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The IDF learned a lesson during the Gaza War, when even its close ally the United States withheld — that is, slowed down delivery — of weapons, mainly heavy bombs, in an attempt to make Israel refrain from taking certain actions in the Strip, such as entering Rafah. The threat did not work; Israel did not change its plans to satisfy the Americans. But it is determined never to be in that situation again. The Israeli government has just signed two contracts with the private defense contractor Elbit Systems, the first to manufacture thousands of heavy bombs, and the second to produce raw materials used in the manufacture of munitions. Until now, Israel has relied on the Americans for both. More on this declaration of greater military independence can be found here: “Israel to locally produce heavy bombs, reducing reliance on US after shipment holdup,” by Emanuel Fabian, Times of Israel, January 7, 2025:
The Defense Ministry on Tuesday signed two major deals with Elbit Systems for the local arms contractor to supply the military with thousands of heavy bombs and establish a new facility to manufacture raw materials.
The deals were estimated at NIS 1 billion ($275 million), the Defense Ministry said.
The ministry said the agreements were “crucial for enhancing the IDF’s operational endurance and force build-up capabilities,” and represented a “central lesson learned from the war.”
Under the first agreement, Elbit was to supply thousands of heavy air munitions used by the Israeli Air Force.
This would apparently reduce Israel’s need to rely on the United States, which in late spring held up a shipment of heavy bombs.
The Israelis were stung by the Biden administration’s attempt to pressure it by withholding weapons, especially the heavy bombs that are so critical to the IDF’s air war, and have vowed not to ever be in that position again. Of course, with Trump in the White House, there will presumably be no such pressure put on Israel to change its war-fighting policies. But that’s not what worries the Israelis. It’s what could happen four years from now under a different, Democratic, and possibly hostile president. After all, Biden presented himself as a deeply committed Zionist, yet was willing to withhold weapons to Israel as it fought a seven-front war. Still more worrisome, look at how Barack Obama, and even worse, Jimmy Carter, treated Israel. This declaration of weapons independence is worth its weight in shekels — all one billion of them.
FJB. Joe is political FILTH and he, Lunchbucket Joe… knows it. Fifty years of NO accomplishments during his “Public Service..” I, as most of the country, have had enough of Joe.
Mr. Scranton, Go lay on a beach..
Legislative Term limits are needed. Brandon, you are the poster child for term limits.
I’ve been using Diamond Cut HP ammo from Israeli IMI ammunition.
I take it along with some CAIR supplied korans to the range. The paper waste from the koran (I know…..it’s all waste) is used at the bottom of my bird’s cage, and some for the kitty litter.
I understand the complexities of modern JDAM and other “smart” weapons, but why isn’t Israel able to create its own basic 500, 1000 and 2000 pound iron “dumb” bombs? And given what I’ve read about their phenomenal tech industry, I thought for sure they’d marry the two in country.
I’m sure it’s been discussed elsewhere, just haven’t seen anything on this question.