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Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander, has recently been crowing about how the Islamic Republic of Iran had managed to disrupt traffic in the Persian Gulf, and now it is doing the same in the Red Sea. Full of braggadocio, he threatens that now the Islamic Republic will close off the entire Mediterranean Sea, and keep it closed until Israel halts its war in Gaza.
The Arabs call the Mediterranean El-Bahr el-Abiadh el-Moutawwassit, “la mer blanche du milieu” in French, and “the white sea in the middle [of the world]” in English. In the time of the Barbary Pirates, Muslim corsairs from North Africa would attack ships of the Christian powers throughout the Mediterranean, seizing the ships and enslaving their Christian seamen. Payment of a large ransom could sometimes, but not always, obtain the freeing both of the sailors and of the ships. Such attacks came to an end when the seamen of the young American Republic made war, successfully, on those they called the Barbary Pirates, and thereby put paid to those attacks on Christian ships by Muslim privateers. The Iranians ought to remember that history; it did not end well for the Muslims.
More on the threats of the Iranian boaster Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi can be found here: “Iran threatens Mediterranean closure over Gaza, without saying how,” i24News, December 23, 2023:
Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen has over the past month attacked merchant vessels sailing through the Red Sea as the group threatens to hit any Israel-linked ship. The series of incidents led some shipping companies to switch routes.
The White House on Friday [Dec. 22] said Iran was “deeply involved” in planning operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The US on Monday announced plans to spearhead an international maritime coalition, responding to escalating attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea by the Houthi rebels.
Perhaps, in threatening to close down the Mediterranean, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Commander Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Naqdi was carried away by the recent success of the Islamic Republic’s proxies, the Houthis of Yemen, in using drones to attack ships in the Red Sea, causing commercial shipping in that international waterway to be halted. But now that the Americans have created an international coalition of naval powers to provide security in the Red Sea against Houthi drones, one can reasonably expect that they will no longer merely defend against those attacks, but will take the battle right to the Houthis in Yemen, with airstrikes on drone storehouses and Houthi fighters, crippling the Houthis as a military power.
Iran has no direct access to the Mediterranean itself and it was not clear how the Guards could attempt to close it off, although Naqdi talked of “the birth of new powers of resistance and the closure of other waterways.”
“Yesterday, the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz became a nightmare for them, and today they are trapped … in the Red Sea,” Naqdi was quoted as saying.
Just a minute, Brigadier General Naqdi. Last I looked, oil tankers were moving freely down the Persian Gulf and through the Strait of Hormuz out to the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean. And ships that had in previous weeks been avoiding the Red Sea, including those of shipping giant Maersk, are at the end of December using that sea route again. For the world’s maritime companies and countries have received confirmation that the previously announced multi-national security initiative, Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG), has now been set up and deployed to allow maritime commerce to pass through the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden and once again to return to using the Suez Canal as of December 24.
That same Operation Prosperity Guardian could organize and send a multi-national flotilla right now, as a prompt response to Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi’s threat to “block the Mediterranean,” and station it smack in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar, ready to blow out of the water any Iranian ship that dared to come close. That will be the end result of Naqdi’s empty threat. It’s just one more example — there are so many — of the braggart warriors in Tehran, shooting themselves in the foot.
Where do the houtis get their drones? China.
Boycott Amazon and cut off Chinese investment, the vast majority of sellers on Amazon are Chinese companies masquerading as western.
Duh, from the BlowFish
When President Thomas Jefferson established the U.S. Navy to annihilate
the Muslim Barbary Pirates – he did that to protect America and its people.
Iranian General Naqdi does not have to worry about Biden doing any such
thing today to counteract any Iranian attempts to close off the Mediterranean
In spite of the fact that Biden and an international coalition through Operation
Prosperity Guardian have wrestled control of the Red Sea from the Iran-backed
Houthis in Yemen to once again allow maritime shipping conglomerates free
access. With everything in the U.S. being destroyed by the Biden regime – one
can safely assume that that free access in the Red Sea was to enrich and empower
Globalists – and not to protect America and its people.
Bring back all four Iowa class battleships and let them patrol the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. They would put an end to Iranian terrorism
Not a bad idea. Ten years ago I did the tour of the U.S.S. Iowa docked in Long Beach CA. At the time she was being refitted to be a museum. The bridge was in pretty bad shape but the big guns looked pretty good.
I might take more $$$s to refit her than to build a replica replete with modern “everything”, but keep the look and feel of the old girl. I find the Iowa class battleships to be more intimidating than our current navy, especially to the goat herders running Iran
Great idea-should have kept them going all along.
For some strange reason, I don’t think we’d be hearing this if Donald Trump was still in the White House.
I think it’s because deep down inside, the IRGC knows that if they pulled a stunt like that with Trump as Commander In Chief, he’d order their navy be sent to Davy Jones’ Locker—and possibly even arrange a personal meeting with the Lord for the IRGC.
I have always felt, if we would have taken care of Iran back in 1980-we would not be having these problems today.
Legacy of the idiot from Plaines.
So true.
Plus, the fool narcissist from Chicago and the idiot sniffer from Connecticut.
Promulgated in recognition of America’s leadership vacancy.
I pray for the return of paper, in person, same day ballotting and tabulation.
I have no mercy for Joseph Robinette Biden. I want him where he belongs: the gallows.
Election thefts require consequences.
Our existential threat comes from within the walls of the WH. Iran is not the main course, it’s the hors d’oeuvre.
Very, very true, for sure.
Twelve months more to endure the WORST president in USA history.
May God give us the strength to endure and survive his crimes.
“[O]ne can reasonably expect that they will no longer merely defend against those attacks, but will take the battle right to the Houthis in Yemen, with airstrikes on drone storehouses and Houthi fighters, crippling the Houthis as a military power.” Well, one could reasonably expect that but not with the Obama-puppet Biden regime in power. After all, doing as you suggest might cost Biden some votes in Dearborn, MI, or Cambridge, MA. And, hey, what is more important, the U.S. standing in the world or oatmeal-brained Biden’s re-election chances? So Biden will allow this to go on at least until the Houthis get a lucky hit on a U.S. warship and kill some U.S. sailors.
He has about him the doomed look of General Sulemani.. He knows he’ll be collecting his virgins soon, and is worried about how he’ll keep them fed on his martyr’s pension.
When you go and replace real action against a Enemy with smoking the Peace Hookah then its going to be a mess of a King Size Proportions
Block off the med sea? With what? A bunch of speed boats armed with 50 cal machine guns. Fast fish food.. But he’s got to run his mouth. It didn’t end well for the Muslims the last time we had to send our Navy after them, and it won’t end well for them this time either.
That’s funny… LMAO.. Iran shut down the Mediterranean…… That’s like Biden saying “I’ll ace that IQ test”.
Now that IS has taken responsibility for the suicide bombings in Iran, maybe they will decide that the Houthis aren’t “proper” Muslims either and warrant a similar response.
The Iranians have nothing to fear from this President and his gender fluid navy.