[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Among the litter of guns, korans, and maps discarded by the Hamas terrorists whose bodies lie alongside bullet-riddled vehicles and dusty roads are green Gaza IDs with work permits. Normally residents of the Hamas territory can’t enter Israel, but work permits allowed over 20,000 Gazans to enter Israel. When some returned, it was as Hamas rapists and killers.
The Hamas invasion succeeded so well because the terrorists had an intimate knowledge of the communities they were targeting because they had worked there or had intelligence from those who had worked there. The attackers had detailed maps and building layouts. One woman whose husband and son were murdered said that the Hamas terrorists knew the names of the people, how many children they had and even which of them owned dogs.
Last year, Secretary of State Blinken addressed a J Street even and told the anti-Israel lobby that the Biden administration had pushed Israel to “improve the lives of Palestinians” by, among other things, “issuing thousands of work permits for Palestinians in Gaza”.
The number of exits from Gaza into Israel rose sharply under the Biden administration and the left-wing Bennett-Lapid government which handed out an unprecedented number of work permits.
In 2021, there had been a total of only 7,500 exits a month from Gaza, but by July 2022, there had been 35,370 exits.
The massive increase was due to the work permits that the Biden administration had sought and that Bennett, Lapid and Gantz had willingly provided. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made the decision to increase the number of work permits from 5,000 to 15,000. Defense Minister Benny Gantz assessed the security situation and approved the move which embedded Hamas terrorists into Israel. By late 2022, the number had expanded to17,000.
“We need to make the civilian population in Gaza realize that they can live a different life. To pressure Hamas to stop shooting at Israel. To that end, we have increased the number of permits for working in Israel that are issued to the residents of Gaza,” Prime Minister Lapid said.
The leftist government viewed the work permits as leverage over Hamas to maintain quiet.
“And we are telling our Palestinian neighbors, ‘When it is quiet you will enjoy the economic flourishing.’ That’s the case in Gaza. They have 12,500 people coming to work in Israel. If it stays quiet, I will increase it,” Defense Minister Gantz promised.
When the conservative Netanyahu government took office, it failed to shut down the program because the establishment believed that it was working. Experts and diplomats claimed that Hamas had avoided joining in Islamic Jihad rocket attacks to avoid disrupting the status quo.
In July 2023, a record 67,769 exits had occurred on 22,000 work permits. In August, the Netanyahu government finally stopped handing out new work permits (without revoking the existing ones) after Hamas was caught smuggling in explosives.
In September 2023, Hamas touched off riots at the Gaza border. Explosives and incendiary balloons were launched into Israel. Snipers fired on Israeli soldiers and IEDs were planted on the border wall. Israeli soldiers returned fire and shelled Hamas positions.
Hamas began conducting exercises on kidnapping Israelis and “storming settlements”. The Islamic terrorist group has done this before and it was dismissed as posturing to extract economic concessions. Meanwhile its spokesman told members of the media what they wanted to hear. “Hamas is trying to avoid an escalation. A lot of our sons and daughters would be killed,” Basem Naim, the head of Hamas’s Political Department, toldThe Washington Post.
Rather than escalate further, Israel negotiated with Hamas through Egypt, and its allies in Turkey and Qatar, and came to an agreement to end the fighting.
In late September, mere weeks before Hamas launched an invasion of Israel and massacred over a thousand people, Israel opened the main border crossing with Hamas and allowed Arab Muslims from Gaza to once again enter the country. This was part of a deal with Hamas that increased the number of work permits and allowed more imports and exports, in exchange for peace. The violence stopped and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Trading work permits for an end to the rockets and riots seemed like it was working.
In reality, Hamas was approaching the end of its two-year plan for invading Israel. The work permits were not forms of leverage that had ended the violence and ushered in stability, they were a vulnerability allowing Hamas to gain detailed intelligence on Israeli positions and targets.
By 2022, in response to Biden administration pressure, there had been more exits from Gaza than at any time since 2005. After the Hamas takeover of Gaza, those numbers fell to the low thousands and mostly involved visits to Israeli hospitals. And that’s how it should have stayed.
But in 2019, work permits shot up from under 10,000 to 16,000 as part of a truce negotiated with Hamas that began after two Israeli soldiers were shot. The agreement negotiated through Egypt, allowed Qatar to deliver millions in cash to Hamas (this has been misrepresented on social media as Netanyahu funding Hamas) and to expand the number of work permits.
The work permits and the money were a trade for an end to the rockets and the riots, but they allowed Hamas to work on its two-year plan of invading Israel while profiting from the truce.
Israel had a secure border, but it was persuaded to open it up in order to appease Hamas. Experts on Islamic terrorism, like myself, had repeatedly warned that a truce in Islam is only a means of maneuvering for advantage. While American and Israeli politicians and generals came to believe that they had gotten a handle on Hamas, bribing it to stop the violence, the Islamic terrorist group was exploiting a political breach in the border in preparation for a full invasion.
After the war there will be a political reckoning. And that reckoning needs to include not only the immediate failure to maintain border security and force strengths in sufficient numbers to respond to a massive attack, but everything that led up to it including the false notion that Hamas could be negotiated with and that a modus vivendi could be achieved with the terrorists.
The work permits that allowed Hamas terrorists to infiltrate and scout targets in Israel with precision and depth was part of a larger strategy toward the Islamic terrorist group. After Hamas took over Gaza, the Bush and Obama administrations tried to maneuver it into a unity government, and when that failed, they relied on backchannel negotiations to reach an understanding without a formal peace deal: all of which led up to one horrifying day.
Israeli communities foolishly allowed workers from Gaza into their homes, grew fond of them and believed all their talk about peace. Then they watched their children be murdered by them.
The myth that Hamas violence was a reflection of conditions in Gaza, and that ameliorating them would reduce the violence filtered down from the U.S. and the EU to some Israelis and led to the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. There’s a lesson here.
Borders only work if you keep them closed. Walls don’t work if you open doors inside them.
The Biden administration wanted Israel to provide work permits to the West Bank and Gaza where 70% of the population supports terrorism. Even though the Oslo Accords had failed to seduce Arafat and the PLO away from terrorism, the same experts believed that they could seduce Hamas away from terrorism with economic benefits. The same strategy that failed with Iran, with North Korea and with the Taliban was used to lull Israel into a false sense of security.
There’s no win-win scenario with Islamic terrorists: there is only a win-lose scenario. Anyone who thinks that they’re in a win-win scenario with those who want to kill them has already lost.
The work permits that cost over a thousand lives were an attempt at a win-win scenario. After the slaughter, it is clearer than ever that either Israel kills the terrorists or the terrorists kill it.
No matter what the White House and the rest of the international community says, it is not Israel’s responsibility to make life better for those in Gaza, but to protect its own citizens. And these competing obligations are incompatible. Trying to negotiate with Hamas and make life better for Gazans cost Israel over 1,300 lives. May these be the last lives lost to appeasement.
The moral of this tragedy is, altruism and self-sacrifice or self-preservation and rational selfishness, pick one or the other, you can’t have both.
Why does one always have to make an ‘either or choice’ in your world of mindless world of rational selfishness. What does rational selfishness even mean? Can you get through a day without quoting Mommy?
You are as predictable as a sunrise. How did I know you would be whining about altruism and self-sacrifice. Could you be any more boring.
You know, people don’t generally worry about altruism and whether they are being self sacrificial. They simply live their lives.
But you….you have to get up in everyone’s face and tell them how horrible they are. Is an extreme case of arrogance and superiority a requirement for being a degenerate Objectivist?
I bet you can’t even take break from your obsession for 24 hours.
Islam totally lacks Altruism, so should be his ideal society.
Altruism does not mean kindness, charity, or generosity. It does not mean helping others who DESERVE to be helped. It means sacrificing yourself to your enemies, sacrificing your values to non-values, or anti-values.
An altruistic act would actually be this scenario, you see Jews being killed by Muslim Jihadists, your heart and mind beseech you to help the Jews because they DESERVE to be helped. If you were an altruist you would refuse to help the Jews and instead forgive and help the Jihadists after they killed the Jews.
Why? Because that would be an actual sacrifice of the innocent to the evil. Of moral values to evil. Altruism demands that we SACRIFICE everything, including our moral principles, for the sake of the sacrifice.
To reiterate, altruism does not demand kindness, if kindness is what you desire to practice. Altruism means that if you desire to be kind you sacrifice that kindness precisely because being kind is what YOU desire.
Ayn Rand & her successors supported Israel.
Jewish collectivism is Zionism.
Arab hostility to Jews has Islamic origin, but it is also a response to Israeli actions.
The idea of putting a Jewish nation in the Arab Middle East instead of Argentina (as Herzl suggested) or Kenya-Uganda was a big risk, which has not given its population security nor reduced antisemitism in the world, but we cannot reverse history.. The Israelis need and deserve protection, whatever the actions of the statists, Hamas – or Likud.
Humans can and should feel compassion for innocent victims of statist violence and religious violence..
It took over 400 years for the last wars between European settlers and Native Americans to be settled, although some of my white forbears preferred to marry the Cherokee rather than fight them. I cannot dispute Mr. Greenfield’s point of view. Most of the history of our interactions was composed of bitter and ruthless combat. Perhaps after Hamas is burned out root and branch there could be a Palestinian diaspora with a right of return after sufficient centuries have elapsed.
The negativity/ignorance to your simple, factual statement is evidence of why Israel and the West in general are failing. Daniel is essentially saying the same thing, but because you present your argument from a perceived atheist perspective, it is condemned.
Thank you for your support.
The issue of altruism versus rational selfishness is way, way, way, deeper than merely atheism versus belief in God.
For example, let us for argument’s sake say that Objectivism was a DEISTIC philosophy. Let us say that Objectivism believed in a deistic Almighty Creator. An Almighty Creator that created the universe and mankind but then left it completely alone and never interfered with his creation. He always remains an interested but never interfering observer. This deistic God never enters into his creation to help and aid or harm or hinder any human being.
Would that stop the vitriol against Objectivism? Would it stop the vitriol against Ayn Rand’s moral code of rational selfishness? Not at all. Because the primary and most fundamental reason for believing in the Jewish, Christian, or Muslim God is ALTRUISM.
It is no mere accident that the Jew, Christian, and Muslim not only believe in an Almighty Creator but that this Almighty Creator will intervene on their behalf if they sacrifice unto him.
Fear of self-reliance is at the heart of altruism and the belief in a God that steps into his creation to help or rescue the believer who is sacrificing for his God. By fear of self-reliance I do not simply mean fear of being financially self-supporting but things that are much deeper than that.
First among them is fear of being alone in an indifferent universe. A belief that we live in a malevolent universe that is actively hostile to human happiness and success. A belief that mankind is fundamentally callous, evil, predatory, and if we meet misfortune, if we meet with failure, or accident, no one will help us get back on our feet, because as the believers say, man is born with an innate tendency towards evil. Man is fundamentally evil.
There are other reasons why rational selfishness is such an affront to believers in God and to ATHEIST SOCIALISTS ALSO, but fear of self-reliance and a belief that men are fundamentally depraved are first among those reasons.
Open border, thousands of work permits…thats exactly what is happening in our country and sadly the future outcome will cost american lives!
A very interesting article. I do hope Israeli leaders will remember it and thus stand strong against the pressure from US, EU and UN next time they try to pressure Israel to give gifts to its enemies and don’t pay attention to the needs and security of its own people (that always ought to be the number one priority).
Biden is due in Israel shortly, and we can expect him to “pressure Israel”. This is what comes of desperately seeking the American embrace. Israel used to pride itself in defending itself, by itself. Now it seeks approval from the likes of Austin and Blinken who, under our system, are expected to carry out the policies of one Joe Biden, a man who’s been wrong about almost everything through his whole career, who’s made everything worse since he assumed the presidency, And Israel is expected to follow *his* lead?
Biden to Israel: “why use work permits as a way to let Palestinians into your country? In America, we just leave our border wide open 24/7 – come one, come all, Hamas or Hispanic Catholics – we love them all and give them all a free ride for life, therefore no need for work permits when they never have to work again – hee hee!”
Plus Biden is actually controlled by an Obama administration team of some sort. Biden, even in his heyday only knew where the next bribe money was coming from
If the whole truth were known about Barack Hussein Obama, he’d be in Guantanamo with the other Islamic terrorists. And carpenters would be building a scaffold.
The Biden Family Crime Syndicate & Crue!
Of all the Democrats, Biden has been totally wrong on foreign policy. Not a good time for the US or Israel.
Well, a 100% record of failure is something remarkable. One can always bet against him 🙂
Gudrun Lindsten – Yes. Interesting and informative.
Thanks Daniel! A lack of gratitude in their culture is a key part of the problem. That was (to me) one of the most brilliant insights Burton came up with in his 1800s era studies of their language and culture. No word for gratitude in their language, no concept of gratitude in their culture.
No reason for gratitude. It’s an honor-shame culture. Being grateful also means being shamed.
The more we give people in an honor-shame culture, the more they resent us.
We think we’re being benevolent when we’re really humiliating them. They put on their ‘face’ and appear happy and friendly, but the moment they get the chance, they set out to even the score by humiliating us and killing us.
Westerners still don’t get it.
And when thinking about all this, I finally understand something I saw years ago. A Palestinian child had open heart surgery in an Israeli hospital, which saved his life. When the mother was interviewed she rejoiced in the fact that now her son would be able to grow up to become a martyr in the jihad against Israel, hopefully killing as many Jews as possible!
No gratitude, it is a totally foreign concept to them.
“There’s no win-win scenario with Islamic terrorists: there is only a win-lose
scenario.” Absolutely. I keep thinking of the massive increase of the Israeli
work permits for Gazans last year. Barely a year later, Hamas smuggled
in explosives and the next month, only weeks before the invasion, lobbed
explosives into Israel. Yet, Israel treated Hamas like it was some naughty
little boy that it took by the hand and said “Play nice!” And then expected
those sadistic fanatics to actually play nice. That is sheer insanity and a
win-lose scenario, if ever there was one.
Very sad to read of ordinary Israelis who grew fond of the Gaza workers who
would later butcher them and their children. And stomach-churning to know
the depths of depravity the mild-seeming Gaza workers would eventually
It’s an old story that we never learn from. We take people at face value and in the Muslim world that is a huge mistake.
This is a philosophical difference about what it means to be human. I can’t convince some family members that “what you see may not be what you get” with muslims (which I learned on 9.11.01 when my ‘friendly coworkers’ cheered death).
All the woke media and some religions invite a delusion that is dangerous. Look at the female college students protesting WITH Hamas when there are photos of how other girls died at their hands.
I don’t try to take the coyotes in the woods behind my house into my home though their newborns look like cute little puppies.
We’re part of a culture where people are generally open and straightforward unless they’re trying to sell you something.
We don’t tend to have ‘faces’ the way that honor-shame cultures do.
The concept that we’re not seeing someone’s true face is something we reserve for serial killers and sociopaths, but it’s normal in honor-shame cultures.
Westerners in Muslim countries don’t understand that longtime relationships are meaningless.
Your very friendly neighbor, when the day comes will cut your throat. He’ll be in a different mode than the one when he was helping you unload your groceries. You thought you knew who he was, but you just saw a ‘face’, not his face.
Yeah. One of my favorite sayings was “Here lies a fool who tried to hustle the East.”
yes and no When they tell us they want to kill us, I take them at face value. The rest of their blather is taqiya.
No one who subscribes to the teachings of the Koran or its derivatives can ever be trusted to live or work in a Western free society.
“We need to make the civilian population in Gaza realize that they can live a different life. To pressure Hamas to stop shooting at Israel.“
Government naïveté or government stupidity? Either way it demonstrates how governments think, quick fix with minimal effort is all they ever propose.
It’s the same dumb winning hearts and minds stuff that lost two wars and so many lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Government stupidity. The people in Gaza like living in their shit hole and hating Israel. If they wanted a different life they would not have put Hamas in charge. They did, though.
Palestinians have become World renowned for Lies, Deceit & Propaganda! King Hussein killed about 25,000 of the Savages during Black September to rid Jordan of the sewer-scum & their King Arafat and his Son, King Abdullah, just announced there’s no way the Savages would be received by Egypt or Jordan.
In 2010, my favorite music video, “We Con The World”, illustrated just how powerful Satire can be in presenting the Truth… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOGG_osOoVg
Palestinian suffering is overwhelmingly self inflicted. Moreover, despite what naive Westerners think, the Palestinian population is as fanatical and nihilistic as their leadership. The massacre of over 1,300 Jews on a single day in a small area near Gaza, the rapes, beheadings and abductions, are just a tiny portion of what the Palestinians would do if given half a chance. They wouldn’t need an industrialized apparatus of killing like the Nazis- they’d use knives, cars, guns and stones to murder Jews by the millions, while wokeling professors described this genocide as “exhilarating”. They’d make the Rwandan Genocide look like a minor riot caused by Philadelphia Eagles fans
That’s the history of Christians, Jews and non-Muslims in the Middle East.
Genocide, ethnic cleansing followed by centuries and centuries of systemic repression.
That’s what the decolonizers want to restore.
True. Although they’re not actually “decolonizers”. They want to restore what is (outside of National Socialism) and Marxist Leninism) the most violent, racist and murderous colonialism that ever existed. To use just one example, tens of millions were killed on the Indian subcontinent during the Islamic conquest.
Of course. But that’s what much of decolonization is. It’s about suppressing western influences and then usually restoring the power of local colonizers who are invariably the worst, the most violent and the most genocidal players in the region.
Holding up Islamic colonialism and imperialism as decolonization is in line with the total inversion of language and meaning.
Hamas has been indoctrinating young children from their earliest years to hate Jews since being elected to power in 2007. Those Jew hating Gazan infants are now the majority of today’s Hamas terrorists. They cannot be deprogrammed and simply have to be eliminated root and branch. Hopefully Israel will accomplish that harsh task with as little loss of Israeli lives as possible.
Your comment caused me to reflect on the state of education in our public schools. Our children are not being educated in the three “R’s” but in Marxist activism at the fundamental level. In the not so distant future we will be confronted with an entire generation that rejects every facet of Western culture. Muslim children are being taught to hate everyone but the adherents to Islam. Our children are being taught to hate themselves, their family and our way of life. In the last few days our city streets filled with the progenitors of the coming generation that will not limit themselves to street demonstrations but will engage in acts of terrorism for terrorism’s sake. Their end goal will be to bring down our representative Republic in favor of mob rule through violence. I hope this never comes to pass but the cynic in me tends to lean toward the worst outcomes.
That’s an intriguing comment on the lack of gratitude in Arab language and culture. You mean Sir Richard Francis Burton, right? Would you happen to have a reference, link, etc., that I can look up, please? Thanks in advance and have a good day.
Delphi Collected Works of Sir Richard Francis Burton (Illustrated) (Delphi Series Seven Book 19)
15,000+ pages, Available for $3 online. The reference is about 1,000 pages back from where I am now so I don’t think I can find it.
What happened with David Horowitz’s article? It disappeared.
I think he goofed so they took it down. I read up to the part where he seemed to have written WW2 instead of WW1. The whole paragraph was a mess so I stopped reading, next morning it was gone. I hope he’s okay.
My message (just posted) on ingratitude in Arabic language and culture is intended for “Algorithmic Analyst.”
Kindness to the vile is vile, and there is nothing more vile than those who always support the proven vile in its deeds.
I said that this was a mistake from the onset of Oslo. Simon Peres was a putz that has the blood of thousands on his hands. Appeasing Islamofascism is akin to appeasing the Nazis.
Keep the colonists out of Israel at all costs
Hey fellow Jews, wherever you live, get guns. Get ammo. Don’t end up like before.
Agreed. One would think after what happened in Nazi Germany that every Jewish, non-criminal, sane person would have guns and be trained in how to use them. If you don’t learn from the past, bad things just keep happening.
Various things and attitudes let this vicious attack happen, and chief among those was government policy to disarm its citizens living within site of the murderers who have made known their intentions as long as their has been an Israel. Can you imagine cowering in your “safe room” with your family while the savages are rummaging through the properties looking for gasoline to burn you up without so much as a pistol to shoot back? Had the citizenry been allowed to be armed and ready would Hamas have come on their motorcycles and hang gliders?
Americans, relish your Constitutional right to arm yourself.
You are 100 percent correct. I was a tourist in Israel for two summers; 1981 and 1982. I clearly remember Israelis openly carrying long rifles and pistols. Who disarmed the whole Jewish population and why? What does “The Homefront” mean when the Israeli government has taken away the necessity to have an armed Jewish citizenry. Absolutely insane.
When you’re surrounded by enemies that want to wipe you off the face of the earth, every citizen needs to be armed, ready to defend themselves and their country.
I had no idea that they had been disarmed, what utter foolishness!
I would’ve never thought that Israel, of all places, would be seduced by such smarmy leftist nonsense. Israel is the one place that never gets fooled like this–eternally vigilant. Well, used to be . . .
This information on work permits is ample justification to relocate the Gaza residents to other countries, except for those deemed too dangerous. However, they should be scattered with ample relocation assistance to obscure places that can be bribed to take them. These places should have very few Muslims and preferably no Palestinians.
The unfortunate truth is, that NOBODY wants them, for very good reason.
When you’re looking at the Gazan Palestinians, you’re looking at a people who God, in the old testament, would have ordered to be wiped off the face of the earth by killing every man, woman and child, because they’re not redeemable and will spread their evil wherever they go.
Quite a post-article discussion.
My two cents:
We must all do as President T. Jefferson did when preparing to deal with the ‘pirates’ in his day.
He studied their Holy Book and thereby learned how Mohammad thought and how Mohammad acted and that is how he solved the problem back then.
It is no different now except our generation need not consult the ‘Book’, we just need to watch what Muhammad’s followers are currently doing and saying and take them at their word.
Watching the news on the rocket that fell on the hospital and killed Palestinians. Their own rocket killed their own people. The transmission of them admitting it has been played on many news stations…. What the Lord said is true. “Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked.” “A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7-8. Where does hatred get people……eventually it destroys them.
Taqiyya –
“Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. (…) Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.”
The primary Quranic verse sanctioning deception with respect to non-Muslims states: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah – unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.” (Quran 3:28; see also 2:173; 2:185; 4:29; 22:78; 40:28.)
As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad’s companions. Abu Darda said: “Let us smile to the face of some people while our hearts curse them.” Al-Hassan said: “Doing taqiyya is acceptable till the day of judgment [in perpetuity].”
Jihad –
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who openly sanctions offensive Jihad: “In the Jihad which you are seeking, you look for the enemy and invade him. This type of Jihad takes place only when the Islamic state is invading other [countries] in order to spread the word of Islam and to remove obstacles standing in its way.”
Dr. Salah al-Sawy, the chief member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, stated in 2009 that “the Islamic community does not possess the strength to engage in offensive jihad at this time,” tacitly affirming the legitimacy of violence for the cause of Islamic rule – bound only by the capacity for success. (source)
We are writing 2023 and the capacity has greatly increased. In pretty much every country, especially the Western world through uncontrolled ‘immigration’ (migration). Mosques in every small Western town. I don’t mind about every religion having their place of worship, but mosques are more than often covert breeding ground for radicals rather than peaceful gathering places.
“Islam is a part of us”, Angela Merkel, the former German chancellor, told the German citizens. No, it is not, and it is sure not a peaceful religion; with a ‘holy book’, written by a warlord who massacred, raped, and enslaved people of other religions, and which has more than 100 references to and instructions for war against ‘infidels’.
Naievety……deficient in judgment. Naieve assumption that things will get better. Woke. Why do people appease terrorists?
The idea that there would be peace for Jews if Israel were set up in Argentina or Siberia is wrong, because Jews are being attacked by an expansionist totalitarian movement that aims at world domination. At one time it controlled Iberia, the Balkans, part of Eastern Europe, India and so on and tried to expand farther but were blocked. We also see that they move to Europe and America and do not give up their lust to kill Jews, even though itheir new homes are not part of the Near East. The desire to kill Jews is portable. And the lust to expand is unlimited. Even if they get all of Palestine, why would their urge to expand be sated? There are other lands to conquer by migration for work permits and jobs. And the sort of civilization they aim to expand is no different, whether there are Jews there or not.
Israel is too small and endangered to be half globalist mush-brained Tel Aviv ‘nice’. It is life or death now.
Good article. And now they want the U.S. to allow millions of these ‘refugees’ into this country..
I didn’t realize that they disarmed the average Israeli citizen, how very foolish! Their ‘safe’ rooms weren’t very safe when they set their houses on fire.
When you’re surrounded by enemies, every citizen should be armed, ready to fight.
I knew about Taqiya, but not about there not being a word for gratitude in their language, and that you shame them for doing things for them! That is such a foreign concept, that generally people in western cultures can’t even wrap their heads around it.
Both the article and the comments have been very enlightening.
If I may invoke the spirit of the late John Lennon, imagine a Palestine people freed of centuries of collective, anti-Semitic indoctrination. Imagine this people using its mind’s eye to see clearly the truth of their painful existence and protracted misery. Their restored moral vision would reveal to them that the guiding principle of their faux Arab and Persian “benefactors” has always been “population expendable.” They might then realize that their only salvation lies in (1) rejecting the reflexive envy, resentment and hatred for their Jewish neighbors contained in the homicidal and suicidal doctrines of their psychopathic, Islamist saviors and (2) becoming Israel’s welcome partner in a culture of tolerance, peace and material prosperity. Doing so would end the bleeding and begin the healing of their toxic culture. By way of caveat, I wouldn’t hold my breath while imagining this epiphany. The good news, however, is that miracles still happen.
I happen to think this is a sickening article. To state that Biden and “the left” had anything to do with this attack is atrocious! The first 100 work permits could have just as easily been the wrong ones to issue. Placing unsubstantiated blame does nothing but increase overall Antisemitism. Shame on you for publishing this article!