boil over. It’s been hissing and bubbling for some time. It would be one thing if it were purely political, but it goes much deeper than that. If indeed a “civil war” begins (and war is NEVER civil), it will be about right and wrong, good versus evil, not simply party affiliation.
There’s never been a time in American history where party affiliation has indicated one’s personal morality MORE than right now…but we all know “that” guy. There’s a member of my church that is as honest as the day is long, but “Daddy was a Democrat. His daddy was a Democrat…” Lemme stop you right there. He’s honestly a great guy but politically, he has rocks for brains.
No one wants a civil war, but other than the Lord coming back, it’s probably the only way to “simmer the pot”, get America back on the right footing, and eliminate, once and for all, a party that ultimately seeks America’s downfall.
@TX_1 says
Another of your Great Article.
Civil War or beginning of World War?
My ancestors survived in the wake of the US Civil War. Much of the abuse after that war is not written in the history books. Whole communities packed up and moved, they had to just to survive. Many of them left their homes with a note on front door: GTT (Gone To Texas)
Some of my ancestors were born in Texas during the Republic of Texas.
Consider this, today we have seen a globalist assault to destroy the USA, the assault is driven internally by bribes and promises of rewards to destroy the US. A component of that is our financial structure. And at the same time those in power in DC have formented a huge invasion through our southern border.
Why is this happening? Moral decay and corruption in our national and many state governments. Rendering the rule of law useless and disrespected.
Why have so many families moved to Texas in past 4 years? They see the signs of the chaos that has been sewn.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
DC says
I have a theory of history of which I post small examples sometimes on various threads here at FPM.
Its basic idea is that we are reversing back through the modern Age toward Year Zero with various stops at meaningful inflection points.
1492 is one.
1860 is one.
Year Zero is the birth of Christ.
When the Texas settlers fought the Mexican army to establish the original republic…………they had to beat Mexico to occupy the land.
But today the Mexicans are returning for the land.
And just like you fought for it then………….you’ll have to fight for it NOW.
The Mexican drug cartels and their armies have infiltrated TX.
And they only understand one thing.
Jeff Bargholz says
Far more Texans lived in what is now Texas than Mexicans and the Mexican army was scared shitless of the Comanche, who the Texans beat. That’s why Santa Anna encouraged the Texans to live there. He wanted them to remove the Comanche threat for him and he was so shit for brains stupid he thought he could beat the men who beat the foe he couldn’t.
And the American Southwest was never populated by Mexicans, and that includes California, which had people of Spanish descent who NEVER resided in shit-hole Mexico. Americans ruled the entire Southwest whether it was official or not – until they made it official. Besides, the Spaniards are the ones who originally claimed the Southwest, altough they weren’t able to occupy it any more than their Mexican inheritors were. No wonder California won its independence in a single day.
I agree that we need to defend our country and culture while we still can, though. Self defense is justified when the Dirtbagocrats are attacking America and Americans in every way they can. They’re the criminals, along with their government agencies.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I think a lot of the Spanish property owners in California were allowed to keep title to their land. That was the impression I got over the years from random cases i happened to look at. I should look that up on the internet.
Jeff Bargholz says
Most of them did. Some of them were kicked off their own land, though.
I remember when I lived in Lake Forest in Orange County, all the cities with “Laguna” in the name and plenty of others (the cities aren’t big there) used to be part of a huge ranch owned by a family named Lagunas, I believe. I think there were three big ranches owned by Spanish families that encompassed the whole area.
I think the Stockton and Sacramento areas were two of the main places they were booted out of. I’ll look it up when I’m not feeling so lazy from Christmas Eve.
Oh, yeah. Merry Christmas! It’s only ten minutes away. I have my San Jose (Saint Joseph) candle burning in my window to ring it in.
Jeff Bargholz says
All true but I think most countries will be happy to see Trump get cheated again. Most countries are shit-holes controlled by human turds, in my opinion.
Wayne Lusvardi says
Greenfield surely must recognize by now that the phony 2020 emergency declaration of an epidemic, coinciding with Oligarch and corporate funded riots, vandalism and arson of mostly small business districts in cities where Soros-funded district attorneys permitted this, was the start of a Class War against the Working Class and Small Businesses, by Oligarchs and High Tech Corporations, not a race war or declared civil war between states.
About 25 high tech corporations mostly in Silicon Valley funded this insurrection and BLM with $25 billion (yes Billion). Historically, when corporations go to war against the Working Class and take over governments, it is called Fascism. This is masterfully explained in Clara Mattei’s book The Capital Order:How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism, 2022.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Scamdemic and “Summer of Love” were two different crimes, although they were both instigated by the Dirtbagocrats.
Humblegunner says
A bunch of freeper CWII fans on rascal scooters won’t get out from behind a keyboard. They’ve been saying everything is a trigger ever since they got pissy and African American was elected to the White House.
World@70 says
The actions in Colorado have more ill effects that reach beyond that states primary. There will be some people who will only hear, Trump is off the ballot for POTUS, not realizing that this affects only the state primary. Younger voters might be the most affected. Some of this could be simple inattentiveness but my guess would be misleading info on social media.
Onzeur Trante says
Exactly. Such” ill effects” were likely carefully taken into consideration in The Plan to Stop Trump. The Colorado judges have lit a fuse. Who knows what will happen next.
Una Salus says
The idea that a bunch of Trumpoids would ever fight a civil war is about as ludicrous as the idea that they would mount an “insurrection”. Even if they did, Dem media shaming would have them running with their tales between legs before you can say French Fries. If they even tried it, it would be in the stupidest possible way imaginable. So stupid that the FBI would be all over it and practically instigating it.
So eat, drink an be merry. Wash, rinse, repeat time if Trumpoids even get that far. It’s mildly disgusting but mainly laughable.
So anyway, Trumpoids doing the same thing they did to Cruz because that’s all they got. Can’t take on Dems for beans. Pretty good at feeling outraged and generating a few memes.
Jeff Bargholz says
TDS causes constipation, high blood pressure and possible diabetes. You might want to abandon the bile.
Una Salus says
I mean even metaphorically a Civil War is ridiculous. The only Civil War the GOP is capable of fighting is internal to the GOP.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Jeff Bargholz says
The only war within the GOP is over how often it can wave a white flag.
Una Salus says
Yes, Dems get hysterical when they don’t get their way for 5 minutes. Yes, they start calling Trump Hitler and stuff but you don’t want to believe for one minute they actually fear Trump.
They know perfectly well he’s just an old fashioned NY Democrat who believes they’re right about everything in the long run. They’re just a little too Bolshy for their britches right now. Dems know Trump is the best thing that could ever happen to them but they’re impatient. That’s the problem. They don’t want to listen to daddy,
And, Trump is very upset the media told lies about him. That’s what he likes to do with opponents. Obviously, it’s different when he does it because they’re them and not him. They’re not billionaire American royalty.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, multiple illegal lawsuits which total over 700 years imprisonment and seizure of all his family’s assets, a state which has illegally removed him from its ballots, four which tried and thirteen which are trying. No, the Di-Bags don’t fear Big Don at all. Those two illegal impeachments, Trump/Russia, Trump/Ukraine and all the other plots against him had nothing to do with fear.
Put each of them in a dark room, alone with a candle, and tell them to say “Trump” three times. They would shit their pants.
John says
To accept the results of an election you have to believe that they are fair and accurately counted. If one side in an election is willing to cheat until they can claim victory why would the other side accept those results?
Una Salus says
Hey, die soon
Una Salus says
Playing dominoes and drinking beer.., no I’m drinking beer..
Una Salus says
Come on baby leave some change behind, she was a bitch but I don’t care, good enough to leave some change behind
Una Salus says
Look where all this talking got us baby. Talk on,
Una Salus says
Una Salus says
She was a goof but goof, enough for some change. but goof enough for some change, Everybody’s goof enough for some change.
Una Salus says
Everybody’s goof enough for some change in goof enough for some change in goof enough that is all I’ve discovered.
Una Salus says
This will be what we said. Look where all this talking got us, baby. Talk on. I warned you. I instructed you what to expect.
Una Salus says
As deranged as what I’m saying is there is basically nothing going on with Trump people. They have basically nothing going on besides Trump.. They hope Trump will win because nobody actually cares and that’s some achievement in a world bereft of America. It really is.
Jeff Bargholz says
I see you got an early start on the egg nog.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I would say, we’re already in a period similar to the start of the Dark Ages, when barbarians began to cross the borders of Rome, and Rome began to lose control of its territory. Both in USA and the EU decadent leftist governments are facilitating the illegal immigration.