Recent Articles:
A reprieve from the nonstop leftist onslaught on our Republic?
Of Darkness Falls and Liberty Bled
Yes, I witnessed the passions from Chicago.
It’s Time to Stand
Hope kindles, the tree of revolt burns, the flags of our fathers fly.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center and Geert Wilders
Standing by a hero.
What Ails Us
A rot in our soul.
The Recent Supreme Court Decisions: A Toast With a Cautionary Word
Love him, hate him, or be indifferent to the 45th president, his court has changed history.
Storming Our Castles
The Left’s war on home ownership, the suburbs and the American Dream intensifies.
Of Beauty and Art
“To praise Him, to please Him, for Him. So humbly, woefully, artfully we try.”
Paul Johnson, RIP
A great journalist and a world-renowned historian has left us.
Further Lamentations on America’s Blessings Restored
Our peaceful rest returned.
Opium’s Revenge
Michael Finch is the president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His new book of poetry is Wanderings in Place.
Let me begin by painting a picture.
Recovering America
This free-falling into a new America is becoming increasingly unlivable. For anyone over a certain age, this America, this culture, this society have
Reflections on Peace, Poetry and War
The specter of nuclear war has risen again, it haunts our dreams for the first time in decades. The “end of history” was supposed to have completed that
Bruce Herschensohn, RIP
Bruce Herschensohn, a longtime friend of David Horowitz and the Freedom Center, passed away this week at the age of 88. Bruce was a huge figure in conservative
Red China Moves on Hong Kong
I was fortunate enough to be in Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, traveling with a group headed by the estimable Bruce Herschensohn. It was an extraordinary, if
To Bow Us To Their Desires
It is their time yet again – and they desire power in our very home of liberty.
Hysteria Over Trump and Tariffs
The president is right: if you don’t have steel, you don’t have a country.
Germanic Umma
A Germany with a new purpose and new faith.
To the White City
On wings from God are brought tidings of joy.
Selling Out Liberty for False Piety
Were George Patton, Ulysses S. Grant, Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson saints?
France’s Subtle Descent into Dar al-Islam
One long inevitable and seamless slide into darkness. Is this our future?
NeverTrumpers and the Future of the Republic
A matter of integrity….or hubris?
Justice Scalia and the War on Terror
How to interpret the Constitution’s directives in regard to fighting America’s war with Islamists?
The End of Our Days?
It is hard to deny that the world has turned.
False Utopias and Their Victims
The eco-utopians want to eliminate fossil fuels.