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Comes a storm of dark preluding, this tumult down to our present day, precipice fall, to this moment of momentous calling. On a knifes edge, a liberty frayed, 250 years made, but fading to history vanished. This day we decide, fates laid out on a tightrope of time, this day, this year, it all falls or is saved for a time. What will be given, what is foretold, will we all stand, or but to fall. The blood of our forefathers was spilled, will we honor that sacrifice made and prevail? What will you do, what role is there for you, for all of us to play?
These waves of golden grain, flows of endless horizon, wide blue and great sky, to folds of foothills to Rockies high, sprinkled down of rivers flow to great expanse of our endless inland lakes and seas of rising ice castles into the forest realm to prairies expanse forever and to rocky seas, great timber rising, deserts far and into a mist of fallen snow and rolling folds of Blue Ridge forever to our blessed land we plant and fallow, fall, bleed, tame and given of God’s creation, ours for dominion and care.
A liberty bled for on battlefields many, from Trenton, Ticonderoga to Sharpsburg and Cold Harbor will not be given to erasure, not wiped from our thoughts and tales, the great heroes of this glorious past will not disappear from our eyes, our stories, myths and lives. Our statues will stand tall, a testament to our sacred past and fallen heroes.
Will freedom fall, given to lust of power and man’s insatiable quest to conquer and control? Our betters, our elites, this ravenous lot, conspire to betray us, our heritage and land, our lives and freedom, all for riches, power, the conquest of our souls. he machinations of government’s rot, the selling out of our labor, our love, our families, our homes, our lives for profits made to those afar and over horizons abroad. Shame be upon them all.
But hope kindles, the tree of revolt burns, the flags of our father’s fly, bled down to creek side in the meadow’s wake and winds from westerly flow. A free land once more, a last hope and gasp, a final thrust over the wheat fields, shallow hills and rivers wide to take back our bequeathed blessings, to not lose all to this beastly tyranny and what they have wrought. Not today, nor ever will our flag be put down, never shall we vanquish our beloved land, spirit, liberty and souls.
Cross over that river into the shade of trees in meadows reach, vast mountains and streams down flow into cups of glacial flow to these fertile plains. Our farms and towns, rich once more, our cities safe and strong, secure from want, deprivation, decay. Wipe this blight and recover, restore, and make great again that which we revere and cherish and bless upon this shining hill.
We will not be sold, enslaved and controlled by utopian dreams of radical minds and from tyrant’s grasp of these poisoned serpents. Liberty burns bright, inexhaustible flame flows through our veins and spirit’s soul, to fight for our honor, our family, homes, our flag, our heritage and God given rights is but our sworn duty, of that which will not be taken from us.
To prevail or fall, what destiny lays before us, what fate will precede, what will be determined, we have only our prayers, our sweat, our blood, our work ahead as His will stands before us. But we will not lay down, roll over, fade into the darkness of night, but will stand upon the shoulders of those before us, upon the rise of a new day, the sun returns, warming our spirits and igniting our freedom once more across this blessed land.
America be strong and may God’s grace be upon us.
I’ve never been a lover of poetry but this one is inspiring.
“Will freedom fall, given to lust of power and man’s insatiable quest to conquer and control?”
Given the choice between the moral and the immoral the vast majority of men will choose the moral. Men need to be moral (or at the very least they need to deceive themselves that they are truly moral) they’re self-esteem and conviction that they are worthy of living depends upon a sense of being morally right. Even the Muslim Jihadist , the Nazi, and the Communist are motivated by a sense that they were actually being moral, even though they are in actuality being objectively evil.
The problem is the vast majority of men do not understand what a rational and objectively virtuous morality is.
“The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser’s intellectual abdication that invites them to take over. When a culture’s dominant trend is geared to irrationality, the thugs win over the appeasers. When intellectual leaders fail to foster the best in the mixed, unformed, vacillating character of people at large, the thugs are sure to bring out the worst. When the ablest men turn into cowards, the average men turn into brutes….
In spite of all their irrationalities, inconsistencies, hypocrisies and evasions, the majority of men will not act, in major issues, without a sense of being morally right and will not oppose the morality they have accepted. They will break it, they will cheat on it, but they will not oppose it; and when they break it, they take the blame on themselves. The power of morality is the greatest of all intellectual powers—and mankind’s tragedy lies in the fact that the vicious moral code men have accepted destroys them by means of the best within them.” – Ayn Rand
Gee T. You are on a tear today. Did the doc give you your adderall?
As usual I have no idea what Randy is talking about, kind of like when you go off on one of your annoying rants.
But I’m thinking about starting a beer drinking game when you mention one of your fav buzzwords like altruism, morality or Christianity. That should keep our blood pressure down and give is a good laugh.
“He machinations of government’s rot?” Thevflags of out father’s fly?” ,You make me ,(sic.), Mr. Finch.
The allegiance of law-abiding, liberty-loving citizens “to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands” is ABSOLUTE. However, our allegiance to the federal government must always be CONTINGENT upon its branches, departments and agencies remaining within the strict constraints imposed upon them by the original, ratified Constitution and its lawful Amendments.
(NOTE: “Resistance To Federal Tyranny Is Loyalty To The Constitution” bumper sticker and “A Patriot’s Guide To Restoring Individual Liberty And Limited Government To America” pamphlet available–FREE for the asking–to those who send a 78-cent stamped, self-addressed, business-sized envelope to New Guards For Liberty at P. O. Box 1703, Covington, LA. 70434).
And deport, deport, deport. Get these criminal invaders out along with the traitorous politicians who invited them.
A most wonderful read! Hidden as a backdrop smiles the lyrics from America the Beautiful, right? I was brought up i the 1950’s to trust the Americans, and later in life I deeply understood my parent generation’s awe and hopes after the nazi warmachine, and then an ever rising threat from the Soviet Union. I am glad to tell that to me the Americans are still the brave, decent and generous. I’m following with anxiety the developements in your great republic. Your sufferings make me sad.