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The woke mob has proven that even icons on the Left will face its vengeance when it is confronted by a difference of opinion. The two most notable targets are J.K. Rowling and Richard Dawkins, both cultural influencers who have now been taken to the woodshed for their opposition to the woke insistence that there are more than two genders.
The exceptionally popular author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, who was not long ago hailed as a philanthropist and iconic liberal feminist, continues to be savaged by the same woke media that built her reputation. She has violated the woke religious code by her opposition to the transgender agenda. The latest, according to New York Daily News:
Visitors to Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture will still see “Harry Potter” artifacts in the institution’s Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic gallery, but they won’t see a trace of J.K. Rowling, the author of the book series. The museum has removed mentions of Rowling because of her anti-trans comments.
Imagine stripping an author from her own work over rash, unfounded accusations. The museum’s project manager, Chris Moore, accuses Rowling of being “super hateful” and “divisive.” The woke mob has become akin to the Sharia police — which is, ironically, positioned on the other side of the coin, where the “Islamophobia” brigade also exists.
Preeminent scientist Richard Dawkins, who once condemned “his fellow liberals as ‘cowards’ over their apparent failure to condemn Islam for the way it treats certain people,” is also now being savaged because he referenced the transgender notion of more than two genders as a “distortion of reality” and declared that scientifically, “sex really is binary”; “there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it.” Dawkins has come out publicly in defense of Rowling, saying that she is being “bullied” by trans activists in order to force her to “pretend biology doesn’t exist.”
Dawkins is now being accused of abandoning science “to justify his transphobia,” as he, too, is facing a systematic diminishment of his reputation, just as Rowling continues her descent among the woke arbiters of what actually constitutes reality. Dawkins also faced retribution from the woke two years ago when the American Humanist Association withdrew its humanist of the year award from Dawkins for the alleged crime of “demean[ing] marginalised groups” using “the guise of scientific discourse.”
Dawkins subsequently tweeted:
In 2015, Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as.
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) April 10, 2021
I do not intend to disparage trans people. I see that my academic “Discuss” question has been misconstrued as such and I deplore this. It was also not my intent to ally in any way with Republican bigots in US now exploiting this issue .
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) April 12, 2021
It is astonishing to witness the savagery that was, up to recently, typically reserved for those on the Right, who were beaten up, dubbed “hateful” and marginalized without any real evidence. Those specifically who criticized Islam or called out behaviors on the Left that were systematically eroding America’s First Amendment were singled out for abuse. Other Western nations, including Canada and countries in Western Europe, have also experienced assaults upon the unalienable rights of citizens as recognized in those nations’ constitutions.
In a blog post published in March, Moore, who is transgender, stated:
There’s a certain cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity in the world of Harry Potter and, this time, it is not actually a Dementor. We would love to go with the internet’s theory that these books were actually written without an author, but this certain person is a bit too vocal with her super hateful and divisive views to be ignored….For the time being, the curators decided to remove any of her artefacts [sic] from this gallery to reduce her impact.
Many targets of the woke mob may find themselves scratching their heads in the face of this latest woke barrage of name-calling, bullying and labeling. Such behavior is founded on nothing more than than an individual’s refusal to appease and to accept and regurgitate woke indoctrination when they are told to do so.
As Dawkins stated in an interview with Piers Morgan:
I think it’s very sad. Universities are places where you should be free to speak your mind, listen, even to something that you don’t like, and it’s very tragic they have bought in to the idea that if you don’t like what you think you’re going to hear from someone, you should shut them up.
The woke are the true perpetrators of hatred and division in free societies. They scream “diversity,” but radically oppose the real meaning of diversity. Anything that does not fit into their scheme and world view, they reject with labels, rage and punitive consequences. It is now evident that even those whom woke arbiters once embraced could at any minute be thrown under the bus, if they violate woke tenets.
ProudPagan says
I can’t feel sorry for Dawkins. Notice that he disparages conservatives despite being attacked hy his own tribe. $crew him.
SuZZZZam says
Just doing a test run here…looking for a place to talk to others….
A new movie Dawkins Night in the Museum of Creationists History
Lethal says
I have noticed that the Left are intolerant of anyone who dares to believe differently to them calling them intolerant! How hypocritical of them! A classic case of ‘ the pot calling the kettle black!’
David Ray says
And this devotional adherence to all things “trans” is yet a new catechism in the leftist religion. It didn’t exist on the front-stage 5 years ago, so Rowlings is only being consistent. (unlike her fellow leftists that easily discard standards when convenient.)
Next up will be required acceptance of pedophiles (like Hunter & Sleepy) as the new victim class.
Need proof? California, under “Ken Doll” Newsome is quietly introducing legislation to make 16 the new age of consent.
Nathan Z says
I agree with the author here, but that being said, just because Richard Dawkins and J.K. Rowling are correct on one issue, I don’t see them as worth defending. Richard Dawkins used the intelligent brain God gave him to turn people to evolution and doubt their faith. I’m not saying he’s not beyond redemption, no one is while still alive.
Rowling is a feminist who wrote books filled with witchcraft. How can feminists say they are against transgenderism when feminists were the ones saying, “A woman can do anything a man can do and do it better?” Didn’t the feminists say there was no difference between men and women?
Daniel Greenfield wrote, “During the 1970s, feminists demanded access to all-male clubs and insisted that female sports reporters had the right to interview half-naked male athletes. The consensual single-sex male space had all but disappeared in the new century except as a distant memory. The triumph of feminism further atomized male spaces and communities while leaving female ones intact…The feminist movement is using the same tactics against women that it did against men. Feminism was not a preference for women over men, as its useful idiots thought, but a profound hostility to the family and the biological duality on which it was based. When feminism campaigned around the idea that women were no different than men, too few understood at the time that what it really meant was that neither men nor women existed as unique beings.”
Steve says
I largely agree, except that feminism (as its name implies) never envisioned some sort of melding of the sexes. It has always been for gynocentrism and female supremacy. Thus, male issues (vastly greater levels of workplace injury and death, disposability, homelessness, blatant bias in both family and criminal courts, legal paternity fraud, lack of funding for male specific diseases and the boy crisis in schools) will always get short shrift and feminists will always invent some rationalization why men’s issues must be deferred until the mythical patriarchy is destroyed. When feminists talk about that, they sound a lot like Communists talking about the transitional phase of socialism is replaced by the glorious Communist future. It ain’t happening.
Nathan Z says
Oh, totally! Feminism is bad for men and children (literally, unborn babies have been aborted thanks to feminism) but feminism is bad for women too. For anyone wanting to see the evil roots of feminism, Here’s an article you can find it if you copy and paste this in your search bar:
There’s Nothing New About Worshiping Abortion, or Linking Feminism to Satan
It’s an article by Carrie Gress.
Una Salus says
Fawkins thought he had a problem with right wingers somewhere out in the Bible belt.
Dawkin author of THE GOD DELUSION is suddenly getting the Cold Shoulder Treatment
Miranda Rose Smith says
Dear Ms. Williams: How many GENDERS there are varies from language to language. There are only two SEXES.
Steve says
If you post comments using most media platforms using the correct term “sex” to denote male or female, it is censored. Modern day wokelings are more puritanical than their Victorian Era ancestors, who may have used the term “limb” instead of “leg”, but who at least were forthright enough to use the word “sex” instead of “gender”
Of course, transgenderism perforce involves not “sexualizing” children or adults, but castrating them and desexing them. It is a castration cult like the Cybele in ancient times or the Skopsi in Czarist Russia.
Jason P says
We need them. They have the clout to be heard by moderates who are too fearful to speak out.
Dawkins worries that the opposition to trans-totalitarianism will be used by an anti-gay contingent. I’ve seen this hatred of gays but it’s a minority in the comments sections. But it is growing.
Steve says
Gays are actually far more at risk of being erased by transgender ideology.
Iran has a death penalty for male homosexuality and has executed over 4,000 gay men since the Islamic Revolution (this hasn’t kept woke politicians and useless idiots like Justin Castreau, Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama from embracing Iran). At the same time, Iran allows so called “gender affirnmation surgery” and in fact performs more of these operations than any country except Thailand, a center of sex change medical tourism. Iran offers gays a “choice”: get it chopped off, or die.
There are precedents for this in the West as well. In the 1970s, Oklahoma Baptist Medical Center became the largest sex change center in the United States. Their medical director (who was so ignorant he thought male to female transsexuals could menstruate and get pregnant- was he anticipating Dylan Mulvaney?) openly promoted this surgery as a “cure” for homosexuality.
Kasandra says
Gee, now Dawkins and Rowlngs know what it’s like being a conservative.
Kit_Jefferson says
In their irrational quest to create a Utopia liberals are only succeeding in creating a Dystopia.
frommer bischkva says
Dawkins is a humorless snob. Yes, organized religion is poo-poo, but not everyone against it is an ally. “Bigoted Republicans” indeed, Dawkey, are the only people on earth giving you a platform.
Would be wonderful never ever to see another story about Dawkins, Rowling, and Rapinho.
Ken barton says
Mr. Dawkins and I are polar opposites on atheism. Having said both he and I do share a common belief that in a Constitutional Democracy one has an unfettered right to one’s own opinion. Obviously that right assumes the expression of it is within the bounds of common and accepted decency. The “woke/gender” aberrations? Great fun, something to get all heated up about and supported by various of the medical community who use mutilation of the unwary as a method to pay for the new BMW. When one really looks at “it”, the 2 sex thing (male female) is extraordinarily clever and well thought out. Evidence is irrefutable and is exemplified by the rise of, and continuation of life, during the Cambrian. Though the 5 great extinctions did change the outcome (us), in fascinating ways.
Margie says
Delicious, actually.
Patrick says
Hoisted by their own petards. By advancing atheism and occultism respectively, Dawkins and Rowling laid the groundwork for the craziness that’s going on now. It’s what happens when a society rejects the One True God.
RS says
Do you ever wonder why these people that are so eager to disprove there is a God who made us all, seem to become irrelevent? Look at America’s fixation with the culture of death which is a manifestation in our nation’s horrific embrace of abortion on demand., and the denial of the Creator who created man and woman, not 21 genders. Some states have already legalized assisted suicide and denial of medical care for those deemed unworthy of life…..The Cancel culture comes from wokeism. The clamor by the Left for a one-world government stems from a spiritual vacuousness that rejects God. Despite the continual scoffing and denying by anti-God pundits many large cities in Israel and the U.S. have growing Messianic congregations, who realize that something is very wrong with our culture and those running the country, who are denying reality.
Wayne Roberts says
Am I suffering from a severe form of dyslexia? It seems to me that woke is spelt b u l l s h i t.
Fawkes the Phoenix was named for Guy Fawkes involved in the Gunpower plot against the King maybe he is the Reincarnation of the Guy
bodrum terminali says
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