Across the wide seas, there is a magical place where people live in a similar setting to that here in the United States. They live with democracy, freedom, individual human rights and prosperity – just like here. Although much of their population embraces one faith, they allow all faiths to flourish – just like here. They welcome (legal) immigrants – just like here.
And, in perhaps the most compelling commonality of all, they are targeted for destruction by the forces of Islam – just like here (just like all of Western Civilization, in point of fact).
So, naturally, this magical place is absolutely loathed by American Leftists. After all, they hate their own country, so why shouldn’t they hate Israel? These haters walk among us. Let’s spend a few minutes calling them out (and in some cases, laughing at them hysterically)… To start with: the self-proclaimed protectors of human rights.
No, they’re not American. But they are here in America, are they not? Perhaps it’s (long past) time that we kick their fannies off U.S. soil. The U.N. “Human Rights Council” is obsessed with Israel’s “many human rights abuses” and loses no opportunity to condemn the country, while not managing to muster up any indignation toward Iran, Libya, China, Qatar… oh, wait! Maybe it’s because those nations are all part of the Human Rights Council! Which makes perfect sense, if it was Opposite Day. Unfortunately, every day is Opposite Day at the U.N. – like the day they applauded terrorism toward Israel:
At least under George W., the U.S. boycotted this kangaroo human rights court. But Obama has us going back, so that we can receive human rights counseling from North Korea, Nicaragua, Cuba, Egypt, and yes, even Iran! Our president apparently believes we have much to learn from these nations. WARNING – this video is not for the weak of stomach:
9. Hedy Epstein
Hedy Epstein is a little old lady who is being misused by the so-called BDS radicals – the Israel haters pushing for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. These people make much of Hedy’s involvement in their cause. And it is terribly sad to see a little old Jewish lady participating with them.
However, she’s not a Holocaust survivor. She was a refugee from Nazi Germany, and she did lose her family to the Nazis, but she was living in England during the war, not in a death camp. You can read her real story here.
And you can see how she’s being misused in this comically angry “flash mob” protest against Motorola at a Best Buy store in St. Louis (just look for the only 85-year-old “dancer”). Who really knows why Hedy went over to the dark side… maybe she’s just senile:
8. BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanctions) groups
What do these Israel Haters have against Lady Gaga, anyway? Everywhere they go, they commit songrape against the Gaga hit “Telephone.” Come on, big-mouthed Israel boycottophiles! Pick on another song!
In this catchy version “performed” in Philadelphia, the lyrics are tortured into an assault on Sabra hummus. Yes, you read that right. And the dancing is every bit as bad as the singing. Worse, in fact, which is odd considering that quite a few of the participants look gay, and I thought gays were good at choreography! Wait – hasn’t anyone told them that Islamists KILL gays? Guess not! Anyway – again, if you have a strong stomach – take a gander:
7. David Beckham and wife Posh Spice
Okay, not the REAL David Beckham and Posh Spice. But when you watch this video (the last of the BDS types, I promise), you will see how I got confused. After all, they got someone just as handsome as Beckham and just as lovely as Posh to impersonate them. Although I should really put my glasses on and take a look to be sure… wait… uh… sorry… let’s see, with the old specs on board… it seems that these people are actually… uh… oh. Actually, these people are hideous!
Ha ha! Just kidding. Sort of. But the real reason to show you this video is in the interest of fairness. After all, I did ask them to stop butchering Lady Gaga and move on to something else. So they did! The target, again, is Motorola – “Moto’s killing children so say goodbye!” – you’ll be humming it all day:
6. Hollywood – as exemplified by Jean Luc Godard
There is no greater narcissistic self-lovefest than the Oscars, and this man, Jean Luc Godard, is who Hollywood thought deserved an honorary Academy Award this past year. Now granted, this man is French, not American. But Hollywood, last I checked, IS American, although you’d never know it, would you?
So Jean Luc Godard is a bigshot fancy-schmancy pants movie director. And he’s also a virulent Israel hater, again not only walking among us but enjoying showers of accolades. Here’s how my NewsReal Blog fellow writer Dr. Phyllis Chesler describes him:
“Godard has… described Israel as a ‘cancer on the map of the Middle East’; visually, in paired flickering images, has compared Golda Meir to Hitler in one of his films; defended the 1972 Palestinian terrorist massacre of Israeli athletes in Munich and suggested that an image of the Palestinian camps should be ‘broadcast before every Olympics finale’; justified Arab terrorism by describing Israel as a ‘paradoxical form of Nazism’; insisted that German television is ‘financed by Zionists,’ and demanded that the Germans, instead, allow ‘us’ to buy ‘weapons for the Palestinians to attack Zionists.’ In one of his many films, ‘A Married Woman,’ Godard has a character state: ‘Today, in Germany, I said to someone, “How about if tomorrow, we kill all the Jews and the hairdressers?” He replied, “Why the hairdressers?”’ In other words, Godard, in both his films, and in interviews, is an out-of-control racist and he has wielded his considerable cinematic talent and influence to legitimize a far less talented industry of exterminationist propaganda against the Jews and Israel.”
So, let’s give him Hollywood’s highest honor! I could write an entirely separate article about the self-hating nature of the self-hating Jews in places like Hollywood – but NewsReal Blogger Lisa Graas already did!
5. Muslim students on American campuses
The Muslim Students Association. It’s a fixture on many major United States campuses. And that’s great, because clearly if the Muslim students are HERE, then they must admire and maybe even love the U.S., and so they’re learning the kind of tolerance and open-mindedness which the university experience should inculcate. Right?
Well, maybe we can ask Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. He had an interesting experience with the Muslim Student Association at the University of California at Irvine, when he came to speak about Israel. This video really highlights the kind of fair and thoughtful debate for which Muslims are known:
The students were asked, again and again, to show respect for the speaker. Mr. Oren, showing a great deal of class throughout the ordeal, asked them specifically to allow him to speak (clearly, a request he should not have had to make). But these Israel haters are haters above all.
Speaking of hate at the University of California, it seems appropriate here to revisit another Muslim student, star of a video that went viral last year from UC San Diego. The video is compelling because of its jaw-droppingly shocking hatred, expressed clearly and simply:
4. Bard College
Is this campus really on American soil? I was wondering, because it proudly proclaims that it has an “Alger Hiss” Professorship of Social Studies. Alger Hiss was a Soviet agent and Communist, dedicated to the destruction of both our free markets and our liberty. So anyway, isn’t that super awesome that Bard College administrators have named a chair in their social studies department for this spy?
But I digress. There are far more interesting (and current) scandals at Bard College. Bard is home to a chapter of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which is just another way of saying “really radical Muslim students, or just Muslims.” Writer Lee Kaplan talks about his efforts to get Bard President Leon Botstein (another self-hater, apparently) to stop allowing his campus facilities and student activity money to be used to train ISM activists who are then sent to the West Bank:
“The ISM at Bard has actually invited Huwaida Arraf, a co-founder of the ISM and one of the main organizers of the Gaza Flotilla boats that continually try to run the Israeli navy’s control of the sea lanes to Gaza to import weapons for Hamas. Arraf was invited to campus to do recruiting for ISM terrorism enablers once before and I alerted Botstein then, too, who did nothing about it. The Bard ISM campus group even recently raised money for the Gaza flotillas that included IHH, an al Qaeda-affiliated ‘charity’ that was involved in the millennium bomb plot to blow up the LA airport in 2000. It is common knowledge the ISM organizes these flotillas in order to try to enable the Iranians to run weapons to the Hamas to attack Israeli civilians on Israel’s southern border with rockets and mortars. Photos are available of ISM activists receiving medals from Hamas leaders in Gaza… Bard ISM recruits are trained in how to lie to the Israeli border police in order to enter Israel illegally and go to the West Bank (also illegal) to assist in fomenting weekly riots from the mosques against Israel’s security fence… getting a college like Bard to foot the bill through student activity money and lend legitimacy to their actions is quite a feather in the ISM’s cap. This is one reason why there are not other ISM chapters on colleges across the nation. That is, so long as some college presidents unlike Botstein don’t let them fool people into thinking they are part of the academic experience instead of terrorist enablers, the others don’t train activists to physically aid Hamas… (whose) charter calls for not only destroying Israel, but wiping the Jewish people off the world map.”
Kaplan goes on to note that most campus Muslim groups engage in propaganda and street theater at worst, but “Bard’s ISM chapter is a different animal entirely.” You can read about the whole sorry mess here.
As a quick side note, not EVERY college in America is a haven for Israel haters. At my alma mater, the University of Southern California, administrators recently reprimanded their campus security (and security apologized) for siding with the Students for Justice in Palestine after a member of the pro-Israel group “Stand With Us” was forcibly ejected from a public event. What’s more, new USC president C.L. Max Nikias has issued a courageous statement AGAINST the BDS movement.
3. President Obama
Obama has been no friend of America’s best friend. Washington-based British journalist Nile Gardiner sums it up quite neatly:
“In the space of just over a year, Barack Obama has managed to significantly damage relations with America’s two closest friends (Israel and Britain), while currying favour with practically every monstrous dictatorship on the face of the earth. The doctrine of ‘smart power’ has evolved into the shameless appeasement of America’s enemies at the expense of existing alliances. There is nothing clever about this approach – it will ultimately weaken US global power and strengthen the hand of America’s enemies, who have become significantly emboldened and empowered by Barack Obama’s naïve approach since he took office… the Obama presidency is causing immense damage to America’s standing in the free world, while projecting an image of weakness in front of hostile regimes. Its treatment of both Israel and Britain is an insult and a disgrace, and a grim reflection of an unbelievably crass and insensitive foreign policy that significantly undermines the US national interest.”
Let’s see… Obama has publicly insulted the Israeli president. That’s not how he treats dictators with American blood on their hands – he got all buddy buddy with Venezuela’s murderous Hugo Chavez. (Who has repaid him by pledging to build a new world order with that lunatic currently running Iran). Obama even literally bent over to bow for the king of Saudi Arabia – a country in which nobody votes, women have no rights, and Christianity is illegal. Obama also has compared the deaths of millions of Jews in the Holocaust to the “occupation” of Palestinian territories… he’s humiliated Israel in a hateful speech at the U.N., and pretty much blamed Israel the for the Middle East conflict… his minions (Clinton, Axelrod, Gibbs) have publicly flogged Israel numerous times.
Wow – with friends like that, Israel doesn’t really need any enemies! Of course, sadly, it has many.
Too bad America is beginning to be one of them, thanks to our current president.
2. NPR (surprise!)
Yeah, I’m being sarcastic, of course. Nobody’s surprised by this. If it’s a cause that’s either stupid or Leftist, NPR is all over it like a bad rash. Last week NPR ran a piece all about how Israel is so mean to its (illegal) immigrants, quoting – well, illegal immigrants, naturally. Ira Stoll sums it up:
“Never mind Juan Williams: What really gets me about National Public Radio is the way it manages to cover Israel in a manner more reminiscent of _Tishreen_’s or Al Jazeera’s style than that of an American news outlet. The latest egregious example is a piece from NPR’s Morning Edition that runs on the NPR website — and this morning was the lead story on the NPR home page — under the headline ‘In Israel, No Welcome Mat for African Migrants.’ The article accuses Israel of being inhospitable to refugees. There’s no mention whatsoever of Israel’s welcoming 1 million Jews from the former Soviet Union or tens of thousands of Jews and others from Ethiopia, which, last I checked, was in Africa. Nor is there any mention of whether any other countries are laying out welcome mats for refugees. It’s hard to think of a country other than America that has been more welcoming to refugees than Israel has, so it seems likely that the NPR piece is afflicted by a certain confusion between a ‘refugee’ and an ‘illegal immigrant’ … NPR quotes one illegal African immigrant it states has been in Israel for 16 years as saying that Israel ‘ends up not a place for people who are different. It’s a place where people should be, look, all the same.’ Again, there’s no reminder or reality check from the NPR correspondent to the effect that Israelis, who may be Ethiopian immigrants, black-hat Orthodox, secular supermodels, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, you name it, hardly ‘look all the same.’ NPR has responded to complaints about its Israel coverage by commissioning an independent review every three months of its coverage of ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.’ But this isn’t even coverage of the ‘Israeli-Palestinian conflict’; it’s just a hit piece on Israel.”
1. The American mainstream media and the “intelligentsia” that run it
Although Ira Stoll (see #2 above) expected more from an American news outlet, the fact is that no mainstream American news outlets are friendly to Israel, and some are among the worst Israel haters in the country. Shoot, the recognized elder stateswoman of the White House Press Corps, arguably one of the most famous longtime reporters in America, slipped and let her true colors show this year on the subject of Israel. (The Society of Professional Journalists named their Lifetime Achievement Award after her!) Then there’s the fact that Saudi money is controlling some aspects of the American media giants (including, yes, Fox News).
But leftist reporters being leftist, once they get an idea embedded in their gray matter, it just colors how they view – and do – all their reporting. Here and here, read how critics carefully deconstruct Israel-related reportage to show the persistent, insidious, and sometimes very subtle-but-nevertheless-enormous bias. It’s remarkable. And it is how virtually every Israel story is reported in the mainstream press.
Some figureheads in the mainstream media are very open about their biases, as blogger Ron Radosh reports in his biting takedown of current New Yorker editor David Remnick, an arrogant blowhard who could be crowned king of the self-haters.
A footnote: The big social media outlets are not really in the category of “mainstream media,” although the biases of sites like Google and Wikipedia have been fairly well-documented. But it’s sadly instructive that Facebook, an American invention, currently hosts a number of “We Hate Israel” pages – with thousands of members between them.
So here in the greatest Western civilization currently on earth, where we should have great respect for what Israel has accomplished economically, politically and culturally – here in the good ‘ol U.S. of A – the Israel haters walk among us. They spread misinformation or outright lies, they spread their ignorance of history and current events, they spread anti-Semitism, and of course, they spread hate.
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