The Left routinely smears its opponents in vicious propaganda campaigns. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is no exception. Meloni is undoubtedly a firebrand, but she is no “fascist,” as the Left claims. Meloni upholds the rule of law and protects Italy’s borders and sovereignty, which every Western leader should be doing. As a result, however, she is unceasingly smeared by globalist ideologues, and heroically fights back. Meloni recently slammed France and exposed its pretentious “welcoming” of migrants as hypocritical in light of its exploitation of Africa and particularly of African children.
Back in June, Jihad Watch reported about what appeared to be France’s heroic actions in killing al-Qaeda leader Abdelmalek Droukdel in the Maghreb. Droukedel played a critical role in the global jihad in his deceitful call for a “gentler, kinder Al Qaeda” to expand the scope of Sharia in North Africa. Much like that of the Muslim Brotherhood, his work was highly successful in establishing a model for jihadists to establish a fifth column and infiltrate every corner of a society. Droukdel’s death “struck a blow to the organization,” and enhanced France’s image. But as it turns out, France was occupied in Africa with another mission: exploiting Africa’s natural resources.
Meloni exposed France in an interview, accusing it of exploiting the continent’s people and natural resources, saying that France is “still forcing the African nation to hand over 50% of its exports to them.” She then “held up a photograph of a young child working in one of the country’s gold mines.” Watch the interview:
France’s exploitation doesn’t stop there. France also collected exorbitant amounts of cash from the UK at the expense of British taxpayers. France has been steadily exploiting the invasion of the UK by illegal African and Middle Eastern Muslim migrants, while looking like the good guy in welcoming needy migrants.
Many of these economic migrants that France has welcomed have not stayed there. They have made their way by the tens of thousands into the UK via the English Channel, and are now overwhelming Britain. The situation is so dire in the UK that migrants are now being put up in cruise ships and in holiday parks. The UK government has also settled these unvetted illegals in luxury hotels and small villages.
Meanwhile, France is yet again benefitting financially. The UK will once again be forking over tens of millions of pounds to France to help stop the boat migrants. The new payments come on top of the hundreds of millions already paid to France since 2015. The operation is a big charade intended to trick the public into believing that the UK and France are cooperating with each other to stop the illegal migration. The UK-France arrangement actually just lines the pockets of France while attempting fool frustrated Britons into believing that their leadership is actually doing something. Last week, it came to light that UK border forces were willingly taking boat migrants from France, which was also willingly handing them over. The collusion was reportedly a “routine” occurrence.
Meloni’s view on the illegal immigration into France from Africa “is not to take Africans and bring them to Europe. The solution is to free Africans from certain Europeans who exploit it and allow these people to live off what they have.”
Meloni wants to see the migrants stay in their own country rather than make the treacherous voyage across the Mediterranean to Italian shores.
The journey to the UK is treacherous as well. A migrant recently died at a UK migrant center. The grossly mismanaged British government has long since lost control of its borders. Now France is profiting both from the smuggling of illegal migrants and from its continued exploitation of African children and the continent’s natural resources.
Last week, “a rescue ship carrying more than 230 migrants was refused entry by Italy, only to have them welcomed” into exploitative France.
The refusal is part of Meloni’s new government regime which is allowing only those identified as vulnerable to disembark. It pitted French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist government against Italy’s right-wing government.
Globalist leaders go to herculean efforts to present themselves as humanitarians, animated by the purest of motives to bring in the migrants, but their narrative is starting to unravel. They do not care about human rights. It should be obvious that open-door immigration policies harm both the migrants who attempt these dangerous journeys and the countries that are being illegally invaded. Globalists are agenda-driven, power-hungry Marxists who are adept at smearing their opponents and shutting down the freedom of speech in order to hide their own dark agenda. As globalist France exploits Africans, Leftists are not fighting for black lives in Africa, which are being ravaged in tribal wars, and in the genocidal persecution against Christians. Hopefully the public wake up to the hypocrisy and deceit of Leftist leaders before it’s too late.
What is a “klm” person?
I heard some alleged conservative in the U.K. government ask how someone in Africa escapes tyranny.
He seems oblivious that the tyrannical regimes in Africa are mostly below the Sahara desert and these migration can miraculously cross several countries before reaching the desert and then go through Tunisia and then to Gibraltar, onto Spain through France and over the English channel.
Refugees my arse.
That’s not the only thing Italy is upset about they also want Bill Gates turned over for a trial for Crimes against Humanity
Africa is an ancient civilization but yet cannot seem to able to feed itself and still needs the rest of the people of Earth to send them food,water and money….Africans should look over at the various countries of SE Asia and see what they have done since the Colonial Powers have left and the Wars are over and stop blaming everybody else for situations they either created or have enabled to happen…
Africa for the Africans… Europe for the Europeans…
As an Italian, I thank you for this sincere and fair article.