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The Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei may not be having a happy 85th birthday as Israel responded to the hundreds of drones, cruise, and ballistic missiles fired by the Islamic terrorist state into Israel with attacks of its own.
Details of the attack are still pending, but reportedly the targets are Iranian air bases and the attack scope is limited.
While Israel had wanted to retaliate immediately, there was immediate pressure from the Biden administration not to “escalate” by fighting back.
My own guess would be that Israel targeted some of the Iranian facilities where the attacks had originated from in demonstration strikes meant to show that it could strike deep into Iran.
So while there’s speculation, I would venture to guess this is far from the big one, it’s not a strike aimed at taking out Iran’s nuclear program, but essentially the bare minimum a country does when it’s bombed by another country.
Were the attacks deliberately timed for Khamenei’s big day? It’s possible but the window was also on the narrow side. The Sabbath is coming up and soon afterward the holiday of Passover (at which point you’ll see fewer updates from me as Jews around the world commemorate the fall of a wicked tyrant and the Divine liberation from an oppressive Middle Eastern country). Reports were that the retaliatory attacks were going to happen after Passover, but it looks like they were moved forward instead.
One possible reason is that Islamic terrorists, including Iran, would be more likely to attack on Passover.
Hamas had originally planned Oct 7 for the first night of Passover before having to call off the attack. A strong show of force before Passover may have been calculated to send a warning about further attacks.
I was really hoping Israel would take out Kharg island.
It won’t matter how limited the Israeli attack scope is. The obiden regime will bleat the kneejerk response that Israel intentionally hit a hospital and several kindergartens located on the air bases. I hope that Israel is not so “limited” next time.
A blessed Pesach to you and yours, Daniel!
Historically Iran hasn’t done well in large scale wars.
Historically no country has done well in any war with Israel. May God’s peace rest on all our Jewish brothers and sisters everywhere on this Passover!
Actually, Egypt did pretty well – not in the 1973 war, but in its aftermath, in keeping with the dictum that “Israel is not allowed to win and the Arabs are not allowed to lose”, the international community saved Egypt from military defeat. Then the US pressured Israel to pull back from the Canal, and subsequent negotiations (leading up to Camp David), Egypt got *all* of the Sinai back, plus $1.6 Billion in aid from the US.
Yeah and iran’s rulers had gotten away with worldwide terrorism through OBVIOUS proxies and hectoring non Shites for so long that it thought only Kryptonite could take them down.
It looks like Israel has finally had enough of that shit. What is the Assahollah Kameini going to do? Call Diaper Joe for help? As if that weakling or his equally cowardly handlers can do anything but bloviate impotently.
I didn’t even know Shites celebrate birthdays. They say themselves that nothing is happy in islam.
They probably celebrate it by vowing to redouble their murderous zeal.
And by gang raping goats. It’s prophet pretender approved.
now that’s funny!
Happy Birthday, here’s your present, sorry I forgot to wrap it!
Iran and Pakistan are the main culprit behind all so called Islamic extremism, their philosophy is killing of non Muslim because they think nobody can defeat them, they are only superior others have no rights to live and this attitude will destroy them one day, salute to Israel, they punish to devils for their henious crime against humanism.
Let’s have a good old fashioned World War. One with a real Roman Numeral. Recent generations have gotten lazy and weak and not lived up to prior eras that produced grand wars, with casualties in the tens of millions. We could change this if we could combine a war in Ukraine with a war in the Middle East and a big one in China too. We would have to use AI to count the bodies and add up the expenses. It would help the economies of nations around the world if we could gen up wartime manufacturing of all the materials needed to run the killing machines. We could see a return to the Glory Days of the 1950s, when America was producing everything after the big one, WWII. Except the whole world could be like that, if we can make this new war the biggest war ever. And we could take the title, Greatest Generation Ever, from the mid 20th Century guys who have had the title way too long.
Why in the hell are you glorifying war and killing? Mostly innocent civilians end up paying the ultimate price! WAR IS A SICKNESS that only the industrial war machine benefits from by perpetuating hate!
Summer is going to be a “hot” one.
indeed – this is going to be one hot summer as the prophesised battle of Megiddo, with blood up to the horses bridles, or in this case, over the tanks and armored vehicles . Armageddon to ya sweetheart?
What a Day! Theres no way in hell Israel should ever allow terrorist regimes to attack and not respond. They are in charge of their own destiny. Nobody in their right mind ignores terrorism!!!!!!!
The Sabbath is coming up and soon afterward the holiday of Passover (at which point you’ll see fewer updates from me as Jews around the world commemorate the fall of a wicked tyrant and the Divine liberation from an oppressive Middle Eastern country)
Passover is celebration of deliverance from Egypt. Hanukkah is the deliverance from an oppressive Middle Eastern country.
I would have said that Egypt was an oppressive Middle Eastern country – but Greece in the days of the Maccabees qualifies too.
this is when we stay the utmost vigilant – they will attack on Passover just as Israel bombed on the Kokamanie’s birthday – and Israel is not standing down for Passover. We are at war. This is not going to end and everyone go home – these blood thirsty demons are out for blood – but it is their own blood that will be spilled and their souls are dispatched to hell to await the JUDGEMENT!
How interesting. They attack on both *their* holidays (especially the Ramadan period) and on our holidays (Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah, now maybe now Passover).
The Bible admonishes us to ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem’. I would also ask the Almighty to bestow peace and blessings upon the people of Israel and to those who defend that nation’s right to exist.
The right thing to do about Iran is to decapitate the depraved psychopathic murderous
violent berserk Islamic Iranian regime and ayatollahs.
Israel is making a mistake by playing Kabuki Theater with Iran.
Let’s get it over with and finish off the terrorist Islamic Iranian regime now,
along with Hamas and all the other Islamic enemies of Israel and America.
Not doing so is sending the message that Israel and America can not or will not protect their own citizens.
So stop the Kabuki Theater and take out and crush the depraved Islamic Iranian regime.
Tolerating this Islamic Iranian terrorism crap since 1979 is enough already.
Israel is not playing kabuki theater grasshopper. This is a carefully and strategically planned execution of every assault and counter assault as well as all balls out battle to eliminate this enemy from the face of the earth once and for all! In Yeshua’s Holy Name we pray to our Father Creator YHVH Who’s unseen hand is in this to once again, deliver the Hebrews from our enemies!
If depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent terrorist Islamic Iranian regime is not decapitated and eliminated, then the political leaders of Israel and America are in fact playing a Kabuki Theater.
They are not really serious about protecting their own citizens.
Just as Biden and the democrats have deliberately created the illegal alien invasion of hordes and millions across the Mexican border and are allowing the murder of more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured drugs pushed into America by the Mexican government.
It is a disgrace and a crime and a betrayal and a stab in the back that the traitorous political leaders refuse to protect their own citizens by destroying crushing and vanquishing their aggressive enemies …. Mexico and Islam.
The actors in a Kabuki Theater performance are not really actually doing something that protect their people and vanquish their enemy..
It is a fake and fraudulent attempt to make it look like something is being done.
Islam … and particularly Iran is the enemy if Israel, and America.
This is war. Destroy the enemy.
Crush and vanquish the enemy like Nazi Germany and depraved militaristic Japan were crushed and vanquished in WW2
Anything less today regarding Islam and Iran is Kabuki Theater.
Just remember where the Ayatollah Hominy went he is with the Real Great Satan along with a whole lot of Suicide Bombers and 1979 Hostage Takers
The Israeli counter-attack was reasoned and proportional. The so-called informed anointed wanted Israel to do nothing which would have communicated weakness in the eyes of the Iranians, and invited more and more violent attacks. Eventually, people are going to have to realize that there is only one way to permanently stop Iranian terror. That method is to use overwhelming firepower until the full defeat of that regime is realized. That is how the Japanese surrender was orchestrated that ended the extremism and fanaticism of the Japanese Imperial leadership. Those two atomic weapons saved many hundreds of thousands of Allied & Japanese lives & ended WWII. The same will occur when the Iranian regime is permanently knocked out.
When Israel says Never Again, we freaking mean it – no kids reading this? Israel’s motto is: Never Again, and Israel f’ing means it! When will we in the USA say never again to the coup d’etat we are in by rigging and stealing elections? This is why the USA, Israel and the world is in this demonic state! We have taken our minds and hearts and conscious off YHVH to pursue worldly things at any cost. This is the march to the 666, mark of the beast, claiming he is Christ and deceiving the world for one last time. The world is deceived. pLandemic, election theft, wars, persecution of political enemies, right here in USA!!!!! Well. You’ve heard it all before. But now we are here! The fullness of time has arrived. Conspiracy Theories of Yore are Conspiracy Facts Today!
Maybe someone should set “Happy Birthday” to the 1812 Overture, complete with atmospheric cannon blasts.
The IAF reminded the mullahs of Teheran that Israel can strike anywhere at any time by whatever means necessary .